Political Competence

Political Competence

Political Competence

Political competence is the ability to comprehend what actions to take and when to take these actions, anticipate any possible resistances, and determine people suited to help you achieve the agenda. In the nursing profession, political competence is the skills and values that a nurse requires to be effectively involved in politics surrounding the nursing profession (Melo et al., 2017). A nurse leader can demonstrate political competence by participating in political advocacy and policy formulation. Nurses have the highest number of healthcare professionals who spend most of their time with patients. Hence, they are uniquely positioned to understand and develop potential solutions to healthcare problems such as access to care, healthcare costs, and quality (Patton et al., 2019). Subsequently, they can participate in political advocacy to help in policy formulation.

The primary role of nurse leaders is to supervise their subordinates, make clinical decisions, and direct patient care(Patton et al., 2019). Nurses can, however, be involved in political processes that affect the nursing profession. Nurse leaders can use their skills and experiences to overcome political problems that affect the nursing profession. This consists of the use of political competence. At the local level, nurse leaders can demonstrate political competence in the local level by encouraging their subordinates to vote for good local leaders who can implement policies that ensure quality healthcare services. At the national level, they can demonstrate political competence by participating in political advocacy. A nurse leader can take leadership positions in national organizations such as the American Nurses Association. A nurse leader can thus represent other nurses in policy-making processes. They can participate in the enactment of healthcare acts and give their input. This can help formulate policies that will ensure quality and cost-effective healthcare services are offered to patients.


Melo, W. S., Oliveira, P. J., Monteiro, F. P., Santos, F. C., Silva, M. J., Calderon, C. J., Fonseca, L. N., & Simão, A. A. (2017). Guide of attributes of the nurse’s political competence: A methodological study. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem70(3), 526-534. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0483

Patton, R. M., Zalon, M. L., & Ludwick, R. (2019). Nurses making policy: From bedside to boardroom (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.


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Define “political competence” and discuss at least one example of how a nurse leader has or could demonstrate political competence at the local, state, or national level. The example may be from an organizational perspective or a political challenge.
BOOK: Patton, Zalon, Ludwick (2019): Chapters 1, 2
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Political Competence

Political Competence

Given that nurses comprise the largest sector of healthcare providers, spend the most time with patients, and share a unique intimacy with patients related to functional care activities, nurses bring critical understanding and potential solutions to many high-profile, complex healthcare issues such as access, quality, cost, and value. Nurses. “…practice at the intersection of public policy and personal lives; they are, therefore, ideally situated and morally obligated to include sociopolitical advocacy in their practice” (Falk-Rafael, 2005, p. 222). Every day, nurses see how health policy decisions, such as access to care based on pre-existing conditions, impact patients and their families and how organizational staffing policies may harm patients and adversely affect nurses and their work environment. Creating and maintaining health policy is everyone’s job. Some believe that one’s position defines policy involvement. We argue that health policy is everyone’s responsibility. Nurse managers, educators, and administrators are often viewed as having more obvious roles in the successful articulation of federal and state regulations and implementation of institutional policies. Nurses providing direct care live at the edge of those policies and regulations every day, an advantage that is vital to informing, shaping, monitoring, and evaluating policy. Nurses are uniquely qualified to assume important roles in policy. We agree with Feldman and Lewenson, who state that “nursing skills are political skills” (2000, p. 58). 4 We make the case, beginning with this chapter and throughout the book, that once policy skills are understood and practiced, nurses can successfully engage in advocacy through policy making. These skills are essential to nurses in the trenches, performing direct care across all settings, and nurses in leadership, education, and research positions. Thus, policy work is the role of every nurse. The following Policy Challenge illustrates how care at the bedside can lead to a policy journey with great impact.

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Nursing Framework

Nursing Framework

Nursing Framework

Knowledge, as a component of the socio-cultural orientation basic condition factor, enhances the prevention of hazards and is encompassed in the framework of the Self Care Nursing Deficit Theory that was developed by Dorothea Orem. In her theory, Orem assumes that individuals should be able to rely solely on themselves and have the ability to provide care for themselves as well as care for others within the family unit (Younas, 2017). Another assumption is that an individual’s level of insight into possible health complications is essential in the promotion of self-care tendencies.

Dr. Jacqueline Fawcett, one of the most influential individuals in the nursing field, is keen on encouraging nursing students to be curious regarding the knowledge behind their practice. She is recognized globally for her contribution to developing nursing models and theories that are key in enabling practice and research in the field of nursing. She defined nursing knowledge as “Knowledge as a component of the socio-cultural orientation basic condition factor enhances the prevention of hazards,” comprising five components; metaparadigm, philosophy, conceptual model, theory, and empirical indicator (Deliktas et al., 2019).

The use of loose throw rugs or carpets with curled edges is a great fall hazard, especially in areas with elderly individuals (Yonge et al., 2017). Educating the people in charge of a nursing home on the dangers posed by the use of loose-throw rugs would go a long way in reducing the incidences of people who fall and consequently experience unintentional injuries. Conducting an analysis of elderly individuals from one nursing home treated in the emergency department of various hospitals following an unintentional fall resulting from the above rugs and carpets is one way of assessing the risk posed (Blanchet et al., 2018). Comparing this data with that of another nursing home that does not use the said rugs and carpets is key in establishing the unsafety of the loose throw rugs and carpets.  Education about the dangers posed will play a major part in greatly reducing and preventing falls.


Blanchet, R., & Edwards, N. (2018). A need to improve the assessment of environmental hazards for falls on stairs and in bathrooms: results of a scoping review. BMC geriatrics, 18(1), 1-16.

Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing metaparadigms: A phenomenological study. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(5), e45.

Yonge, A. V., Swenor, B. K., Miller, R., Goldhammer, V., West, S. K., Friedman, D. S., & Ramulu, P. Y. (2017). Quantifying fall-related hazards in the homes of persons with glaucoma. Ophthalmology, 124(4), 562-571.

Younas, A. (2017). A foundational analysis of Dorothea Orem’s self-care theory and evaluation of its significance for nursing practice and research. Creative Nursing, 23(1), 13-23.


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In the lecture for the week, a theory was identified. “Knowledge as a component of the socio-cultural orientation basic conditioning factor enhances the prevention of hazards” is a theory from a major nursing framework. Identify the framework and provide an example of how other applications of this theory may occur in nursing practice. For example, you may say that education may enhance the reduction of free-throw rugs in an elderly person’s home, which will prevent falls. Tie the concepts together by clearly defining them and how they could be measured. Find an instrument, survey, or tool in the literature that could be used to measure the concept. For example, if you are measuring pain, you might use the Faces Pain Scale-Revised at the following link: https://www.iasp-pain.org/Education/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=1519

Nursing Framework

Nursing Framework

It is impossible to fully explain nursing theory without referencing Jacqueline Fawcett at some point in the discussion. Dr. Fawcett has contributed significantly to the science of nursing through the development of the Metaparadigm of Nursing, the identification of five components of nursing knowledge, and extensive study and explanation of nursing theory. In 2005, Fawcett placed nursing knowledge components into a structural holarchy of

Conceptual Model
Empirical Indicator
This holarchy does not apply to just nursing knowledge but to the knowledge of any discipline. Philosophies are world views of a discipline. While this level is an extensive thread guiding conceptual models, it is rarely expressed in research. This week will concentrate on conceptual models and theories. Think of conceptual models as a framework with concepts clearly identified and general principles of their relationships expressed. A theory is a very specific relationship between concepts within the model. The readings for this week go into theories, grand theories, and frameworks in detail. We will explore the Metaparadigm of Nursing in a later module.

The end purpose of theory is to guide practice and research. In order to conduct research, variables are used to statistically compare concepts. Empirical Indicators are variables that very precisely measure concepts. For example, if your theory states, “knowledge as a component of sociocultural orientation basic conditioning factor enhances prevention of hazards,” how will you measure research on this theory? Empirical indicators specifically relate theory to research questions. In this case, your research may be comparing scores on a child passenger safety questionnaire with the number of errors in the installation of a vehicle child safety restraint. The score on the questionnaire and the number of errors are very clearly measurable indicators. The proposition is that higher scores on the questionnaire will correlate with fewer errors in restraint installation. If this is found to be true, then there is support for the theory that “knowledge as a component of sociocultural orientation basic conditioning factor enhances prevention of hazards”.

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Nursing- Interview Questions

Nursing- Interview Questions

Nursing- Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself.

I have been a dedicated and passionate nurse in the healthcare industry for 2.5 years. Nursing has been my lifelong dream, and I am proud to be the first generation in my family to pursue this career. I have experience in both the Transitional Care Unit and as a home care nurse and RN case manager. My ultimate goal is to provide patients with comfort and quality care while helping them regain their independence and mobility.

Why do you want to become a nurse?

I have always had a strong desire to help people, and nursing has allowed me to do just that. I find it incredibly rewarding to provide comfort and care to needy patients. Nursing allows me to make a positive impact on the lives of others, and it is this sense of purpose that motivates me each day.

