Vendor Negotiation

Vendor Negotiation

Vendor Negotiation

Vendor: I am sorry to inform you that your order for spring patio deliveries will be delayed due to unavoidable circumstances. Problems in the shipment area mean the order will be delayed for one month.

Me: That is quite unfortunate. My operations rely on patios, and I believe I told you that. Such delays will affect my activities from now on.

Vendor: I understand your predicament, dear customer. However, our hands are tied now, and are short of options. However, we would love to hear what we can do to make it up to you.

Me: Well, in that case, I would like to know if you can give me a discount on the purchase price. Such a discount will cover the losses I might incur due to the delay.

Vendor: We can negotiate the initial markup price once the shipment arrives. However, we must wait until the delivery arrives before engaging you.

Me:  Fair enough. I have another concern in light of the delay. Now that you offered my competitor patio deliveries, which I could not access, would you please delay the delivery for the competitor and deliver them all at once?

Vendor: Your concerns are legitimate. We have informed your competition that he has to wait until the delivery is ready. We rejected their request for advanced delivery.

Me: Good. Please also remember to ensure that you deliver the right quality. Please avoid late deliveries in the future because they cause sales losses, customer dissatisfaction, and overall business inefficiency.

Vendor: We have noted your concerns with the weight they deserve. We hope you will accept our request for more shelf space at your store. Thank you!

Negotiating Techniques and Structured Steps Used

Among the earliest stages of a negotiation process is information exchange. Both parties lay their claims at this stage (Perks & Oosthuizen, 2013). Also, participants in a negotiation express their concerns and interests. As evident in the conversation above, none of us interrupted one another as we presented our concerns. Allowing one another to express their concerns without interruption goes a long way toward building trust. Another essential stage is to bargain and problem-solve. In the conversation above, I negotiated for a discount from the vendor to make up for the delays. Bargaining eliminates the inherent conflicting interests in a negotiation process.


Perks, P. S., & Oosthuizen, N. (2013). Exploring supplier negotiation best practices and supplier relationships strategies in South Africa. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research2(1), 333.


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In this assignment, you will apply a communication model to structure a vendor negotiation conversation, build an outline, and write the dialogue.

Vendor Negotiation

Vendor Negotiation

Read the following case study scenario:

You are the buyer at Denigee’s Outdoor Superstore, a nationwide chain of home and patio stores. The vendor representative from “Patio Expressions” calls you to tell you that this month’s primary delivery of Spring patio accessories will be a month late due to a problem with shipping. The vendor wants an extension on the purchase order so he can deliver the merchandise when it arrives at his distribution center.


  1. Review the details of the case study scenario in the document below. Use the information to analyze your business position. Think about what you need to consider, what you need to communicate, and what you need to negotiate. In this scenario, you benefit from knowing more about the vendor’s position than you would in a “real life” negotiation. Use it to your advantage.
  • Vendor Negotiation Information: Case Study
  1. Apply what you’ve learned to develop an entire dialogue. Use the negotiating techniques you learned, including active listening and body language, to create your negotiation conversation.
  2. In 275 words, double-spaced, present your dialogue and explain how the negotiating techniques and structured steps in your vendor conversation will result in the predicted outcomes.

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Talent Management Plan

Talent Management Plan

Talent Management Plan

A recommendation of 3 recruitment sources that are best suited to recruit pilots. Consider the quantity of resumes generated, the percentage of resumes likely to result in accepted offers, the time to fill a position, and the cost to fill a position.

Recruiters have a wide variety of sources they can use to seek pilots. One of these is referrals. Referrals tend to offer reliable recommendations for qualified individuals. In the case of Southwest Airlines, the family is an integral part of the work. Thus, it is easy to find brothers, sisters, and friends working for the airline. The HR department encourages employees to provide referrals to fill vacant positions. Such referrals are ideal as an individual can only recommend someone whose work ethic they know. The preferred candidates might likely share some of the values with the person who referred them. It eases the process of integration into the organization’s culture. Besides this advantage, Southwest Airlines can use this strategy to cut costs of recruitment that are consumed while advertising (Glodz). Most importantly, Southwest Airlines must invest in training to ensure that the referred candidates gain all the skills and knowledge if they emerge successfully.

Recruiting organizations offer an additional source of talent. Recruiters can access potential candidates as they collate data from varying individuals seeking jobs. They reduce costs and the time consumed while advertising for recruitment purposes. Data shows that recruiters contribute to at least 14.1 percent of successful hires (Glodz). Hiring staff use less time to peruse through resumes, and the lead time to hire is reduced significantly.

