The Fugue

The Fugue

The Fugue

Watch the video below and answer the following questions.

(816) What is a Fugue? (Music Appreciation) – YouTube

  1. Please describe THE FUGUE in your own words (One paragraph is sufficient). IMPORTANT – I would also like you to compare it with one other set structure in art, architecture, literature, film, or theater to obtain full credit. Please explain how you believe these two are similar (this question is meant to challenge your critical thinking, so please feel free to be as imaginative as possible.

A fugue is a musical form originating from the Baroque era. The Baroque era was a period lasting between 1600-1750. During the Baroque era, art, music, and literature were detailed in both being bold and excessively ornamented and instrumented. These Baroque traits are evident in the fugue, as it is a musical form. The fugue has several distinguishing characteristics, including the subject, exposition, polyphonic texture, counterpoint technique, and distinct melodic lines of different keys. Therefore, the fugue is a polyphonic music form with a theme, with several keys, melodies, or voice parts, including soprano, alto, tenor, and bass, which are constantly transitioning. The detail of the fugue illustrates its consideration to be of the Baroque era.

Just as the set structure is illustrated in music, such as in the fugue, there are other structures in art, architecture, literature, film, or theater. For instance, bizarre dramatic art is an art from the Baroque era. Baroque art was characterized by being large and colorful, illustrating its dramatic structure. Achieving this dramatic quality involved using contrast, color, lines, styles, and medium. Baroque art medium is canvas; the lines are at right angles for dramatization, and contrast is brought about through the use of distinct colors such as dark and light. Consistently, I believe these two are similar because of their different characteristics. For instance, the fugue structure is excessively instrumental with many alterations with several melodies, keys, and voice compositions, and bizarre dramatic art is overly dramatized through the motion created by the lines, colors, and contrast.

  1. What is the specific name for the fugue’s theme? Subject

The particular name for the fugue’s theme is the subject. The subject is the fugue’s first or main melody or voice part. In many cases, the fugue’s subject is the soprano melody line, but it varies depending on the type of fugue, whereby it may begin with bass.

  1. When the fugue’s theme takes place in a different key, it is called the answer.

The answer is the term used to introduce a subject in a fugue in a different key. Keys can change from soprano, alto, tenor, and bass, depending on the type of fugue.

  1. When listening to the “Little Fugue in G minor” by Bach, in which voice (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) does the subject appear first? Soprano

In Bach’s “Little Fugue in G minor,” the subject first appears in the Soprano voice or melody line. The subject is the theme maintained throughout the piece while changing the voice, melody, or key.

  1. In the fugue’s EXPOSITION, Which is the LAST voice featuring the subject? Tenor

The exposition is the fugue’s section where voices are introduced. Depending on the type of fugue, the order of the voice varies between subject and answer, alternating between soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Therefore, the last voice featuring the subject is tenor.

  1. What is the name of the section which follows the exposition? Development Section.

The Development Section is the section that follows the exposition, and it sometimes consists of episodes, which are the transitioning sections. This section involves either the reintroduction of the subject or a new, interesting approach.

  1. After the Development, at what time in the video does the subject return (provide the minutes and seconds in this format; for example, if the answer was the 3 minute and 10 seconds mark, please write 3:10). TIP: listen to the subject’s entrance rather than reading the closed captioning in the video, that might not always match.  7:17

In the video, the subject returns at 7:17.

Following the end of the episodes or development section, the subject returns as a piece draws to the end.

  1. What time in the video does the final statement of the SUBJECT occur? (provide the minutes and seconds in this format; for example, if the answer was the 3-minute and 10-second mark, please write 3:10). TIP: listen to the subject’s entrance rather than reading the closed captioning in the video; that might not always match.

In the video, the final statement of the subject occurs at 7:55, introduced by the bass voice. In this case, the bass is presented as an answer, which occurs when the subject is presented in a different key. It is submitted after the topic, initially in the tenor voice.

Works Cited

Understanding Music. What Is A Fugue? (Music Appreciation). 2016,


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The Fugue

The Fugue

Watch the video below and answer the following questions.

(816) What is a Fugue? (Music Appreciation) – YouTube

  1. Please describe THE FUGUE in your own words (One paragraph is sufficient). IMPORTANT – I would also like you to compare it with another set structure in art, architecture, literature, film, or theater to obtain full credit. Please explain how you believe these two are similar (this question is meant to challenge your critical thinking, so please feel free to be as imaginative as possible.
  2. What is the specific name for the fugue’s theme? ______
  3. When the fugue’s theme takes place in a different key, it is called_____________
  4. When listening to the “Little Fugue in G minor” by Bach, in which voice (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) does the subject appear first? ___________
  5. In the fugue’s EXPOSITION, Which is the LAST voice featuring the subject? _____________
  6. What is the name of the section which follows the exposition? ______________
  7. After the Development, at what time in the video does the subject return (provide the minutes and seconds in this format; for example, if the answer was the 3 minute and 10 seconds mark, please write   3:10 )  TIP: listen to the subject’s entrance rather than reading the closed captioning in the video, that might not always match. _________________________________

What time in the video does the final statement of the SUBJECT occur? (provide the minutes and seconds in this format; for example, if the answer was the 33-minute and 10-second mark, please write   3:10 )  TIP: listen to the subject’s entrance rather than reading the closed captioning in the video that might not always match.

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