Leadership in Healthcare

Leadership in Healthcare

Leadership in Healthcare

There are many different definitions of what constitutes an effective leader, but some common themes emerge in the literature on the subject. In Fleming et al.’s (2015) article, the three published best practices for effective leadership are building trust, creating a shared vision, and providing supportive feedback. Building trust creates a foundation of mutual respect and understanding, which is essential for any team or organization to function well. Creating a shared vision gives everyone a sense of purpose and direction, and providing supportive feedback helps people learn and grow. Leaders need to be able to make decisions based on sound data and evidence. They also need to communicate effectively with their team or organization and share information so that everyone can understand.

There are different sources of data that leaders practicing evidence-based management might use to improve employees’ morale. For example, they might look at surveys to see how employees feel about their work and whether they are satisfied with their current roles (Zarifis & Efthymiou, 2022). Leaders also need to look at engagement data to evaluate how engaged employees are in their work and whether they are actively participating in the organization’s activities. Additionally, they might look at retention data to see how long employees stay with the company and whether they are leaving at higher rates than usual. By looking at all of this data, leaders can better understand where and why morale might be reduced and take steps to improve it.

An example from personal experience of when leadership should have used data from research prior to making a critical decision or change is during the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders at all levels should have been monitoring the data on the spread of the virus and its potential severity in order to make informed decisions about how to best protect the public (Khaldun, 2021). If data from research had been used more effectively, the pandemic might have been better contained, and the resulting economic and social damage may have been less severe.


Fleming, S. T., Staff, H. A. P., & Staff, A. of U. P. in H. A. (2015). Managerial Epidemiology: Cases and Concepts. Health Administration Press Chicago, IL.

Khaldun, J. S. (2021). Public Health Leadership During a Pandemic: Michigan’s Experience. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27, S14–S18.

Zarifis, A., & Efthymiou, L. (2022). The four business models for AI adoption in education: Giving leaders a destination for the digital transformation journey. 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1868–1872.


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Leadership in healthcare can be challenging since there are so many stakeholders involved. Stakeholders include patients, employees, physicians, board members, visitors, vendors, community members, etc. Leaders should use evidence-based data to make safe, cost-effective decisions that impact stakeholders. Using research to support your thoughts and opinions, please answer the following questions:

Leadership in Healthcare

Leadership in Healthcare

What are at least three published “best practices” for effective leadership? Do you agree that these practices would encourage favorable outcomes? Why or why not? Do best practices require use of credible data, and if so, what type(s) of data?
What data might leaders practicing evidence-based management use to improve employees’ morale? Please share an example from your research.
Now, discuss a scenario from personal experience or from research when leadership should have used data from research prior to making a critical decision or change. What data should the leader(s) have used? If data had been used, how might the outcome differ?

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