Transporting Special Cargo

Transporting Special Cargo

Transporting Special Cargo


Dangerous goods are the items that pose a threat to the environment, people, animals, or the carrier when in transit. The main classes of hazardous goods include explosives, flammable liquids and solids, gases, infectious substances, oxidizers, corrosives, radioactive materials, and miscellaneous dangerous goods such as asbestos. These classifications apply globally and are used by logistics companies to design special regulations and requirements for transporting hazardous goods.

Requirements and regulations

The requirements and regulations for transporting dangerous goods include handling, packaging, training, and documentation (Wells, 2018). Handling requirements and regulations require people handling dangerous goods to wear protective clothing and apply safety precautions during the disposal, storage, and use of the goods. All packaging should abide by the ADR regulations for dangerous goods and the IATA air shipment regulations. Packaging is divided into three groups. The first group includes the packaging of goods that pose the greatest threat. The second group comprises goods with a medium danger, and the third group contains minor risks. All dangerous goods should also be accompanied by a transport document prepared by the individual shopping the goods. (Garbolino et al., 2012) The document should include the shipper’s name and address, a consignee’s address and name, a description of the dangerous goods, packaging and classification, and emergency contact information. Everyone handing the goods should have a hazmat training permit card or license.

The ADR regulates the safety of goods transported by road. It requires drivers transporting dangerous goods by road to have a driving license specifying that they are qualified to handle hazardous goods, an ADR certificate obtained through training, and passing a theoretical examination (Fox, 2013). The certificate should be renewed every five years with a refresher examination and training. The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations outline rules on aircraft requirements for transporting dangerous goods by air. The main aircraft requirement is ensuring the hazmat is prepared to handle hazardous goods. An aircraft must also have the required carrying capacity to avoid combining different classes of dangerous goods. Other requirements include emergency response materials such as fire extinguishers and hazmat suits based on the type of hazardous goods in transit. Other regulations include ensuring that the exterior packaging does not contain contaminants, adhering to proper quantity requirements per package, properly labeling every package, and filling out the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods and the Air Waybill.

Competitor analysis

FedEx and DHL are among the leading competing logistics companies transporting dangerous goods in Maryland. FedEx requires individuals sipping dangerous goods to comply with all applicable regulations and laws regulating hazardous goods’ packaging, handling, and transportation. The sender is responsible for classifying, identifying, marking, labeling, packaging, and filling the documentation required. FedEx may also require the shipper to hire an experienced pack-and-ship vendor to address any problems that may arise while shipping dangerous goods. FedEx also requires shippers to get their packaging for hazardous goods. DHL’s requirements for shipping dangerous goods include an inspection of the integrity and security of every shipment’s packaging and whether they are safe to transport by air.DHL also requires shippers to label all dangerous goods, indicating the potential hazards of the goods and the class. Shippers must also fill a declaration of dangerous goods in line with IATA requirements and standards.

Conclusion and recommendations

The logistics industry plays a significant role in transporting different types of goods across states and countries. The transportation of dangerous goods is sensitive due to the danger they may pose to the environment, carriers, humans, and animals if packaged or handled correctly. Therefore, it is vital to inform shippers about the risks of poor packaging and emphasize the need to disclose information such as potential hazards of the goods, class, and packaging material. Logistics companies should also focus on using cargo planes to transport dangerous goods to avoid exposing many people to risk.


Fox, M. A. (2013). Glossary for the worldwide transportation of dangerous goods and hazardous materials. Springer Science & Business Media.

Garbolino, E., Tkiouat, M., Yankevich, N., & Lachtar, D. (2012). Transport of dangerous goods: Methods and tools for reducing the risks of accidents and terrorist attack. Springer Science & Business Media.

Wells, G. M. (2018). Transportation of dangerous goods. Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes, 384-385.


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Choose one type of special cargo, and research the air transportation of your selection. The special cargo includes:

Transporting Special Cargo

Transporting Special Cargo

-Valuable Cargo (VAL)
-Perishable supply chain products
-Pharmaceutical products
-Animals by air
-Humanitarian Aid
-Oversized cargo
-Dangerous goods

Write and submit a two to three-page paper on your research. Address the outlined components in your report. Please number and state each question/statement, and give each answer its separate paragraph(s).

1. Introduction
-Describe the cargo that you chose.
2. Requirements and regulations
-Describe the material handling requirements, the aircraft requirements, and specific regulations or guidance available.
3. Competitor analysis
-Conduct competitor analysis of companies transporting your unique cargo selection in your area. What are some of the terms and conditions for their transportation?
4. Conclusion and recommendations

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