Why do you want to be part of our team? Why do you choose the Med Surg unit?

I am interested in joining your team because of the hospital’s reputation for providing excellent patient care. I am also impressed with the Med Surg unit’s commitment to teamwork and collaboration among healthcare professionals. This environment will enable me to learn and grow as a nurse while contributing to delivering high-quality patient care.

When is the time you go above and beyond for a patient?

I recall a patient who was particularly anxious about their upcoming procedure. To help them feel more at ease, I stayed with them throughout the process, holding their hand and providing words of comfort. After the procedure, I also followed up with them to ensure they were recovering well. By going above and beyond to provide emotional support, I was able to make a positive impact on the patient’s experience.

Can you describe a situation you handled difficult clients?

I once had a patient who was uncooperative and difficult to work with. I established a rapport with them, listening to their concerns and providing reassurance. Through effective communication and empathy, I built trust with the patients and ultimately provided them with the care they needed.

Can you describe a situation in which you dealt with a difficult family member?

I recall a time when a family member was resistant to the patient’s treatment plan, making it challenging to provide the necessary care. To address the issue, I took the time to explain the importance of the treatment plan and how it would benefit the patient. I gained the family member’s trust and cooperation by providing education and fostering open communication.

How do you handle stressful situations and give examples?

When faced with a stressful situation, I  prioritize my responsibilities and focus on the most critical tasks. I also take breaks when needed to avoid burnout. For example, during a particularly busy shift, I made a point to take a few minutes to stretch and refocus my energy, which helped me stay productive and focused throughout the day.

What do you bring to this position? How do you stand out from the other applicants?

My dedication to providing compassionate care, ability to work collaboratively with a team, and attention to detail set me apart from other applicants. I am also eager to continue learning and growing in my role, which will contribute to the team’s overall success.

Why choose you or hire you instead of other candidates?

I am confident in providing compassionate, high-quality patient care while working collaboratively with healthcare professionals. My attention to detail and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure the best possible patient outcomes make me a strong candidate for the role.

Why are you leaving your current position?

I am seeking a new opportunity that offers greater challenges and the potential for professional growth. While I have enjoyed my time at my current position, I have reached a point where I am ready for a new challenge and the chance to expand my skills and experience.

Do you have any time-management tricks other nurses could benefit from?

One of my favorite time-management tricks is prioritizing my tasks at the beginning of each shift and then working through them in order of importance. I also group similar tasks, such as administering medications or completing assessments, to save time and increase efficiency.

What do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I see myself as a seasoned nurse with a wealth of experience in different settings. I plan to expand my skill set to include leadership and management roles and pursue further education to advance my career.

Can you give an example of a time you were a leader?

As a charge nurse on my unit, I had to lead a team during a particularly busy shift. I organized the staff into teams and delegated tasks based on their strengths. I also communicated clearly and effectively with everyone to work together efficiently and provide the best care possible for our patients.

Who is the most difficult person you’ve ever worked with, and why?

I once worked with a colleague who was resistant to feedback and difficult to work with. To address the situation, I took the time to establish a positive relationship with them and approached feedback in a constructive and non-judgmental way. Eventually, our working relationship improved, and we could work together more effectively.

Can you describe when you had to intervene for a patient, what you did, and why? What was the outcome?

I had a patient who was confused and became agitated, attempting to leave the unit against medical advice. I used therapeutic communication to de-escalate the situation and provided a calming environment. I collaborated with the healthcare team to assess the patient’s needs and initiated appropriate interventions, including medications for anxiety and safety measures. The outcome was a safe and successful discharge.

How do you handle delegation issues with unlicensed assistive personnel?

When delegating tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel, I provide clear instructions and answer any questions they may have. I also check in regularly to ensure the task is performed correctly and offer constructive feedback when necessary. If an issue arises, I address it promptly and professionally, working with the staff member to find a solution that ensures the best possible care for our patients.

How do you handle stress?

Stress is an inevitable part of nursing, and I have developed several coping mechanisms to deal with it. Firstly, I prioritize my tasks to ensure I’m focusing on the most critical issues first. Secondly, I take regular breaks to avoid burnout engage in stress-relieving activities like yoga or meditation, and spend time with loved ones. Additionally, I talk to my colleagues or my supervisor when I’m feeling overwhelmed, as this helps me to feel supported and less isolated. Finally, I try to maintain a healthy work-life balance by taking time off to pursue hobbies and spend time with family and friends.

What do you love about nursing? Which areas do you find challenging?

I love the opportunity to help and make a difference in people’s lives. The satisfaction of seeing patients recover, heal, and regain their independence is priceless. The challenging areas would be handling complex medical cases requiring critical thinking and working under pressure. Nursing also requires a high level of empathy and emotional resilience to handle the emotional and psychological demands of the job. Finally, the ever-changing healthcare environment requires nurses to be adaptable, flexible, and open to learning new skills and techniques.

Do you have any questions for us?

Yes, I do have a few questions for you. Could you describe the hospital’s culture and values? What opportunities are available for professional development and advancement? Please tell me more about the patient population and the types of cases I might encounter. Lastly, what qualities are you looking for in the ideal candidate, and how do you see this role contributing to the hospital’s overall mission?

How would you handle a coworker under the influence or mistreating a client?

If I witnessed a coworker under the influence or mistreating a client, I would first assess the situation and ensure the safety of the client. If the client were in immediate danger, I would report the incident to the appropriate authorities and take action to protect the client. I would then approach the coworker and express my concerns about their behavior. If the coworker were under the influence, I would offer assistance and resources for them to seek help. If the mistreatment continued, I would report it to the appropriate supervisor or human resources department.

How would you handle a situation where you couldn’t read a prescriber’s orders?

If I could not read a prescriber’s order, I would first double-check it to ensure it was illegible. I would then consult with the prescriber to obtain clarification in person or via phone, fax, or email. I would also inform the charge nurse, the pharmacy, and the patient’s care team about the situation. It’s important to prioritize patient safety, and effective communication is key to ensuring that the patient receives the correct medication and dose.

What would you do if you were asked to float to a specialty area you weren’t familiar with?

I would first communicate my concerns with my supervisor to ensure I have the necessary training and orientation. I would review the patient’s chart, collaborate with the healthcare team, and ask for guidance as needed. I would also seek additional resources and training to improve my skills and knowledge. Maintaining a positive attitude, adaptability, and willingness to learn in new environments are important.

What are your weaknesses and strengths?

My strength is my ability to remain calm and level-headed in stressful situations. I prioritize tasks effectively and work efficiently to meet deadlines. My weakness is that I take on too many tasks at once, sometimes leading to feeling overwhelmed. However, I’m continually improving my time-management skills, such as delegating tasks and setting realistic goals. I believe self-awareness and a willingness to learn are essential to achieving personal and professional growth.


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Need help answering unique and interesting answers for the Hospital job position.

I always wanted to be a nurse growing up. I want to help people and provide comfort and quality care for patients. Nursing has always been my passion. Especially in my community, we don’t have many people that become nurses yet. I’m the first generation to become a nurse in my family. I have been a nurse for 2.5 years. I work in the Transitional Care Unit. I work with Physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, speech therapists, CNAs, and Doctors to provide quality care for patients and help patients recover and regain their independence and mobility. I also work as a home care nurse and RN case manager for 6 months.

Nursing- Interview Questions

Nursing- Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself.
Why do you want to become a nurse?
Why do you want to be part of our team? Why do you choose the Med Surg unit?
When is the time you go above and beyond for patients?
Can you describe a situation you handle difficult clients
Can you describe a situation in which you dealt with a difficult family member?
How do you handle stressful situations and give examples?
What do you bring to this position? How do you stand out from the other applicants?
Why choose you or hire you instead of other candidates?
Why are you leaving your current position?
Do you have any time-management tricks other nurses could benefit from?
What do you see yourself in 5 years?
Can you give an example of a time you were a leader?
Who is the most difficult person you’ve ever worked with and why
Can you describe a time when you had to intervene for a patient, what you did, and why? What was the outcome?
How do you handle delegation issues with unlicensed assistive personnel?
How do you handle stress?
What Do You Love About Nursing? And Which Areas Do You Find Challenging?
Do you have any questions for us?
How would you handle a coworker under the influence or mistreating a client?
How would you handle a situation in which you couldn’t read a prescriber’s orders?
What would you do if you were asked to float to a specialty area you weren’t familiar with?
What is your weaknesses and strengths?

