Weekly Challenge – Meditation

Weekly Challenge – Meditation

Weekly Challenge – Meditation

Spend some time this week exploring aspects of mindfulness

What mindfulness activity I did this week:

The mindfulness activity I did this week is a form of meditation known as walking meditation. Accordingly, this activity involves focusing the mind on what it feels like to walk by paying all attention to every movement involved in walking (Donatelle & Thompson, 2011). Such movement includes lifting the foot, moving the foot forward, placing the foot on the floor, and shifting body weight from one leg to the other. This activity helps a person get out of their head, relax, and fully engage with the world around them.

How often did I do this activity?

Because of this assignment, I came to know of walking meditation, and after I practiced it and liked it, I started doing it almost every day when I found myself with some free time.

How does this mindfulness activity impact my physical, emotional and spiritual wellness?

Since I have been doing this activity for a short while, I have noticed no physical wellness so far. However, my emotional and spiritual wellness has improved. Lately, my anxiety and moodiness have reduced, and so has my stress. In addition, I feel more mindful and have a new sensation of life satisfaction, which makes me happy.

What new insights have I gained?

A major insight I gained from this experience concerns my mind and how it is chaotic. I realized how I constantly and obsessively follow old thoughts and constantly get distracted, unable to focus on one thing for a long time. This lack of attention then leads to me missing out on many things in the present moment because I am thinking about something else.

Additional thoughts, reflections and comments

With the current age of the internet, modern technologies are constantly embedded into people’s everyday lives at an increased rate. Studies have shown that the generations growing up in the Internet age have a lot of anxiety and little life satisfaction, which are all linked to Internet addiction (Kvintová et al., 2020). As such, I feel that practices like walking meditation are important for everyone, especially the young generation, and schools should find a way to incorporate such lessons.


Donatelle, R. J., & Thompson, A. M. (2011). Health: the basics. Benjamin Cummings.

Kvintová, J., Cakirpaloglu, S. D., & Hájková, R. (2020). Relationship between internet addiction, life satisfaction and anxiety in pre-service teachers of generation Z. In EDULEARN20 Proceedings (pp. 5843-5849). IATED.


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Weekly Challenge - Meditation

Weekly Challenge – Meditation

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. Spending too much time planning, problem-solving, daydreaming, or thinking negative or random thoughts can be draining. It can also make you more likely to experience stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you direct your attention away from this kind of thinking and engage with the world around you.

Spend some time this week exploring aspects of mindfulness

  1. What mindfulness activity I did this week:
  2. How often did I do this activity
  3. How does this mindfulness activity impact my physical, emotional and spiritual wellness?
  4. What new insights have I gained?
  5. Additional thoughts, reflections and comments

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Why Study Ethics

Why Study Ethics

Why Study Ethics

Ethics are a basic component of all aspects of life. Ethics are necessary for people and populations across nations to function as a global society. Studying ethics is an important part of developing the capacity to live ethically. Studying ethics helps an individual develop the knowledge and skills to understand and appreciate various aspects of their lives and those of others. According to Lowery (2020), moral literacy assists leaders in navigating moral dilemmas within socially, economically, culturally, and politically diverse populations. Ethics help individuals recognize and appreciate their rights, responsibilities, culture, morals, and those of others. A person who has studied ethics is able to view life from their own perspective while appreciating the views of others.

The teaching of ethics should begin during the early stages of development. The recommended age for teaching ethics is four to five years. During the preschool development stage, children have developed an idea of right and wrong and can follow basic rules (Dahl & Killen, 2018). Children at the preschool stage can imitate older adults and behave morally to avoid punishment or achieve rewards. According to Tri Yuningsih & Sunaryo (2022), early use of reward and punishment increases the development of discipline and morals from early childhood. The teaching of ethics should begin in a child’s home setting and throughout their learning life.

Ethics can change over time. An individual’s ethics are not fixed and can change as they grow and gain new experiences. One’s ethical perspectives can also change over time as individuals respond to an evolving situation. Currently, the advancement of technology, globalization, and the cultural mix have led to a shift from traditional ethics across the world (Iavicoli et al., 2018).


