leadership orgl510 wk 2


OGL 510: Contemporary Article Critique

(100 Points)

Description: Select a research article related to the study of leadership. Read it and prepare an overview and critique using the following outline. You will share an overview of your article and involve the class in a discussion as well as any critical assessment (yours or theirs).

Instructions: Complete the following questions and be prepared to present your article to the class.

1. Article’s APA citation:

2. What is the research question or central issue that is being addressed? 

3. Are hypotheses or research questions being provided? If so, what are they? 

4. Methodological Issues or Main Points made (if a conceptual piece): 

5. If applicable:

a. Methods used (quantitative, qualitative, conceptual/opinion piece, mixed methods, etc.) 

b. Major variables/issue in the study/paper 

c. Strengths of using this methodology 

d. Limitations of using this methodology 

6. Findings/outcomes or conclusions drawn in this study/paper: 

(Use tables/charts/graphics as appropriate or useful here.) 

7. Discussion of findings – did the author(s) provide some explanation of the findings and the importance of the findings to the field (or to future research)? 

8. Major contributions to the field of diversity and leadership: 

9. Your viewpoint/reaction to this article: 

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