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Nursing Leadership Interview

Nursing Leadership Interview

Nursing Leadership Interview

Maria Dawson and I met through a mutual friend. Maria came across as an ideal mentor when we started our conversation. Her resilience impressed me, which stood out as she shared some of her struggles. These struggles motivated her and led to the attainment of excellent leadership skills. We discussed healthcare matters and leadership as well. When the opportunity to write about a leader surfaced, I knew Maria was the best candidate. I have had numerous opportunities to observe Maria Dawson in her work environment. Until then, I was largely unfamiliar with the leadership style that Maria chose to utilize. Accordingly, Maria offered mentorship on the best way to apply different leadership in varying situations in the healthcare sector. The day she started at 0730 hours with a team huddle before the doors opened. I quickly noticed how vital her role was in her organization and how everyone looked up to her for guidance. Maria retained calmness and composure throughout the day and cared for vendors, patients, and staff problems (people calling out) without losing her temper. Maria emphasized the importance of handling issues as they arise. The tools that Maria provided would be applicable in different parts.

Response to the Interview Questions

What is your philosophy?

My philosophy is to treat everyone with kindness.

How long have you been a manager?

I have been a manager for 33 years, five years in this current practice.

How long have you worked in the dental field?

I have worked in the dental field for 37 years and spent four years as a dental assistant.

How large is your staff?

There are 26 staff members, including;

  • 12 dental assistants
  • Five doctors
  • Seven administrations
  • One sterilization technician
  • One marketing person

What are the ages of the patients you service?

I serve patients between 0 and 20 years old (dental and orthodontic services).

Leadership Innovation

Best innovation

  • I created the standard operation procedures (SOPs). These SOPs include explaining benefits, dental claims, and electronic medical records. Accordingly, these aspects apply to the current office.
  • I also initiated the Patient care (WOW factor). The WOW factor includes painting little girls’ nails and giving kids tattoos to make them feel at ease in the dental chair as they receive services.

Innovative Approach To Solve An Issue

When I took over the office, it was disorganized and had no system. For instance, staff members parked in the front of the building where patients should be parking; I ensured that this aspect changed to improve the customers’ experience. The entire client experience is dependent on multiple elements that sometimes seem minute. This required a proactive approach to ensure clients did not complain about the lack of parking space (Purc?rea, Ratiu, & Purc?rea, 2008). I was sure the lack of parking space could negatively influence the clients’ experience. Therefore, I spoke to staff members and discussed the issue to ensure they understood the concept. All patients parked in front of the building while employees parked on the rear side to remedy this.

To inspire innovation or creativity in others, I created a morning hurdle at 7.30 am for 10 to 15 minutes. This gathering allows employees to talk about the patient load. Sometimes, when the staff members get tired due to the patient load, I engage them in a quick teambuilding activity to improve their morale and reward their efforts. As a result, this helps inspire the staff and motivate them for the day. The need for constant communication inspired the morning hurdle. Consistent and meaningful communication provides an opportunity to improve employees’ morale. Communication allows employees to discuss departmental issues, leading to engagement. Similarly, teambuilding activities give employees a mental break, ensuring they are refreshed (Drake, 2021).

Emotional Competence

Motivating Factors

I genuinely do enjoy what I do. This is a significant aspect of the job because it affects the quality of results. I gain essential fulfillment by bringing the highest quality dental care to my community, especially to children.

Strengths and Weaknesses?

  • Strengths- I am dependable. I show up to work daily motivated and follow through with my staff and patients’ needs.
  • Weakness- perfectionist- because I am constantly criticizing myself, and the standards I hold for myself are impossible to reach.

Dealing with Disagreements

When a staff member disagrees with my decision, the best approach is to coach and help them do the job. I try to do it with them and still listen to their opinion. I also explain the reasons for the decision to ensure they understand. Disagreements are part of work. Their existence in my work environment illuminates the differences in opinions and thought patterns. I try to include staff members in shared decision-making, especially when there is time. When time is limited, seeking views from all staff members is impossible. However, I still recognize the importance of shared decision-making to engage staff members in the facility’s activities.

Crisis Management

When facing a crisis, I try to be objective instead of emotional. Therefore, I do not deal with the issue immediately because the emotions may be high. I wait a day for my mind to be cleared and to get all the facts. When dealing with an unhappy staff member, I try to be empathetic by listening to them and trying to come to a happy medium with them. Disgruntled employees may be incapable of offering the recommended quality of services (Kluger & Itzchakov, 2022). It is necessary to establish the main issues to ensure that the staff members’ issues are resolved. The problems are resolved, especially if they are related to work. Listening or sending the employee to the counselor is the alternative action if they are personal. Other times, I provide staff members with time off to settle personal issues, which avoids negative influence on their productivity and quality of work.


Spirituality is not essential in my practice. I think so because I treat clients whose religious beliefs I do not know. My main objective is to ensure they receive quality care as I observe the principles of care. I have never encountered a staff member whose religious view affects their ability to perform.

Change and Conflict

The process of introducing new policies begins with detailed discussions. The procedure is written once all the stakeholders know the policy’s content, need/necessity, benefits, and implementation process. Before documenting the system, a window of amendments is provided for employees who would like to suggest new aspects that may be lacking. Such involvement and engagement ensure staff members feel valued and reduce resistance, especially when these policies will likely bring about changes (Dawson & Andriopoulos, 2017).

Conflict during policy implementation is a common occurrence in organizations. It may be an aspect of poor change management. However, if the staff member does not buy into the new policy change, I must let them go. Fortunately for me, I do not have any issues and am grateful to have the staff I have. Communication is essential to conflict resolution (Awan & Saeed, 2015). I seek to understand the nature of their conflict. If the conflict is not related to work, I encourage them to communicate with each other and talk about the issue. Sometimes, I mediate and stay in the room while they discuss the issue. Whenever I must intervene, I do, but I try not to. When acting as a mediator, I provide a non-partisan opinion on the issues causing the conflict.

Employees who disagree with my leadership style are difficult to retain. I have had a doctor who was extremely sensitive to how I run the practice, so I emailed her instead of talking with her. This approach helped me to provide the necessary or critical information.

Leading Teams

Leaders should possess the ability to remain calm during a crisis. Consistency is also essential for leaders because they set an example for their followers. Teambuilding exercises are crucial. I try to implement these exercises once a month. It is not mandatory but strongly suggested. I also ask the employees what activities they would like to do. If it is during the workday, they are paid to have fun. During working days, they are all expected to participate in the activities.

Teamwork is a critical aspect of organizational performance. Whenever I notice that employees are not working in teams, I join in to help and encourage them to work together. Example: One staff member was slow, and the other employee was getting annoyed. I wore my lab coat and helped her move faster by assisting her with the task.

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are essential because it gives me a better idea of what areas to focus on to help strengthen the individual staff members.

I have encountered someone who needs mentoring and is not receptive to my approach or help. For example, my younger staff members do not realize how vital health insurance is. I had to explain the importance of health insurance to them and have other staff members explain the importance of health insurance.

Financial Responsibility

I pay for all the practice bills. I must stay consistent and manage my time to get this done. It can be stressful at times because other issues can take precedence, and I find myself working at home.

If we achieve the monthly goal or the budget, I talk to the staff about it. I try to do this to motivate them to do better and want to reach the goal. We discuss some of the issues that may have led to the failure to achieve the goal. Employees brainstorm on strategies that can be used to improve the organization’s performance. This interaction is usually involving and requires all employees to provide their opinions. I find the discussion essential for informing employees about their performance. When the improvement strategies come from the staff members, there is a greater likelihood of commitment than when I provide the solutions. Thus, I tend to utilize this approach most of the time.


Awan, A. G., & Saeed, S. (2015). Conflict Management and Organizational Performance: A Case. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(11), 88-102.

Dawson, P., & Andriopoulos, C. (2017). Managing Change, Creativity & Innovation. Sage.

Drake, K. (2021). The moral of morale. Nursing Management, 52(3), 56. doi:10.1097/01.NUMA.0000733652.27670.8a

Kluger, A. N., & Itzchakov, G. (2022). The Power of Listening at Work. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 9(1). doi:10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-012420-091013

Purc?rea, L. V., Ratiu, M., & Purc?rea, T. (2008). Offering memorable patient experiences through a creative, dynamic marketing strategy. Journal of Medicine and Life, 1(2), 198-205.


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For this assignment, you will choose a nursing leader to interview. It will require planning, so please give yourself adequate time and don’t wait until the last minute to reach out to your prospective interviewee, as schedules change and life happens for you and the leader you choose to work with. The person that you choose should be a leader at the manager level or higher.

Nursing Leadership Interview

Nursing Leadership Interview

Setting Up the Interview:

Choose a leader from our profession whom you would like to interview. This can be the leadership in your unit/department, from another unit or service line, or another organization altogether.

Preparing for and Conducting the Interview

Please ensure your communications are professional when contacting your identified leader to request help with this assignment. Prepare a list of questions that you would like for the interview. Some will naturally be answered throughout the discussion, but some must be asked directly or clarified. It is a courtesy to offer the person you will interview a copy of the questions beforehand. Your questions for your interviewer should focus on leadership qualities that either you or your leader identify.

