The Role of Human Informatics in Chronic Disease Management

The Role of Human Informatics in Chronic Disease Management:
Explain how human informatics can be used to improve chronic disease management.
Focus on how data collection, analysis, and visualization can contribute to better care coordination.
Utilizing patient-generated data (PGD) from wearable devices to track health metrics and identify potential issues.
Applying data analytics to personalize treatment plans and predict potential complications.
Using data visualization tools to create comprehensive patient profiles for informed decision-making.
Discuss the ethical considerations involved in using patient data for chronic disease management.

1. Introduction
Today, chronic diseases represent a major global health burden. The WHO has estimated that 60% of all deaths worldwide will be the result of chronic diseases by 2020. The treatment of such diseases is increasingly dependent upon the active involvement of the patient, with patient-centered healthcare and a focus on prevention being at the core of modern-day healthcare practice. Patient-centered healthcare is an approach to planning and delivering healthcare that is grounded on mutually beneficial relationships among patients, families, and healthcare practitioners. This represents an attempt to shift the general focus of healthcare practice from the traditional approach towards an approach where the patient is an informed and empowered decision-maker in their care. This is particularly relevant to developmental disorders such as Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy, where medical interventions cannot increase functioning, and preventive management is critical. A great example of the focus on prevention is the American Down’s Syndrome Preventive Healthcare Guidelines. This is an incredibly detailed guideline that is aimed at preventing further decline of function resulting from complications of associated health problems, such as hypothyroidism or leukemia. This guideline assumes that regular monitoring and treatment of associated conditions will prevent decline in function. An informed patient or, in the case of childhood disorders, the informed parents, can regularly monitor these conditions, and so it can be said that current and future methods of chronic disease management will rely on the availability of health information to the informed patient.
1.1. Overview of chronic disease management
Summary Chronic diseases are currently the dominant form of health problem in the world. A non-communicable condition is defined as lasting for 3 months or more and generally cannot be prevented by a vaccine or rapidly cured. Chronic diseases can have a major impact on an individual by not only being a major cause of premature death but by affecting the person’s quality of life as they can be disabling, which can result in an inability to perform an activity, thus affecting the quality of life. Activity limitation can be common for people with chronic diseases and can have potential effects on the participation of work and, in some cases, be a reason for cessation of work. The level of severity of a chronic disease can vary from mild to severe and generally people spend a lot of time attempting to manage the disease. The management of chronic diseases will often involve attempts to prevent the condition from worsening, potentially resulting in complications which can lead to an urgent need for medical care. Symptoms or the condition itself can be the cause of a bio-psychosocial state that can be distressing for affected individuals (Murray and Lopez et al, 1996). This ongoing management of the chronic conditions is what would be classified as a complex continuing care case, where an individual would have a health issue that is non-curable and would require long-term assistance. This can vary from attempting to repair an activity limitation state to preventing major complications of the diseases. Often, the more complex cases will require an interprofessional team and can involve monitoring and changes to a person’s health regimen to determine what is the most effective form of long-term management of the condition, in turn attempting to prevent further progression of the disease. This may involve the person changing various aspects of their life in an attempt to find an approach to improve their health (Adams et al, 963). This approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of self-management of chronic diseases is known as the clinical assessment phase. This process must be done in a safe manner with minimum harm to the patient. All of the phases of continually attempting to improve a person’s health status with chronic disease are what is attempted to change the natural history of a disease into a more favorable outcome. This type of care is what is attempting to perform improvement illness care on the illness level, as opposed to acute care which generally aims to perform a cure or prevention of a disease.
1.2. Importance of human informatics
Another reason human informatics is vital to chronic disease management is because of the patient centered care and disease management philosophy of today’s health care organizations. Patient centered care is care designed to involve the patient in the process of medical treatment. It is a highly individualized care system with the goal of changing the patient’s health behavior. This is consistent with the coping process described earlier and is something that is best guided by information. The sinew of patient centered care is the frequent interaction between provider and patient aimed at making the best health decision for the patient. This is an interaction rich in information and the failure to provide the correct information at the right time can lead to a decrease in functional health for the patient and/or wasted time and money for the health care provider. Disease management is a more recent philosophy within the healthcare system. It is less a scheme or a distinct program and more an approach to how health care should be delivered to persons with chronic health issues. The aim of disease management is to increase the general health of those with chronic disease so as to avoid any decline in health and functional ability. This is to be attained through treatment and various health interventions. The first step is to understand the nature of the specific disease and what are the best interventions to improve health. Disease management is highly dependent on clinical research and it is there where evidence based medicine is often cited as a tool for making the best health decisions. Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.
The importance of human informatics can be pegged to the basic need of a chronic disease sufferer to cope with their disease. Coping is an interactive process involving the person and their environment. Information helps the person modify their environment and/or their interaction with that environment in a manner that better suits their needs. In the case of the chronic disease sufferer, they are seeking to cope with their disease in a manner that allows them to attain their level of desired function whilst minimizing the effects of the disease. Usually they are needing to adapt to a new set of bodily limitations and/or changes to their social and physical environment. This kind of coping process is highly dependent on information and a lack of appropriate information can lead to self-mismanagement and a decline in health. An acute care patient is seeking a fast and effective cure to their ailment. The treatment decision process for acute care is less dependent on information. Fast forward to today’s world of an exploding chronic disease population where 1 in 3 people in the US are dealing with one or more chronic health issues. The decisions chronic disease sufferers make regarding their health and treatment are more complex and involve weighing the costs and benefits of various outcomes over an extended time period.
There are tremendous human and financial costs that result from the mismanagement of chronic diseases. In the past twenty years, the information age has presented us with a variety of tools that can be employed to better manage chronic disease. These “information age” tools are varied and highly sophisticated ranging from telecommunications and the internet to an array of new diagnostics using DNA/RNA and advanced imaging. The common thread with all of these tools is that they are information based. The rise of these information age tools in many ways mirrors the rise of human informatics. Essentially, human informatics is the science of how best to use information to improve human health.
2. Data Collection in Chronic Disease Management
2.1. Utilizing patient-generated data (PGD)
2.2. Wearable devices for health metric tracking
2.3. Identifying potential issues through data collection
3. Data Analysis in Chronic Disease Management
3.1. Data analytics for personalized treatment plans
3.2. Predicting potential complications through analysis
3.3. Benefits of data-driven decision-making
4. Data Visualization in Chronic Disease Management
4.1. Importance of data visualization tools
4.2. Creating comprehensive patient profiles
4.3. Enhancing care coordination through visualization
5. Ethical Considerations in Chronic Disease Management
5.1. Privacy and security of patient data
5.2. Informed consent for data usage
5.3. Ensuring data confidentiality and integrity
6. Conclusion

Planning and Adjusting Instruction during Lesson Implementation

 Teachers plan instruction to make sure they meet each student’s needs during the implementation of a lesson. However, it is necessary to monitor and adjust the lesson while teaching to meet needs that arise during the lesson. Teachers reflect on this later and adjust for future lessons.
Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.
You will implement the lesson plan you created in Topic 4 and revised in Topic 5 with the small group of students identified by your mentor teacher.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
Write a 250 word reflection on the lesson plan implementation. Discuss the following in your reflection:
What was effective in your lesson, and what might you alter for future implementations?
How did you meet each student’s needs during the lesson?
How do you know if students mastered the concepts?
How will you use what you have learned in your future professional practice?