Dahl, A., & Killen, M. (2018). A developmental perspective on the origins of morality in infancy and early childhood. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(SEP), 1736. https://doi.org/10.3389/FPSYG.2018.01736/BIBTEX

Iavicoli, S., Valenti, A., Gagliardi, D., & Rantanen, J. (2018). Ethics and Occupational Health in the Contemporary World of Work. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, Vol. 15, Page 1713, 15(8), 1713. https://doi.org/10.3390/IJERPH15081713

Lowery, C. (2020). Moral literacy and school leadership: Perceptions of principals in southeast Ohio on the ethics of decision-making. Journal of Educational Administration, 58(1), 112–127. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-06-2018-0120/FULL/XML

Tri Yuningsih, T., & Sunaryo, I. (2022). Implementation of Reward and Punishment in Forming Discipline Character Early Childhood. Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ), 4(2), 27–38. https://doi.org/10.23917/ECRJ.V4I2.12164


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Why should one study ethics? Are ethics really necessary for us to function as a global society?

Why Study Ethics

Why Study Ethics

When (at what age) and where should ethics be taught?
Is it possible for one’s ethics to change over time? Why or why not?

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The Physician Shortage

The Physician Shortage

The Physician Shortage

From the article, we learn that in the US, more is spent on healthcare than in any other nation, but still, citizens are less healthy compared to other high-income countries that spend less amount. Additionally, the number of physicians has reduced over the last 12 years. This shortage of physicians across the country has been attributed to other factors such as American diet and lifestyle, health care system incentives that have led to overuse and underuse of services, and inappropriate health outcome measurement. However, different measures have been introduced to help solve the physician shortage. These measures include increasing the number of physicians to meet the demand for care and increasing the number of physician assistants that offer primary care services, such as practical nurses.

Increasing the number of physicians to meet the demand for care and increasing the number of physician assistants that offer primary care services is expensive and will see the healthcare cost increase and diminish in the returns. The most appropriate measure to curb the physician shortage is to address the demand for health care services by controlling individual and group variables which are the top 10 causes of mortality in the US. Group variables targeting involves improving management and access to chronic disease services, using information and financial incentives, implementing health information technology, and improving care coordination. Individual variables targeting, on the other hand, involves individual determinants such as financial decisions, diet, exercise, and substance use. Legislators should consider strategic policy formulation to ensure that targeting individual and group variables is official and mandatory (Ahmed & Carmody, 2020).


Ahmed, H., & Carmody, J. B. (2020). On the Looming Physician Shortage and Strategic Expansion of Graduate Medical Education. Cureus, 12(7). https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.9216


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The Physician Shortage

The Physician Shortage

Read “The Physician Shortage: A Red Herring in American Health Care Reform,” by Corso, Dorrance, LaRochelle, and LaRochelle, from Military Medicine (2018).
What are your key takeaways in the article?

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Stress and Depression

Stress and Depression

Stress and Depression

Stress is a neglected factor in day-to-day events of life, and it plays a vital role in the mental health of a being. It is a physiological response to any physical, emotional, or psychological strain (Cassidy, 2017). Stress may have a positive or negative impact, but for the essay below, we will focus on the negative part of stress causing depression. To others, stress acts as a defence mechanism, and if it becomes chronic, it can lead to depression. Depression is a significant health determinant during healthcare delivery. It is also a common mental illness whose manifestations include loss of interest, feelings of guilt, low concentrations, and loss of appetite. Stress is closely associated with depression. With chronic stress, one is likely to go into depression. The essay below will discuss the short and long-term effects of depression on health, treatment, and prevention strategies and how one can avoid disorders related to stress. It will also give an insight into how stress contributes to depression.

Stress Contribution to Depression

Life events full of stress contribute to the origin and, more so, the development of pressure through the interaction of factors such as environmental stressors, psychological factors, and neurotrophic factors. Psychological vulnerability, which is determined by the strength, duration of impact, and intensity of life events, can lead to depression (Yang et al., 2015). When a person is exposed to stressors that are uncontrollable and unavoidable, this may interfere with their cognitive functioning. Especially cases where resources to cope with these stressors are unavailable. When these people are unable to make proper judgments on how to handle stressful life events, they begin to feel useless and helpless.

Environmental stressors such as traumatic events experienced by a person during childhood could cause vulnerability and trigger depression. Adverse life events such as extreme poverty, loss of a close relative, abuse by peers, and neglect have a direct way of forming dysfunctional and negative attitudes. So, exposure to additional environmental stressors that are not favourable could lead to depressive symptoms.

Neurotrophic factors play a role in neural processes in the brain. These include the brain-derived neurotrophic elements, neurotrophins 3, 4, 5, and 6, and nerve growth factors. Research has shown that any drop in the levels of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor may cause depression symptoms (Phillipe., 2017). However, an increased level of this helps to speed up healing during a clinical process. Chronic stress can damage the central neurons, decreasing the stories of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor and causing depressive symptoms.

