Af 210 | Accounting homework help

Please Access the “Ch3 Worksheets – Raw” file from this Module, Re-Save it using your name, and complete the Textbook Exercises. A demonstration video has been uploaded to guide you through this homework.

Please Complete all the Problems in the associated Excel template (even the ones demonstrated in the video). BE SURE to use Excel Formulas to complete your analyses. 

Bank strategy analysis – pnc bank

Management and Governance: Ownership and control, board structure and firm’s interactions with the markets (Some of the data needed for this analysis can be obtained from the proxy reports via Edgar: Get details and info from the form DEF 14A. Please cover this in 6-7 pages

Tbo pp | Operations Management homework help

Required: This PowerPoint must include the meaning of College Teacher burn-out and the causes? What are some fun things College teachers can do to alleviate teacher burn out?  

Submission: 5 PowerPoint slides, APA format, must include colorful pictures, laughter, and 1-2 fun activities for teachers. 

Discussion week # 13 follow 2

Reply if you agree or disagree with the following post. 200 words.


Comfort Contract

In this week’s student learning outcomes, I was able to investigate the ways in which various nursing models influence nurses’ daily practice and their operations. I was specifically able to look into how nurses avail their care and interventions to post-surgical patients in a more effective and personalized manner. I learned the impact of a comfort contract that ensures patients get the best care during their post-surgical recovery period. 

Comfort Contract

This comfort contract acts as an agreement between [attending nurse] and [patient name], and it contains details regarding the expected level of comfort and discomforts that patients may experience and the interventions that may be effective in solving the discomforts. 

The [patient name] and [attending nurse] agree to the following:-

  1. [Patient name] will provide details of their expectations regarding comfort and discomfort based on their medical history. 
  2. [Attending nurse] will refer to the expectations of [patient name] and then provide the necessary information and interventions.
  3. [Attending nurse] will ensure that regular checks are conducted on the patients to gauge their progress and provide any additional intervention needed. 
  4. [Patient name] will be sure to inform the [attending nurse] about any changes in their condition time after time. 

Signed: ___________________________ Date: __________________________

[Patient name]

Signed: ___________________________ Date: __________________________

[Attending nurse]

Human behaviour week 2-application paper

 Application Paper Assignment Chapter 2 – Ethical Decision MakingAfter reading Business Ethics Chapter 2 and reviewing the Guidelines for Application Papers, craft and submit an academic paper that addresses the following:(Please follow template and Guidelines and need two to three full pages )

  • Describe the qualities you believe are necessary in an “ethical leader.”  Provide support for your point of view and explain why a leader should display these qualities in order to be considered “ethical.”
  • Then identify someone you believe embodies these qualities in her or his leadership, and provide examples of relevant behavior.
  • Finally, provide an example of someone whom you believe does not possess these qualities and describe that person’s leadership.

Use the attached file (APA (7th Ed) Template for Student Papers) for your document. 

Discussion | Psychology homework help


This week, you will create a resource that meets a gap or need at the counseling group for substance abuse that would help you or your site function more effectively. address the following prompts:

  • Resource name.
  • Resource purpose.
  • What gap or need does this resource meet?
  • Theoretical orientation the resource is grounded in.

Watch the following ted-ed video and answer the questions one by one

1- What does the term ‘germs’ usually refer to? 

2- What do all germs have in common? 

3- Define the term ‘modes of transmission’ and give an example. 

4- What is a major disadvantage to a virus, if it replicates too much, too quickly? 

5- If there’s too little of a virus, what is a disadvantage (to the virus) if you don’t experience any symptoms? 

6- List the characteristics of a successful virus. 

7- What does the trade-off hypothesis predict for rhinovirus? 

8- Why does the malaria virus do not require a mobile host? 

9- What can we do to minimize the harmfulness of infectious diseases? —————-



 Read the case study  (( Managing Infectious Diseases.pdf)) and answer the questions provided in the file uploaded called ECEonlineHW.  

Human ecology discussion 5 | Nursing homework help

Discussion prompts: 

  1. The human population depends on various natural resources, plants, and other members of the animal kingdom for our survival and lifestyles. Take a day in your life at home and at work and think of items or ways you could reduce or do away with. In what ways does the reduction promote resource depletion? As a nurse, how would you advocate for mitigating unrestricted consumption and its effects on the human population and health? (USLOs 5.1, 5.2)


  1. Take any two finite/non-renewable resources and discuss ways to conserve them or promote their sustainable use. How do the effects of resource depletion intersect with socioeconomic status, gender, race/ethnicity, and health outcomes? Explain. Next, in what ways can nurses encourage sustainability in their personal and professional settings? (USLOs 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Human informatics discussion | Nursing homework help

For this discussion, consider the ways in which technology and informatics are used to support evidence-based practice. Please address each of the following questions in your discussion response for this week:

  1. Choose a specific evidence-based practice (examples: CAUTI reduction, sepsis protocol, SCIP protocol, bedside shift report, etc.).
    • Describe how technology and informatics are used to support the interventions used in practice?
    • Describe how employing evidence-based practice guidelines improve patient outcomes?
  2. What benefits and challenges have you experienced with (the integration of) information technology in your practice?
  3. What strategies did you, or could you, use to overcome these challenges?

Discussion | English homework help

 In this discussion, explain and describe the Emergency Management Plan: Financial Management. How does financial management play a significant role in planning for tactical and operational endeavors? 

Apa format must include turn it in or will be forced to refund