Promoting Innovation

Promoting Innovation

Promoting Innovation

The Strategy for Choosing Incremental or Discontinuous Innovation in Milestone One

In milestone one, I chose discontinuous innovation. The strategy used to select this type of innovation was to compare the risks and benefits associated with incremental and discontinuous innovation and review the need for additional training in implementing incremental and discontinuous innovation. The review results indicated that although the employees would need additional training to implement the discontinuous innovation, there would be fewer risks associated with the invention, and the organization would generate more revenue because the market for electric cars is increasing.

Reasons for Selecting the Processes for Managing Innovation Used in Milestone Two

I selected marketing and advertising as the processes for managing innovation because resistance to change and the slow response to change happen when customers do not understand creation or how it benefits them. Therefore, advertising and marketing strategies enable the organization to familiarize the customers with the design and how they can benefit from it. Advertising and marketing are also ideal for introducing discontinuous innovation because they help an organization communicate the value of its products to potential customers.

Promoting a Climate for Innovation through the Recommended Organization Structure

The divisional organization structure promotes a climate for innovation in our project by creating competition among divisions, thus ensuring that the discontinuous innovation is implemented effectively within the shortest time possible. It also provides that every division focuses on what it is good at, thus promoting idea-sharing and enhancing innovation. The divisional structure also encourages a climate for innovation in introducing autonomous cars by enabling divisions to operate autonomously under a divisional manager who ensures they have the resources required to implement the invention. The structure will also allow the organization to introduce autonomous cars in the market before other competitors because operating through divisions ensures that decisions are made quickly.


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In the previous few modules, you learned about the different aspects of innovation, such as its dimensions, the five significant trajectories for managing innovation, the spaghetti model of creation, and many more. In this discussion, you may choose to discuss some of these concepts or other innovation concepts covered in this course and reflect on the following aspects of your course project:

Promoting Innovation

Promoting Innovation

In your initial post, you should address the following questions:

  • What was your strategy for choosing incremental or discontinuous innovation in Milestone One?
  • What were your reasons for selecting the processes for managing innovation you used in Milestone Two?
  • How do your recommendations for the organization structure promote a climate for innovation in your project?

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