Study Plan

Study Plan

Study Plan

My initial study plan highlighted key areas that required addressing and outlined a reading strategy that will enable me to address the areas. My current strength remains medications. My knowledge of pediatric nursing diagnoses has improved, though I still need to work on it to enhance my confidence and clinical practicum experience. To accomplish this, I have developed three new SMART goals that will ensure that I address these weakness areas.

The first goal is to allocate more reading time to these areas. This will enable me to cover more reading areas with each reading session. It will also enhance my flexibility in using varied learning tools when covering these areas. To accomplish this, I will maintain focus, remain disciplined in my studies, and avoid distractions. Discipline is necessary for the creation of a positive work ethic (Cuemath, 2022). The second goal is to use varied resources when reading these areas to enable a better understanding of the subject. The use of varied learning tools and resources facilitates a better understanding of the topic. Several resources are utilizable in this regard. To accomplish this, I will exploit online resources and the school’s library to outsource the required resources on the subject. Another goal is to continuously assess my progress and knowledge on the topic. This will enable me to fast-check my progress to ensure that I remain on the right track and that I am covering the right areas and understanding the content. To accomplish this, I will allocate a few minutes every day after my study sessions to assess my progress for the day. All these activities will de be done concurrently, with assessment time falling at the end of my 7-hour reading time. All assessments will last 25-30 minutes and will be done in the last hour of study. Each reading session will last 7 hours but with breaks. I’ll also allocate an hour for reviewing online resources during each study period.

To accomplish these tasks, I will use online resources such as articles, journals, YouTube videos, and grey literature. According to Brame (2017), videos remain effective in educational learning. I will also use group discussions and peer consultations to boost my understanding of the topic. I will also review case studies on the topic to have a perspective of how clinical cases on the same are handled by professional healthcare providers.


Brame, C. (2017). Effective Educational Videos: Principles and Guidelines for Maximizing Student Learning from Video Content. CBE—Life Sciences Education15(4), es6.

Importance of Discipline in Student’s Life. Cuemath. (2022). Retrieved 12 June 2022, from


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To Prepare
Reflect on the study plan you created in NRNP 6665. Did you accomplish your SMART goals? What areas of focus still present opportunities for growth?

Study Plan

Study Plan

The Assignment
Revise your study plan, summarizing your current strengths and opportunities for improvement.
Develop 3–4 new SMART goals for this quarter and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of how you will measure your progress.
Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.

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Envisioning the Future

Envisioning the Future

Envisioning the Future

My definition of wellness is now different. Before starting this course, I thought that wellness involved physical health only. I am now aware that wellness has so many dimensions. The dimensions of wellness that I have discovered in this class include physical, mental, spiritual, intellectual, social, and emotional wellness (Stoewen, 2017). No dimension of wellness is more critical than the other. This class has taught me many things about wellness; now, I view it differently. The four lenses help an individual comprehend an issue in wellness. It allows someone to understand if they have any problems with wellness. It also helps us understand the impacts of wellness-related matters on society. The four lenses have created a new perspective on viewing wellness. When you critically analyze a situation in wellness through the four lenses, you get a better picture of the origin of the problem.

Wellness has exciting implications in the future. I wonder if many people viewed wellness only in the physical dimension as I did. Many people do not understand that wellness is not only related to physical health. I hope that wellness will be a subject that will be extensively explored to ensure most people understand all the dimensions of wellness in the future. Suppose all aspects of wellness are not considered in decision-making at the societal level, which will create imbalances. I will apply everything I have learned in this course. I am not someone who judges others, but when I see others pass judgment on individuals due to issues in wellness, I will talk to them and explain to them what wellness is all about. Lessons learned from this course will help me live a more balanced life. I will implement self-care strategies such as physical activity, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet to improve my wellness (Martínez et al., 20221)


Martínez, N., Connelly, C. D., Pérez, A., & Calero, P. (2021). Self-care: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing sciences8(4), 418–425.

Stoewen D. L. (2017). Dimensions of wellness: Change your habits, change your life. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne58(8), 861–862.


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In this final discussion, look back on your experiences in the course and provide an overview of what you have learned regarding health and wellness. You can start by reviewing your final projects and the Module One discussion answers. In your initial post, address the following questions:

Envisioning the Future

Envisioning the Future

1)How have your definitions of wellness changed?
2)How do the four lenses approach wellness study concerning the individual and society?
3)How do the four lenses represent a way of seeing wellness?
4)What are the implications of wellness in the future?
5)How will you implement what you have learned in this course into your own life?

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