1. Effective Elements of the Lesson
1.1. Engaging Activities Critical to lesson implementation and student learning are activities that are intrinsically interesting to students, or have elements that can be stimulating to student interest and curiosity. Characteristics of interesting activities include novelty and variety, and can be achieved through games, simulations, hands-on activities, or laboratory experiments. Sense-making and discourse within activities are important, hence interesting activities should have a learning point and focus to help improve student understanding. Consider a probability experiment. Rolling a number cube to students could be interesting; however, if students don’t understand the point of the experiment, learning will be minimal. A better probability experiment may be a game, where students apply probability concepts to win prizes, such as at a carnival. As difficult as it is to move an activity that did not work to a new day within a lesson, or to scrap an activity and make a new one from scratch, being flexible and willing to do so can lead to improved student learning. Since teachers often spend a disproportionate amount of time planning compared to the scheduled length of time for the lesson, some of this extra planning time can be used to prepare alternate or additional activities that may better engage students. Periodic reflection on past lessons can also help the teacher to identify what was specifically interesting about an activity and can aid in future activity planning.
While certain components of instruction may be effective when implemented in any sequence, some strategies included in the lesson may depend on prior instruction in a related concept. For example, a concept in science may be better understood when a related activity is completed. A teacher should be willing to change the location of an event, modify a lesson or teaching strategy, or alter the grouping of students. If data indicates the change improves student learning, this is an indicator that the original way the lesson was implemented may not have been effective. Through ensuring the lesson includes engaging activities, clear learning objectives and directions, and practice and assessment activities that provide the teacher with information to adjust instruction, a teacher can improve an initial lesson that may not effectively impact student learning.
1.1. Engaging Activities
Engaging activities are things that will, in whole or in part, be the focus of the lesson. Many engaging activities are more effective when introduced after the direct instruction. An effective activity captures the students’ attention, helps them build on prior knowledge, and elicits the use of new knowledge/skills to develop a deeper understanding of the content. Of the challenging stage of a lesson, Marzano says, “Because the major goal is understanding, new knowledge has to be embedded in students’ cognitive systems in a way that it can be retrieved and used at a later time” (2007, p. 63). Simulation games, debates, and problem-solving activities require critical thinking and application of knowledge in order to succeed. Such activities should be tied directly to instructional objectives and the degree of challenge should not be so high that students are unable to be successful. When students are engaged in an activity, it is essential that the teacher circulate, asking open-ended questions, and providing feedback and assistance as necessary. It is important to plan for more time than needed as it can sometimes be difficult to predict how long an activity will take and if students are successful, the teacher may want to extend the activity so the class can finish or further develop what they have started.
1.2. Clear Learning Objectives
Big idea of the instruction is the most important. Teachers must clarify the purpose of an activity or a learning experience so the students know what they are supposed to learn, and they are more likely to learn it. In order to identify what they are supposed to learn, there must be capturing the essence of the learning into a statement. This statement must be simple and easy to understand, yet not limiting the potential for the students. It should define what the student will be able to do or be when they have finished the learning experience and it has been done successfully. This clarification is really useful when there is an inclusive class with a distinct wide range of learning styles and abilities. One of them is through the use of a graphic organizer. As we know, there are students who are visual learners. A graphic organizer is a good tool for them in learning something and it is also more general than we think; most students don’t want to waste time understanding what the teacher is asking them to do (in this case learn), a graphic organizer can help with that. A graphic organizer is also good for students with learning difficulties, it is going to keep them “on track” and help reduce the risk of mental confusion. The most important thing from using a graphic organizer is the learning compactness, because graphic organizer recordings are usually less than usual record of learning using words, but it has the equivalent information. So it is very effective to serve as a reminder and summary of learning, such as preparing for a test or when it will be explained to parents at home.
1.3. Differentiated Instruction
An effective assessment of student readiness can aid the teacher in proper lesson planning for differentiated instruction. The choices a teacher makes need to reflect understanding of the student population as well as the learning objectives. Strategies for assessing readiness include use of diagnostic pretests, observations, interest inventories, and KWL charts. The more a teacher knows about the individuals in his or her class, the better informed the decisions can be about how to plan the lesson. By collecting overall information about the class and then considering specific needs of individuals, small groups, or a special population, a teacher can ensure that the range of learning needs are adequately addressed during the implementation of the lesson.
Universally, teachers desire to meet the needs of all students. Classrooms are filled with a diverse array of students. These range from those who are significantly ahead of grade level to those who are struggling to keep up. When a teacher presents a lesson, he or she must take into account the student variability throughout its delivery and through the evaluations that will follow. Differentiated instruction is an approach that addresses student needs and preferences while maintaining high expectations. It is based on the premise that an effective classroom caters for a variety of learning styles, and that all students have the right to learn the curriculum. Using differentiated instruction during lesson implementation can foster embedded goals, high level of understanding and skills, and full participation from a broad range of learners (Tomlinson, 2001).
2. Alterations for Future Implementations
2.1. Modifying Lesson Sequence
2.2. Incorporating Additional Resources
2.3. Adjusting Grouping Strategies
2.4. Enhancing Assessment Methods
3. Meeting Each Student’s Needs
3.1. Individualized Support
3.2. Adaptations for Diverse Learners
3.3. Providing Scaffolding
4. Assessing Student Mastery
4.1. Observing Student Performance
4.2. Analyzing Student Work
4.3. Administering Formative Assessments
5. Application in Future Professional Practice
5.1. Incorporating Reflection into Lesson Planning
5.2. Utilizing Data to Inform Instruction
5.3. Implementing Differentiation Strategies
5.4. Continuing Professional Development

Practices and Beliefs Related to Health in a Selected Religion

Based on the religion you selected in Module 1, and the articles you selected in Module 2, write a 3-4 page paper about the practices and beliefs of of that religion that are related to health. 
Provide examples of differences in verbal and nonverbal communication methods within this religion. Explain some beginning and end-of-life decisions related to this worldview and culture.
Provide examples of how religion shapes health behaviors and the rationale behind them.
Explain issues that health care professionals should take into consideration related to beginning and end-of-life transitions.

