Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing


Many social media marketing platforms are available, but Facebook seems the best choice for SameDay. One of the advantages of using Facebook marketing is that the platform has many users (Queensland Government, 2018). There is a chance that most of Sameday’s target audiences have a Facebook account. Also, Facebook is a low-cost marketing strategy. Marketing campaigns that would cost thousands on other platforms cost a fraction on Facebook. Therefore, this makes the platform ideal for a company like SameDay with a limited budget.

According to Sheela & Ramya (2018), Facebook makes it possible to customize adverts. SameDay can use mobile phone numbers and emails they collect to target current customers with adverts. Also, Pixel enables companies to target customers who have visited the company’s website with adverts. SameDay will require a Facebook page to advertise effectively on the platform.


Before settling on an ideal social media marketing platform, there are several factors to consider. The company needs to review existing profiles to decide which has the highest number of followers and engagement rates among its current platforms (Nadaraja & Yazdanifard, 2013). There is no need, for instance, to waste time marketing on LinkedIn marketing if the current profiles have a limited audience.

Another characteristic to consider when choosing a social media marketing channel is the conversion rate. The company will need to look at traffic analytics to decide which platform brings the most converted leads. If the clients referred to the company through social media do not stick around, then the business should review its social media marketing strategy. Also, customers provide key insights that guide marketing strategy selection. Facebook is widespread and simple to use. Since SameDay targets the general population, Facebook is the most appropriate strategy.


Nadaraja, R., & Yazdanifard, R. (2013). Social media marketing: Advantages and disadvantages.

Queensland Government. (2018). Benefits of Facebook for business | Business Queensland.

Sheela, M., & Ramya, D. M. (2018). Social Media as a Marketing Platform. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN, 2349-5162.


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Unit 1 DB: About Social Media
Each social media platform caters to a particular target audience. In turn, these platforms require a diverse range of strategies and a range of expectations for appropriate content creation.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Simulated Business Scenario
Elan owns eMarketer, a social media marketing consultancy. Her client base is mostly small businesses with less than 20 employees who do not have an in-house social marketing team. Elan’s eMarketer provides her clients with customized social marketing plans and campaigns based on current social marketing. Her expertise focuses on social strategies and the major social channels.
Elan just landed a new client, SameDay, a newly formed same-day delivery service of groceries directly to a customer’s home. SameDay is asking you to generate a preliminary report that analyzes social media usage and recommended content types for each of the major social platforms.
Which of the major social media platforms should Elan recommend in her initial report to SameDay?
How do the characteristics of each social network impact Elan’s selection of social channels that are recommended to SameDay?

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Personal Branding

Personal Branding

Personal Branding

Benefits of Personal Branding

Personal branding on social media boosts a user’s credibility. Once job seekers upload a face behind their social media profiles, employers and other target audiences will likely trust them (Nanayakkara & Dissanayake, 2020). Besides, clients and employers consider one’s reputation before they engage them. Also, according to Petruca (2016), personal branding on social media is key to forming essential relationships. One thing on social media is that one never knows who they are talking to. Therefore, a random social conversation may be helpful if one party needs another party’s services. Therefore, social media marketers are encouraged to respond to as many messages as possible.

Moreover, social media platforms allow brands to market for free. A constant presence on social media and regular posting gives a brand free publicity (Johnson, 2017). One would have to pay if they were marketing through traditional platforms. Social media personal branding also generates leads and creates sales. Research shows that 77% of customers are more likely to buy from a personal brand than a business brand. The idea is that at the end of the day, customers buy from people and not brands. A one-on-one engagement between sellers and buyers builds long-lasting trust, which can potentially convert to sales.

Additional Recommended Social Media Marketing Platforms


Other than LinkedIn, Eboni can use Facebook to market her services. Unlike other platforms, Facebook allows marketing using different modes other than text, including photos and videos (Butow et al., 2020). Also, one can market their services or products by commenting on influencers’ pages. Influencers naturally attract many followers; hence, commenting on their pages will redirect the audience to a marketer’s page.


A marketer can also use Quora to drive a professional brand. The platform is a question-and-answer site where questions on different subject matters are asked, answered, and edited (Botticello, 2020). Other than being a site where one can learn various subject matters from the best experts, marketers can use the platform to build credibility, showcase expertise, and elevate a brand.


