Corporate Social Responsibilty
Session Long Project 3 Resources
A Succinct Theory of Business Ethics
2.4 Utilitarianism: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
2.5 Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Explained With Examples
Utilitarianism: Making Ethical Decision in Retail
. (2023)
Scholarly Readings:
A new insight on CEO characteristics and corporate social responsibility (CSR): A meta-analytical review
The Relationships Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Talent Management: An Analysis Through Human Resources Management
(2023) Download PDF
SLP Assignment
CSR Defined
Define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (1/2 page). Research Required.
Utilitarian Ethics
Introduce utilitarian ethics and its core principle of maximizing overall happiness or utility (1 page). Research Required.
Arguments in Favor of CSR
From a utilitarian perspective, discuss how CSR initiatives can lead to an overall increase in societal happiness or well-being. Examine the benefits to companies (1 page). Research Required.
Arguments Against CSR
Explore potential criticisms of CSR from a utilitarian viewpoint. Consider the implications if CSR initiatives lead to short-term losses for businesses or if they disproportionately benefit certain groups at the expense of others (1 page). Research Required.
Use ChatGPT or another AI program to research arguments for and against CSR. If you use an idea provided by ChatGPT, you must cite and reference the program.
The use of AI for generating content in Trident classrooms is not permitted unless it is specifically required by assignments in classes. Certain classes may allow AI to be used for brainstorming or to kickstart research. Turnitin detects AI-generated content.
All research for this SLP should have been published within the last two years.
No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to
reference the sources in APA format
. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying
to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Use the APA-formatted
ETH501 SLP 3 template
to create your submission.
· The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.
Your submission will include:
· A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 3 ½ page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)
· The reference list page in APA format
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