COM 3404- Short Answer Questions #2

 Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph.

  • Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter 10).
  • Review grammar and mechanics
  • Read articles before completing this assignment

Answer all numbered questions separately: 1- 10

  1. What are three primary properties of eye behavior? Choose one of the three and describe in detail.
  2. Gazing serves many interpersonal functions:
    • Regulating the flow of communication, both to open the channels of communication and to assist in the turn-taking process.
    • Monitoring feedback.
    • Expressing emotion.
    • Communicating the nature of the interpersonal relationship, for example, to show variations due to status, liking, and disliking.

3. What is the difference between gaze aversion and civil inattention. 

4. Define and explain CLEMs.

5. What factors influence the amount and duration of gaze in human relationships? In what situations would we predict more gazing?

6. How does eye behavior differ among people? Give examples.

7. How does context impact eye behavior? Give examples.

8. How does culture impact eye contact?

9. Based on “Eye contact in different cultures” article, what are the differences in eye contact between Western and non-Western cultures?

10. Based on “Eye contact in video communication” article by Keiser et al. (2022), how is eye contact impacted in video communication? Explain in detail and provide an example.

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