Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics
Before you enrolled in the TFU Degree Program, what inspired you to get your Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics? What were your goals and objectives initially? (100 words or more.)
How have your goals and objectives changed or evolved as you’ve gone through the Degree Program? (100 words or more.)
What have you learned most about yourself during this program? (100 words or more.)
How has your self-concept and self-confidence changed or evolved through this program? (100 words or more.)
How have your general relationships changed or evolved through this program? (100 words or more.)
How has your understanding of human nature and empathy for the human condition changed or evolved? (100 words or more.)
How have your studies helped you to better deal with life’s challenges? (100 words or more.)
What effect will what you learned in the TFU Degree Program have on your future? (100 words or more.)
In 250 words or more, please summarize how you are different today than when you enrolled in the TFU Degree Program. For example, how have you grown spiritually? In what ways is your life different now than before? How has your worldview changed? What benefits are you taking away as a result of getting your TFU Doctoral Degree?
How will you Deliver Greatness to the World?
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