System Change

System Change

System Change

Patton, Zalon, and Ludwick (2019) argue that nurses are the most significant number of healthcare practitioners; they end up spending a significant amount of time with patients and share a distinctive intimacy with patients; they also provide an essential understanding and probable solutions to several high-profile as well as complex healthcare problems like value, cost, quality, and access. Nurses have a unique qualification to take on significant roles in the policy. Eddie Bernice Johnson was one of the nurse leaders who played an essential role in enhancing policy. He was the first Black American to be elected into public office in Dallas. As a nurse leader, Bernice has advocated for better healthcare access and identifying the value of nurses in the healthcare industry. She supported and sponsored the federal funding directed to nurses’ education to mitigate nurse shortage problems in healthcare (Nurse, 2021). She also champions the recognition and respect of nurses in public health. During the drafting of the Affordable Care Act, she offered insight into issues of insurance firms and how they impact healthcare.

The success recorded by Bernice can be attributed to her strong interpersonal relations and her zeal for advocacy, which enabled her to push for reforms in healthcare. She also attributes her success to her strong organizational and communication skills and the trust the general public bestowed upon her.

Her major obstacle was her race and gender, which resulted in discrimination in her position. However, she claims to have overcome such challenges by using her voice to air any concerns against minorities and ensuring that she is fully dedicated to her role as a legislator since this would leave little to no room for criticism based on her performance as a black woman.


Nurse. (2021). 40 years of advocacy: Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson is a voice for nursing in Congress.

Patton, R. M., Zalon, M. L., Ludwick, R., & BC, A. C. (2nd Ed.). (2019). Nurses making policy: From bedside to boardroom. Springer Publishing Company.


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System Change

System Change

Discuss an example of how a nurse leader was successful in spearheading change within an organization, institution, or government that impacted healthcare policy. What driving forces led to the nurse leader’s success? What obstacles were encountered, and how were they addressed?

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