Interview Questions should provide insight on these eight topics:

  1. Leadership Innovation
  2. Emotional Competence
  3. Crisis Management
  4. Spirituality
  5. Change and Conflict
  6. Leading Teams
  7. Coaching and Mentoring
  8. Financial Responsibility

Other topics brought up by the leader may also be good to include in your write-up. For example, change and conflict are two distinct concepts. Consider what you will do if your leader answers your question negatively or declines to answer it (which is their right). Think about engaging the leader differently and not letting the topic drop. One strategy is “tell me about a time when… (you dealt with a difficult change)”.


  • Introduce the leader and why you chose the”. Include a URL to a site where they can be seen or discussed. This can be an organization’s staff page, a news story, etc.
  • The paper should highlight the essence of your leader’s statements, and you should use the scholarly leaders (both from the text and other appropriate academic literature) to underscore or refute your leader’s comments for each section of the paper.
  • Make sure the leader’s eight topics listed above are addressed. Provide specific examples and references in the scholarly literature showing how this particular leader demonstrates/incorporates/refutes each concept.

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Nursing Practice Reflection

Nursing Practice Reflection

Nursing Practice Reflection

Course Competencies

Design relevant, multidimensional nursing care for optimal health inclusive of client preferences, values, and beliefs.

Multidimensional care in nursing is critical. Nurses must understand the different cultures, beliefs, and values of patients. This will help them to provide patient-centered care. In this competency, I learned that multidimensional care involves an interdisciplinary healthcare team working together to meet patient preferences and needs (De Graaf et al., 2017). By understanding multidimensional care, I will treat all of my patients regardless of their culture or personal beliefs.

Select approaches to client care that incorporate care and comfort, risk reduction, health promotion, and disease management.

The lectures we received from our instructor helped me understand this competency. I was able to understand the many ways nurses can provide nursing care that is safe and does not pose preventable risks to the patient. I further learned the benefits of thoroughly evaluating patients’ risks for injury during nursing care to help minimize or alleviate this risk, which turns out to be a big issue. I will use this knowledge in my nursing practice to implement risk-reduction strategies.

Prioritize evidence-based, client-centered nursing care as a foundation for emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.

Evidence-based practice is essential in nursing science. It enables nurses to integrate research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences to implement patient-centered nursing care (Jolley, 2020). I have learned that EBP can be utilized in implementing effective treatment protocols for patients. I will use current clinical guidelines in my future practice to provide care for my patients while considering their preferences and needs.

Utilize data-driven nursing care strategies inclusive of continuous quality improvement.

In this competency, I learned that the nursing profession keeps changing with new technologies and regular research. This constant research has enabled nurses to implement data-driven nursing care to improve patient care. I will use this knowledge to implement continuous quality improvement programs to enhance patient outcomes.

Synthesize components of clinical judgment, professional nursing identity, and reflective practice for lifelong learning.

In this competency, I learned that nurses must have sound clinical judgments to help them make clinical decisions that affect patient care. Nurses must have analytical skills, critical thinking, and reasoning to help them make good clinical judgments. This competency has helped to develop empathy and integrity as the cornerstone of professional identity. I will use these qualities to be an empathetic nurse who offers holistic care to my patients.

Determine effective responses to clinical problems integrating information technology, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and interprofessional collaboration.

In this competency, I have learned about the benefits of an interprofessional team in providing safe and quality healthcare services to patients. I knew that interprofessional collaboration promotes communication, which enhances the safety of healthcare services (Busari et al., 2017). Information technology is also beneficial since it helps to minimize medication-related errors (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017). I will be a team player who promotes interprofessional collaboration to ensure the safety and quality of healthcare services in my future practice.

Transferable skills

I achieved communication by completing my assignments in a professional and presentable manner that my lecturer could understand. I will use this skill to communicate professionally in a multidisciplinary team to enhance patient care. I achieved critical thinking by thinking outside the box when trying to complete my assignments. I will use this skill to implement sound clinical decisions. I have become digitally fluent since I leveraged technology to complete my studies and retrieve current literature. I will apply this skill to integrate evidence-based practice. By completing my studies, I have learned the benefits of teamwork in an interprofessional team, which I will use to be a team player in an interprofessional team. I have gained information literacy by retrieving and using the information to complete my assignments. I will apply my information literacy to integrate evidence-based practice into nursing care. I have gained professional ethics, and I will use this to solve ethical dilemmas in my professional practice.


Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal38(12), 1173- 1180. https://doi.org/10.15537/smj.2017.12.20631

Busari, J., Moll, F., & Duits, A. (2017). Understanding the impact of interprofessional collaboration on the quality of care: A case report from a small-scale resource-limited health care environment. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare10, 227-234. https://doi.org/10.2147/jmdh.s140042

De Graaf, E., Van Klinken, M., Zweers, D., & Teunissen, S. (2017). From concept to practice, is multidimensional care the leading principle in hospice care? An exploratory mixed method study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care10(1), e5-e5. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001200

Jolley, J. (2020). Evidence-based practice. Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, 63-88.

Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal38(12), 1173-1180. https://doi.org/10.15537/smj.2017.12.20631

Busari, J., Moll, F., & Duits, A. (2017). Understanding the impact of interprofessional collaboration on the quality of care: A case report from a small-scale resource-limited health care environment. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare10, 227-234. https://doi.org/10.2147/jmdh.s140042

De Graaf, E., Van Klinken, M., Zweers, D., & Teunissen, S. (2017). From concept to practice, is multidimensional care the leading principle in hospice care? An exploratory mixed method study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care10(1), e5-e5. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001200

Jolley, J. (2020). Evidence-based practice. Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, 63-88.


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Describe how you achieved each course competency, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency.

Nursing Practice Reflection

Nursing Practice Reflection

Describe how you achieved the transferable skills (listed below), including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to the transferable skill.

Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.

Course Competencies

Design relevant, multidimensional nursing care for optimal health inclusive of client preferences, values, and beliefs.
Select approaches to client care that incorporate care and comfort, risk reduction, health promotion, and disease management.

Prioritize evidence-based, client-centered nursing care as a foundation for emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.

Utilize data-driven nursing care strategies inclusive of continuous quality improvement.

Synthesize components of clinical judgment, professional nursing identity, and reflective practice for lifelong learning.

Determine effective responses to clinical problems integrating information technology, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and interprofessional collaboration.

Transferable Skills

Take a moment and review the Transferrable Skills Media from Module 02.

Critical Thinking
Digital Fluency
Diversity and Teamwork
Information Literacy
Ethics and Professional Responsibility

You are required to give a minimum of two responses and follow the criteria listed below:

Review how your classmates achieved each course competency and transferable skill.
Identify new knowledge others gained you had not considered.
Describe how this new knowledge could impact your nursing practice.

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Management and Motivation

Management and Motivation

Management and Motivation

Nurses should utilize critical thinking skills to make decisions concerning patient care. They should apply theoretical frameworks in real-life clinical situations. The hospital environment is hectic. Nurses should thus have the skills and experiences to handle daily problems. Consequently, hospital readmissions affect the quality of life of patients. Due to this fact, patients should learn the best strategies to prevent hospital readmissions. Nurse educators should ensure that the classroom environment and the learners’ motivation are increased to achieve the set objectives (Ghasemi et al., 2020). The nurse educator’s competence determines the success of the learner. Therefore, the nurse educator should use theoretical frameworks, alter teaching strategies, and motivate the learners to achieve the learning objectives.

Learning Environment

The learning environment is an essential element that can improve the learning process. The nurse educator should create a conducive environment that allows for effective education while promoting the active participation of the learners in the learning process (Piva? et al., 2021). The nurse educator should enhance the teacher-learner relationship by bridging the gap between the educator and the learners. As a result, this will make the learners more secure to participate in the learning process. Similarly, a positive educator-learner relationship will improve the learners’ understanding and apply the lessons learned in real life (Smith & Crowe, 2017). They should use theoretical frameworks and incorporate practical skills to improve the learning environment. Accordingly, the learning environment should consider technological advancements and ensure the audience has informatics literacy to understand technical competencies.

Learner Motivation

Motivation is essential since it improves and mediates learning. When learners are motivated during education, there is a flow of communication and a decrease in anxiety, resulting in more creativity (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). Significantly, the United States Population is diverse. This diversity is also reflected in the classroom. A nurse educator should motivate learners and overcome any challenges during learning. Motivation is essential in education, and learners should be inspired to ensure effective learning (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). One critical theory used in learner motivation is experiential learning theory. This theory promotes a learner-educator relationship, prompt feedback, and a conducive learning environment, increasing learning motivation. This theory supports learners’ motivation for learning. It focuses on skills and material relevant to the learners, positively impacting their learning motivation (Kong, 2021). Also, the self-determination theory encourages the learners to take the initiative in discussions and assignments. This theory motivates learners by fulfilling their autonomy, connection, and competence (Migliorini et al., 2019). It encourages learners to achieve the set objectives and grow into implementing strategies provided by the educator.

