Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing


Many social media marketing platforms are available, but Facebook seems the best choice for SameDay. One of the advantages of using Facebook marketing is that the platform has many users (Queensland Government, 2018). There is a chance that most of Sameday’s target audiences have a Facebook account. Also, Facebook is a low-cost marketing strategy. Marketing campaigns that would cost thousands on other platforms cost a fraction on Facebook. Therefore, this makes the platform ideal for a company like SameDay with a limited budget.

According to Sheela & Ramya (2018), Facebook makes it possible to customize adverts. SameDay can use mobile phone numbers and emails they collect to target current customers with adverts. Also, Pixel enables companies to target customers who have visited the company’s website with adverts. SameDay will require a Facebook page to advertise effectively on the platform.


Before settling on an ideal social media marketing platform, there are several factors to consider. The company needs to review existing profiles to decide which has the highest number of followers and engagement rates among its current platforms (Nadaraja & Yazdanifard, 2013). There is no need, for instance, to waste time marketing on LinkedIn marketing if the current profiles have a limited audience.

Another characteristic to consider when choosing a social media marketing channel is the conversion rate. The company will need to look at traffic analytics to decide which platform brings the most converted leads. If the clients referred to the company through social media do not stick around, then the business should review its social media marketing strategy. Also, customers provide key insights that guide marketing strategy selection. Facebook is widespread and simple to use. Since SameDay targets the general population, Facebook is the most appropriate strategy.


Nadaraja, R., & Yazdanifard, R. (2013). Social media marketing: Advantages and disadvantages.

Queensland Government. (2018). Benefits of Facebook for business | Business Queensland.

Sheela, M., & Ramya, D. M. (2018). Social Media as a Marketing Platform. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN, 2349-5162.


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Unit 1 DB: About Social Media
Each social media platform caters to a particular target audience. In turn, these platforms require a diverse range of strategies and a range of expectations for appropriate content creation.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Simulated Business Scenario
Elan owns eMarketer, a social media marketing consultancy. Her client base is mostly small businesses with less than 20 employees who do not have an in-house social marketing team. Elan’s eMarketer provides her clients with customized social marketing plans and campaigns based on current social marketing. Her expertise focuses on social strategies and the major social channels.
Elan just landed a new client, SameDay, a newly formed same-day delivery service of groceries directly to a customer’s home. SameDay is asking you to generate a preliminary report that analyzes social media usage and recommended content types for each of the major social platforms.
Which of the major social media platforms should Elan recommend in her initial report to SameDay?
How do the characteristics of each social network impact Elan’s selection of social channels that are recommended to SameDay?

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