Finally, hiring managers are another reliable source of potential candidates that Southwest Airlines can utilize. Statistics show that at least 30 percent of candidates who applied for employment using hiring managers were employed in 2018 (Glodz). The translation of applications into successful hires when using hiring managers is higher than on other platforms, such as job boards. Thus, this observation provides a valid and grounded reason to use hiring managers for recruitment purposes.

An evaluation of common methods used to select a candidate

Organizations invest time, human, and financial resources in the selection methods to ensure they obtain the best candidates for the vacant positions. The selection process includes methods such as interviews, judgment tests, and exercises that reveal an individual’s cognitive abilities. Each method provides the recruiting team with information regarding an individual’s character traits that are critical to job performance.

Methods are determined by their reliability, validity, costs, legality, and validity. At Southwest Airlines, attitude is important. Thus, personality, integrity, and judgment tests in various situations are appropriate. The team can identify aspects of an individual not stated in the resume, confirming their validity (Dan & Xinde 234). Their reliability is realized in their ability to reveal an individual’s attitude. The methods are legal since they do not discriminate against certain candidates or violate their fundamental rights.

An evaluation of common methods used to train and develop employees

Training of employees is a critical aspect that enables the workforce to gain skills and knowledge that are critical for the performance of their duties. Organizations use multiple training methods to ensure that employees obtain maximum benefits from training. For pilots, one of the appropriate methods would be hands-on training. This style allows trainers to impart knowledge and skills that are required to fly a plane safely. The method continues even during employment as individuals learn constantly. Simulations also provide a chance for pilots to train in similar situations as in a plane. This method allows prompt problem identification and remediation. E-learning is an alternative training method that allows pilots to increase their knowledge. Its ease of implementation and access makes the training method popular among organizations (Dan & Xinde 235). Every organization has to consider the knowledge and skills gap, time, and available financial and human resources before settling for a training method.

An evaluation of common performance management systems

Using performance management systems, employers can evaluate their pilots’ performance. This informs the employer and employees whether expectations and goals are met while feedback is provided consistently. Feedback provision is one of the strategies that Southwest Airlines should adopt. This involves providing information regarding an individual’s work performance. It involves two parties. Due to the importance of attitude and family style of work, pilots can seek feedback in relaxed environments (Pulakos). Respect is critical in the provision of feedback, allowing individuals to incorporate the change.

An evaluation of common methods to minimize voluntary turnover

Voluntary turnover affects the recruitment process by increasing costs significantly (Krell). Productivity and performance are affected by high turnover negatively. To retain pilots, Southwest Airlines should identify the ideal motivation strategies that suit each individual. Offering these as rewards will motivate individuals as each has a different significance to the pilots. Other methods include financial rewards and recognition of employees. Most importantly, the airline should use recruitment by hiring the right candidates for vacant positions (SHRM). This stems from voluntary turnover enabling the company to include other strategies that couple up as motivational and retention. Once employees fit in culturally, it is possible to use other retention strategies successfully.

Works Cited

Dan, Yang and Chen Xinde. “Innovation Research of Enterprise Human Resource Selection—-The Selection of Southwest Airlines.” International Journal of Business and Social Science 5.7 (2014): 234-241.

Glodz, Matt. The Best Ways to Get a Job Offer [Research-Based]. December 2019. 2020. <>.

Krell, Eric. 5 Ways to Manage High Turnover. 2012. <>.

Pulakos, Elaine D. Performance Management. Alexandria: SHRM Foundation., 2004.

SHRM. Managing for Employee Retention. 2020. November 2020. <>.


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Talent Management Plan For Pilots At Southwest Airlines

Develop a 3- to 4-page proposal that includes the following:

Talent Management Plan

Talent Management Plan

  1. A recommendation of 3 recruitment sources that are best suited to recruit pilots. Consider the quantity of resumes generated, the percentage of resumes likely to result in accepted offers, the time to fill a position, and the cost to fill a position.
  2. An evaluation of common methods used to select a candidate
    1. Recommend 3 methods for selecting new pilots.In your evaluation, consider reliability, validity, utility, and legality.
  3. An evaluation of common methods used to train and develop employees
    1. Recommend 3 methods for training pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider learning and development outcomes, cost of training and development, effectiveness of training and development, and risks.
  4. An evaluation of common performance management systems
    1. Recommend 1 method for performance management of pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider strategic congruence, validity,reliability, acceptability, and specificity.
  5. An evaluation of common methods to minimize voluntary turnover
    1. Recommend 1 approach to retain pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider methods for retaining employees, meeting pilot needs, and cost.


