Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Hellenistic Philosophy Chart




The Existence of a Deity


This school of thought held the existence of a deity, gods, who did not affect the world and people’s lives and were to be ignored. This school of thought held the existence of deities in the world who affected the world and people’s lives and were to be feared.

Pleasure and Happiness

Pleasure is the highest good. Pleasure and happiness are achieved from mind tranquility, freedom from pain, and friendships. Pleasure and happiness are preferred indifferent that people can lead a life without.


Virtue is a means to an end and is considered good in as much as it helps attain pleasure and happiness. Virtue is the highest good, including wisdom and justice.


Public Service

Promoted obscurity through lathe biosas, whereby an individual was not to be actively involved in social roles, including public service. Public service would only unsettle an individual. Promoted civic duty and responsibility. Virtue is the highest good and is linked with public service and virtuous behavior.

Communal Identity

Communal identity was necessary to protect the individual within a community by providing the greatest happiness for the greatest number of members of a community. Communal identity was apparent in the universal state of existence where all men were considered brothers.

Significance of the philosophies’ popularity in Hellenistic culture

It shows the accomodatability of Hellenistic culture. Significance in Hellenistic culture nature is shown in the simplicity of life. Presenting thoughts for people leading a tranquil life by promoting satisfaction in a simple, peaceful, stress-free life. It shows the religiosity of Hellenistic culture. Significance in Hellenistic culture nature is shown in the morality of life. Its ideas held great similarities to popular Christian ideologies promoting moral living and leading a moral life.


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Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Complete the Hellenistic Philosophy Chart. Using the space provided:
Identify the ways in which each school of thought addressed the particular issues presented
Explain what the popularity of these two philosophies tells us about the nature of Hellenistic culture

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