Botticello, C. (2020). The Best Platforms to Build Your Personal Brand. Medium.

Butow, E., Allton, M., Herman, J., Liu, S., & Robinson, A. (2020). Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing. Entrepreneur Press.

Johnson, K. M. (2017). The importance of personal branding in social media: educating students to create and manage their personal brand. International journal of education and social science4(1), 21-27.

Nanayakkara, N. W. O. K. D. S. P., & Dissanayake, D. M. R. (2020). Application of Social Media for Personal Branding: A Conceptual Review. The International Journal of Business & Management, 8(1).

Petruca, I. (2016). Personal branding through social media. International Journal of Communication Research6(4), 389.


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Unit 4 DB: Personal BrandingUnit 4 DB: Personal Branding
As social media advances, personal branding is becoming more important than ever. It’s an intentional effort to influence public perception and position yourself as an authority in your industry. Put simply; it is your reputation!

Personal Branding

Personal Branding

Simulated Business Scenario
Eboni is about to graduate with her Marketing degree from Post University. She has begun her job search for a social media management role and is interested in working in the tech industry. Although Eboni recently updated her LinkedIn profile, she has only gotten a handful of leads. She wants to start personal branding across other social media channels to stand out from other job seekers. Eboni has already started defining her niche and wants to be seen as an expert in her field.
Eboni has asked you to help coach her as she continues to develop her personal brand. What thoughts would you share with Eboni regarding the following two questions?
What are the benefits of Eboni building her personal brand on social media?
Which additional social media platforms would you recommend Eboni become active on as she tries to perfect a competitive advantage as a social media marketer in the tech industry?

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Marketing- MKT607

Marketing- MKT607

Marketing- MKT607

Assess your current situation and the market (What are your firm’s strengths and weaknesses?)

Bikes are gaining acceptability in the market because of the emphasis on environmental sustainability. Therefore, we have a broad market base that can be leveraged to increase profits. Bikes have also become prevalent in most companies’ logistics because they do not cost a lot to maintain. Many companies rely on bike riders to get products delivered to their customers within specified timelines. Therefore, we can customize our bikes by including a GPS location that will always notify owners where their bikes are and the routes they take daily. Our company is also able to meet specific customer needs by customizing bikes based on customer needs and preferences. This will help us create a competitive advantage over other bike manufacturers. Another strength is a good return on investment because the demand for our bikes is anticipated to be high due to their unique features and convenience.

Although the strengths identified above create a promising future for our company, there are various weaknesses that could affect business success and slow the growth process. One of the weaknesses is the need for high technology. The bikes have to be equipped with 3D technology, which may be costly to implement. Therefore, the company may first opt to manufacture fewer bikes based on its financial capacity and increase production based on demand. Another weakness is low net income because the company has to invest a lot of money in purchasing the technology required to manufacture the bikes and pay highly skilled manufacturers who are conversant with the proposed technology and how to use it to manufacture bikes that compete favorably in the bikes and transportation market.

What were the lessons learned and recommendations?

One of the lessons learned is that implementing new technology to manufacture a product is costly and requires ensuring that the team in charge of the manufacturing process has the skills and capabilities needed to produce the desired product without wasting the company’s resources. Therefore, I would recommend training the manufacturing team to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and capabilities required to manufacture the bikes. The second lesson learned is that production errors could have a long-term negative impact on the company. Therefore, I recommend testing the bikes before releasing them to the market. The testing should include ensuring that every aspect of the bike is advertised to gain the trust of potential customers and gain a competitive advantage. According to Russo & Confente (2017), customer loyalty plays a significant role in defining how a product is perceived in the market and dictates return sales.

Another lesson learned is that business strategy can be aligned based on the company’s performance. For instance, a company may opt to differentiate its product when facing stiff competition or use cost leadership when introducing a new product in a highly competitive market. I would recommend using different business strategies to create a competitive advantage. The company may consider using a blend of focused cost leadership and focused differentiation. Focused cost leadership includes competing based on price to target a smaller target market, and focused differentiation strategy includes providing unique features that meet the demands of a smaller target market (An & Lifen, 2017). Therefore, our company needs to identify a narrow target market with the highest growth potential and concentrate on it to increase sales. I would also recommend regular market research to identify changes in the market structure so that the company can adjust its branding strategy on time.