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Principles of Management

Principles of Management

Principles of Management

Management abilities are applicable in both personal and professional lives. In one’s personal life, one can make decisions, think through each, evaluate barriers, and improve each consistently. Decision-making is inevitable because daily life involves multiple options. Therefore, possessing some managerial skills related to decision-making helps make effective choices. Organizational skills also affect one’s ethics. Learning the various theories that explain ethics opens one’s mind to personal evaluation. One constantly evaluates the choices they make daily and the actions they take part in. This constant evaluation investigates the observation of an individual’s ethical beliefs and principles (Singh, 2018).

In a professional position, the skills and knowledge obtained from the course are instrumental in various ways. First, one understands the aspects that affect the organization’s performance. The internal and external environments are critical to an entity. This applies to all sectors, including aviation. Understanding that these environmental factors can affect a business’s direction and an entity’s performance allows one to remain aware of these factors as an employee or manager. In addition, one can go through the change process with an appositive attitude. Understanding that change is not an easy process allows employees and managers to approach the process with a positive attitude. The managers in the valuation sector are also able to take their employees through the change process successfully.

The knowledge significantly improves communication with colleagues within an organization. Lack of effective communication affects multiple organizations negatively. Worse, the lack of improvement knowledge tends to affect the aura of an entity as employees feel lost. Motivation is critical in an organization. Understanding boosting motivation is an essential managerial skill because entities can have their employees improve their commitment significantly (OpenStax, 2019).


OpenStax. (2019). Principles of Management. OpenStax.

Singh, H. (2018). Ethical Leadership and Organization Effectiveness. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 20(6), 53-57.


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Principles of Management

Principles of Management

In 2-3 paragraphs, respond to the following. Your initial post should be substantive and be supported by course concepts. Read and respectfully reply to your classmates’ posts to create dialogue and further learning.
How can the concepts learned in this course help you succeed in your personal and professional life? Be specific.

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Recruitment Laws

Recruitment Laws

Recruitment Laws

The recruitment process is usually a response to the need for additional staff members. Human Resource departments have different options at their disposal that they can use to fill vacant positions. These include referrals, outsourcing recruitment services, using the existent database to find new candidates, or promoting from within (Gusdorf, 2008). When HR managers choose to recruit new employees, they must consider the legal aspects that govern the entire process.

Identify 4–5 employee recruitment laws that pertain to pre-employment recruitment activities.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against certain candidates. Potential employees should not be discriminated against based on race, skin color, religion, nationality, or gender. This law applies to organizations that have at least 15 employees. Employers are not allowed to request photographs from the candidates (The University of Illinois System, 2018). Questions regarding one’s racial background or religion are also prohibited because they go against the law.

Impact of the Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 introduced dynamic changes in the workforce. Women were the first beneficiaries as their numbers at the workplace increased. In 1967, 29 percent of the civilian workforce consisted of women. During this time, the laws were still new. In 2013, women constituted 47 percent of the same workforce. The minority groups also benefitted from the law significantly. According to data analysis provided by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the private sector increased its minority representation in the workforce by 10 percent between 1996 and 2012 (Lytle, 2014). Despite being insufficiently represented, minority groups and women enjoy more opportunities for employment than they did prior to the law’s enactment. In addition, discrimination in the workplace has been reduced drastically, making the law effective due to lawsuits. As a result, most organizations have reviewed their policies and practices to avoid unfair treatment of employees and possible legal battles.

The diversity in the workplace has led to a rich workforce that addresses the needs of diverse clients more efficiently. This has resulted in positive changes such as productivity, job satisfaction, client satisfaction, and increased revenues. A diverse workforce also acts as a competitive advantage for a company, which leads to a better brand in the market. The human resource departments have been forced to review the various practices and policies that have a discriminatory impact. Unfortunately, the law has not been effective in reducing unconscious bias. Companies that rely on word of mouth during recruitment tend to attract similar people. In such cases, the HR departments are responsible for identifying cases of resulting discrimination to save the company’s financial resources and reputation and increase its workforce diversity. Decision-making in the workplace has improved due to diverse ideas, opinions, and perspectives, leading to better performance in organizations (Lytle, 2014).