Classroom Management

Classroom management impacts the learning process. Nurse educators should ensure proper lesson management and create a conducive learning environment that considers the diversity of learners. Nurse educators should have the skills and current knowledge to encourage effective learner participation in the learning process. Effective classroom management involves learners and educators. Learner and educator collaboration is essential since it allows them to understand what is required of them, the objective of learning, and strategies to meet these objectives (Smith & Crowe, 2017). The andragogy theory can improve classroom management. In the andragogy theory, learners take a central role in learning. Therefore, it promotes learner-centered active participation (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019).

Further, flipped classrooms can promote evidence-based education. A flipped classroom is a blended education that ensures learners complete their readings at the wards and work on problem-solving during class (Mukhalalati & Taylor, 2019). Diversity should also be considered during learning; hence, the educator should implement culturally competent education.

Learner Management

Learners are essential in the learning process. Most of the discussion should focus on how the learning audience can be empowered to achieve the objectives set for them in the learning process and ensure they reduce their hospital readmission rates. The educator should use critical thinking skills to positively influence the learners and help them implement strategies that reduce readmission rates. The nurse educator should also manage the learners as they manage themselves concerning time and successful teaching to achieve this. They should ensure they build a good relationship with the learner (Smith & Crowe, 2017). Also, the learners should be actively encouraged to participate in the learning process. They should take the initiative in managing the learning resources provided to them by the nurse educator. Effectively, safe management is essential since it will allow learners to grow personally. The nurse educator can promote learner management by encouraging them to keep diaries and daily targets critical for improving outcomes of the learning process.


In conclusion, management and motivation are crucial elements in the learning process. Educating patients on strategies to prevent hospital readmission requires active participation from learners and nurse educators to understand its application in real-life clinical settings better. The educator should ensure that learners are motivated during the learning process. Consequently, this will improve class engagement and understanding of concepts taught to them. The educator should also provide a learning environment that is conducive to learning. Finally, the educator should effectively manage the classroom and promote effective feedback and active learner participation.


Ghasemi, M. R., Moonaghi, H. K., & Heydari, A. (2020). Strategies for sustaining and enhancing nursing students’ engagement in academic and clinical settings: A narrative review. Korean Journal of Medical Education32(2), 103-117. https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2020.159

Kong, Y. (2021). The role of experiential learning on students’ motivation and classroom engagement. Frontiers in Psychology12https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.771272

Migliorini, L., Cardinali, P., & Rania, N. (2019). How could self-determination theory be useful for facing health innovation challenges? Frontiers in Psychology10https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01870

Mukhalalati, B. A., & Taylor, A. (2019). Adult learning theories in context: A quick guide for healthcare professional educators. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development6, 238212051984033. https://doi.org/10.1177/2382120519840332

Piva?, S., Skela-Savi?, B., Jovi?, D., Avdi?, M., & Kalender-Smajlovi?, S. (2021). Implementation of active learning methods by nurse educators in undergraduate nursing students’ programs – a group interview. BMC Nursing20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00688-y

Smith, Y. M., & Crowe, A. R. (2017). Nurse educator perceptions of the importance of relationships in online teaching and learning. Journal of Professional Nursing33(1), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.06.004

Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults. John Wiley & Sons.


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Create a 3-4 page report on the optimal learning environment for the course you began developing in Assessment 1.

Management and Motivation

Management and Motivation

Often, instructors do not get to choose the environment in which they will teach, but you can do just that in this assessment. Here, you will select a setting that best fits your content and learner population and consider how to maintain learner motivation in your chosen background.

Note: Assessments in this course build on each other and must be completed sequentially.

Create a 3–4 page report on the optimal learning environment for the course you began developing in Assessment 1. You should select a learning environment that will foster motivation in your learner population, support your efforts at classroom motivation, and best serve the goals of the course.

Optional Preparation
Practice implementing these considerations in the Vila Health challenge provided in the Resources before beginning your work here.

As you complete this assessment, you may want to consider other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a professional community member.

Note that these questions are for your development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

Which evidence-based research supports or refutes the use of traditional teaching methods? Which traditional teaching methods support critical thinking?
What innovative pedagogical teaching strategies are present in your teaching philosophy? What evidence-based research supports or refutes the use of activity-based teaching methods?
What do you believe is the role of the educator when using simulations in a learning environment?
Create a report that does the following:

Describe the learning environment most appropriate for the educational topic and your intended audience.
Briefly describe and evaluate theories of classroom management, learner management, and learner motivation relevant to your course and intended audience.
Describes evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management and evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation and how you would employ these in your learning environment and with a diverse group of learners.
Supports your choices with scholarly resources.
Additional Requirements
Format: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double-spaced in Microsoft Word.
Length: 3–4 pages, plus a title page and a references page.
Use the correct APA format, including running head, page numbers, and a title page.
Use and cite at least three scholarly articles in your plan.
Writing should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from content.
Competencies Measured
By completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Appraise the influence of the learner’s culture, gender, and experiences on teaching and learning.
Describe the most appropriate learning environment for an intended topic and audience.
Competency 2: Apply educational theory and evidence-based teaching practices when implementing teaching strategies.
Evaluate the applicability of classroom management and learner motivation theories to a specific course.
Competency 3: Apply various teaching strategies appropriate to diverse learner needs, content, and desired learner outcomes.
Describe theories of learner motivation.
Describe evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation in diverse settings.
Competency 4: Integrate best practices for classroom management.
Describe theories of classroom and learner management.
Describe evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing education professional.

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Leadership In Nursing

Leadership In Nursing

Leadership In Nursing

This presentation focuses on assessing leadership styles, traits, and practices as a nursing professional, establishing the importance of effective interprofessional communication as a leader in nursing, and exploring the role of servant leadership in nursing practice.

Here’s an outline of my presentation. I’ll start by introducing the concept of leadership and nursing and the main roles of leaders in the healthcare sector. I’ll then provide an overview of my leadership style, traits, and practice. Next, I’ll review the commonalities in my group members’ strengths and weaknesses and also check the differences between my group members’ strengths and weaknesses. I’ll then check why nursing professionals need to be aware of their personal leadership styles, traits, and practices. Next, we’ll discuss the necessary leadership traits and techniques to be an effective communicator. I’ll then discuss the importance of leaders adapting communication approaches when working interprofessionally. Lastly, I’ll review how nursing professionals can benefit from integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead and discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and healthcare.

According to Al-Dossary(2017), leadership in nursing is defined as the behaviors of staff nurses that provide direction to healthcare teams and support to clients in the delivery of healthcare.

Providing guidance and support includes guiding the healthcare teams on what they should do to create a positive patient outcome and ensure that clients are satisfied with the services they receive. They also have an active role in making decisions that determine the course of action in providing healthcare. Such decisions may include deciding whether to provide healthcare to a patient who has made a partial payment for healthcare services or not based on the fact that healthcare teams can not make such a decision on their own.

Leaders in nursing focus on both healthcare teams and clients because they need to guide the healthcare teams while listening to what the clients want to guarantee client satisfaction.

Leaders in nursing are also expected to coordinate activities in the healthcare facilities to ensure that the required equipment and personnel are provided.

My leadership style is the transformational leadership style, which focuses on motivating followers to own their roles and perform beyond their expectations.

One of my leadership traits is critical thinking. I often consider all aspects of an issue to find a solution and also be innovative to come up with new ideas that can be used to improve my work output and improve my life.

My second trait is communication skills. I use communication skills to communicate what I intend to say in the most effective way I can.

My third trait is integrity. I use this skill to make the right choices, particularly in situations where I encounter a conflict of interest.

My third trait is respect. I exhibit respect for those around me and work on creating a good relationship with them to avoid conflict.

One of my nursing practices is the prevention of infection by maintaining hand hygiene after every interaction with a patient and when exiting and entering a patient’s room.

My second practice is patient discharge and care by ensuring that patients are only discharged when they are in good health.

One of the strengths of transformational leadership is that it facilitates achieving goals by encouraging teamwork and collaboration because employees are encouraged to take ownership of the responsibilities assigned to them and perform beyond their expectations. It additionally motivates followers, thus increasing productivity. Transformational leadership also creates a good rapport because followers are allowed to work freely without feeling intimidated by their leaders (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Democratic leadership increases a sense of belonging because leaders and followers work together to enhance the performance of the organization. It also increases transparency because leaders and followers collaborate in decision-making and share all the information they have. Engaging in decision-making enhances collaboration because both followers and leaders are actively involved in the decision-making process (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Laissez-faire leadership enhances autonomy because teams are allowed to function as they like as long as they meet organizational goals and follow policies and procedures. Freedom creates a conducive working environment, hence increasing productivity (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Autocratic leadership facilitates quick decision-making because leaders do not require the input of their followers (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Servant leadership results in effectively leading diverse teams because it focuses on building relationships and developing the skills of team members (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Transformational leadership requires implementing an existing structure so that further growth and development can occur (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Democratic leadership, laissez-faire, and servant leadership are time-consuming because they involve collaboration among team members in decision-making (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Autocratic leadership does not promote communication and trust among team members because leaders do not engage team members in the administration and decision-making process. The lack of collaboration among team members and leaders further limits transparency (Alloubani & Akhu-Zaheya, 2018).