Effects of Depression on Health

Depression causes endocrine abnormalities, which result in endocrine disorders. The most common condition associated with depression is the increased activity of the HPA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis (Kim et al., 2016). It results in the diseases of parathyroid, adrenal glands, and thyroid glands and also causes diabetes mellitus, which involves insulin secretion. Some long-term effects are the unresponsive treatment of the thyroid, adrenal and parathyroid glands.

Short-term effects on the nervous system include slowed-down neurological functions, irritability, sudden intense mood swings, disorientation, lethargy, and muscle weakness. The long-term effects of depression on this system include migraines, pains unresponsive to pain medications, prolonged body aches, and loss of memory.

Depression causes diarrhoea or increased intestinal motility in the gastrointestinal system. Prolonged duration of depression may cause regurgitation, leading to chronic ulcers. It can lead to a build-up of acid in the respiratory system, leading to respiratory acidosis.

Depression is treated after a holistic assessment. This holistic assessment includes clinical assessment, identification of stressors, presence of underlying disorders, looking at the patient’s preference, and weighing on the prognosis if they have had one before. Medications are given, which include antidepressants and other drugs, to manage the clinical manifestations of an individual (Olfson et al., 2016).

Depression can be prevented by creating awareness of the effects of an excellent early childhood upbringing. It can also be controlled by educating the caretakers and parents on how to handle those who have had depression before to minimize the strength of stressors. Advocating for the implementation of government policies on mental health and encouraging psychotherapeutic talks can help prevent depression.

Stress-related disorders such as depression can be avoided by seeking immediate help. Early medical attention, such as attending cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy, helps to minimize the weight of stress and the number of stressors on an individual. The decreased number of stressors on an individual is directly proportional to the improved health status of an individual.


In conclusion, there is a close association between stress and depression. Stress contributes to depression via environmental stressors, psychological stressors, for example, psychological vulnerability, and neurotrophic factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factors. A decrease in brain-derived neurotrophic factors causes depressive symptoms. Still, depression affects the endocrine system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, and respiratory system. It causes endocrine abnormalities and diseases of the glands. These glands include the thyroid, adrenal and parathyroid. However, there are ways to treat and prevent depression, for example, the administration of antidepressants. Apart from these two, depression can be avoided.


Cassidy, T. (2017). Stress, cognition and health. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315800103

Kim, Y. K., Na, K. S., Myint, A. M., & Leonard, B. E. (2016). The role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and the neuroendocrine system in major depression. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry64, 277-284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.06.008

Olfson, M., Blanco, C., & Marcus, S. C. (2016). Treatment of adult depression in the United States. JAMA Internal Medicine176(10), 1482-1491. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2546155

Phillips, C. (2017). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, depression, and physical activity: making the neuroplastic connection. Neural plasticity2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/7260130

Yang, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, X., Li, B., & Cui, R. (2015). The effects of psychological stress on depression. Current neuropharmacology13(4), 494-504. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/cn/2015/00000013/00000004/art00011


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Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

Stress and Depression

Stress and Depression

Scientists have known for some time that stress can aggravate physical or mental illnesses. We also know that stress is also associated with an increased risk for psychological and physical diseases such as:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Breast Cancer ( I chose breast Cancer because my Aunt Passed away from it.)
During the normal stress response, the nervous system and endocrine systems respond. Chronic stress can result in the continued comeback of these systems, especially regarding hormone release, which can impact other body systems.

Case Assignment
Choose one of the disorders below to research.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Breast Cancer
Describe the current research that supports how stress contributes to the effects of the disorder (3 well-developed paragraphs).

How does your chosen stress-related disorder affect short- and long-term health? Consider the impact on endocrine, nervous and other body systems (3 well-developed paragraphs).

What can be done to prevent and treat your chosen stress-related disorder? (2 well-developed paragraphs).

Conclude how to avoid these stress-related disorders (1 well-developed paragraph).

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Study Designs

Study Designs

Study Designs

Healthcare leaders and managers mainly use case-control studies to collect data on factors linked to diseases and their outcomes. They can research rare diseases, outbreaks, and research on multiple risk factors. Case-control studies are highly susceptible to recall bias (Tenny et al., 2022). Case-control studies are relatively cost-effective compared to cohort studies since cases are outlined at the start of the research and have a short follow-up period. The hierarchy of evidence classifies case-control studies at level ? (Tenny & Varacallo, 2022). An example of a case-control study is a study on hypertension. The case group will comprise known hypertensives, while the control group will comprise individuals of the same demographic as the case group but are not hypertensive. The researcher can collect data on their lifestyle and conclude that smoking and alcohol intake are risk factors for hypertension.