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978

Employers are legally prohibited from discriminating against pregnant candidates. The law advocates for fair treatment of women who bear the effects of childbirth, pregnancy, and related conditions. All candidates, pregnant or not, should access similar benefits and opportunities (Gusdorf, 2008). This law can easily be broken when employers eliminate pregnant women or those with children from the list of candidates. Job postings also provide an ideal platform to go against the law through specific requirements that employers list.

Impact of PDA

The law has enabled more employees to work for longer while expectant. However, pregnancy discrimination persists in organizations. Some employees fail to request necessary accommodations for fear of revealing their status. In addition, those who face discrimination based on pregnancy or childbirth fail to report for fear of retaliation from employers. For women of color, their increased participation in the workforce is not adequately represented in the wage comparison with their white counterparts. The expanding economic gap reinforces negative stereotypes in society. Employers have been forced by the law to eliminate policies that promote such discrimination. Compliance with the law is important for avoiding litigation (Ellmann & Frye, 2018).

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act affects all organizations that have at least 15 employees. This law prohibits any acts of discrimination against the disabled. It advocates for equal employment opportunities for all candidates and seeks to promote diversity in the workforce. It is unlawful for employers to use tests that disqualify disabled persons unless they are necessary for the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities required to perform the job. Such tests should be administered to all candidates (The University of Illinois System, 2018). Employers are not allowed to carry out or require medical examinations and inquiries prior to employment.

Impact of ADA

Employers have demonstrated a lack of desire to hire disabled persons due to the high costs and fear of litigation. Unfortunately, this decision causes organizations to lose talent that is present within this pool. However, employers who have embraced this minority group benefit immensely from their skills, knowledge, and abilities. Employees who have received fewer job opportunities have encountered prejudice and a lack of understanding from their abled colleagues. Surprisingly, employees cited the wastage of resources on unnecessary changes that were expected to make the physical plants more comfortable. In this process, few employers seek to identify the real needs of disabled persons (Hastings, 2010).

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967

This law seeks to protect candidates who are 40 years and above within organizations that have at least 20 employees. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act promotes the recruitment of senior citizens. Hiring decisions should be informed by the skills and abilities of an individual as opposed to their age (Gusdorf, 2008). In some states, employers with at least two employees are required to adhere to the legal requirement. In different states, the age threshold is lowered below 40 years to protect more workers.

Impact of ADEA

ADEA has been both effective and ineffective in fulfilling its objective. For old workers, they may still experience discrimination in a different way. Employers can no longer fire aged employees, leading to the application of retirement incentives. Employees are also likely to face untargeted discrimination when employers choose not to hire old workers due to the complications of firing them. The unemployment rates of older workers continue to increase in the presence of the law. Regardless, older workers who are not affected by incentive packages have longer careers. Employers are faced with opportunities to harness talent from older workers for a longer period. To avoid legal issues due to discrimination, some employers have revised the retirement packages to offer incentives to older employees whom they cannot fire. Other employers remain hesitant about employing older workers due to the difficulty of dismissal (Lahey, 2006).


Ellmann, N., & Frye, J. (2018). Efforts to Combat Pregnancy Discrimination. Retrieved from Center for American Progress:

Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person. Retrieved from

Hastings, R. R. (2010). Has the Americans with Disabilities Act Made a Difference? Retrieved from SHRM:

Lahey, J. N. (2006). How Do Age Discrimination Laws Affect Older Workers? Work Opportunities for Older Americans.

Lytle, T. (2014). Title VII Changed the Face of the American Workplace. Retrieved from SHRM:

The University of Illinois System. (2018). Major Laws and Regulations that Affect the Selection Process. Retrieved from System Human Resource Services:


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Employee Recruitment

Employee recruitment is about finding and attracting the applicants for one’s open positions within an organization. Numerous federal, state and local laws restrict what an employer can and cannot do when recruiting employees, such as it is unlawful to provide false or misleading information regarding employment opportunities within an organization.

Recruitment Laws

Recruitment Laws

Write a minimum 5-page analysis, addressing the following:

  • Identify 4–5 employee recruitment laws that pertain to pre-employment recruitment activities.
  • Describe each selected law.
  • Discuss the impact of each law from both an applicant’s perspective and an employer’s perspective.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  • Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 5 pages minimum
  • Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third person.
  • Body: This begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

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Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart

Understanding the organizational structure of a company is important. The structure of an organization outlines how tasks are allocated and coordinated within the organization. The structure can help understand the rules, roles, and responsibilities that help achieve an organization’s strategic goals (Kates & Galbraith, 2010). Nestle has a matrix organizational structure. A matrix structure is a reporting structure that is set as a grid. This kind of organization has different units with leadership structures (Galbraith, 2014). This kind of structure is appropriate for Nestle because it is a global organization that serves very large markets.

