Discussion Of Consideration In Contracts And Revocation Of Offers

Example Case: Josie and SamIn common law, a contract needs to have consideration to serve as its bargaining piece. To some extent, a contract will risk losing it legal power if it would be formed without consideration. And if it would demand the court to enforce it for the sake of justice, the law will have the burden of seeking other elements like an intention to be legally bound so as to enforce the contract. These factors brought by the rul…

The Essay Covers Australian Wine Industry, Perfect Competition, Price Discrimination, Externalities, Business Cycles, And HDI Of Australia.

Monopolistic Competition in Australian Wine IndustryThe features of Australian wine industry are similar to that of the monopolistic competition. Those are as follows:
Many producers and many consumers: The wine industry comprises of almost 2000 producers, but few major ones dominate the entire market. The consumer market is also very large and consists of domestic and international consumers.
Product differentiation: There are many variet…

US Constitution And American Revolution: Legislative, Executive, And Judicial Branches

Background of the American Revolution1.The first most objectionable complaint against the British King leading to rebellion from American Colonists was the refusal to have them represented in the British government.  Initially, there had been Colonist representatives that mustered the army and collected taxes and also contributed in setting local policies. However, after the British war with the French, Great Britain refused to accept any…

Development And Evaluation Of Literacy Practices In Australian Curriculum

Definition of Literacy and Australian CurriculumLiteracy is the capability of reading, writing, and viewing, designing and communicating in a way that permits an individual to communicate in an effective manner. The power of the literacy does not only concern the capability of reading and writing, but also indicates towards the ability of an individual to connect effectively while using such skills. Therefore they can distinguish and interpret t…

Water, Nutrient And Electrolyte Reabsorption In The Nephron Of Kidney

Process of Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte Reabsorption in Nephron1. Describe the process of water, nutrient and electrolyte reabsorption in the nephron of the kidney. In your answer, make sure to address the following questions:
a) What is the order of structures that the renal filtrate will pass through as it moves through a nephron?
A person has more than one million nephrons that are stacked in the renal cortex. Basically the nephron c…

Failure Analysis Of A Connecting Rod In A Reciprocating Compressor

Causes of Connecting Rod FailureThe advancement in the development of technology and particularly equipment has raised a lot of concerns when it comes to the reliability, availability, and reduction of risks in equipment. This, therefore, means that the maintenance strategies of machines should be of greatest priority in any industry (Alarbe, 2010, p. 886).  The maintenance helps to cover up for the failures that come along with th…

Essay On Shale And Tight Gas Development’s Impacts: Health, Environment, And Growth.

Overview of the scientific literature on the impact of UNGDShale & tight gas growth happens to be the main concern of controversy in the recent years. The shale and tight gas development is also called as the Unconventional Natural Gas Development.  The UNGD has a greater impact on the public health, geography, environment and economic growth and this has gained the attention of the law makers, media and has become the subject of deba…

What Is A Carbon Tax And Emission Trading Schemes? Essay.

Why carbon pricing policies are necessaryClimate change can be described as a ‘market failure’ since the current measure of measuring economic growth do not account for the negative externalities to the environment and consequently, the cost of these externalities to the society. This is simply due to the fact that policy intervention is required to correct the possible harmful effects of climate change. If countries had to face the …

Establishing Hand Placed Concrete Paved Footway And Bikeway

Objectives of the projectThe background of the project is concentrated in building the footway and bikeway for better transportation.
The project concentrates on concrete pavements of the foothpaths and bikeways so that it can reduce accident and provide ample space for parking that helps in proper funtioning of the individuals nearby.
The main objective of the project is to establish a footway and bikway for all the individuals and establ…

Project Management Techniques & Project Planning Essay.

Using Flow Charts as a Project Management ToolThe flow chart is a very important tool that is used for the project management technique. The flow chart provides the flow of the processes that can take place during a project. The flow chart provides the different procedures that are to be conducted in a project and also they display the steps that are required to complete the procedures and also the flow chart shows the direction of the flow of…