Stealth Marketing Techniques

Stealth Marketing Techniques

Stealth Marketing Techniques

The article “Is the Stealth Marketing an Element of Promotion Mix? A Review of the Techniques” describes marketing techniques that are subtle and non-intrusive, often called “stealth marketing.” The techniques reviewed in the article include product placement, influencer marketing, and guerilla marketing, among others (Alkhafagi & ALsiede, 2022). These methods aim to create a positive association with a product or brand creatively and unexpectedly without directly interrupting or overwhelming the audience (Alkhafagi & ALsiede, 2022). The article concludes that stealth marketing is an element of the promotion mix and can effectively reach consumers if done correctly.

Using stealth marketing techniques may raise ethical concerns around dishonesty and manipulation from the marketers’ perspective. By disguising a marketing message as something other than an advertisement, marketers may be seen as deceptive to consumers (Kennedy & Kapitan, 2022). Additionally, relying on subtle methods to influence consumer behaviour may be seen as exploiting their trust. In addition, from the perspective of company owners, using stealth marketing techniques may also raise ethical concerns around accountability. If a marketing campaign goes wrong or causes harm, it may be difficult for the company to accept responsibility and repair any damage to its reputation.

Moreover, stealth marketing can raise concerns about privacy and informed consent from consumers’ perspectives. Consumers may feel that their experiences are being manipulated and their choices are influenced without their knowledge or consent. Also, from competitors’ perspectives, stealth marketing can raise concerns about unfair competition (Kennedy & Kapitan, 2022). If a competitor uses stealth marketing to gain an advantage over others, it may be seen as unethical and potentially harmful to the competitive market. Therefore, using stealth marketing raises ethical questions about transparency, honesty, accountability, privacy, and fair competition. Marketers must weigh these concerns and consider their campaigns’ impact on all parties involved.

One example of stealth marketing is native advertising, where the sponsored content is made to look like editorial content in a publication or website. For example, a company might pay to have a blog post written about its product and published on a popular website disguised as regular content. The organization hopes to achieve a larger audience and create a positive association with its product without being perceived as intrusive or annoying. By blending the marketing message into the content, the company creates a more organic and subtle connection with its target audience.

Moreover, whether the organization’s marketing is an immoral practice or a morally permissible competitive strategy is a matter of personal opinion. Organizations should be transparent and honest about marketing tactics and avoid deceptive practices that exploit consumer trust. Native advertising and other forms of stealth marketing can blur the lines between advertising and editorial content and compromise consumer trust. Companies need to be transparent about their marketing strategies and allow consumers to make informed choices about the products and services they engage with.

As a leader of an organization, I believe that the decision to allow this type of marketing would depend on various factors and considerations. Some leaders might see stealth marketing as a necessary and effective way to reach their target audience and stand out in a competitive market. However, others might view it as unethical and potentially harmful to their brand reputation. Therefore, from an ethical perspective, I would consider whether the marketing tactics are transparent and honest and whether they exploit consumer trust or undermine the brand’s integrity. If the marketing tactics are deceptive or manipulative, they may be considered unethical and potentially harm the organization’s reputation in the long run. Also, from a business perspective, I would consider the potential consequences of the marketing tactics on the audience and the marketplace. If the tactics are perceived as unethical, they may face backlash from consumers, regulatory authorities, or other stakeholders. This could damage the organization’s reputation and negatively impact its bottom line.


Alkhafagi, Y. A. M., & ALsiede, Y. A. H. (2022). Is Stealth Marketing an Element of the Promotion Mix? A Review of the Techniques. Webology, 19(1), 6246-6266.

Kennedy, A. M., & Kapitan, S. (2022). Marketing ethics, ethical consumers, and ethical lapses.


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Stealth Marketing Techniques

Stealth Marketing Techniques

For this assignment, you will read an article and answer a series of questions concerning a controversial marketing strategy’s ethics and moral responsibilities. Research the CSU Online Library to find an article about marketing to vulnerable populations, stealth or undercover marketing, ambush marketing, or E-lining. Your chosen article must be at least three pages long and published in the last 5 years.
Then, provide a written response to each of the items listed below.
In your own words, how would you describe the marketing techniques used in the article you chose?
Explain the ethical issues involved in the marketing technique from the perspective of marketers, company owners, consumers, and competitors.
Describe an actual instance of the marketing technique not included in the article. What was the organization hoping to achieve through its marketing tactics? Would you consider the organization’s marketing an immoral practice or a morally permissible competitive strategy? Explain your position.
As a leader of an organization, would you allow this type of marketing? Explain your reasoning.

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