Healthcare leaders and managers use cohort studies to carry out studies over time. They are highly prone to selection bias and have a very low susceptibility to recall bias. Cohort studies are costly since they are used to study rare diseases; hence, they have a long follow-up duration, which requires a continuous flow of financial resources (Munnangi & Boktor, 2022). The hierarchy of evidence classifies prospective cohort studies at level ? and retrospective cohort studies at level ? (Tenny & Varacallo, 2022). An example of a cohort study is a study on the potential long-term effects of covid 19.

Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are used to study new drugs and devices. They have minimum selection bias since the participants are randomly divided into experimental and control groups. RCTs are very expensive to conduct (Munnangi & Boktor, 2022). The hierarchy of evidence classifies prospective cohort studies at level ? (Tenny & Varacallo, 2022). An example of an RCT is a study on the effects of a novel antihypertensive that is carried out using a group administered the antihypertensive and another group issued a placebo. Both groups are selected randomly, and the participants are not aware of the drug they have taken.


Munnangi S, Boktor SW. Epidemiology Of Study Design. [Updated 2022 Apr 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470342/

Tenny S, Kerndt CC, Hoffman MR. Case-Control Studies. [Updated 2022 Mar 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448143/

Tenny S, Varacallo M. Evidence-Based Medicine. [Updated 2021 Oct 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470182/


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There are several different types of studies that can help make data from research credible and, therefore, useful to healthcare managers and leaders. Credible data is vital to making safe decisions. From thorough research of at least three credible sources, please discuss the following tools used in research:

Study Designs

Study Designs

Case-control studies
Cohort studies, retrospective and prospective
Randomized clinical trials
Include the following key concepts in your discussion of each study:

Data that can be collected and used by healthcare leaders and managers
Inherent biases
Level of reliability using the hierarchy of evidence rating method
An example of the study
Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.

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Special Population LGBTQIA

Special Population LGBTQIA

Special Population LGBTQIA

The Most Significant Barriers to Culturally Appropriate Health Care for LGBTQAI+ Individuals and Families

The barriers can be categorized into three main factors. They include limited knowledge, poor access, and negative experiences. Healthcare providers have limited knowledge and experience in taking care of the LGBTQ+ population (The LGBTQ Rights Movement, n.d.). This prevents the appropriate delivery of healthcare services. Besides, stereotypes and discriminative approaches by healthcare providers create negative treatment experiences for the LGBTQIA (National LGBT Health Education Center, 2015). This triggers fear and lowers the probability of seeking healthcare services for this population. Further, LGBTQI+ members are likely to be rejected by their kin, jobless, and homeless. This limits their access to health insurance and essential healthcare services.

My Perspective on Transgender Individuals Being the Most Vulnerable of the LGBTQAI+ Group When it Comes to Health Care and Social Inclusion.

I strongly agree that LGBTQIA are the most vulnerable population when it comes to healthcare and social inclusion. An example is Samantha, who identifies as a transgender female. Samantha reports that she used to collect her sister’s clothes and other collections in her childhood and hoard them in the closet (Being Transgender, 2017). Her mother found out about it and threw the collections on the floor. She told Samantha to avoid feminine possessions, failure to which she could expose her to the community. Subsequently, a transgender male, Jamie, reports the same discrimination. Jamie says that people expected him to grow a beard and deepen his voice immediately. This indicates discrimination against social inclusion. Further, Jamie reports a lack of advice and healthcare direction on having children. Therefore, this population is vulnerable when it comes to healthcare and social inclusion.

Improvement Areas in Healthcare for LGBTQ+ Care According to HEI Report Findings.

The data demonstrate improvement in four aspects. They include non-discrimination and staff training, service and support provision, employee benefits and policies, and community and patient engagement. This is supported by data collected from facilities such as Buffalo General Medical Center and Evergreen Health (Healthcare Equality Index, 2020). Many facilities scored all points when the four aspects were assessed. Some facilities are not regular participants in the study, while others don’t provide information. An example is Vassar Brothers Medica Center, which is listed as a research facility. This fails to provide a true reflection of improved aspects of care in New York City.