Nestle has a Board of Directors responsible for making the major global decisions affecting the company. Paul Bulcke, the Chairman, leads the board. The rest of the board has 14 members (Nestle Website, 2021). However, the day-to-day management of the company is taken care of by the Executive Beard. The executive team members manage various management roles and operations of the diverse global businesses that Nestle has developed. The Nestle Group is divided into several geographical units defined by zones. One of the zones is EMENA, consisting of Europe, the Middle East, and North African operations. Other zones include the Americas, Oceania/Asia/Sub-Saharan Africa (Nestle Website, 2021). Each of the zones has its Executive Directors. Some global Executives are responsible for major organizational roles, such as the Chief Technological Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Operations, and Health of Nestle Health Science (Nestle Website, 2021). The following is a summary of the global leadership structure of Nestle.

Image 1

Image 1

Image 1: Executive Organizational Chart (Source: Nestle Website, 2021)

Being a matrix structure, each of the organizational units, such as the Zonal divisions, has its own leadership structures. This kind of leadership division is important for a large company. Each of the unit leaders guides the unit to achieve their individual goals. For instance, the needs of the African and European markets are different. Therefore, each zone’s leaders have their own leadership unit to ensure the effective achievement of their goals. The following is a typical leadership structure in a regional unit.

Image 2

Image 2

Image 2: Regional Sales Unit Leadership Structure


In conclusion, the Nestle organizational structure is well-designed to meet its needs. As a large global organization, this company needs a matrix leadership structure so that every regional unit and important tasks have an allocated leadership structure. This strategy ensures that no unit is ignored in the organizational strategy. Thus, every part of the organization can perform effectively.


Galbraith, J. R. (2014). Designing organizations: Strategy, structure, and process at the business unit and enterprise levels. John Wiley & Sons.

Kates, A., & Galbraith, J. R. (2010). Designing your organization: Using the STAR model to solve 5 critical design challenges. John Wiley & Sons.

Nestle Website (2021). Management. 


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Organizational Chart for Nestle (Management)

Develop and design a current organizational chart for Nestle Company.

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart

Explain the different hierarchical levels and how it benefits the company’s operations.

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Management Discussion

Management Discussion

Management Discussion

A product value position refers to a statement that highlights differentiators, uses, and features while recognizing customer problems. According to Key et al. (2020), it informs customers of what they will get from the product. Compelling value propositions stay around for a long time, informing customers. An example of a product that is selected from my surroundings is Buffer. Buffer is a social media scheduling platform that outlines simplicity in its value proposition and product. Buffer’s product value proposition states, “Simpler social media tools for authentic engagement.”

Buffer’s pricing strategy is based on simple terms. It offers four prices for the four significant packages offered for purchase, including $15 for a pro plan, $99 for a small business plan, $199 for a medium business plan, and $399 for a large business plan. Notably, this pricing strategy is competitive compared to other market prices. It aligns with the value proposition of being simple, whereby businesses can obtain simpler social media tools for authentic engagement at simpler prices. I chose to use their services because their prices are favorable for my budget.

Buffer’s product strategy defines achievements that are intended by the business. From the value proposition, the nature of their product is described to be social media tools, while the part that highlights authentic engagement describes to customers what to expect from using the tools. Notably, this is the sole benefit the company presents to customers for using their products. The social media tools offered by the product specifically draft and schedule messages to post on various social media platforms such as Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The prices of these tools are used in presenting them as a competitive set.


Key, T. M., Clark, T., Ferrell, O. C., Stewart, D. W., & Pitt, L. (2020). Marketing’s theoretical and conceptual value proposition: Opportunities to address marketing’s influence. AMS Review10(3), 151-167.


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Review this week’s course content and conduct additional research about how businesses create, manage, and price their offerings.
Look around your home and pick a product. Think about how the marketing team used the 4Ps. Specifically, how did they use pricing strategies and product strategies to earn your purchase?
1- Define the value proposition for the product
2- Identify the pricing strategy that supports the brand image
3- Identify the product strategy that makes the item unique against the competitive set

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Negotiating Successfully

Negotiating Successfully

Negotiating Successfully

What strengths/advantages do you bring to the negotiation? What strengths/advantages does your manager bring to the talks? Explain.