Being aware of personal leadership styles, traits, and practices for nursing professionals helps in understanding strengths and weaknesses. Nurses can then use this information to strategically use their powers to improve patient care and eliminate the faults that affect their performance in the healthcare field.

Being aware of personal leadership styles, traits, and practices for nursing professionals also helps in identifying nursing practices that are well suited to the recognized leadership style, hence improving nursing practice by offering the best healthcare services(Melnyk & Neale, 2019). It also helps in identifying the nursing practices that are well suited to the leadership style. For instance, a person with transformational leadership practices may opt to work in patient care because it promotes collaboration between healthcare providers and patients.

Democratic and transformational leadership styles are necessary to be an effective communicator because they include working with many people who require constant communication.

Active listening is necessary to be an effective communicator because it includes understanding what is being said and responding appropriately.

Transparency is necessary to be an effective communicator because it encourages clearly providing all the required information.

Empathy is necessary to be an effective communicator because it enables individuals to read the emotions of the people they are communicating with, thus responding appropriately.

Integrity is necessary to be an effective communicator because it facilitates the provision of truthful information.

Adapting communication approaches when working interprofessionally helps in motivating and inspiring followers by electing an appropriate communication approach in different scenarios. It also helps in gaining leadership practices with organizational strategy and vision by effectively communicating with employees.

Adapting communication approaches also help in persuading followers to meet organizational goals by effectively communicating with them(Banwart, 2020). It also helps in selecting the system that effectively conveys critical ideas and thoughts because appropriate methods can be used based on the current scenario.

Adapting communication approaches when working interprofessionally also helps in maximizing leadership impact in the organization by communicating with employees effectively.

Integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead helps in creating better psychological well-being of the nurses and their followers by reducing the emotional drain for the nurse and their followers. This mainly occurs because it makes favorable job attitudes. After all, the leader focuses on meeting the needs of followers. Meeting employee needs and good job attitudes contributes to enhancing productivity.

Integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead also results in fewer conflicts because followers are not deviant.

Leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and healthcare by creating stronger teams and collaboration. For instance, if a patient has an individual psychological disorder, the leader can create a group of nurses who have specialized in psychological care so that they can come up with a solution and help each other deal with the challenges they may encounter when attending to the patient. This helps in creating a positive work environment because nurses are there for one another and collaborate to enhance patient care.

Leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing care by increasing commitment, loyalty, and trust. For instance, the leader can set targets for a team of nurses, such as finding a remedy for a certain illness, hence motivating them to work together. Being involved in patient care by being assigned different tasks that include extensively applying nursing knowledge and capabilities also helps in creating a sense of belonging.

Leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and healthcare by providing training and development. For instance, during the current pandemic, a leader can organize training programs to equip nurses with knowledge on how to handle COVID-19 patients and how to deal with challenges arising from COVID-19 19, such as the pressure to maintain limited contact with the patient and attend to many patients per day due to congestion in hospitals.

Al-Dossary, R. N. (2017). Leadership in nursing. Contemporary Leadership Challenges. https://doi.org/10.5772/65308

Alloubani, A., & Akhu-Zaheya, L. (2018). Leadership styles and theories. Leadership Styles and Nursing Care Management, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.2174/9781681087450118010003

Banwart, M. (2020). Communication studies: Effective communication leads to effective leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2020(165), 87-97. https://doi.org/10.1002/yd.20371

Melnyk, B. M., & Neale, S. (2019). Key strategies for optimizing personal health and well-being: A necessity for effective leadership. Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare. https://doi.org/10.1891/9780826196255.0004


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The purpose of this assignment is to assess leadership styles, traits, and practices as a nursing professional, establish the importance of effective interprofessional communication as a leader in nursing, and explore the role of servant leadership in nursing practice.

Leadership In Nursing

Leadership In Nursing

Read the study materials on leadership and complete the topic quiz activities to understand your leadership qualities better.

Upon completion, summarize and share with your group what you learned about your specific leadership qualities so you can become familiar with how you are similar and different from your peers when it comes to being a leader.

As a group, review the study materials related to servant leadership. Using what you have learned about the tenets of servant leadership and traits and practices of successful leaders, create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Add a slide for references at the end of your presentation.

Include the following in your presentation:

Each group member: Create a slide that summarizes your leadership style, traits, and practices.
Compare the personal leadership styles of your group members, including commonalities between group members’ strengths and weaknesses.
Explain why it is important for nursing professionals to be aware of their personal leadership styles, traits, and practices.
Discuss what leadership traits and styles are necessary to be an effective communicator. Explain the importance of leaders adapting communication approaches when working interprofessional (across ancillary departments, vendors, and community members).
Discuss how nursing professionals can benefit from integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead.
Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. References must be published within the last five years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

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Leading in Diversity

Leading in Diversity

Leading in Diversity

The importance of diversity in the workplace is growing daily with the increased globalization. In a workplace setting, employee diversity has a significant role in the performance of an organization. From a leadership perspective, diversity in the workplace entails creating an inclusive environment, accepting everyone’s individual differences, enabling employees to achieve their full potential, and facilitating the ability of a business to reach its full potential (Coleman, 2012). Cultural diversity is a strategy developed to maintain the leadership of a company and keep its goals and objectives afloat. An organizational culture acts as a guide for all employees, managers, and other stakeholders of the company. This explains why it is important for a leader to embrace cultural sensitivity and intelligence by putting up measures that encourage other personnel to adhere to them.

As a leader in my organization, I have developed a strategic plan to help me push the agenda of organizational culture and to enable me to lead in a culturally sensitive and intelligent manner. Among the things included in this strategy are proper communication, diversification of hiring practices, zero tolerance for stereotypes, encouraging teamwork, and focusing on employees’ welfare (Hopkins & Hopkins, 2009). These practices have brought the organization great success as well as painting a positive image of organizational culture and its importance.

Improving communication has contributed to employees’ productivity and boosted the functionality of all departments. As a leader, I pushed the idea of open communication, and we set up a few hours before the beginning of each week to discuss the developing issues. This strategy has encouraged the members of staff and management to discuss the issues concerning the company as well as personal matters that could inhibit productivity. For example, to push the culture of rewarding productive employees, I brought up an open discussion for the people to talk about how they’d prefer to go about it. Some said that they’d prefer to be rewarded behind the closed doors of their workspaces since they are not bold enough to take it in the presence of other people, while others found it okay to do it right there. This may seem trivial, but it has proved that even the things we consider little matter to others. It has yielded results, and it shows that the organizational culture was created to encourage inclusivity, and nothing does that better than proper communication.

Another tactic that has enabled me to lead in a culturally sensitive and intelligent manner is the diversification of hiring practices. We not only hire the best talents in the market but also those applicants who understand the importance of cultural diversity. Before I took up leadership, the company was famous for hiring people who strictly fit a specific description, and the same hiring criteria were used every other time. This made the workforce saturated with people who only carried out their tasks as a routine, without showing any signs of life beyond their assignments while in the office. Once we started embracing diversification while hiring, our workforce developed from robot-like employees to a collection of team players who are always up to learn new things. They are not only working to beat deadlines and pocket their paychecks but also to empower themselves and build careers.

Under my leadership, the organization has managed to get everyone on board to embrace zero tolerance for stereotypes. We deal with people who think that some individuals can’t do certain things or identify them stereotypically. Every employee is entitled to a healthy working environment and must be treated equally. People showing signs of being stereotyped are challenged to see others equally and not identify them according to what popular opinion says concerning those people’s genders, sexuality, race, and physical appearance, among others. This strategy has enabled staff members to respect each other irrespective of their personal differences.

Encouraging teamwork and employees’ welfare are two other plans that have yielded positive results in the company. Through proper communication, I have managed to encourage the members to come out and talk about the changes they’d like to see in the company to improve their welfare. Some preferred to talk in groups, while others preferred to make personal visits to the members in charge of executing this strategic plan. I also came up with a “suggestion box” system of communication, where people could write their thoughts on paper, place it there and action would be taken despite their anonymity. In the case of encouraging teamwork, I developed this strategy to boost the culture of diversity. A team comprises different people with diverse personalities who are after a similar goal. For the goal to be met, they have to combine their diverse perspectives and come up with a strategy that will put them on top. This plan has driven my idea of culturally sensitive and intelligent leadership forward.

