Health Organization Evaluation

Health Organization Evaluation

Health Organization Evaluation

Description of United Healthcare

United Healthcare is a for-profit healthcare organization that offers a wide range of health insurance and healthcare products. United Healthcare is one of the largest health insurance providers in the United States. The company’s services are available in over 130 countries globally. The organization’s mission is focused on helping people live better, healthier lives. It also aims to make it possible for healthcare systems to meet everyone’s needs. United Healthcare provides strengthening to health systems to improve the quality and performance of the health systems and improve the quality and affordability of health care services. Driven by a vision to develop a value-based system of care delivery, United Healthcare supports public systems, employers, and other providers of care to improve access to healthcare services. The company, as guided by its founding principles of integrity, relationships, continuous innovation, and compassion, has actively promoted better patient-care provider relationships and has provided guidance, information, and necessary tools to support better health decisions to achieve affordable and accessible healthcare. The healthcare company is well-equipped with healthcare professionals who are focused on improving patient outcomes and experiences.

United Healthcare Overall Readiness

United Healthcare is ready to meet the healthcare needs of its clients in the next decade. The current trends in healthcare present a challenging future for healthcare systems. These challenges require responsive and capacitated healthcare systems that are able to sustainably promote large-scale health and wellbeing (Theobald et al., 2018). Currently, United Healthcare offers a wide range of health coverage services and programs, including support for out-of-coverage access and chronic health issues coverage that are actively supporting and promoting the sustainability of the healthcare systems of the United States and the countries it operates in. The programs and services have proved to improve access to health care services by providing coverage solutions irrespective of income disparities.

United Healthcare is also leveraging its broad network to develop data useful in the planning of healthcare. Currently, the company has provided evidence-based information to partners and healthcare providers that have greatly influenced healthcare decisions, policies, and the quality of healthcare services. The company, therefore, has an advantage due to its extensive network to collect data and develop workable strategies that will assist in healthcare service planning and health business planning. Planning for the future based on the collected data will also help align the company’s resources with future healthcare coverage and service demands for improved productivity and quality healthcare services. The company will also be able to make use of this data to design and implement more patient-centered healthcare and health insurance services that assist in achieving its goal of better patient satisfaction.

The company is currently adopting digital systems to support the development of advanced person-centric and integrated care delivery systems. The company’s goal for developing digital health systems is to improve the accessibility of healthcare services through digital systems and the affordability of care. It also aims to leverage scientific best practices by integrating data in its approach to managed care to improve the efficiency of clinical access and claims.

Strategic Plan to Address Issues Pertaining to Network Growth, Nurse Staffing, Resource Management, and Patient Satisfaction

The current healthcare landscape characterized by pandemics, aging populations, economic uncertainty, and chronic health diseases offers strategic opportunities and challenges for health insurance organizations and service providers. These strategic opportunities and challenges have an impact on the growth of organizations, the level of staffing, resource management, and the satisfaction of the patients. For United Healthcare to successfully navigate through the period, the organization will have to apply strategic thinking in its planning.

The proposed strategic plan for United Healthcare will focus on improving administrative standards, adopting a culturally-informed approach to health care, adopting performance-based contracting, securing common administrative standards, utilizing modern technological achievements, nursing development, professional leadership development, and the use of evidence-based approaches to health management and care delivery.

The improvement of administrative standards will include the adoption of digital decision support systems and blockchain technology in the management of patient and provider data. According to Dimitrov (2019), blockchain-based data management systems present an opportunity to improve the efficiency of data management and reduction of costs. The adoption of blockchain for data management will improve data safety, security, and provider and patient experiences. This improves the timeliness of services, quality, and efficiency of claims reimbursements.

The plan will also focus on adapting the healthcare insurance services and programs to various cultures. Designing programs to fit in with the diverse global cultures will improve provider and user satisfaction, resulting in wider subscriptions and the organization expanding to new and emerging markets.

Finally, the strategic plan will also include the establishment of a nurse professional development center to provide both leadership and nursing skills development. This will help the organization meet the current market and workforce changes, reduce turnover intentions, and attract new nurses. It will also ensure that nurses are equipped with the right skills to review the utilization and management of resources and design improved care plans for patients.

Current and Potential Issues Facing United Healthcare Culture and Their Effect on Aspects of the Strategic Plan

The current and potential issues that may affect United Healthcare’s ability to implement the strategic plan are related to its size and ability to adapt to changes and the company’s simultaneous execution of several projects. Organizational size is a factor in a successful change process. As one of the largest providers of health insurance in the US, United Healthcare is most likely to have a slowed adaptation to the change process as the healthcare markets are fast changing. The introduction and use of new processes, technologies, and programs may take long before they are totally agreed on and implemented across the entire organization.

Another potential issue is related to the company’s engagement in multiple healthcare projects and businesses. A successful transformation process must be achieved in the micro and macro projects the company is executing. Projects have diverse requirements as per their internal and external environments when it comes to change. In addition, ongoing projects and programs overlap in terms of resource usage, and the company’s business management may find it hard to choose and prioritize programs and projects to execute during the transformation period.

Theoretical Model to Support Implementation of the Strategic Plan for United Healthcare

The strategic plan for United Healthcare to address issues related to the company’s growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction is transformational. The company will have to change various aspects like its overall business model, the design of its current products and services, the processes of doing business, and the current business system to adopt digital systems of care management. The successful implementation of the company’s transformative strategic plan and achievement of its strategic goals can be achieved by adopting a theoretical model that supports successful and continuous change in individuals and related social systems. The implementation of United Healthcare’s strategic plan will therefore be best supported by the Transformational Leadership Theory.

The Transformational Leadership Theory is a leadership model in which the leader works collaboratively with the subjects to identify and define the changes that are needed within the organization, develop a clear vision by inspiring the followers, and implement changes needed by converting the followers into associates (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). The transformational leadership theory is modeled around four primary components, including idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration (Collins et al., 2019). Therefore, the leadership model focuses on intrinsic motivation, developing and promoting innovativeness and creativity at an individual level, and influencing behaviors based on leadership practices.

The Transformational Leadership model offers the best support for the implementation of United Healthcare Group’s strategic plan as it promotes consistency in employees’ focus on the organization’s vision, mission, and set values. As the healthcare markets are becoming uncertain and the business environment is equally unstable, the transformational leadership model will help United Healthcare achieve improved employee satisfaction, commitment, and engagement.


Collins, E., Owen, P., Digan, J., & Dunn, F. (2019). Applying transformational leadership in nursing practice. Nursing Standard35(5), 59-65.

Dimitrov, D. V. (2019). Blockchain applications for healthcare data management. Healthcare informatics research, 25(1), 51-56.

Siangchokyoo, N., Klinger, R. L., & Campion, E. D. (2020). Follower transformation as the linchpin of transformational leadership theory: A systematic review and future research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly31(1), 101341.

Theobald, S., Brandes, N., Gyapong, M., El-Saharty, S., Proctor, E., Diaz, T., … & Peters, D. H. (2018). Implementation research: new imperatives and opportunities in global health. The Lancet392(10160), 2214-2228.


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My choice for the assignment: The healthcare organization is United Healthcare. Please use the Transformational Leadership Theory to discuss it.

Assignment: Research a healthcare organization or network that spans several states within the United States (United Healthcare). Assess the readiness of the healthcare organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the healthcare needs of citizens in the next decade.

Health Organization Evaluation

Health Organization Evaluation

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:

Describe the healthcare organization or network.
Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.
Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.
Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.
Propose a theory or model that could be used to support the implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be appropriate for the assignment and relevant to nursing practice.

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