Practices and Beliefs Related to Health in a Selected Religion
1. Introduction
It has been said that health is wealth. And indeed, the belief that health is the most important aspect of life is a common one. Thus, it is not surprising to find that religion, which is an all-encompassing way of life, has much to say about the subject. In fact, to various religious groups, health is the most important thing to ask from God; it is health of body and mind that is viewed as the precondition to performing good deeds and meriting entry into paradise. For some, to have to ask for anything in the way of physical or mental well-being is a reflection of a lack of faith; God, who is the ultimate purveyor of healing, can heal all ills without exception. Therefore, the group which has to ask is in some way failing to fulfill the requirements set by God. But God is viewed as merciful, and it is written that if man shows thankfulness for what he has, he will be given more. And so it is that with prayer and dedication to religious duties, many believers strive to attain good health as a sign of God’s favor.
1.1. Background of the Selected Religion
Hinduism is the third largest world religion with about 900 million Hindus worldwide. In 1999, there were about 1 million Hindus living in the U.S. and they are concentrated mainly in two states, New York and New Jersey. Hinduism is not a religion of the book, and has no common scripture, Church, or doctrine. The term “Hinduism” is an exonym, and while it is a convenient label for the complex of traditions and peoples it describes, it also implies a measure of homogeneity that does not exist. During the ancient times of invasions and other historical events the Indian religion started evolving and taking shape. That is why the religion is so diverse and has different ways of practice and belief. A Hindu seeking spiritual knowledge can choose from yoga, jnana, bhakti, karma, and other paths, and can study anything from astrology to the holy scriptures. The main texts that provide the basis for Hinduism are the Vedas; this comes from the word “vid” meaning to be knowledgeable. During the invasions of the Muslim, the Muslims could not pronounce the word so said “Hindu”. This was given to the people who lived in this land. This was actually a geographical term and did not refer to the religion or the people living there. This went on to become the world’s third largest religion. Due to the many diverse ways of life, there are four castes in Hinduism based on occupation: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaisyas (farmers and merchants), and lastly Sudras (servants). In around 1000 B.C., the caste system was beginning to take shape with the addition of a group called the untouchables. The beliefs of the Hindu religion began to take shape with the incorporation of two great epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, and the Bhagavad Gita (which is contained in part of the Mahabharata). These writings were an attempt to captivate the people so that they may learn from them and understand the true meanings of life in many different forms. This is why there were numerous stories and characters involved. The Gita is a conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna and aspires to reveal the duties of human beings and the unity between the universal and the personal. It makes this apparent through the paths of knowledge, devotion, and action which were explained earlier.
1.2. Importance of Health in the Selected Religion
In India, sages did a lot of research on medicine, which shifted attention from salvation to prevention of disease. This is evident in the philosophies found in the Atharva Veda, one of the four holy texts of the Hindu religion. Chapter 30, verses 25-35 of the Atharva Veda, contains the following dialogue, which illustrates the importance of health and the prevention of disease in the Hindu religion: “What has hurt you? In a state of disease, I ask, do you verily say that you are in health? How can one that is not afflicted with a malady, one that is afflicted and one that has rid himself of it be alike? O physician, thus should you ask the sick man and discern it all, if you are to recognize the nature of his malady. Any gentle remedy that harms not, does not affect or malady, is not a remedy at all.” This shows the importance of health and well-being, in that not having an affliction is comparative to the need of no remedy. This philosophy of preventing an illness so that there is no need for a remedy is deeply rooted and is still a common aim of physicians today. In this way, health is perceived as being extremely important, as it is seen as the maintenance of a diseaseless state and prevention of mental, physical, and spiritual agony.
2. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Methods
2.1. Differences in Verbal Communication
2.1.1. Use of Sacred Texts and Prayers
2.1.2. Ritualistic Chants and Incantations
2.2. Differences in Nonverbal Communication
2.2.1. Symbolic Gestures and Body Movements
2.2.2. Ritualistic Clothing and Adornments
3. Beginning and End-of-Life Decisions
3.1. Views on Birth and Pregnancy
3.1.1. Rituals and Practices during Pregnancy
3.1.2. Naming Ceremonies and Blessings
3.2. Views on Death and Dying
3.2.1. Funeral and Burial Practices
3.2.2. Mourning and Grieving Rituals
4. Religion’s Influence on Health Behaviors
4.1. Dietary Practices and Restrictions
4.1.1. Fasting and Ritualistic Diets
4.1.2. Prohibited Foods and Beverages
4.2. Rituals and Practices for Physical Well-being
4.2.1. Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques
4.2.2. Sacred Baths and Cleansing Rituals
5. Considerations for Health Care Professionals
5.1. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect
5.1.1. Understanding Religious Beliefs and Practices
5.1.2. Avoiding Cultural Assumptions and Biases
5.2. Ethical Dilemmas in Beginning and End-of-Life Care
5.2.1. Balancing Religious Beliefs and Medical Interventions
5.2.2. Supporting Patients’ Spiritual and Emotional Needs

Project Management for Digital Marketing Software

A project manager is assigned to lead a digital marketing software project. Some stakeholders don’t support the project, and others want the entire project to be planned out before it starts. The sponsor, on the other hand, is looking for a quick win to get the support of the majority of stakeholders and ensure the project’s continuation. 
1. Introduction
Digital marketing becomes the most effective way of promoting and selling a product or service. In today’s competitive, technology-driven market, it provides an efficient way to reach customers compared to conventional marketing strategies, which are more time and cost-consuming. It is an aggregate process of digital marketing utilization using the internet, mobile, and other digital media. The client is in the process of promoting an MLM product using various methods of marketing to sell the product. He needs an application that can assist in managing those methods and accumulating all the data on the promotions and the product sales. Then, monitoring and comparing that data to give an evaluation on which method is the most effective to improve product sales and to assist decision making on future marketing strategies. From here, the idea of developing an application to manage that data came into reality, to build a system providing automation-based method data entry and can generate a sales report for his evaluation.
This project management plan is based upon the project of developing a mobile phone application for a client, which is a digital marketing software. It is being developed as the final project for the subject FIT5147 Software Engineering: Analysis and Design at Monash University Malaysia. The project aims to apply project management knowledge that has been learned throughout the semester into a real scenario and real application. The main objective is to produce an efficient application that can satisfy the client’s requirements and can be used as a tool to manage his business. The background and reasons for making this application will be discussed in the next section, followed by the purposes of this project, then the scope of the whole project.
1.1. Background of the Project
At this time, the company has no direct means of engaging potential customers of its existing product in a sales process. Most of the retailers using the software are unaware of upcoming new features and how to best use the tools available in their current products. While no firm numbers exist, the client estimates that increased tool awareness and usage could garner more than $100,000 in increased monthly revenue. With the release of specific web tools or a SaaS version of the software, the revenue potential from a successfully marketed product is well into the millions annually. Any success in web-deployed products will be a jump from bread-and-butter retail software to something entirely new. To best understand the successes and pitfalls of web-deployed software and the online marketing activity to support it, marketing the project to represent that of a small web-based software start-up is the most cost-effective means of driving change in the company’s marketing ideology.
The project has been commissioned by a developer of digital marketing software for small and medium-sized businesses. The company was founded in 1987 and began developing retail point-of-sale software, which has remained its primary product, selling over 30,000 copies. Its suite of products is installed in over 100,000 retail locations worldwide. The company has been slow to take its products to the web and has no experience with online marketing. Although web-based software will be an eventual evolution of the company’s product offering, the primary income driver now and in the future is likely to be providing robust tools to a broad community of small-to-medium-sized retailers.
1.2. Purpose of the Project
The main reason that leads to undertake this project is the general lack of an Integrated Project Management (IPM) system in Digital Marketing Software that can be used by project managers, team members, and directors at different levels for managing, executing, and monitoring multiple marketing projects. People involved in the marketing profession are becoming much aware of project management strategies. Day by day, they are adopting and implementing various project management methodologies and tools to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of working. Marketing projects vary from simple to complex. Sometimes, it involves managing the mix of traditional and online marketing with tight budget and deadlines. To manage such type of marketing projects, disparate project managers usually end up in a mess and believe that the successful completion of that project was a matter of luck! IPM Systems can provide such project managers a better platform and methodology to manage their marketing projects. This project is focusing on providing a solution for project managers and software teams to effectively develop and manage an IPM system for Digital Marketing Software. This project will also serve as a learning experience for students, providing them with the opportunity to utilize and build upon the knowledge they have obtained in the field of software engineering and project management. This project intends to be a complete life cycle from the initiation phase to the closure phase according to PMI methodology. This project will be done within a virtual team and with stakeholders’ consultation.
1.3. Scope of the Project
At the end of the project, you will have a way to implement the solution. A project plan for software implementation is also a plus but is beyond the scope of this project.
Success Criteria: The success of this project can be measured by the recommendation made for marketing project management software at Intuit. This should identify a clear solution to the problem and address how to better manage marketing projects and coordinate the various activities and priorities amongst Intuit’s marketing teams.
Duration: 12 weeks – Dec 2009 to March 2010. Note that the week of Dec 21 is a company-wide shut-down and the week of Jan 4 will not be included as the Project Manager will not be available.
The scope of this project is to identify the challenges involved in the manual management of marketing projects at Intuit. Based on the challenges identified, evaluate potential marketing project management software solutions that would enhance project management and delivery within Intuit’s marketing department. The evaluation criteria should include ways in which the software would facilitate management and coordination of complex cross-functional projects that involve web and interactive, email, events, and campaign management. Make a recommendation on a software solution (or combination of solutions) that would effectively address the needs of Intuit’s marketing department.
2. Stakeholder Analysis
2.1. Identification of Stakeholders
2.2. Assessment of Stakeholder Support
2.3. Strategies for Engaging Stakeholders
3. Project Planning
3.1. Importance of Project Planning
3.2. Defining Project Objectives
3.3. Developing a Project Schedule
3.4. Allocating Project Resources
4. Managing Stakeholder Expectations
4.1. Communicating Project Goals and Benefits
4.2. Addressing Stakeholder Concerns
4.3. Negotiating with Stakeholders
5. Sponsorship and Support
5.1. Role of the Project Sponsor
5.2. Gaining Support from Stakeholders
5.3. Strategies for Quick Wins
6. Project Execution
6.1. Implementing the Digital Marketing Software
6.2. Monitoring Project Progress
6.3. Managing Risks and Issues
7. Project Evaluation
7.1. Assessing Project Success Criteria
7.2. Gathering Feedback from Stakeholders
7.3. Identifying Lessons Learned
8. Project Continuation
8.1. Ensuring Long-Term Sustainability
8.2. Securing Ongoing Support
8.3. Planning for Future Enhancements