The leader in charge of production in our organization has one strategy that she has adopted and incorporated for all the employees under her leadership to work by. She believes in winning against all odds, even when it means being inconsiderate of the welfare of her juniors. In comparison to my strategic plan, her strategy has brought her different leadership awards, but in contrast, her juniors’ welfare keeps deteriorating to the point that they are no longer happy working in the production department. Two employees in her department have already resigned from the company, and more seem to follow suit. This has raised an alarm to the top management, and plans are underway to make several changes. I wouldn’t consider her strategic plan to be culturally sensitive and intelligent, owing to the negative results it has yielded.


Coleman, M. (2012). Leadership and diversity. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(5), 592-609.

Hopkins, W. E., & Hopkins, S. A. (2009). Diversity leadership: A mandate for the 21st-century workforce. Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(3), 129-140.

Hunt, V., Layton, D., & Prince, S. (2015). Diversity matters. McKinsey & Company, 1(1), 15-29.


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Leaders are challenged to lead in diverse cultures.

Leading in Diversity

Leading in Diversity

In a 2-3 page paper, develop a strategic plan for how you would lead in a culturally sensitive and intelligent manner. Compare and contrast your plan with a current leader in your organization or one regarded nationally.

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Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change

The nursing practice landscape is continuously evolving, with current and future nurses being encouraged to assume a broader role in patient care. Nurses are currently challenged to involve themselves in other healthcare functionalities such as chronic care, advocacy, and patient education. Advanced practice registered nurses, in particular, are increasingly assuming dominant roles in patient care. Their expertise and training position them to be healthcare leaders. In this regard, they continue to oversee other nurses’ practices and engage in clinical decision-making processes in patient treatment plans (Takkush, 2022). As healthcare leaders, they carry the organizational vision and inspire change in other caregivers within the clinical healthcare teams. This paper explores the role of acute care nurse practitioners through the lens of future nursing practice.

Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

Acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) remain valuable in acute nursing care. They specialize in providing care for patients presenting with acute conditions as those with exacerbations of their chronic conditions. Due to the nature of their services, they may work in varied healthcare setups such as hospital emergency rooms, operating rooms, urgent care clinics, and even in ambulatory setups where prehospital emergency care is necessary. The future goal of an ACNP is to preserve the lives of persons presenting with exacerbated chronicity and those presenting with acute conditions. An ACNP also aims to provide quality and safe care to patients to prevent sequelae and complications that may be attributable to delays in treatment. ACNPs envision a community in which the members get critical care when health emergencies befall them. Additionally, ACNPs envision a healthcare system with adequate ACNPs who can sufficiently handle the growing number of casualties.

Globally, there has been an exponential increase in the number of patients presenting with chronic disorders requiring long-term care. The incidence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders continues to rise. Consequently, complications attributable to these disorders also increase (Gong et al., 2018). These complications often warrant prompt and acute care to enable the preservation of these lives. Also, with an increase in the aging American population, the incidences of acute presentations and exacerbations of underlying chronic disorders are expected to grow markedly. With emerging infectious diseases, acute presentations resulting from these infections may be apparent. These presentations are expected to put a considerable strain on the healthcare system. Accordingly, acute care nurse practitioners are expected to meet these increasing healthcare demands and release this strain. Their experience and expertise are invaluable in such scenarios. It is necessary that more nurses pursue this specialty field to enable the future healthcare system to meet the need for acute and preventive care.

Change Management Strategies

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, several changes in care provision are expected. Technological advances in healthcare coupled with healthcare innovations accustomed to these technological advances continue to inform several healthcare functionalities. Most healthcare innovations are targeted at increasing the efficiency of care provision, promoting safety, and enhancing the quality of care provision. Seamless integration of these newer approaches and changes in healthcare is necessary (Giusi et al., 2018). Change management strategies provide a systematic approach to dealing with organizational transformations.

Several change management strategies can be utilized in implementing changes within the healthcare system. Developmental change management strategy seeks to enhance the functional capacities of already existing systems. This may include skills expansion via continuous educational programs or acquisition of new expertise to bridge the functional gap that was apparent in the organization. The transformational strategy involves a slower rollout of the change process into the organizational framework. It employs a trial-and-error approach and does not give a definite outcome. This strategy remains effective in organizations that draw a diverse workforce, such as the healthcare system. A transitional change strategy replaces what already exists with a newer approach. Its utility is not favorable in the healthcare system.

To effect healthcare changes, change processes must be gradual. These change processes must also be wary of the complexities of the workforce and the likely implications it may have on organizational operationalization. In the healthcare system, change processes are often rolled out gradually to enable healthcare providers to accustom themselves to these changes (Moussa et al., 2019). Healthcare leaders are responsible for informing their team members of the change process. They should also inspire the change by communicating to the members how the change process will likely improve the efficiency of care provision.

Leadership Qualities Necessary for ACNPs

ACNPs, as healthcare leaders, will have to not only execute their roles in patient handling and management but also engage other healthcare providers in change management processes. For them to be excellent, they must possess skills and qualities. ACNPs should possess excellent communication skills. Communication skills will enable them to communicate effectively with their subjects and enhance interprofessional collaborations within the healthcare teams (Al-Motlaq, 2018). They should also be dedicated to healthcare excellence. This will enable them to go the extra mile in ensuring that all healthcare structures required for quality, safe, and effective care are in place.

Nurse leaders should also respect other nurses and professionals within the healthcare team. Respect fosters collaboration and ensures healthy interactions within the team. The overall effect is seen in excellent care provision and optimal clinical outcomes. ACNPs must also have good professional socialization skills. These skills will enable them to understand their subjects and know how to better serve them (Mannix et al., 2018). In addition, due to the complexities of clinical cases in the emergency and operation room, ACNPs should exhibit vast knowledge and expertise in handling these complexities as they will be involved in clinical decision-making processes for these patients. They must also have good critical thinking skills to enable them to navigate these challenges. Other qualities that enable ACNPs to excel in their roles include integrity, mentorship, and hard work.

Current Qualities I Possess and Those that I Wish to Develop

Currently, I am dedicated to nursing excellence and have adequate critical thinking skills. I am also hardworking and respect my peers and other professionals within the healthcare team. I continue to learn new skills and approaches in nursing and hope to be better knowledgeable in handling complexities presented in the clinical setting. I, however, have poor socialization skills and often have trouble interacting with other team members. I intend to work on that.

A Plan to Expand the Leadership Toolbox

To attain excellence in my leadership endeavors, I will have to expand my leadership toolbox. Kjellström et al. (2020) describe strategies for understanding leadership and what makes an individual a better leader. Understanding leadership roles, management and leadership development, and personal development make a better leader. Leadership and managerial development involve expanding an individual’s capability to lead and manage. These are elaborate approaches that require an individual to understand their role as leaders. To be a better leader, an individual may require additional training. Therefore, I will have additional training to expand my leadership and management skills to expand my leadership toolbox. I will also work closely with other nurse leaders to learn from them and obtain the prerequisite skills that define better leaders.

In conclusion, leadership roles for nurses challenge them to inspire change within the care organizations they work in. Due to the vastness of nursing roles and the criticality of their roles in healthcare, nurses should step up to embrace these leadership positions. Specialty nursing equips nurses with healthcare leadership skills. ACNPs, for instance, play a role in acute care. Furthermore, nurse leaders should guide other nurses and healthcare teams toward excellent care provision. Notably, to be effective in their roles, they must possess leadership attributes that make them better leaders.


Al-Motlaq, M. (2018). Nurse Managers’ Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership: A Review of Current Evidence. The Open Nursing Journal12(1), 225-227. https://doi.org/10.2174/1874434601812010225

Giusi, M., Baum, A., Plazzotta, F., Muguerza, P., & Gonzalez, F. (2021). Change Management Strategies: Transforming a Difficult Implementation into a Successful One. IOS Press Books.

Gong, J., Yu, X., Yi, X., Wang, C., & Tuo, X. (2018). Epidemiology of chronic non-communicable diseases and evaluation of life quality in elderly. Aging Medicine1(1), 64-66. https://doi.org/10.1002/agm2.12009

Kjellström, S., Stålne, K., & Törnblom, O. (2020). Six ways of understanding leadership development: An exploration of increasing complexity. Leadership16(4), 434-460. https://doi.org/10.1177/1742715020926731

Mannix, J., Wilkes, L., & Daly, J. (2018). Attributes of clinical leadership in contemporary nursing: an integrative review. Contemporary Nurse, 3505-3521. https://doi.org/10.5172/conu.2013.3505

Moussa, L., Garcia-Cardenas, V., & Benrimoj, S. (2019). Change Facilitation Strategies Used in the Implementation of Innovations in Healthcare Practice: A Systematic Review. Journal Of Change Management19(4), 283-301. https://doi.org/10.1080/14697017.2019.1602552

Takkush, M. (2022). Hamric and Hanson: Advanced Practice Nursing an Integrative Approach EDITION 6. Academia.edu. Retrieved 24 June 2022, from https://www.academia.edu/41705921/Hamric_and_Hansons_Advanced_Practice_Nursing_An_Integrative_Approach_EDITION_6


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My chosen MSN role is as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Nurses work together in rapidly changing environments and must adapt to keep up with these changes. Understanding the chosen nursing advanced practice role, change theory, and leadership skills fosters cooperative relationships and advances healthcare for all as nurses leading in the healthcare environment.