One of the advantages I bring to the table is my knowledge of our customers’ behavior because I have worked at Walmart stores for a long time. The second advantage is expertise in product setup because I have previously done other successful product setups for the company. Therefore, I can propose the most effective time for the configuration based on the lessons learned from past product setups. One of the advantages that the manager brings to the negotiation is the knowledge of the organization’s goals, including long-term goals, that I may not be familiar with because she is part of the team in charge of making decisions in the company. The second advantage is understanding the top management’s expectations on product promotion because he is the main link between the top management and me.

What issues rank high on your list of priorities for the negotiation? What problems rank high on your manager’s list of priorities?

Compensation is one issue that ranks high on the list of priorities for negotiation. I need to negotiate extra compensation because I will be working on my day off. The second issue is the event’s postponement because I had already made plans for the weekend. One problem that ranks high on the manager’s list of priorities is my availability on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon because the project needs to be completed within the shortest time. The second issue is overtime payment, which may be considered because I will be working on my day off.

What can you do to prepare yourself for the negotiation to make sure that you communicate your concerns and issues effectively?

I can make a list of my priorities and predict the manager’s response to create a proper counterargument to make sure that I communicate my concerns and issues. I can also create a list of alternatives I may consider during the negotiation based on my desired outcome. For example, I may consider having a day off on Monday, working on the weekend, and getting an overtime payment, or postponing the project to a more favorable time.

What can you do during the negotiation to fully understand your manager’s concerns and issues?

I can ask the manager to clarify her arguments if there are any concerns that I do not understand. I can also use my counterarguments to interpret my understanding of the manager’s concerns and only proceed with the negotiation after I have understood the primary concerns.

Which negotiation strategy would you adopt for this scenario: a distributive (win/lose) or integrative (win/win) negotiation? Justify your answer.

I would adopt an integrative negotiation strategy in this scenario. According to Zhang et al. (2013), an integrative negotiation strategy ensures all negotiating parties win. Therefore, I would negotiate to achieve an outcome that benefits me and the organization.

Explain what resolution you would be willing to accept to ensure that your working relationship with your manager is maintained and strengthened and organizational goals are achieved.

I would accept to work on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon only if the manager offers overtime pay. I would be working on my day off and would have to abandon my plans for the weekend.


Zhang, Z., Yao, J., & Huang, M. (2013). Dual Motives of Harmony and Negotiation Outcomes in an Integrative Negotiation. Acta Psychologica Sinica45(9), 1026-1038.


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Read the following scenario, review course content, and conduct additional research on effective negotiation strategies.

Negotiating Successfully

Negotiating Successfully

Scenario: It’s Tuesday morning, and you just got a message from your manager of three years that an unexpected product promotion setup needs to be completed over the weekend. She learned about the product set early this morning from the regional manager, who expects the setup to be completed by Monday morning to maintain alignment with organizational goals and objectives. Since you have been at this Walmart store for four years and have the most experience with previous sets of this product, she wants you to work Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon to help get the project done. However, your schedule has you off this weekend, and you had planned to attend your mother’s 85th birthday party on Saturday evening. You also wanted to do some yard work on Sunday since the weather is forecasted to be calm and dry. You have scheduled a meeting with your manager this afternoon to discuss the situation and negotiate a better resolution.

In 275 words, double-spaced, use the results of your review and your research results to answer the following questions regarding the scenario:

  1. What strengths/advantages do you bring to the negotiation? What strengths/advantages does your manager bring to the talks? Explain.
  2. What issues rank high on your list of priorities for the negotiation? What problems rank high on your manager’s list of priorities?
  3. What can you do to prepare yourself for the negotiation to make sure that you communicate your concerns and issues effectively?
  4. What can you do during the negotiation to fully understand your manager’s concerns and issues?
  5. Which negotiation strategy would you adopt for this scenario: a distributive (win/lose) or integrative (win/win) negotiation? Justify your answer.
  6. Explain what resolution you would accept to ensure your working relationship with your manager is maintained and strengthened, and organizational goals are achieved.

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Negotiating with Vendors

Negotiating with Vendors

Negotiating with Vendors

Effective Skills for Negotiating

According to Billings-Yun (2010), the outcome of a negotiation is determined by the ability of the negotiation parties to convince one another and settle on a mutually beneficial solution. Therefore, communication skills are most effective for business professionals in negotiations. Negotiators can use communication skills to explain their arguments and respond to counterarguments to meet their interests. Interpersonal skills are also practical for business professionals in talks to create a friendly environment where every party can express their ideas and concerns. Negotiators also require emotional intelligence in professional negotiation. According to Kim et al. (2014), emotional intelligence can help negotiators predict the outcome of the talks based on positive or negative emotions. Positive emotions create trust, thus increasing the chances of a win-win situation.