Creating a More Culturally Appropriate and Inclusive Experience for LGBTQAI+ Individuals and Their Families in My Community

Inclusivity and culturally appropriate experience can be created by setting up LGBTQIA inclusion policies and LGBTQIA training. These policies should focus on the importance of equality and diversity and prohibit discrimination. Educating staff and the community on LGBTQIA topics will facilitate proper enforcement of the policies.


Being Transgender: Directed by Sreya Biswas, Narrated by

Rebecca Root, Produced by Sreya Biswas, British Broadcasting Corporation. In

Horizon, Season 53, Episode 15 (London, England: BBC Worldwide, 2017) (55

minutes). https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sua57

Human Rights Campaign Foundation Website, Healthcare Equality Index (2020).


National LGBT Health Education Center. (2015). Providing Welcoming Services and Care for LGBT People: A Learning Guide for Health Care Staff. January 1–29.

Special Population. The LGBTQ Rights Movement. (n.d.).


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Instruction must respond to all four questions

Part II: From “outside” to “inside:” This week’s videos contain some personal LGBTQAI+ stories and the barriers these folks face to accessing culturally appropriate health care. Despite legal gains in some areas like same-sex marriage, there are still many aspects to our healthcare system that feel much more exclusive than inclusive, resulting in many in a feeling of living “outside” the healthcare system. Drawing on the stories and experiences presented this week and the information presented on the HEI 2020 and Healthy People 2020 websites, please discuss the following questions, one at a time, with classmates and your instructor.

Special Population LGBTQIA

Special Population LGBTQIA

What do you see as the most significant barriers to culturally appropriate health care for LGBTQAI+ individuals and families? Please apply your assigned readings and videos to support your responses.
It is often said that transgender members of our society are the most vulnerable of the LGBTQAI+ group when it comes to health care and social inclusion. After viewing the documentary Being Transgender, to what extent do you agree with transgender individuals being the most vulnerable, and why? Cite two to three specific examples from the video to support your response.
After reviewing the Healthcare Equality Index results for your local community, what stands out to you as the most improved area(s) of care for LGBTQAI+ persons? The biggest gap? Support your discussion with data from the HEI report findings.
What is one specific thing you can do starting today in your workplace or community to create a more culturally appropriate and inclusive experience for LGBTQAI+ individuals and their families?

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Public Choice Theory

Public Choice Theory

Public Choice Theory

The public choice theory posits that politicians and the general public behave in a manner that fosters their personal interests over the interests of the public. To that end, politicians are motivated by their personal interests while formulating public policies and laws (Schuster, 2018). One of the main motivations driving legislative action is the politicians’ desire to retain their income by being voted in. The desire is explicit when legislators support popular policies regardless of their soundness to get votes. Politicians leverage the public’s lack of knowledge to support popular bills that may not benefit the general public in the long run.

Rivalry and excludability characteristics are associated with private (non-public goods). A good example of a rival and excludable good is healthcare. The consumption of healthcare by one individual excludes another from consuming those healthcare services. For instance, when patients are admitted to a public healthcare facility, they occupy bed space that someone else may have occupied (Dewar, 2017). Dewar (2017) also avers that healthcare provision is uncertain to a large extent. Although some healthcare issues, such as pregnancies, may be predicted, many healthcare issues occur suddenly and quickly, hence highly unpredictable. Healthcare possesses distinct characteristics from public goods, so it is left to the private sector.

Healthcare funding management is also in the realm of the private sector to ensure there is efficiency. If the sector were to be administered through the public sector, it would likely fail due to inefficiency (Higbea & Cline, 2021). Public officials and politicians do not have a profit incentive when managing public goods; hence they may not put enough effort into ensuring these services work. The rivalry and excludability of healthcare make it a non-public good.


Dewar, D. M. (2017). Essentials of health economics. Burlington, Ma Jones & Bartlett Learning Burlington, Ma Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Higbea, R., & Cline, G. (2021). Government and policy for U.S. health leaders. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Schuster, W. (2018). Public Choice Theory, the Constitution, and Public Understanding of the Copyright System. https://lawreview.law.ucdavis.edu/issues/51/5/Articles/51-5_Schuster.pdf.


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Public Choice Theory

Public Choice Theory

Using both your textbook and at least one other peer-reviewed source, discuss the public choice theory or model. How does it relate to rivalness and excludability?

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior refers to the academic study of how an organization’s people interact with each other. Studying organizational behavior helps a firm understand its people better to improve operations. The study of organizational behavior intends to improve job satisfaction, innovation, and performance and enhance leadership. Each of these metrics has its actions that could be implemented to improve the organization.

