Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Drugs and drug peddlers cripple societies around the world. People use many types of medications for various reasons, such as marijuana, which is the dried flowers and leaves of Cannabis sativa (“Marijuana and Public Health,” 2021). People define it using names like weed, ganja, and Mary Jane. Controversies surrounding the use of marijuana have seen its illegalization in countries and states globally. In many societies worldwide, marijuana is associated with deviance, hence illegalization. In contrast, marijuana legalization stems from its beneficial health impacts; thus, the legalization of medical marijuana.

Medical marijuana is a plant-based therapeutic approach to ailments and their symptoms. Accordingly, just as other plants are used for medicinal purposes, the same is considered for cannabis. According to Bridgeman & Abazia (2017), in the United States, marijuana was first accepted as therapeutic in 1850 until distribution was restricted under the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937 by the Federal government. Subsequently, possession penalties were put in place in 1956 under the Narcotic Control Acts, followed by prohibition with the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. Later, with the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, marijuana was legalized for medicinal purposes under the direction and control of a physician in California (Bridgeman & Abazia, 2017). Other states followed this legislation in 2017, allowing possession, sale, and distribution.

The medicinal use of marijuana comes with advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include the influence marijuana has on health. It ensures and restores health by cubbing symptoms of an ailment, such as pain and tremors (Bridgeman & Abazia, 2017). On the other hand, medical marijuana has disadvantages in terms of impairment and intoxication due to its psychotropic effect (Bridgeman & Abazia, 2017). Its advantages to people’s health and well-being consistently surpass all its disadvantages due to its impact on a wide range of ailments and symptoms.


Bridgeman, M., & Abazia, D. (2017). Medicinal Cannabis: History, Pharmacology, And Implications for the Acute Care Setting. PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved from

Marijuana and Public Health. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Retrieved from


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Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Examine the research and legislation on medical marijuana. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana as a therapeutic drug.

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