Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

Two Crucial Stakeholders or Sponsor Roles for the Change Process from the Singapore Headquarters and the U.S. Branch.

The main stakeholders involved in the change process are the vice president and the customer success manager. The vice president’s role in the process will be to handle the strategic plan to guide the team’s business in the Singapore headquarters and the U.S. branch and collaboratively work with the executive management plan to pinpoint, highlight, and act upon the company’s requirements. The vice president will also be required to adopt various integration strategies to ensure the optimal efficiency of the change process. One of the roles of the customer success manager will be to contribute to establishing and implementing strategic customer plans to help pinpoint areas where the corporation can improve the overall delivery of its services, quality, and excellence. The second role will be to hire and train customer service staff with the necessary knowledge, skills, and capabilities to enhance the organization’s performance.

The Importance of Each Stakeholder’s Role in Achieving Buy-In, Acceptance, and Support for Change in All Sectors.

The vice president will significantly influence how employees react to the change by acting as an opinion leader. Employees will expect the vice president to include them in making decisions on any issues arising from the difference and how it affects employees. Allowing employees to participate in the change implementation process and accommodating their needs increases the initiative’s likelihood of success and prevents resistance. The customer success manager will serve as a counselor and connector. Often, employees turn to junior staff to communicate their issues to top management. Therefore, the customer success manager will act as the link between employees and the vice president and help them express their feelings about the change and any concerns that could lead to resistance. The customer success manager will also counsel other employees to help them deal with any disruptions caused by the change.

Strategic Objectives That Support the Change Management Plan

The company intends to leverage resources, people, and technology to help its customers transform all business operations and promote innovation. The company also wants to create unprecedented service, value, and opportunity for its customers, partners, and employees by ensuring customers have the best customer experience. In addition, customer confidence is strengthened, all challenges are conquered, and the best company value is achieved. The organization’s operations aim to pursue excellence in everything it does, be a leader in innovative information technology services and strategies, empower all employees to provide services exceeding customers’ expectations, and make its community unsurpassed.

The strategic goals that align with change management are acquiring new customers from innovative offerings and providing a regular flow of information between employees and stakeholders. Increasing employee engagement will increase employee commitment, thus promoting the generation of new ideas that can be implemented to create innovative offerings. At the same time, proper communication strategies will enable employees and stakeholders to communicate efficiently and collaborate in eliminating issues that may affect organizational performance (Sueldo, 2016). An adequate flow of information between employees and stakeholders will also enable the company to understand the causes of turnover, reducing the high turnover rate in the U.S. branch.

 How Developments to Organizational Structures Can Guarantee Effective and Constant Behavioral Change.

Improving organizational systems can guarantee fruitful and sustained behavioral change in different ways. To begin with, it can help the employees feel more appreciated, reduce turnover, and enhance job satisfaction (Carnahan et al., 2015). For instance, an organizational system that includes rewarding employees for their efforts in improving organizational performance helps create a sense of belonging, thus reducing the intention to leave. Secondly, improving an organizational system to include programs that show that the company cares about its employee’s growth and development creates loyalty, thus reducing the intention to leave (Sharon, 2014). Such programs may include career opportunities and training programs that equip employees with new skills and capabilities. Career development and rewarding employees will increase employee productivity at the U.S. branch by increasing employee morale.

Recommendation of at Least Two Enhancement Strategies for Team Collaboration.

The leading cause of the lack of collaboration across both locations is a strict top-down hierarchy whereby employees are expected to implement the decisions made by top management without providing feedback. The second is poor communication, which has led to inconsistency in how similar tasks are completed in the two locations. Therefore, team collaboration can be enhanced by creating a common communication platform that allows communication between employees in the two locations to ensure a consistent way of working. The second strategy is selecting a team leader to represent the team’s needs to top management and give feedback on the decisions that affect the team members. Top management should allow employees to participate in decision-making to build trust.

 Change Management Model That Can Be Utilized at The U.S. Branch

The challenges in the U. S branch can be addressed by changing how the company treats its employees. For instance, the company needs to create opportunities for career growth and training, adjust work schedules to create work-life balance, create proper leadership practices, and improve communication. The ADKAR change management model is the most appropriate to address this challenge because it reduces change resistance. According to Angtyan (2019), the model reduces resistance because employees are aware of the change, are empowered and engaged, learn by sharing, identify and address barriers, and remain focused on the proposed change and its goals.