Components of Organizational Behavior


People refer to the employees of an organization. They are the most important component of a business. Since employees help the organization achieve its dreams, the owners and managers should treat them well. Treating employees well will result in more returns (Hiriyappa, 2009). There are many ways the organization can treat employees well, including ensuring optimum employee engagement. Also, managers should strive to understand employees individually. Even though employees sometimes work in groups, they have distinct personalities. An effort to understand employees’ personality attributes helps managers handle them better.


Another component of organizational behavior is the organizational structure. It refers to the roles and relationships of an organization’s people (Hiriyappa, 2009). Employees are clustered into different categories based on their roles. For instance, an organization’s structure may include executives, assistants, supervisors, and subordinates. Different power relationships exist based on these categories. Nonetheless, all people across different structural clusters work in a coordinated manner as they pursue organizational objectives.

Each individual’s roles and responsibilities across the organizational structure must be clearly defined to ensure optimum productivity. That can be achieved by dividing the work into small bits (Hiriyappa, 2009). When roles are clearly defined, there is a reduced chance of confusion since everyone knows their job. Besides, employees will be efficient if everyone knows what is expected. In addition, successful structuring also calls for specialization. Individuals should only be assigned the tasks they are good at. Letting staff members do what they are good at will spur productivity and help the organization achieve its goals (Kopp, 2022). Managers must not assign employees randomly without knowing if employees can handle them.


Technology, as a component of organizational behavior, is meant to help people do their jobs better and more easily. It provides the economic and physical resources that make work easier. Without technology, performing tasks in this era could be a herculean task (Hiriyappa, 2009). The extent of reliance on technology depends on the nature of work and the scale of operations. Notably, technology improves organizational operations by providing tools, resources, and machines needed to improve operations. Also, technology plays a key role in reducing overall business costs and enhancing the quality of the final work deliverables. Although technology enables people to work more freely, it still imposes restrictions in the form of terms and conditions.


The environment in which an organization operates is also a core component of organizational behavior. Both the internal and external environments affect its operations. On the one hand, the internal environment largely refers to the organizational culture. On the other hand, the external environment refers to the political landscape, social attributes, culture, and economic factors in a given area. Organizational behavior involves studying these factors and making the necessary organizational changes where needed.

Whereas an organization can control the internal environment, the extent to which an organization can influence the external environment is limited. Factors in the external business environment affect the motives, attitudes, and working conditions at the workplace. The relationship between an external business environment and the business is that the latter imports inputs from the environment while exporting output to the same environment (Hiriyappa, 2009). The impact of the external environment on an organization constitutes organizational behavior.

The Impact of Organizational Behavior on the Failure or Success of an Organization

Organizational behavior helps the business understand employees’ drivers, motives, and attitudes. With such understanding in place, the organization can adjust its cultural design to fit employees. For instance, employees like constant engagement and respectful treatment. An organization that engages employees and treats them with respect is likely to succeed. That is because engaged employees align their individual goals with those of the organization (Hitt et al., 2018). They will commit to their work and produce better results. Also, organizational behavior requires that employees are compensated well. An organizational reward system should be satisfactory and be applied consistently across the organization (Hitt et al., 2018). Reward systems commonly used to compensate employees include performance pay, share ownership, and pay for profit. Among the three, performance pay stands out as the most effective in driving employees to commit to organizational goals and do their jobs well.

Another aspect of organizational behavior that drives success is decision-making. Organizational managers who encourage employees to take risks are likely to influence success (Hitt et al., 2018). That is because employees have an incentive to be creative and innovative. Also, effective communication from the top drives success. Constant organizational communication helps managers understand the business context while helping employees to be actively involved in pursuing an organization’s goals.

In conclusion, organizational behavior determines the success or failure of a business. That is because it affects resources that are core to the success of a business. It is important that managers or business owners focus on the components they may want to change or modify. By eliminating elements that could be slowing down employee productivity, an organization creates a positive culture.


Hitt, M. A., C Chet Miller, & Colella, A. (2018). Organizational behavior. Wiley.

Hiriyappa, B. (2009). Organizational behavior. New Age International.

Kopp, C. (2022). Organizational Behavior Definition. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/organizational-behavior.asp#:~:text=Organizational%20behavior%20is%20the%20academic


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ASSIGNMENT: As a starting assignment, you’ll have the opportunity to review some components of organizational behavior:

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Define organizational behavior (business).
Describe different components of organizational behavior
Explain how the understanding of organizational behavior can lead to the success and failure of an organization.