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change


Analyze your chosen MSN role. Reflect on the future of nursing and healthcare and how your chosen MSN role, change management, and leadership strategies will address the needs of the future healthcare system.

Evaluate the future vision and goals of your chosen MSN role and relate them to emerging healthcare trends and needs.
Investigate change management strategies you and other nursing advanced practice colleagues should understand to promote appropriate change management and response to the rapidly evolving healthcare system. Appraise leadership qualities necessary for your chosen advanced nursing practice role. Determine qualities you currently possess and those qualities you will need to develop for your chosen role.
Develop a plan to expand your leadership toolbox. What will you do to develop your leadership skills for future needs and challenges?

Your paper must be presented in a single Word document. The paper must be between 3 to 4 pages in length, not including the title and reference list pages. The paper must use proper APA formatting as directed in the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition, including the title page and reference list with properly formatted citations in the body of the paper.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 7th edition format.

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Health Organization Evaluation

Health Organization Evaluation

Health Organization Evaluation

Description of United Healthcare

United Healthcare is a for-profit healthcare organization that offers a wide range of health insurance and healthcare products. United Healthcare is one of the largest health insurance providers in the United States. The company’s services are available in over 130 countries globally. The organization’s mission is focused on helping people live better, healthier lives. It also aims to make it possible for healthcare systems to meet everyone’s needs. United Healthcare provides strengthening to health systems to improve the quality and performance of the health systems and improve the quality and affordability of health care services. Driven by a vision to develop a value-based system of care delivery, United Healthcare supports public systems, employers, and other providers of care to improve access to healthcare services. The company, as guided by its founding principles of integrity, relationships, continuous innovation, and compassion, has actively promoted better patient-care provider relationships and has provided guidance, information, and necessary tools to support better health decisions to achieve affordable and accessible healthcare. The healthcare company is well-equipped with healthcare professionals who are focused on improving patient outcomes and experiences.

United Healthcare Overall Readiness

United Healthcare is ready to meet the healthcare needs of its clients in the next decade. The current trends in healthcare present a challenging future for healthcare systems. These challenges require responsive and capacitated healthcare systems that are able to sustainably promote large-scale health and wellbeing (Theobald et al., 2018). Currently, United Healthcare offers a wide range of health coverage services and programs, including support for out-of-coverage access and chronic health issues coverage that are actively supporting and promoting the sustainability of the healthcare systems of the United States and the countries it operates in. The programs and services have proved to improve access to health care services by providing coverage solutions irrespective of income disparities.

United Healthcare is also leveraging its broad network to develop data useful in the planning of healthcare. Currently, the company has provided evidence-based information to partners and healthcare providers that have greatly influenced healthcare decisions, policies, and the quality of healthcare services. The company, therefore, has an advantage due to its extensive network to collect data and develop workable strategies that will assist in healthcare service planning and health business planning. Planning for the future based on the collected data will also help align the company’s resources with future healthcare coverage and service demands for improved productivity and quality healthcare services. The company will also be able to make use of this data to design and implement more patient-centered healthcare and health insurance services that assist in achieving its goal of better patient satisfaction.

The company is currently adopting digital systems to support the development of advanced person-centric and integrated care delivery systems. The company’s goal for developing digital health systems is to improve the accessibility of healthcare services through digital systems and the affordability of care. It also aims to leverage scientific best practices by integrating data in its approach to managed care to improve the efficiency of clinical access and claims.

Strategic Plan to Address Issues Pertaining to Network Growth, Nurse Staffing, Resource Management, and Patient Satisfaction

The current healthcare landscape characterized by pandemics, aging populations, economic uncertainty, and chronic health diseases offers strategic opportunities and challenges for health insurance organizations and service providers. These strategic opportunities and challenges have an impact on the growth of organizations, the level of staffing, resource management, and the satisfaction of the patients. For United Healthcare to successfully navigate through the period, the organization will have to apply strategic thinking in its planning.

The proposed strategic plan for United Healthcare will focus on improving administrative standards, adopting a culturally-informed approach to health care, adopting performance-based contracting, securing common administrative standards, utilizing modern technological achievements, nursing development, professional leadership development, and the use of evidence-based approaches to health management and care delivery.

The improvement of administrative standards will include the adoption of digital decision support systems and blockchain technology in the management of patient and provider data. According to Dimitrov (2019), blockchain-based data management systems present an opportunity to improve the efficiency of data management and reduction of costs. The adoption of blockchain for data management will improve data safety, security, and provider and patient experiences. This improves the timeliness of services, quality, and efficiency of claims reimbursements.

The plan will also focus on adapting the healthcare insurance services and programs to various cultures. Designing programs to fit in with the diverse global cultures will improve provider and user satisfaction, resulting in wider subscriptions and the organization expanding to new and emerging markets.

Finally, the strategic plan will also include the establishment of a nurse professional development center to provide both leadership and nursing skills development. This will help the organization meet the current market and workforce changes, reduce turnover intentions, and attract new nurses. It will also ensure that nurses are equipped with the right skills to review the utilization and management of resources and design improved care plans for patients.

Current and Potential Issues Facing United Healthcare Culture and Their Effect on Aspects of the Strategic Plan

The current and potential issues that may affect United Healthcare’s ability to implement the strategic plan are related to its size and ability to adapt to changes and the company’s simultaneous execution of several projects. Organizational size is a factor in a successful change process. As one of the largest providers of health insurance in the US, United Healthcare is most likely to have a slowed adaptation to the change process as the healthcare markets are fast changing. The introduction and use of new processes, technologies, and programs may take long before they are totally agreed on and implemented across the entire organization.

Another potential issue is related to the company’s engagement in multiple healthcare projects and businesses. A successful transformation process must be achieved in the micro and macro projects the company is executing. Projects have diverse requirements as per their internal and external environments when it comes to change. In addition, ongoing projects and programs overlap in terms of resource usage, and the company’s business management may find it hard to choose and prioritize programs and projects to execute during the transformation period.

Theoretical Model to Support Implementation of the Strategic Plan for United Healthcare

The strategic plan for United Healthcare to address issues related to the company’s growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction is transformational. The company will have to change various aspects like its overall business model, the design of its current products and services, the processes of doing business, and the current business system to adopt digital systems of care management. The successful implementation of the company’s transformative strategic plan and achievement of its strategic goals can be achieved by adopting a theoretical model that supports successful and continuous change in individuals and related social systems. The implementation of United Healthcare’s strategic plan will therefore be best supported by the Transformational Leadership Theory.

The Transformational Leadership Theory is a leadership model in which the leader works collaboratively with the subjects to identify and define the changes that are needed within the organization, develop a clear vision by inspiring the followers, and implement changes needed by converting the followers into associates (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). The transformational leadership theory is modeled around four primary components, including idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration (Collins et al., 2019). Therefore, the leadership model focuses on intrinsic motivation, developing and promoting innovativeness and creativity at an individual level, and influencing behaviors based on leadership practices.

The Transformational Leadership model offers the best support for the implementation of United Healthcare Group’s strategic plan as it promotes consistency in employees’ focus on the organization’s vision, mission, and set values. As the healthcare markets are becoming uncertain and the business environment is equally unstable, the transformational leadership model will help United Healthcare achieve improved employee satisfaction, commitment, and engagement.


Collins, E., Owen, P., Digan, J., & Dunn, F. (2019). Applying transformational leadership in nursing practice. Nursing Standard35(5), 59-65. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns.2019.e11408

Dimitrov, D. V. (2019). Blockchain applications for healthcare data management. Healthcare informatics research, 25(1), 51-56. https://doi.org/10.4258/hir.2019.25.1.51

Siangchokyoo, N., Klinger, R. L., & Campion, E. D. (2020). Follower transformation as the linchpin of transformational leadership theory: A systematic review and future research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly31(1), 101341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.101341

Theobald, S., Brandes, N., Gyapong, M., El-Saharty, S., Proctor, E., Diaz, T., … & Peters, D. H. (2018). Implementation research: new imperatives and opportunities in global health. The Lancet392(10160), 2214-2228. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32205-0


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My choice for the assignment: The healthcare organization is United Healthcare. Please use the Transformational Leadership Theory to discuss it.

Assignment: Research a healthcare organization or network that spans several states within the United States (United Healthcare). Assess the readiness of the healthcare organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the healthcare needs of citizens in the next decade.

Health Organization Evaluation

Health Organization Evaluation

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:

Describe the healthcare organization or network.
Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.
Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.
Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.
Propose a theory or model that could be used to support the implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be appropriate for the assignment and relevant to nursing practice.

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