Psychological Principles: Understanding Human Behavior

 Psychological principles are theories and beliefs about major areas of our lives, like cognitions, intelligence, social groups, habit,  
1. Introduction
Psychological principles are the basis of understanding human emotions, relationships, and motivation. They are building blocks to comprehend the complexities of human behavior. Psychological principles are a set of factors that help the psychologist explain the varieties of psychological behavior from the elements of those principles. Now let’s discuss the definition of psychological principles by differentiating both terms. Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of the organism and the behavior to be understood must be observable and recordable. Therefore, psychology is the science which is more interested in the overt behavior rather than personality, where personality is the general pattern of the behavior and behavior changes between one situation to another and another person to another person. There must be some set of factors which will help us predict and control the behavior. Those factors are called psychological principles (Brewer and Treyens, 1981). According to different scholars, there are multiple definitions of principles but all revolve around the meaning that a principle is a set of interrelated variables which can predict behavior. So psychological principles are the guidelines for understanding behavior. These are comprised of higher-level abstractions to understand complex behavior (Eckensberger and Zimba, 1985). These are universal and cognitive concepts by which causal relations and predictions about behavior occurring in an organism can be identified (Craig, 1996). These principles involve constant relations between a situation, the behavior under that situation, and the consequences of that behavior. To understand these principles, psychologists have formulated different theories. So the one definition that sums up all the explanations on psychological principles is given by Charles E. Osgood: “Psychological principles are hypotheses that specify relations between two or more variables in the form of if…then.”
1.1. Definition of Psychological Principles
Psychological principles are statements explaining the behavior of people and the influence of behavior on the environment. These principles are built on scientific method, which is another way of saying the strength of the explanation and predictions of behavior. If the predictions are accurate ones, the probability of the acceptance of the explanation is high. If not, the opposite is true. The explanations of behavior that are to become principles are first tested through research, usually of an empirical nature. If the results provide evidence supportive of the explanation, the persuasion of other scientists will eventually test the similar explanation in their own setting. If each of these attempts to confirm the original explanation is successful, the explanation can be said to be a principle on the basis that it has strong predictability and has withstood a variety of conditions and circumstances. It is this high level of predictability and testing that distinguishes psychological principles from common sense or lay opinion about behavior. Common sense knowledge is usually vague, general, and not invalidatable. For example, it is often said that a lazy person will find the easiest way of doing something. This is not always the case; there are times, because of the individual’s intentions or the complexity of the task, that the easiest way just cannot be found. An example of an idea that is generally acceptable as true without significant evidence is that the reason people get aggressive after drinking alcohol is because it’s the alcohol “bringing out the badness inside”. This belief has been the justification for many unproductive treatments of aggression, while there is in fact little evidence to support it. In both cases, the lay opinion statement does not satisfy the strict criteria of a psychological principle.
1.2. Importance of Understanding Human Behavior
In the study of psychology, understanding why people behave the way they do is an area of great interest. It is important to have knowledge of human behavior because it is so vital to many aspects of our lives such as health. There have been so many advances in the field of health from past research in which the main focus was how to change unhealthy behaviors. In order to change a behavior one must first understand why a person is behaving in such a way. This is giving rise to a new field known as health psychology. Professionals in this field are trying to understand the various behaviors that are detrimental to one’s health such as drug use, overeating and unsafe sexual activity. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified the most common types of unhealthy behaviors that contribute to the leading cause of illness and death and by doing so have estimated that these deaths are preventable. This is just one example of how understanding human behavior is a crucial element to many important issues one might come across.
2. Cognitions
2.1. Cognitive Processes and Mental Functions
2.2. Memory and Learning
2.3. Problem Solving and Decision Making
3. Intelligence
3.1. Theories of Intelligence
3.2. Measuring Intelligence
3.3. Emotional Intelligence
4. Social Groups
4.1. Group Dynamics and Behavior
4.2. Social Influence and Conformity
4.3. Stereotypes and Prejudice
5. Habit
5.1. Formation and Maintenance of Habits
5.2. Breaking Bad Habits
5.3. Habit Loop and Behavior Change
6. Emotions
6.1. Theories of Emotion
6.2. Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Regulation
6.3. Emotional Development across the Lifespan
7. Motivation
7.1. Theories of Motivation
7.2. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
7.3. Goal Setting and Achievement
8. Personality
8.1. Theories of Personality
8.2. Trait Theories
8.3. Personality Assessment
9. Perception
9.1. Sensation and Perception
9.2. Perceptual Illusions
9.3. Influences on Perception
10. Attitudes and Attitude Change
10.1. Formation and Structure of Attitudes
10.2. Attitude Change Techniques
10.3. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
11. Social Cognition
11.1. Social Thinking and Attribution
11.2. Stereotyping and Prejudice
11.3. Impression Formation and Impression Management
12. Interpersonal Relationships
12.1. Types of Relationships
12.2. Communication and Conflict Resolution
12.3. Attachment Theory
13. Developmental Psychology
13.1. Stages of Development
13.2. Nature vs. Nurture Debate
13.3. Parenting Styles and Child Development
14. Abnormal Psychology
14.1. Mental Disorders and Diagnosis
14.2. Causes and Treatment of Psychological Disorders
14.3. Stigma and Mental Health
15. Applied Psychology
15.1. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
15.2. Health Psychology
15.3. Educational Psychology

Human Augmentation and the Blurring Lines: The Ethical Development and Use of Human Augmentation Technologies

Human Augmentation and the Blurring Lines: Technological advancements like brain-computer interfaces and wearable exoskeletons are pushing the boundaries of human capabilities. How can human informatics guide the ethical development and use of human augmentation technologies, ensuring they enhance rather than redefine what it means to be human?