Make sure you follow this format:

Title Page


Define organizational behavior. (APA Level 1)
Describe different components of organizational behavior. (APA Level 1)
Explain how the understanding of organizational behavior can lead to the success and failure of an organization (APA Level 1)



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Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan

Employee’s Name


Job Position

Director of Nursing

Position Roles and Responsibilities

As the director of nursing, you are responsible for managing and overseeing all functions of the facility’s nursing staff. You are also responsible for care services provided to all patients within the facility, including other administrative roles related to nursing care, such as supervision of nurses, and ensuring the nursing department has its set goals, objectives, policies, and roles clearly outlined. You are also expected to ensure that all department records are up-to-date and be constantly in touch with the nurses to determine and resolve any issues within nursing care. You are also expected to check on the nurses’ performance and ensure they meet the facility’s ethical and operational quality standards regarding patient care. Most importantly, you are responsible for maintaining a strict budget within the set limits of your department.

Date: 16 February 2023

Reason for Performance Improvement Plan

This performance improvement plan aims to define the issues in your current behavior as the facility’s director of nursing and provide you with an opportunity to address these behaviors, improve your work behavior, and meet the roles and responsibilities as a senior employee of the facility.

Situations and Concerns Identified in Your Work Behavior and Performance

As we had discussed in our previous meeting with you and the Human Resources manager, this PIP will allow you to improve the below situations and concerns about your roles and responsibilities:

Concern/Situation 1: You spent all your days in your office and did not make any environmental rounds.

Concern/Situation 2: You do not interact with Nursing or other staff members.

Concern/Situation 3: The following deficiencies have been identified in your nursing department from the annual NYSDOH survey: infection control, care planning, abuse and neglect, and medication administration.

Concern/Situation 4: The facility has received three complaint surveys related to serious patient incidents in the past month.

Concern/Situation 5: Your department’s overtime expenses exceeded $50,000 above the facility’s limit.

Performance Improvement Goals and Objectives

  • Achieve daily and hourly environmental rounds and assess and do a situational analysis of the facility with full reports filled daily.
  • Improved and reported interactions with the other nurses and employees within the facility.
  • Improved interaction with the clients within the nursing home.
  • Improved reporting on the safety of infection control, care planning, abuse and neglect, and medication administration.
  • Reduction to net zero of severe patient incidents.
  • Management of the nursing department’s budget and staff planning to reduce expenditure on overtime.

Action Items to Improve Work Behavior and Performance

For you to be able to achieve the above-listed goals and objectives of this PIP:

  • You are expected to do daily and hourly environmental rounds and assess the situation within the facility. At the end of each day, you will expect to file a report with a full analysis of the facility’s situation.
  • You are expected to interact daily with the nurses and other workers within the facility and make daily reports on the interactions and what issues you may have found. You will be required to commit a total of 3 hours a day to interact with the facility’s staff and other individuals within the facility.
  • You are expected to interact with the clients within the nursing home and identify any issues with the care provided. A total of 2 hours are required to be committed to interacting with the clients, and a full report is filed with your assigned supervisor.
  • You are expected to develop, implement, and report on progress on the safety of infection control, care planning, abuse and neglect management, and safety of medication administration.
  • You are expected to develop and implement a program that will lead to a reduction to net zero of severe patient incidents within the next three months.
  • You are expected to develop and implement a working duty rotation plan for all nurses to ensure the existing staff’s availability and efficiency to reduce overtime expenditure.

Resources and Support

As a leader, you are expected to develop an awareness of efficient resource allocation, especially intellectual capital, to improve performance and competitiveness (Alfiero et al., 2021). The facility will provide you with any resources needed for this PIP and throughout the PIP. Additionally, additional training, including outside resources and learning materials, will be available to support your improvement. You will also be trained in leadership skills to support your roles and improvement. A leader is expected to be strongly committed to achieving and facilitating breakthroughs in organizational performance (Ahn et al., 2021).

Expectations and Consequences

It is our best belief that you will be able to achieve the goals and objectives of this PIP and meet the improvement expectations. Failure to meet the expectations will lead to removal from your position, and we are awaiting committee confirmation for the full termination of your employment.

Action Plan with Timeline

You will be assessed every Friday at 4:30 PM with a full report expected at the end of the day for the next 90 days. Your progress will be fully reviewed on the fourth Friday of every month.