An, G., & Lifen, C. (2017). Explore the integration of cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Computer Science (ICEMC 2017).

Russo, I., & Confente, I. (2017). Customer loyalty in the business-to-business context. Customer Loyalty and Supply Chain Management, 14-50.


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Assessment Description
1- Assess your current situation in the market, considering your firm’s strengths and weaknesses.

Marketing- MKT607

Marketing- MKT607

2- What were the lessons learned and recommendations?

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Consulting Proposal

Consulting Proposal

Consulting Proposal

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my interest in providing consulting services for your coaching program. Our organization has a history of assisting organizations in planning and implementing business strategies that meet organizational needs. Our team of experts ensures that the strategies implemented in achieving organizational growth align with your organization’s structure and culture. We are also familiar with the most effective coaching approaches to facilitate the faster acquisition of the knowledge and expertise needed to improve organizational efficiency.

Our team of dedicated consultants is ready to work with your Company to create a friendly budget for our services. We will also plan our deliverables based on your timeline to avoid delays in implementing your training program. The team will also use their professional expertise to help your organization deal with any challenges in building your brand and the most effective ways to deal with the obstacles encountered in creating brand awareness.

We look forward to working with you and helping you develop a workforce with the required expertise to boost your organizational performance and effectiveness. We are ready to meet and discuss the terms of our partnership and plan the way forward. Thank you so much for your attention and consideration.

Best regards,

John Doe


Consulting services need to be designed based on the organization’s area of operation. In the current case, the Client’s’ Company is a coaching company that intends to offer training through a three-level certification program for healthcare leaders and professionals to start incorporating a Coaching Approach into the work setting within the shortest time possible. The Company’s’ training program aims to create positive reactions supporting enhanced performance, career growth, and better relationships with colleagues, patients, and clients. The Company requires our consulting services to develop effective coaching programs that support healthcare practitioners through short courses. The Company wants to venture into coaching in occupational therapy and adult education to improve its delivery of services to the community. The most appropriate consulting package must include online and offline consulting services because the Company currently operates online and offline. However, the Company’s’ offline services are only available to people within Vancouver, Canada, and British Colombia.

Project Scope

The project’s scope will include establishing substantial brand equity by ensuring our Client’s’ Company gains recognition as the best caching Company. We will focus on enhancing the quality of existing coaching programs, including the Coach Approach, Home Office Consultation, Holistic Coaching, and Coaching for Return to Work service, because these are the main coaching programs implemented by the Client’s Company. The Coach Approach includes a certification program for leaders and healthcare professionals. The program facilitates positive reactions that support better performance, career growth, and relationships with colleagues, patients, and clients. The Holistic Coaching services target professionals and leaders looking for an accountability partner to move forward with professionally or personally. It includes tailored packages supporting clients, whether they are focusing on increasing joy at home or work, improving work/life balance, preventing burnout, or improving leadership skills. Therefore, our organization will support the Client to ensure that every training session ends with more clarity. We will also create an action plan that helps achieve the client organization’s goals or vision.

Home Office Consultations service is connected to the coach approach to helping employees working remotely troubleshoot their home office’s physical coaching environment and establish an action plan to create productive habits and prevent injuries that may arise from computer work. Our consultants will, therefore, help the Client determine various techniques that can be used to remotely offer coaching without affecting employee productivity and ability to grasp the content in coaching programs. Coaching for Return to Work service has been designed for residents in British Columbia who have sustained injury or illness and still need to function or return to work. The Client already has a team of consultants consisting of registered occupational therapists who have completed the Coach Approach certification program. Our consulting services will help the Client design a practical function or return-to-work success approach and the measures to sustain positive change within and outside the workplace. We will also focus on determining additional elements that can be added to existing coaching programs to attract more customers and promote organizational sustainability.