1. Introduction
First, while only a few of these technologies are in use or close to implementation today, the timescale between development and implementation may not be adequate for thorough examination of ethical issues before it is too late to affect how the technology will be used. Policy regarding the use of enhancement technologies has tended to lag behind scientific and technological progress, enforcing a reactive rather than proactive approach to ethical evaluation. Second, ethical debate and policy regarding human enhancement technologies has been quite fragmented and not born much fruit in terms of policy and guidelines for scientists and developers of these technologies. This form of corporate social responsibility is crucial for maintaining a proactive approach to ethical evaluation. Allhoff has proposed that the best means to address issues in the long term is to shape the nature and direction of technological change, steering it towards more desirable ends, and enhancing oversight, and looking to its social implications from the outset (Allhoff 2010). Thus it is necessary to examine the ethical issues surrounding human augmentation technologies in a broad and inclusive manner and make it a priority to integrate policy and guidelines for scientists into the fabric of these technologies’ development.
Human augmentation technologies, which have the potential to bring about radical improvements to the human condition, are increasingly evoking public and academic debate. Labeled as the most important social and ethical issue of the twenty-first century (Allhoff et al. 2009), the development and use of human enhancement technologies has spurred a plethora of argument from ethicists, scientists, policymakers, and the general public. People are concerned about how it will affect what it means to be human, the distribution of the technology, and the potential for new forms of unequal social pressure to enhance. Others are hopeful about the possibility of new treatments for currently incurable diseases and conditions, as well as providing a means to improve the intellectual, physical, and psychological capacity of humans. The rapid development of these technologies presents two main challenges for the gradual process of ethical evaluation and policy development.
1.1. Background of Human Augmentation Technologies
The goal of human augmentation, to use medical technology in order to improve physical performance or even overcome disabilities, has existed for thousands of years. The development of new medical techniques and the convergence of these techniques with computer technology, new materials sciences and nanotechnology, will have far-reaching effects on the lives of every human being, as well as on the global ecosystem. To discuss the future of human augmentation, it is important to understand the historical precedents. The past three decades have seen incredible advances in medical technology. Joint replacements, dental reconstruction, organ transplants, cosmetic surgery, and the alleviation of mental illnesses through drug therapy are now commonplace in the developed world. These developments have been driven by a number of factors, including the desire of individuals to lead more fulfilling lives, an aging global population, and the economic and social benefits that improved health provides. The development of human augmentation technologies has been largely driven by the needs and capabilities of the medical industry. It is, however, the commercial potential of such technologies, particularly in an age of growing economic inequality and a global ‘knowledge economy’, that is likely to be the ultimate driving force behind the future development and convergence of these technologies. The medical industry has traditionally been conservative and slow to implement radical new procedures. Often new technologies were tested and perfected on relatively small and specific patient groups. As these technologies became more refined and costs were reduced, wider ranges of patients were treated. Many possibly beneficial medical technologies have had limited success as they were superseded by new technologies or were not seen as economically viable by the industry. This has resulted in an increasing proportion of the world’s population being left behind by the rapid pace of change in the medical industry.
1.2. Importance of Ethical Considerations
There are ethical issues associated with the development and offering of human augmentation technologies. The implications of the effectiveness and pervasiveness of those technologies will have wide-ranging effects on society. In the short term, human enhancement technologies might exacerbate social inequalities and create a two-tier society, further the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Because many enhancement technologies will initially be costly, they may be deployed first and most aggressively by those who can afford them, thus widening the gap and ultimately solidifying the advantages that already accrue to the more affluent members of society. This might, in turn, lead the wealthy to distance themselves from the less fortunate, leading to an erosion of empathy and the virtual marginalization of the unenhanced. This potential future is dystopic, and the transparency and openness to scrutiny of the later on possible more drastic changes to our species, whether by genetic enhancement or cybernetic technologies, would reduce the possibility that we could slide into such a state unwittingly. If a given alteration to humanity is deemed so undesirable that it should be prevented at all costs, knowing what constitutes that kind of alteration and having an open forum to decide its nature and the steps to prevent it is critical. Human augmentation technologies pose subtle changes to human nature, and it is important that we make decisions about these technologies intentionally, rather than let them determine the future of humanity by happenstance.
2. Human Informatics: Guiding the Ethical Development
2.1. Definition and Scope of Human Informatics
2.2. Role of Human Informatics in Technology Development
2.3. Ethical Principles in Human Informatics
3. Human Augmentation Technologies: Enhancing Human Capabilities
3.1. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Expanding Cognitive Abilities
3.2. Wearable Exoskeletons: Enhancing Physical Performance
3.3. Prosthetic Limbs: Restoring Functionality
4. Ethical Considerations in Human Augmentation
4.1. Autonomy and Informed Consent
4.2. Privacy and Data Security
4.3. Equality and Accessibility
5. Ensuring Ethical Use of Human Augmentation Technologies
5.1. Regulatory Frameworks and Policies
5.2. Ethical Design and Development Guidelines
5.3. Education and Awareness
6. Implications of Human Augmentation on Society
6.1. Impact on Employment and Workforce
6.2. Social and Cultural Norms
6.3. Psychological and Emotional Effects
7. Future Perspectives and Challenges
7.1. Emerging Technologies in Human Augmentation
7.2. Balancing Innovation and Ethical Considerations
7.3. Addressing Potential Risks and Unintended Consequences
8. Conclusion

Improving Client-Centered Care Initiatives in Advanced Practice Nursing

General Instructions
Advanced practice nurses apply continuous quality improvement (CQI) processes to improve client-centered outcomes. Select one of the following client-centered care initiatives that you would like to improve in your practice area: client clinical outcomes, client satisfaction, care coordination during care transitions, or specialty consultations for clients.   
Include the following sections:
1. Application?of?Course?Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.
a.  Identify the selected client-centered care initiative and describe its application to your future practice.  
b.  Select one CQI framework that can be applied to the selected initiative. Explain each step of the framework. 
c.  Describe how the framework can improve client-centered care for the selected initiative. 
d.  Describe how you would involve interprofessional team members in the CQI process.  

1. Introduction
Through the tumultuous climate of the United States health care environment, acute care has emerged as a focus of treatment. Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are progressively introduced into the system equipped with potent skills, sheer competence, and autonomy to provide excellence of service and care for the patients. APNs do not merely attend to the patients’ health illnesses and disease conditions but also investigate and implement plans for the prevention of illness and the promotion of healthier living. They strive to bridge the gap in quality of care available between conventional primary care and specialist services by creating a comprehensive care delivery system centered on the patients. Since the 1960s, patient-centered advanced practice nursing care has been the vision and hallmark of nursing practice today. APNs use their metaparadigm knowledge in application to care for patients and establish comfort and trust within the healer/healee relationship. Despite being trained in pathophysiology and the extant medical model, advanced practice nurses awaken each day with knowledge that the patient is a unique, dynamic individual, the locus of control for the nurse’s actions. Subsequently, plans to improve upon this type of care were investigated through the review of an article titled “Improving Client-Centered Care Initiatives in Advanced Practice Nursing”. This article examines 4 research-informed initiatives that have the potential to improve care outcomes and systems for APN care from the US and globally. That two respondents sought out to examine the advancement and outcomes of care systems truly indicates the spirit of APN initiatives for the betterment of society. Methodology involved examination of care systems in 2 different developed countries, comparing results to determine best efficacious methods and to incorporate ideas of quality care leadership into present and future initiatives. These initiatives are parallel to the moral and inner directive of all APNs and directly reflect how APNs would seek to improve care provided to themselves as clients. As a profession largely consisting of second career adults who are intrinsically motivated and often times highly advanced academically, APNs themselves are a unique client group and an often overlooked one at that. An aggregate systems theory serves to build frameworks and initiatives to improve care delivery for all types of clients, including the providers themselves. With a solid foundation of theoretical frameworks and research infusion, these initiatives serve to improve health, augment nurse and system outcomes, and change the face of nursing as we now know it. In an effort to align with the vision of a global society, the methods in which this research was initiated are undoubtedly impressive. An era of increased nursing professional involvement and participation in national and international policy has seen the development of nursing research and quality care initiatives based on evidence-based practice and utilizing comparative methods. This research is an exemplar and has the potential to shape future care systems both locally and abroad.
1.1. Background and Context
APNs practice has grown significantly over the years. This growth has been stimulated by the continuing shortage of physicians, the growth of managed care, and a clear and consistent, well-documented record of safe and effective practice. Managed care has evolved through models such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and point of service (POS) plans. APNs are recognized for their ability to provide cost-effective care and are employed in a variety of settings to assist in cost saving measures. As health care reform is once again on the forefront of American politics, it is evident that APNs currently practicing or those that will practice in the future, must be prepared to navigate through and affect change within the complex health care system. This poses a profound challenge to those APNs who have been educated and honed their practice in a context largely removed from today’s health care system. It is a stimulation to define practice and move it closer to the ideals of APN and improve patient outcomes.
The first graduate program for advanced practice nursing (APN) (nurse practitioner, nurse midwifery, nurse anesthesia, clinical nurse specialist) was developed by the University of Colorado in 1965 (Dimeo, 2008). The program was established to prepare nurses in the primary care role to meet the needs of the medically underserved. At that time, the IOM had defined primary care as the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by clinicians who are accountable for addressing a large majority of personal health care needs, developing a sustained partnership with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community (IOM, 1996). Primary care should be the first element of a continuing healthcare process and the system of family and community should be a partnership between the patient and the provider working to promote health and prevent disease. Primary care provider should be the coordinator for any specialty care or hospitalizations and the patient should be provided care that is cost-efficient and meets the needs of the patient. Today, APNs are providing primary care in outpatient and community-based settings, and have come closer to achieving these goals of primary care. They are educated to provide a full range of services to meet the needs of their patients.
1.2. Purpose of the Work
This comprehensive work was generated to improve “client” people-centered treatment initiatives within the context of advanced practice nursing. Towards that goal, the methods to improve client-centered treatment within a current APN practice were investigated. These methods are supported through amendments to the current system of care, use of direct and indirect clinical interventions, as well as involving clients in health education and promotion. The foundation for this work comes from research stating that Dimatatis et al. (1999) found that clients diagnosed with chronic conditions tend to be more compliant and satisfied with their treatment when they perceive the medical system to be more aligned with their own values and treatment preferences. This study serves to combine practice wisdom with scientific evidence to these ends.
2. Application of Course Knowledge
2.1. Selected Client-Centered Care Initiative
2.2. Importance of the Initiative in Future Practice
3. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Framework
3.1. Selection of CQI Framework
3.2. Explanation of Each Step in the Framework
4. Improving Client-Centered Care
4.1. Enhancing Client Clinical Outcomes
4.1.1. Point 1: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices
4.1.2. Point 2: Monitoring and Evaluating Treatment Plans
4.2. Increasing Client Satisfaction
4.2.1. Point 1: Enhancing Communication and Education
4.2.2. Point 2: Addressing Client Preferences and Needs
4.2.3. Point 3: Ensuring Timely and Responsive Care
4.3. Coordinating Care Transitions
4.3.1. Point 1: Establishing Effective Communication Channels
4.3.2. Point 2: Collaborating with Interprofessional Teams
4.3.3. Point 3: Implementing Care Transition Protocols
4.4. Facilitating Specialty Consultations
4.4.1. Point 1: Identifying Appropriate Referral Criteria
4.4.2. Point 2: Streamlining Consultation Processes
4.4.3. Point 3: Ensuring Seamless Integration of Specialty Care
5. Involving Interprofessional Team Members
5.1. Importance of Interprofessional Collaboration in CQI
5.2. Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members
5.3. Strategies for Effective Team Engagement
6. Conclusion