Employee’s Signature:

Supervisor’s Signature:

Management 1:

Management 2:


Ahn, C., Rundall, T. G., Shortell, S. M., Blodgett, J. C., & Reponen, E. (2021). Lean Management and Breakthrough Performance Improvement in Health Care. Quality Management in Health Care, 30(1), 6–12. https://doi.org/10.1097/QMH.0000000000000282

Alfiero, S., Brescia, V., & Bert, F. (2021). Intellectual capital-based performance improvement: a study in the healthcare sector. BMC Health Services Research 2021 21:1, 21(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1186/S12913-021-06087-Y


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Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan

Now that you have reviewed the notes provided and considered life experience, please respond to the following scenario: You are the CEO of a 300-bed Nursing Home in a small town in Westchester. Delores was hired 3 months ago as a Director of Nursing. The following situations have arisen since hire:
She stays in her office all day and doesn’t make environmental rounds.
She doesn’t interact with nursing staff or other staff members.
The nursing home completed an annual NYSDOH survey and received 12 deficiencies, which was way above the state average. Deficiencies included infection control, care planning, abuse and neglect, and medication administration.
The facility has received three complaint surveys related to serious patient incidents in the past month.
Overtime expenses have increased by $50,000.

You may want to terminate Delores. However, you have been advised by Human Resources to develop a performance improvement plan to assist her in becoming successful. In 3 months, you will re-evaluate her progress. Develop a carefully thought out performance improvement plan to address the issues identified as problematic.

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Performance Review Perceptions

Performance Review Perceptions

Performance Review Perceptions

What do most employees believe about performance reviews impacting the quality of their work?

Most surveys have revealed that most employees believe that performance reviews do not inspire them to improve. According to Gallup, only 14% of employees believe that performance reviews help them to improve. Traditional performance reviews are always bad since they make performance worse than before (Sutton & Wigert, 2019). Performance reviews could lead to a drop in performance when managers insist on carrying out performance reviews when they have not been giving regular feedback to employees. Ironically, a performance review is an expensive and time-wasting exercise, yet it can drop performance (Janove, 2021). The best performance review should encourage frequent, meaningful manager/employee conversation. This can only be achieved in an organization with a performance management system that embraces a culture of honesty (Sutton & Wigert, 2019). A culture of openness is where managers and employees have a standard definition of excellence. Employees also believe that a frequent, honest conversation helps open the possibility known as “radical candor,” which is simply the ability to address uncomfortable truths.

Organizational managers fail to hold a frank conversation; the result is managing unhappy employees. In this case, employees continue receiving false encouragement and praise. Good managers are those who have effective coaching conversations. Such managers create an environment that enhances genuine dialogues, enabling employees to feel their opinions matter (Sutton & Wigert, 2019). Unfortunately, many organizations have managers who do not have practical dialogue skills. Thus, many employees see performance reviews as unnecessary but prefer frequent feedback from the management. Performance reviews must accompany regular, honest feedback to achieve the intended goals (Janove, 2021). Therefore, to trigger effective and beneficial performance reviews, managers must create a continuous learning environment that encourages workers to be more open and collaborative. Performance management systems should not hold employees captive but should focus on improving the skills and performance of each employee.


Janove, J. (2021). Get Rid of Performance Reviews. Retrieved From https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/humanity-into-hr/pages/get-rid-of-performance-reviews.aspx

Sutton, R & Wigert, B. (2019). More Harm Than Good: The Truth About Performance Reviews. Retrieved From https://www.gallup.com/workplace/249332/harm-good-truth-performance-reviews.aspx


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For this module’s discussion, find information and statistics about employee and leader perceptions of performance reviews. Perform a Google search using terms such as “performance management statistics” or “performance reviews AND perception.” SHRM.org, or The Global State of Employee Engagement at the office, is excellent for information on this topic.

Performance Review Perceptions

Performance Review Perceptions

In your main post, share exciting or surprising findings and cite the source of the information.

Answer one or two of the questions below based on your research.

Are employers happy with traditional performance management systems?
What do most employees believe about performance reviews impacting the quality of their work?
Is the time devoted to performance reviews significant (3+ weeks per year)?
How happy are workers about reviews happening once per year? Would they prefer more or less frequent feedback?
How do employees’ perceptions around performance management differ based on a generational group (Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers)?
Do HR Managers and general leaders share the same perceptions of performance management?
Is the perception of performance reviews similar worldwide?

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