The Value of Preparedness in a Negotiation

Coming to a negotiation prepared gives the negotiators an idea of the arguments they should emphasize to achieve the desired outcome and how to respond to counterarguments. It also boosts confidence, thus enabling a negotiator to stick to the arguments that favor their interests. An idea of what an individual is willing to compromise in negotiation also creates the foundation for counterarguments that can help achieve the desired outcome.

Application of the Effective Skills, Preparedness, and Achieving the Desired Outcome

My past negotiation experience was great because I used the skills I now know are most effective to achieve the desired outcome. For example, I used emotional intelligence to identify hostile vendors who were more likely to reject the organization’s proposal on the best dates to run in-store promotions of their products. This helped me design the best counterarguments to convince them, leading to a mutual understanding at the end of the negotiation. I also use communication skills to negotiate with customers to identify the best resolution to their problems by outlining available measures and allowing them to give feedback on their thoughts about the proposed resolutions. I also prepared for the negotiation by identifying my main arguments, possible counterarguments, and best alternatives to the negotiated agreement. This was vital in achieving the desired outcome because every party’s needs were considered.


Billings-Yun, M. (2010). The four pillars of effective negotiation. Leader To Leader2010(57), 11-17.

Kim, K., Cundiff, N., & Choi, S. (2014). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Negotiation Outcomes and the Mediating Effect of Rapport: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Negotiation Journal30(1), 49-68.


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Business professionals negotiate every day to achieve their desired outcomes. Practical negotiation skills are essential for building business acumen. There are numerous examples of negotiations in which you may have participated. Take note of a few that may be familiar to you.

Negotiating with Vendors

Negotiating with Vendors

  • While setting up merchandising materials for the store, did you negotiate for floor, wall, or shelf space?
  • Were you involved in vendor negotiations for the best dates to run in-store promotions of their products?
  • Did you negotiate with customers to find the best possible resolution to a problem?
  • Did you negotiate to get more “best-selling” products into your store?
  • Did you negotiate with your supervisor to switch weekends off?


  1. Review course content and conduct outside research on the topic of effective negotiation.
  2. Use the results of your research to respond to the following questions:
    • Describe which skills are most effective for business professionals to use in negotiations.
    • Discuss the value of coming to a negotiation prepared (e.g., your desired outcome, what you are willing to compromise, etc.).
    • Consider the questions above regarding a recent negotiation in which you were involved.
      • Looking back, did you use the skills you now know are most effective? Were you prepared? Did you achieve your desired outcome?

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Keeping Suzanne

Keeping Suzanne

Keeping Suzanne

What course of action would you recommend? Why?

One of the courses of action I would recommend in this situation is persuading Suzanne to stay for a few months as the company tries to find the best replacement. I would tell her that leaving the company is her right, but doing so would greatly impact the company’s performance because of the crucial role she has been playing (McShane & Glinow, 2021). I would try to convince her that she has a right to leave but also make her understand how the company will suffer due to her abrupt exit. I would request her to stay for a few months, with some rewards such as paying her 25% more than her usual salary, some allowances, a flexible working timetable and more. I would offer the bonuses to make her stay longer, change her mind, and also give the company enough time to find the right person to take up her position.

During the grace period, she will decide to be around, and I will try to find the real reasons why she wants to leave and again try to persuade her not to go. If she finally decides to stay, I would insist on renegotiating the work terms to make her comfortable. If she insisted on going after the grace period, the company would have had enough time to find her replacement. The most important aspect of this action is to avoid an impromptu exit from the company because of the consequences. I would try to buy time by making her stay around as the company plans for transition to avoid disruptions. Paying her 25% more on her salary for about three months would not greatly affect the company’s expenditure, especially for highly valued employees like her.

How would your recommended course of action impact the leadership of this organization?

My recommended course of action may not influence the leadership of the organization because this would be a private arrangement with Suzanne. Very few leaders would know about this arrangement, and other leaders may not understand whatever is happening. Therefore, there will be no impact on the organization’s leadership. However, a few people leaders may see the arrangement with Suzanne to be an unfair arrangement. Some may question why a colleague is paid more with some privileges than them (Hom, Allen, & Griffeth, 2020). For my action to work, it must be very confidential to avoid unnecessary questions from her colleagues. Such arrangements are supposed to be very personal to prevent demoralizing other employees. I would also ask Suzanne to keep silent about the issue until the grace period is over, and then I would announce her departure to the rest of the employees.