Steps Necessary to Implement the Change Management Model at the U.S. Branch.

One of the steps required to implement the ADKAR change management model at the U.S. branch is removing any roadblocks that could hinder the success of the change. One of the measures that will be taken to remove the roadblocks is embracing employee feedback on how the change affects them and collaborating with them to find the most effective solution to their problems. The second measure is enlightening employees on the change’s significance in eliminating and reducing resistance. We will create a team to monitor employee behavior throughout the change process and create a contingency plan to deal with planned and unplanned changes. Contingencies will include employee counseling to help them adapt to the change and motivation programs to encourage adapting. The main milestones that need to be accomplished for change implementation are onboarding all employees to ensure they embrace the change and reducing and eliminating employee resistance to the change.


Angtyan, H. (2019). ADKAR model in change management. International Review of Management and Business Research, 8(2), 179-182. https://doi.org/10.30543/8-2(2019)-4

Carnahan, S., Kryscynski, D., & Olson, D. (2015). How corporate social responsibility reduces employee turnover. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), 14792. https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2015.14792abstract

Sharon, T. (2014). The relationship between employee engagement as a human resource management practice and employee organizational commitment. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. https://doi.org/10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p1009

Sueldo, M. (2016). The impact of integrated organizational communication on organizational sustainability. Management of Organizations: Systematic Research, 75, 121-140. https://doi.org/10.7220/mosr.2335.8750.2016.75.9


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Congratulations! You impressed the leadership team as an HR consultant hired to resolve communication and employee disengagement issues at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions organization.

Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

You submitted a change readiness report as Milestone One, highlighting the importance of stakeholders and change implementers. The VP and the management team also appreciated your proactive presentation on employee engagement. Next, you submitted a report on the various change management models and justi?ed your recommendation of one of those models.

You prepared the VP and the leadership team for your recommended change management plan with each of these submissions with each of these submissions. It is time for you to deliver the change management plan to the VP. This document is a signi?cant component of your change management kit because it outlines individual and organizational activities that require change implementation. Through the change management plan, you will identify stakeholders of significance, outline strategic goals, and recommend steps and strategies to implement the organizational changes required.


Create a report covering the change management plan’s pre-implementation and implementation phases in the course scenario. Refer to the Case for Change Guide to ensure relevant organizational data is considered.

Speci?cally, it would be best if you addressed the following rubric criteria:

Identify two key stakeholders or sponsor roles from the Singapore headquarters and the U.S. branch for the change process.

  • Refer to the Leaders’ Self-Evaluations document for additional context.

Discuss the significance of each stakeholder’s role in gaining buy-in, acceptance, and support for change across departments.

  • How can each stakeholder improve the change initiatives’ likelihood of success (for example, by acting as opinion leaders, connectors, counselors, and journalists)?

Identify strategic goals that align with the change management plan and provide rationale. Consider the following in your response: Refer to the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals; U.S. Branch Overview; and Leaders’ Self-Evaluations.

  • Ensure alignment with the change management plan and the organization’s strategic goals (Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch). Research emerging trends that could in?uence employees of the U.S. branch.

Explain how improvements to organizational systems can ensure successful and sustained behavioral change.

  • Refer to the Exit Interviews to identify the areas of change.
  • What are the processes, procedures, or policies that need improvement?
  • How will these improvements impact the behavioral change of employees at the U.S. branch?

Recommend at least two enhancement strategies for team collaboration.

  • Refer to the Exit Interviews and Leaders’ Self Eteam collaboration problems of team collaboration.
  • What are the reasons for the lack of collaboration between team members across both organization locations?
  • How can an individual performer become a team player to improve team collaboration?
  • How should leadership behavior change to build trust?

Determine a change management model that can be used at the U.S. branch and provide justi?cation.

  • Based on your evaluation of the challenges the U.S. branch faces, choose from the following change management models: Kotter’s, Lewin’s, or ADKAR change management model.
  • How would you use this model at the U.S. branch?

Describe the steps needed to implement the change management model at the U.S. branch. Support your response with research.

  • How would you mitigate and remove any roadblocks in the change management process?
  • What are your plans to deal with the impact of planned and unplanned changes and any contingencies? What milestones need to be accomplished for change implementation to succeed?
  • How would you measure the success of your change management plan?

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