Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Contribution Why was it significant?
Government ·         Steps were implemented to improve the administration of justice at the local level.

·         Bishops were entrusted with crucial government posts.

·         Special attention was given to ensuring that there was a constant flow of royal income at the centralized and local levels of government.

·         Income from war booty was enhanced.

·         The enhancement of justice delivery at the local level was designed to ensure that people at the local level continue trusting in the government.

·         Besides, the use of bishops in governance, especially for delivering justice, played a key role in bolstering trust in government institutions.

·         Finally, enhanced revenue collection was meant to ensure the administration attracts the best officials to work for it.

Religion ·         Charlemagne instituted a hierarchical church structure.

·         He provided physical facilities necessary for the conduct of religious activities.

·         Charlemagne also played a key role in standardizing and regularizing religious practices (Lyu, 892).

·         The primary goal of Charlemagne’s religious reforms was to correct defects that were associated with contemporary religious life. There had been a significant shift from the prescriptions of the Canon law.
Education ·         He gathered prominent scholars from across Europe.

·         He introduced use of writing (Classen, n.p.).

·         He created palace schools to educate royal court members and their children.

·         Being a lover of art, Charlemagne also incorporated the study of artworks into the education system (Lyu, p. 887.)

·         The introduction of foreign scholars gathered from across Europe played a key role in improving education quality.

·         The use of writing played a key role in bolstering government bureaucracy.


Works Cited

Classen, Albrecht. Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature. Boydell & Brewer, 2021.

Lyu, Chenghan. “Einhard, The Life of Charlemagne—-Primary Source Analysis and Further             Discussion.” 2022 5th International Conference on Humanities Education and Social       Sciences (ICHESS 2022). Atlantis Press, 2022.


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Use this chart to explore and explain the contributions Charlemagne made to government, religion, and education. Answer the following as you work:
What were Charlemagne’s significant contributions in each area? Why were they significant?

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

List the contributions made by Charlemagne and his staff in each area.
Explain why these contributions are significant. What are the long-term impacts on Western civilization for each area?
Your submission must Include references to the sources provided in this module.

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