Our Team

Our diverse team includes people with different knowledge, skills, and expertise. One of the team members is an experienced reservations manager with a demonstrated history of working in consumer service. The member’s expertise in consumer service will help conduct a needs assessment to determine what the coaching programs should include and how they should be structured to benefit leaders and professionals. The second team member has three years of work experience in the construction industry. The team member will help design an appropriate action plan for the coaching programs and manage the relationship between our Company and the Client. The third team member is a teacher. The consulting process will rely on the teacher’s guidance on the duration of the coaching sessions, how to assess the success of the coaching programs, and adjustments that need to be made in the coaching process to accommodate everyone’s learning needs. The fourth team member will be an experienced product and business development director. The team member will guide the Client in establishing a strong positive relationship between the consultants in charge of implementing the coaching programs and the people attending the coaching sessions. Although every team member will be consulted on their area of expertise, decision-making will be done collectively to facilitate the exchange of ideas. Team members will also be required to monitor each other’s activities to ensure that they are aimed at benefiting our Client and helping the Client achieve both long-term and short-term goals.

Deliverables, Timeline, and Budget

Tasks Due Date Price
Setting the goals and objectives to be achieved by the end of our partnership 28th February $0.00
Social media audit 15th March 2022 $50.00
Completion of the rebranding strategy 18th March 2022 $3000.000
Design marketing strategy 25th March 2022 $100.00
Strategy implementation 5th April 2022 $5000.00
Designing follow-up options 28th February $50.00
Weekly follow-up sessions 9th September $100.00
Productivity evaluation 9th September $100.00
Time management evaluation 9th September $100.00
Communication evaluation 9th September $100.00

As indicated in the table above, the first deliverable will be setting the goals and objectives that will be met by the end of our partnership with the Client. The main objective will be creating a solid brand for our clients and maintaining customer loyalty. The second objective will be a social media audit to include the coaching services our Client intends to introduce in the new coaching division. The third deliverable will be completing the rebranding strategy to create a brand that includes coaching services. The fourth deliverable will be designing a marketing strategy. Our Client needs to focus on intense marketing to build a strong brand by creating awareness of the coaching division and its services. The marketing strategy will focus on the value proposition to attract a broader client base. The fifth deliverable will be implementing the strategy to build our Clients’ brand and create a good reputation for continued long-term growth. The sixth deliverable will be designing follow-up options to determine the Client’s progress toward achieving long-term and short-term goals. The primary follow-up options that will be considered will be weekly, bimonthly, and monthly follow-ups. Regular follow-ups will help eliminate challenges limiting the Client’s’ ability to meet anticipated goals and objectives.

The seventh deliverable will be conducting weekly follow-up sessions to determine whether the implemented strategy is practical and within the Client’s’ scope. The eighth deliverable is evaluating productivity. Productivity evaluation will help determine whether the Client’s’ organization is headed in the right direction. Therefore, the team will be better positioned to amend the action plan to create positive progress. The ninth deliverable is time management evaluation to ensure that the activities within the project scope are completed within the required timeline. The tenth deliverable is communication evaluation to ensure a proper flow of information between the Client and team members. Information will include the Client’s’ feedback on what our team has done and any recommendations to improve our partnership and make necessary adjustments to our proposed strategy.

The signature indicates acceptance of the proposal, and work will commence upon receipt.

On behalf of X Consulting Company On behalf of the Client, the Company
Date: Date:


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Consulting Proposal

Consulting Proposal

Team Overview

1. An experienced Reservations Manager with a demonstrated history of working in consumer services
2. An individual with three years of work experience in the construction industry.
3. A teacher
4. An experienced product and business development director

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Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Major Types of Content That Manny Should Use In the Report

According to Hilker (2017), content marketing is marketing a brand or business by sharing insight, entertainment, or educational information to make a purchase decision. One of the main elements of successful content marketing is creating a content marketing strategy based on the business or organization’s goals (Repovien?, 2017). One of the types of content marketing that Manny should use in the report is infographics. According to Rowe (2017), infographics include stacking a lot of information into one image in a visually appealing way to catch the intended audience’s attention. Manny should create an infographic summarizing the importance of content marketing to the company, the estimated budget, and its alignment with the company’s marketing objectives. Manny should also use reviews and testimonials on the success of content marketing in businesses to convince senior management to approve the content marketing idea. Manny may share a link to sites where the testimonials have been posted and take a screenshot of important reviews on content marketing.

How Manny Could Help Tamika Persuade Senior Management to Approve the New Budget

Manny would help Tamika persuade senior management by finding case studies on companies that have increased market share and sales using content marketing. They also need to justify the need to purchase photos to use in content marketing due to the rank of photos as the most effective content in content marketing. Butow et al. (2020) argue that selecting an image for content marketing requires understanding the medium in which the image will be used, published, and consumed. Photos in content marketing can be generated through creating graphics, purchasing high-quality images, and photographing (Isa, 2014). Macy’s digital marketing department should consider purchasing images because picking images from the internet may require brand permissions and may not give the company access to a unique image that another brand has never used before.


