Man vs Nature

Man vs Nature

Man vs Nature

This week, we are discussing Genetically Modified Foods, and just like any product available, there are pros and cons. This will be a hands-on assignment that will require you to visit a grocery store to compare and contrast Genetically Modified and Organic produce. Be sure to select the same type of fruit or vegetable to compare and contrast. You are not required to buy the product!

Note: You may ask a store employee to help identify which produce is organic and which is GM (conventional).

Student name:

What fruit or vegetable are you comparing? Orange

Genetically Modified Organic
Price $1.18 $1.97
Availability (quantity) Per pound Per pound

·         Color

·         Size

·         Smell

·         Weight


Bright orange


Fresh and strong scent

Heavier than the organic orange





Lighter than the non-organic orange

Where was it grown/imported from (country, state, etc.)?








Where were observations made (farmers market, Walmart, etc.)?




Park Slope Food Coop


Park Slope Food Coop

Short Answer Questions (Minimum of 250 words each)

What are some of the arguments for labelling GM foods? What are some of the arguments against it? Which side do you feel is more valid, and why? Provide at least one source per argument (one for and one against) to support your claims.

Labelling of foods covers a variety of food qualities. Even so, some labels are mandatory, while others are voluntary. Whether GM labelling should be mandatory or voluntary continues to be debated in most countries. On the one hand, consumers have a right to be informed about their foods; therefore, mandatory GM labelling would be beneficial to them in making purchase decisions. For instance, some consumers may want to avoid purchasing certain GM products for ethical reasons (Byrne et al., 2014).

On the other hand, as producers use non-GMO labels as a marketing strategy, GM labelling only creates aversed perceptions about their effect on human health. Besides, GM food products must pass all the food safety tests for commercial use, and according to the FDA, for them to be treated as conventional products, their nutritional value must not be lowered; the newly incorporated substances should already exist in the human diet; and they should not cause new allergenic reactions (Huffman & McCluskey, 2014). According to Zheng & Wang (2021), there is no scientific evidence pointing out the long-term effects of GMOs on human health; therefore, GM labelling should not be a requirement.

What are some ethical concerns or benefits of using GMOs based on the Christian Worldview? (Refer to “Here’s What Religious Experts Have to Say About Faith and GMOs” for help answering this question.)

Some believers consider the use of biotechnology to create GMOs tampers with nature and God’s creation. However, different believers across distinct religious groups hold different opinions about this issue. For instance, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences issued a statement supporting biotechnology in 2009, while in 2012, Cardinal Peter Turkson, Pope Francis’ top adviser, issued a statement warning farmers that GMOs could create some new type of slavery. Similarly, in some Islamic groups, believers are allowed to follow their expertise in matters other than religion, such as farming.

In addition, other religious groups like the Presbyterian Church USA and Islam will decide to follow a cautionary approach as they consider the harm or the potential harm impacted by GMOs. The Presbyterian’s position is based on historical inventions. Following the ban of the widely used pesticide DDT, which caused adverse effects, they prefer not to widely use this technology until the long-term effects have been studied and observed.

Moreover, others, like Judaism, agree that GMOs present new opportunities to eliminate problems like hunger. However, if a GMO product incorporates non-kosher ingredients, it is considered impermissible. Some believers will not use GM products out of the fear that they are against God’s creation.

Furthermore, there are no set guidelines on how to handle matters concerning GMOs for other religions like Hinduism. However, most of them tackle this issue with a pragmatic attitude. As such, GMOs have a high chance of being accepted, especially if they are considered for the greater good. Finally, the primary concern for most religions is the effect of GMOs on human health and what is best for society rather than whether GMOs should be permissible or impermissible (Smith, 2015).


Byrne, P., Pendell, D., & Graff, G. (2014). Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods. Food and Nutrition Series. Retrieved 12 January 2022, from

Huffman, W., & McCluskey, J. (2014). Labelling of genetically modified foods  Handbook on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development, 467-487

Smith, M. (2015) Here’s What Religious Experts Have to Say About Faith and GMOs. Retrieved 12 January 2022, from

Zheng, Q., & Wang, H. (2021). Do Consumers View the Genetically Modified Food Labeling Systems Differently” Contains GM “Versus” Non-GM” Labels  The Chinese Economy54(6), 376-388

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This week, we are discussing Genetically Modified Foods, and just like any product available, there are pros and cons. This will be a hands-on assignment that will require you to visit a grocery store to compare and contrast Genetically Modified and Organic produce. Be sure to select the same type of fruit or vegetable to compare and contrast. You are not required to buy the product!

Man vs. Nature

Man vs. Nature

Note: You may ask a store employee for help identifying which produce is organic and which is GM (conventional).

Student name:

What fruit or vegetable are you comparing?

Genetically Modified Organic
Availability (quantity)

·         Color

·         Size

·       Smell

·       Weight

Where was it grown/imported from (country, state, etc.)?
Where were observations made (farmers market, Walmart, etc.)?

Short Answer Questions (Minimum of 250 words each)

  1. What are some of the arguments for labelling GM foods? What are some of the arguments against it? Which side do you feel is more valid, and why? Provide at least one source per argument (one for and one against) to support your claims.
  2. What are some ethical concerns or benefits of using GMOs based on the Christian Worldview  (Refer to “Here’s What Religious Experts Have to Say About Faith and GMO” for help answering this question.)

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