What kind of motivational theory is displayed in this case?

One motivation theory that manifests itself in the “keeping Suzanne” case is Vroom’s Theory of Expectancy. Expectancy theory states that behaviors result from conscious choices among many alternatives whose main purpose is maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. This theory explains why an individual chooses one behavior over the other (Channel, 2021). Suzanne has decided to leave the company to seek a job with a startup. It is likely that she weighed the alternative of staying in the company and leaving and found that joining a startup would maximize her benefits more than when she could stay. Suzanne was likely straining a lot while working in this company, and looking into the future, she could not see her stocks adding more value. She decided to leave and join a startup where her stock would rise fast. Thus, joining the new startup could maximize her benefits more than staying at API.


Channel, A. (2021). Vroom’s Expectancy Theory: How to Motivate Staff and Increase Performance.

Hom, P., Allen, D & Griffeth, R. (2020). Employee Retention and Turnover: Why Employees Stay Or Leave. Routledge,

McShane, S. & Glinow, M. (2021). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality. 9th Ed. McGraw-Hill.


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Keeping Suzanne

Keeping Suzanne

After reading the case study in the textbook, in a Word document, answer the following questions:
• What course of action would you recommend? Why?
• How would your recommended course of action impact the leadership of this organization?
• What kind of motivational theory is displayed in this case?
Text Book: Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality
Steven McShane and Mary Von Glinow
2021 McGraw Hill

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Tim Cook

When Tim Cook took over as Apple CEO, few people believed he possessed the right leadership skills to take the company to the next level. Instead of asserting himself as the former CEO, Cook sits back, listens to other employees, and gives advice. Another leadership characteristic is shifting focus from making Apple an innovative giant to caring about the environment and its people. Since Cook took over, employees’ factory working conditions have improved immensely. Besides, he has implemented policies that help employees attain medical coverage. Implementing policies that show employees that they are valued boosts their productivity (Champoux, 2020). Also, Tim has shown humility: he finds time to engage customers at Apple’s stores and responds to emails from some clients. Such humility has helped him stay grounded (Dubois et al., 2015), and it is the epitome of the organizational support he enjoys.

Solving Conflicts

One of the successful conflict resolution strategies used at Apple is empathy. It is all about letting employees explain themselves and be heard. Cook’s leadership style is more inclined towards empathy to solve conflicts, helping employees in a conflict attain a win-win solution. Besides, third-party intervention is common in resolving conflicts at Apple. A third party can be a member of the organization with no interest in the conflict at hand and must be supported by all parties (Champoux, 2020). The third party proposes a compromise subject to acceptance by all parties in a conflict.

However, Apple faces hostility in other countries, a direct import of cultural barriers. For instance, the company has been criticized in China for giving a one-year warranty instead of two (Shonk, 2019). Besides, the company was in the spotlight for charging a whopping $90 to replace a back phone cover. The company was being accused of imposing American standards on the Chinese.

Overcoming Cultural Barriers

Apple should take a conciliatory approach when dealing with a country like China. Although apologies are primarily helpful in moments of vulnerability, they come in handy during conflict resolution (Shonk, 2019). Apologizing to the Chinese people and promising to work on perceived maligned warranty policies will create a positive perception.


Champoux, J. E. (2020). ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: integrating individuals, groups, and organizations. Routledge.

DuBois, M., Hanlon, J., Koch, J., Nyatuga, B., & Kerr, N. (2015). Leadership styles of effective project managers: Techniques and traits to lead high-performance teams. Journal of Economic             Development, Management, IT, Finance, and Marketing7(1), 30.

Shonk, K. (2019, July). Cultural Barriers and Conflict Negotiation Strategies: Apple’s Apology in China. PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.


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nit 8.1 Discussion: LeadershipUnit 8.1 Discussion: Leadership
Consider a highly visible businessperson in a leadership position. Consider a highly visible leader whose styles/traits fit in terms of what we have learned from our reading.



What characteristics have made this person successful?
Since all leaders encounter dissension at some point, what characteristics have helped this person handle conflict and what characteristics have hindered him/her?
How could the latter be addressed effectively?
Provide examples and cite all resources.
To recap, focus on applying the various leadership styles to your real-world example instead of providing an assessment of leadership qualities and achievement.

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