The Harvard Study

The Harvard Study

The Harvard Study

The Harvard Study is a very important study for a sociologist because sociologists are more interested in studying human behavior, their interactions, and their organization in a social setting. It is a study whose findings can teach society a lot, and central to these lessons would be how to live a healthy and happy life. Also, it would reveal the connection between health and happiness to other social factors like connections. As seen in the videos, some of the latest findings showed that health and happiness are linked to having meaningful connections. Also, on a personal level, the Harvard Study would arouse the desire for self-examination for people to see if they are living healthy lives.

When examining the study findings, the emerging outcome is that this study has changed over time from generation to generation. As reported by Dr. Robert Waldinger in the first videos, when the study began, the general belief in society was that happiness and good health resulted from a person’s personality (CBS Morning, 2016). However, these findings have changed over time with the change in generations. In the second video, he confesses that the Millenials’ goals are to get rich or be famous; hence, they need to work hard towards these things (TED, n.d). This finding means that for the Millenials, what makes a person happy in the future is being wealthy and famous. These findings indicate that society may also determine what people perceive to be reasons for happiness. In other words, the results of this study may change depending on generations and also depending on the societies.

Finally, I believe the Harvard Study may take much longer because of the changes in the findings. Essentially, the study began with about 700 participants, and over time, these participants have reduced. Thus, the longevity of this study is influenced by the life span of the participants. However, the study may be longer because there are new things and perspectives for each generation.


CBS Morning (2016). What makes us happy and healthy? YouTube. Retrieved from

TED (n.d). Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness. YouTube. Retrieved from


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The Harvard Study

The Harvard Study

The Harvard Study

Discuss The Harvard Study and the findings. After watching the videos and exploring the website, including what you have discovered regarding the changes from the beginning of the study to now. What are your thoughts regarding the study, findings, and longevity of the study?

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