Butow, E., Herman, J., Liu, S., Allton, M., & Robinson, A. (2020). The ultimate guide to social media marketing. Ultimate.

Hilker, C. (2017). Content-marketing-Strategien. Content Marketing in der Praxis, 71-145.

Isa, G. (2014). Content marketing secrets: An insider’s guide for creating killer content. CreateSpace.

Repovien?, R. (2017). Content marketing elements for search advertising. Socialiniai tyrimai, 40(1), 47-55.

Rowe, A. (2017). Infographics. Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets.


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Unit 5 DB: Content MarketingUnit 5 DB: Content Marketing
Content marketing is an integral component of social media marketing. For example, we see websites with blogs and branded profiles on major social media networks. Blog posts get shared on many social channels. Well-designed social media marketing is about promoting brands and using social platforms to grow and educate an audience(s).

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Simulated Business Scenario
Tamika is a newly hired VP leading Macy’s digital marketing department. She quickly learns that Macy’s is late in integrating social media into their overall integrated marketing strategy. Tamika wanted to form a new team in her department that would focus on social media marketing.
Tamika drafted a budget to fund the new team, and she is scheduled to deliver a presentation to senior management for their approval of the new budget. She knows that Macy’s revenue is down 25%, and senior management is resisting any new expenditures.
Tamika knows she needs help with the presentation, so she asks her top manager, Manny, to put together some information that identifies the major types of content marketing.
Knowing that a brand needs permission to use an image that they found on the internet, what are the major types of content that Manny should use in the report?
Using the ranking of the different types of content (based on popularity), how could Manny help Tamika persuade senior management to approve the new budget?

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Brand Equity

Brand Equity

Brand Equity

Brand loyalty

Coca-Cola’s coke product is one of the global brands that have had high consumer loyalty for many years. Brand loyalty is the repeat purchases of a particular brand by consumers based on the perception of high quality and favorable service. Coke’s brand loyalty is quite strong; over time, the company has changed its cans, but consumers have never run away from it but rather remained loyal (The News World Report, 2022). Coca-Cola Company achieved and maintained Coke’s brand loyalty by maintaining same pricing for about 70 years amid the increasing demand.

Coca-Cola Company maintained a cost leadership strategy in a competitive beverage market and managed to keep the prices of its drinks down throughout a generation, thus earning consumers’ loyalty (The News World Report, 2022). According to the analysis, Coca-Cola has 93.3% of the brand strength index score, making it America’s strongest brand. (Palmquist, 2016). The brand strength index is calculated from brand loyalty by consumer perception and preferences. Coca-Cola’s brand loyalty is undeniable because of the popularity of its Coke beverage among consumers.

Brand awareness

Brand awareness is the number of people who know the product and can recognize it amongst many competitors’ products. Coca-Cola’s Coke product has the highest brand awareness across the world. It is estimated that about 7.1 billion people globally would recognize Coca-Cola’s logo when they see it; this is about 94% of the global population (MMA, 2015). Coca-Cola managed to build Coke’s massive brand awareness through aggressive advertising using multiple media such as television, radio, magazines, and online (Finkle, 2018). Coke’s popularity was decreasing among the millennials. However, the company countered the decrease by launching new campaigns to create more awareness among the younger generations (MMA, 2015). To reconnect with the millennials, it came up with the “Share a Coke” brand awareness campaign to captivate their emotions so they can consume it more.


Finkle, C. (2018). What is Brand Awareness? Retrieved from

MMA. (2015). Coca-Cola Roja: Coca-Cola “Share a Coke” Brand Awareness. Retrieved from

Palmquist, M. (2016). What Can the Cola Wars Teach Us about Brand Loyalty? Retrieved from

The News World Report. (2022). Coca-Cola is the Strongest Brand in the US, With a Brand Strength of 93.3%. Retrieved from


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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Brand Equity

Brand Equity

Consider a product you are familiar with.
Discuss its brand equity in at least 2 of the following areas: brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations, or brand assets.

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