Infectious Diseases and Viruses


1- What does the term ‘germs’ usually refer to? 
2- What do all germs have in common? 
3- Define the term ‘modes of transmission’ and give an example. 
4- What is a major disadvantage to a virus, if it replicates too much, too quickly? 
5- If there’s too little of a virus, what is a disadvantage (to the virus) if you don’t experience any symptoms? 
6- List the characteristics of a successful virus. 
7- What does the trade-off hypothesis predict for rhinovirus? 
8- Why does the malaria virus do not require a mobile host? 
9- What can we do to minimize the harmfulness of infectious diseases?
1. Introduction to Germs
It is highly improbable that a person of adult age could have lived in a household in a semi-sterile environment or worked in an industry which has top-notch cleanliness. Even though people may not be able to visualize germs, mold, and other biohazardous agents, they are always aware of the precautionary methods and practices which aim to bound these unwanted visitors from the realm of clean indoor living or working space. Whether it is teaching children to wash their hands before meals or, in some cases, after, using antibacterial soaps and lotions or spraying down kitchen and bathroom surfaces with chemical disinfectants, people are fighting a seemingly never-ending battle to rid our living spaces of germs. With the recent outbreak of diseases such as SARS, H1N1 virus, and increasingly high numbers of food poisoning cases, it is becoming more important to have a comprehensive understanding of what a germ is and its role as a causative agent of disease. The infamous people of the pre-germ theory era conducted acts such as opening the abdominal cavities of the deceased using bare hands and with no more protection than a blood-stained apron, to cutting the utensils and items used in surgery and not washing them, have an extreme appreciation of what a germ is and the effect of its presence.
1.1. Definition of ‘Germs’
Enough to be seen with the unaided eye. We will call these invisible living beings germs. This definition includes bacteria, fungi, various parasites, and viruses. Germs are limited by being too small to see without a microscope. Bacteria are made up of only one cell, but they are all around us and on us and even in us. Fungi are multi-celled plant-like organisms (such as mushrooms) that also include single-celled species (such as yeasts) and are also found everywhere, often in the form of mold. Many parasites are large enough to be seen. For example, worms are parasites. But this definition includes some parasites that are too small to be seen, such as the ones that cause malaria, which are single-celled organisms called plasmodia. The only exception to this definition is viruses, which are smaller than the smallest cells. While not all viruses are germs in the usual sense, this definition includes them because they are the cause of very many infectious diseases, and they are the only living organisms whose natural state is to exist only inside cells. Viruses are difficult to classify as microorganisms, as they are not truly alive. But they are invariably disease-causing, and this is the key attribute to germs in the context of infectious diseases.
1.2. Common Types of Germs
Viruses are small capsules containing genetic material. They are parasites in other organisms, including people, causing a range of diseases. The common cold, influenza, and warts are all caused by viruses. A virus can only reproduce within the cells of the host it invades, as it reprograms the cell to produce the components necessary for its replication. In most cases, viruses damage or kill the cells, then lie dormant for a period of time before reappearing, causing extensive long-term damage. The cell damage and the immune system’s response to the infection cause the symptoms of viral diseases. The immune system usually eliminates the virus from the body, and the infection is resolved. However, in some cases, such as HIV and Epstein-Barr, the virus evades the immune system, and the infection becomes chronic. Antiviral drugs are selective for viruses in that they can impair virus replication without harming normal host cells. However, due to the difficulty in targeting the viruses and not the host cells, these drugs often have limited effectiveness.
Bacteria are tiny, one-celled creatures that get nutrients from their environments in order to live. In some cases, that environment is a human body. Some bacteria actually cause disease, while others are helpful and even necessary to good health. Lactobacillus bulgaricus, for example, lives in the intestines and helps digest food. The bacteria in yogurt is probably the most known example of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. A few bacteria, such as the mycobacteria, are not harmful in general but can cause disease in a person whose immune system is not working properly. For example, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare can cause a serious disease. More information is available on this in the Immune System and Disorders Article. Bacteria can cause many types of infections varying in severity. Infections occur as the bacteria try to make the body an environment more suitable for them to live in, reproducing and furthering their harmful effects. In infecting the body, bacteria can damage cells or interfere with cell function. They may release toxins which can damage the whole body. This then becomes a generalized infection. Symptoms of infection can vary but often include inflammation, fever, and fatigue. Bacterial infections are usually treated with antibiotics, which are chemicals designed to destroy or weaken the bacteria. High-level or broad-spectrum antibiotics are effective against a wide range of bacteria, and low-level antibiotics are often used to keep certain bacteria at bay. Amoxicillin use for prevention of Urinary Tract infections is an example of this. Antibiotics seldom have no effect on symptoms since they may cause removal of the bacteria and toxins that have caused damage or particular symptoms. Antibiotics have had a major impact on the length and severity of bacterial infections and on general public health.
Many people are familiar with the term “germs” referring to the tiny, microscopic organisms that cause disease. Until the invention of the microscope, scientists did not realize that germs existed, and people thought that disease was caused by bad air, spirits, a punishment from a god or simply fate. However, we now know that 4 main types of germs cause infectious disease. These are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Each of these types has its own structure, behaviors, and effects on the human body.
1.3. Role of Germs in Infectious Diseases
The organisms explained in the previous sections cause disease because they circle the primary location of the infectious organism that multiplies and causes trouble for the host. Now, disease is essentially a battle between two invasive organisms: the germ and the human. Disease occurs when the germ is successful in the battle with the human. The severity of that battle is what determines the severity of the disease. They are successful at causing disease when there is a portal of entry available to them. They are able to attach to the cells, grow and multiply, remain undetected by the immune system, and then cause damage to the cells and tissues. Germs in general are very adaptable, and that is why they are very successful at causing disease. Unfortunately, not all new strategies for the germ are successful in overcoming the immune system and resulting in disease. An example of this is the common cold, where there are over 200 different viruses that cause cold-like symptoms. Usually, it is insufficient in overcoming the immune system to cause serious illness, and symptoms of disease are only mild. This is known as colonization of the host, and many common diseases are simply a result of the germ trying to colonize and the battle between the germ and human causing only mild disease.
2. Common Characteristics of Germs
2.1. Key Features of Germs
2.2. Similarities Among Different Types of Germs
2.3. Importance of Understanding Germs’ Commonalities
3. Modes of Transmission
3.1. Definition of ‘Modes of Transmission’
3.2. Examples of Different Modes of Transmission
3.3. Significance of Understanding Transmission Methods
4. Viral Replication and Disadvantages
4.1. Consequences of Excessive Virus Replication
4.2. Negative Impact of Rapid Virus Replication
4.3. Effects of Overabundance on Virus Survival
5. Implications of Low Virus Levels
5.1. Disadvantages of Insufficient Virus Presence
5.2. Lack of Symptoms and Virus Survival
5.3. Importance of Detecting Low Virus Levels
6. Characteristics of Successful Viruses
6.1. Traits of Highly Effective Viruses
6.2. Factors Contributing to Virus Success
6.3. Understanding Successful Virus Traits
7. Trade-Off Hypothesis for Rhinovirus
7.1. Predictions Based on the Trade-Off Hypothesis
7.2. Implications for Rhinovirus Survival
7.3. Analyzing the Trade-Off Hypothesis in Rhinovirus
8. Malaria Virus and Host Mobility
8.1. Factors Influencing Malaria Virus Transmission
8.2. Lack of Mobile Host Requirement in Malaria Virus
8.3. Understanding Malaria Virus Transmission Mechanisms
9. Minimizing Harmfulness of Infectious Diseases
9.1. Strategies for Controlling Infectious Diseases
9.2. Importance of Preventive Measures
9.3. Promoting Public Health Initiatives

Influence of Culture on Cross-Border M&A Activity

How does culture influence cross-border M&A activity? Illustrate this relationship using examples, either real (even anecdotal if you have any) or conceptual. How do similar and dissimilar cultures affect pre- and post-merger performance?
1. Introduction
Organizational culture will not be the main focus of the study since its impact on M&A activity has been studied in depth in management literature. A holistic case study of the merger between the German company Daimler-Benz and US firm Chrysler will be used since this is considered a classic example of clash of national cultures. The inductive methodology used in the Daimler-Chrysler case will be initially used in the attempt to separate national culture from organizational culture and study its direct impact on M&A activity. Any findings and conclusions drawn from this case study will be initially tested against any theory provided in management literature. The aim in the end is to possibly come up with a new model explaining the impact of culture on M&A activity, which will be a useful framework for managers in the future.
In this research paper, the focus will be on studying the importance of culture in M&A activity. The objective of the paper is to separate the impact of national culture from organizational culture on M&A activity. The distinction between the two is important since national culture is considered an unmanageable force a firm encounters when it operates in a foreign environment, while organizational culture is a manageable force the firm can manipulate in order to coordinate and integrate activities when working with a potential partner.
Globalization has led to ever-increasing business activity across national borders. This has fueled the pace of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in today’s global economy. Culture has been identified as a critical factor which has a significant impact on the outcome of international business activity. Cross-border M&A is an activity that takes place when a company from one country merges or takes over the assets of a company in another country.
1.1 Importance of Culture in Cross-Border M&A
Despite the prevalence of literature regarding the role culture plays in business, in particular cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A), it remains a relatively unexplored and underestimated factor in comparison to other theoretical lenses such as synergy or agency theory. It is widely recognized that national cultural differences are to be found in the differing thoughts, actions, assumptions, and a range of behavioral and material artifacts (Hofstede, 2002); all of which are key components of a society. That said, the fragmented and multidisciplinary nature of cultural theory development to date, it has yet to be fully integrated into M&A research and practice. However, there are various instances within the literature that infer assumptions to the effects of culture on M&A. For example, it is often cited as a reason for failure (Cartwright and Cooper, 1992), a costly barrier to be overcome during post-merger integration (Haspeslagh and Jemison, 1991), or a factor that should be included in the pre-acquisition screening process (Prahalad and Doz, 1987). While these examples bestow importance, it is not sufficient evidence to unequivocally prove it as a critical factor in M&A, and to date there is no defined framework or model that seeks to understand culture with respect to an entire M&A process. This is not to say cultural impact is always negative; a recent study by Stahl and Voigt (2008) identified that high cultural differences between two companies could lead to a lesser likelihood of bidder overpayment in an acquisition deal. However, the context of this result was within financial terms rather than the long-term integration process, and as aforementioned, this is not a widely explored area. With this considered, on the basis that culture is a central aspect of national identity, it can be viewed as a key and relevant aspect to any process involving two differing nations or organizations. This does not necessarily imply that any M&A between two differing national organizations will be heavily influenced by culture, for culture is a very broad and subjective concept, and there are varying levels of cross-border M&A; hence, the theory suggests that cultural impact will vary depending on the circumstance.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
The primary goal of this project is trying to figure out the impact of national and organisational culture on cross-border mergers and acquisitions, in the hope that better understanding of the influence of culture can help in avoiding some of the obvious pitfalls, and lead to successful integration which is the ultimate mark of a successful M&A activity. As this is an exploratory study, no hypothesis is put forward as it seeks to find new insights and information in the hope of forming a new theory. This has led to much of the research being in a more qualitative manner, although many questions do lend themselves to quantitative analysis. Measures of national culture provide a good base to look at the cultural issues, and matched-pair studies of companies involved in M&A activity can give good indications of the influence of culture on M&A and what actually occurs during the process. By looking at the level and nature of the increased M&A activity in the last 15 years, from the standpoints of both acquiring company and target firms, insights can be gained as to why the increase in M&A activity has led to mixed results, and how culture may be a key factor regarding this. Being an exploratory study, no specific culture dimension or issue is singled out, rather it looks at broad overall influence that culture may have at the national and organisational levels. A literature review is done on the failures and success stories of M&A activity, and there have been many case studies that offer comparisons such as two companies of different nationalities, one which has succeeded in M&A activity and one which has not. This provides much insightful data for the matched-pair studies and goes towards meeting the goals of this research.
1.3 Methodology
Another belief is that the culture of a society can be described by the values and norms present (Tayeb, 2000). Although it is possible to measure culture directly with various means, indirect measurement is probably the most effective, possibly using a society’s political or legal systems as a function of the culture it represents. Due to the breadth of values, norms, and the multi-level nature of culture, measuring the exact effects of culture on M&A activity is problematic and has only been extensively attempted by the very biggest firms in simulated training exercises. This encompasses a number of variables that would be best done by multiple means and at various levels, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various issues involved. This too is evident throughout the research, as nearly all the micro-level events that created problems during M&A could always be related back to a difference of values or norms.
The research’s underpinning philosophy is the belief that culture affects behavior. This belief was supported by Yalcintas (1981), Guy and Beddow (1983), and Seth (1986). Yalcintas suggested that M&As were of an international nature and therefore present many problems in terms of differences in national policies, mentalities, and ways of doing business. Guy and Beddow and Seth also suggested that the variables of nationality and culture were of major import in M&A activity and provide one of the better frameworks within which to understand M&A behavior (Guy and Beddow, 1983; Seth, 1986 cited in Cartwright and Cooper, 1993). This belief was held throughout the EFA and case study and remained evident in the various responses received during the research, and some of the contradictions and practical problems that were found; each of which was possible to explain by cross-cultural differences. If we consider Schneider and Barsoux’s argument that cultural variation causes different mental programming, which creates ambiguity in cross-cultural encounters (Schneider and Barsoux, 1997), i.e. different behavioral patterns and an expectancy of behavior between parties in the M&A, the importance of effects of national factors and culture in M&A become more transparent.
II. Essay Summary
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1 Definition of Culture
2.2 Cultural Dimensions
2.2.1 Power Distance
2.2.2 Individualism vs. Collectivism
2.2.3 Masculinity vs. Femininity
2.2.4 Uncertainty Avoidance
2.2.5 Long-Term Orientation
3. Cultural Influence on Pre-Merger Performance
3.1 Cultural Due Diligence
3.2 Cultural Compatibility Assessment
3.3 Communication and Integration Challenges
3.4 Leadership and Decision-Making Styles
3.5 Employee Motivation and Engagement
4. Cultural Influence on Post-Merger Performance
4.1 Organizational Culture Alignment
4.2 Change Management Strategies
4.3 Employee Retention and Talent Management
4.4 Knowledge Transfer and Learning
4.5 Performance Measurement and Control Systems
5. Case Studies
5.1 Cross-Border M&A Success Stories
5.2 Cross-Border M&A Failures
5.3 Lessons Learned
6. Conclusion
6.1 Summary of Findings
6.2 Implications for Cross-Border M&A Practitioners
6.3 Recommendations for Future Research

Investment Risk and Return Analysis

What is the Expected Rate of Return on an investment and what does it tell us about the probability of the risk involved with a particular investment?
In terms of risk, what are the advantages (and/or disadvantages) of a well-diversified portfolio?
Investments are based on the belief that the rate of return justifies or compensates the investor for the risk associated with that particular investment. The risk associated with this investment is associated with the chance that a loss will be incurred. Or, to put it another way, the greater the chance of a loss the riskier the investment. Therefore, some statistical measures of the risk involved with an investment are necessary before the investment is made.

1. Introduction
The risk and return analysis is a part of the standard investment decision-making process. It is a process in which we compare the expected returns of an investment with the risk associated with it. The general rule for any investor is that the higher the risk of an investment, the higher the expected return. This rule is critical to the decision-making process as the main objective for any investor is to maximize the return on their investment and minimize potential losses. Risk is a measurable possibility of losing or not gaining value. Whereas, return is the reward for taking the risk. Both of them have the same connotation throughout this chapter as in the higher risk or low-risk investment and its effect on the investment’s potential return. Often investors are not concerned with the risk of an investment in its entirety but more the risk of a poor outcome. In this case, the poor outcome would occur when the actual return on an investment is less than what was expected. A poor outcome may have various implications, for example, an individual expecting to finance his retirement with an investment in stocks might consider a poor outcome to be an investment value less than the financing of a comfortable retirement. A main element in the process of risk and return analysis is determining which investment decisions affect the certainty of expected future cash flows. This is because the analysis aims to compare the expected returns with the risk and if there are no changes to the expected returns of an investment then the risk has no impact. This is unlikely to be the case, for example, currency fluctuations and changes in economic conditions can all affect the expected return on an investment. Therefore a decision by the investor to hold onto the investment, invest in it more or take money out of it should be considered as an investment decision that affects the future cash flows and should be included in the analysis. A decision to include it in the analysis may result in the investment in question showing various rates of return and have a different risk. This decision is known as a marginal decision and the analysis of it using the marginal expected return and the marginal rate of time preference is an important aspect of the general risk and return analysis.
1.1 What is the Expected Rate of Return?
The expected rate of return often represents the mean of a distribution of all possible results and is often a probability-weighted calculation influencing the probability that a certain rate of return will happen. This does not have to represent an actual return at all and could be a guess. For example, an investment in the shares of a relatively new and small company with a chance to take a stake in the market of a big industry leader by a takeover of a likely inflated share price could have an expected return, considering the probability of this happening, of say 20% higher than the market, despite only being issued a dividend rate based on the shares.
The expected rate of return is a crucial concept in investment due to the fact that it measures the profitability of an investment or a business. By totaling up the expected earnings from a provided investment over its whole life, then reducing that figure by the original investment, we get the net profit. But in order to determine the profit and the risk of the investment, we need a way of comparing it with other investments of similar magnitude. This is where the expected rate of return is beneficial. By determining the rate of return, we can compare an investment to others to see if it is more or less profitable. And by using the return and risk as a single measure, we can compare to see which is more or less preferable. This is valuable to individuals and businesses, and certainly to financial and investment groups, such as corporate investors and pension funds.
1.2 Understanding the Risk-Return Tradeoff
The concept of risk is intuitively understood. An investor would prefer to receive a higher future payment with certainty than a lower one or one that may or may not eventuate. Probability of distribution of possible future returns is a determinant of the risk involved. Every investment has a possible range of future outcomes to the investor, some more certain than others. A US Treasury bill is regarded as a nearly risk-free investment because the borrowing of current funds by the government issued any no direct value to the bill holder so the bill can be repaid by any future revenue. However, bonds on the other hand are not as certain in terms of a return as stock it is also an uncertain investment. An example would be General Motors buying back many of its bonds prior to maturity and thus avoiding the interest and the principal repayment because of their uncertain financial position in relation to the bond issue. GM may be willing to buy the bond back at a higher price than it issued it for in which case there would be capital gains to the bond holder. So the bond has still uncertain future outcome for GM and the bond holder.
Investment can be broken down into financial and real investment. Using the tuition fee example, it is a real investment as it is an outlay that is expected to produce future benefits (a higher paying job). Financial investment on the other hand is the purchase of a financial asset e.g. a stock or share with the expectations of future income which will be spent on consumption. Whether you are buying stocks or paying tuition fees both can be considered taking a risk as there is always the chance of receiving all or some of the money paid back in the future. Foregone earnings on an investment have the same value as the income that could have been obtained from the job or unemployment requires no spending of the earnings so it is effectively saving the amount of the job and not earning any more than that amount.
An investment is the current commitment of dollars for a period of time in order to derive future payments that will compensate the investor for: (1) the time the funds are committed to the investment and (2) bearing uncertainty about the future size of those payments. There are two types of investment. You are considered to be an investor if you put aside £20 of your weekly income. Your £20 can be looked upon as capital to be invested in a financial or a real asset. However, not all capital expenditure will be considered an investment from an economic perspective. An economics student paying tuition fees can be effectively thought of as investing in themselves but the payment is not included in investment.
2. Risk Measures in Investment Analysis
2.1 Standard Deviation as a Risk Indicator
2.2 Beta Coefficient and Systematic Risk
2.3 Sharpe Ratio and Risk-Adjusted Return
3. Evaluating Investment Risk
3.1 Advantages of a Well-Diversified Portfolio
3.1.1 Spreading Risk Across Different Assets
3.1.2 Reducing Unsystematic Risk
3.1.3 Potential for Stable Returns
3.2 Disadvantages of a Well-Diversified Portfolio
3.2.1 Lower Potential for High Returns
3.2.2 Limited Exposure to Individual Asset Performance
3.2.3 Potential for Lower Market Timing Opportunities
4. Quantifying Risk in Investments
4.1 Risk-Adjusted Return Measures
4.1.1 Treynor Ratio and Portfolio Performance
4.1.2 Jensen’s Alpha and Manager’s Skill
4.1.3 Information Ratio and Active Management
4.2 Value at Risk (VaR) and Downside Risk Analysis
4.2.1 Estimating Potential Losses
4.2.2 Assessing Tail Risk
4.2.3 Portfolio Optimization and Risk Control
5. Conclusion