Nel and Sula

Nel and Sula

Nel and Sula

The Role of Nel and Sula’s Friendship

Nel and Sula’s friendship is one of the main themes in the novel Sula by Toni Morrison. African females’ common subjugation experience stimulates them to establish connections to help them fight the effects of race, status, and gender. More so, female friendship helps them stand against patriarchy’s impacts and offers safety and a healing environment. Sula and Nel created a strong bond during their childhood that facilitates them to nurture in their adulthood and ease male-controlled persecution pain.

Nel and Sula mirror the genuine nature of feminine attachment. They fight to create and nurture a sisterhood that enables them to care for each other and provide moral and material provisions. According to Morisson (83), Nel and Sula were so close to the point that “a compliment to one was a compliment to the other, and cruelty to one was a challenge to the other.” Both of them helped each other in challenging times and motivated constructive alterations that encouraged one to face hardships (Morrison, p. 59). Since they face similar situations, they know and understand each other. Therefore, friendship provides them with an opportunity to reinforce their relationship.

A feminine bond is an interaction between females secured by the benefits of receiving and providing moral help, caring, sharing experiences, and motivating each other. This type of interaction can transpire between any female and does not require blood relations. Female acquaintances offer each other dependability that supersedes their self-interest and focuses on relying on sisters for help and encouragement (Vickroy, p. 28). In the fiction narrative, Morrison demonstrates common females who create connections without understanding the tenets of feminist ideology, but their experiences and environments strengthen their friendship.

African American women were significantly oppressed in the male-dominated community of America. Prejudice and discrimination increased and expanded the sorrow and cruelties of black women. Parenthood was left as the lone conceivable organization that could carry females’ capacity, working as an image of force and an engaging encounter (Morrison, p. 64). Nonetheless, Morrison designs a female character who not only opposes the standard responsibilities of a mother and spouse but also moves past womanhood’s restrictions through an emphasis on unexpectedly molding herself. According to Morisson (19), in the train to New Orleans, Nel swears to never allow herself to be influenced by any man, “it was on that train, shuffling toward Cincinnati, that she resolved to be on guard—always. She wanted to make certain that no man ever looked at her that way. That no midnight eyes or marbled flesh would ever accost her and turn her into jelly”.

Moreover, she does so by representing the extreme chance that female companions could and should share male darlings, even regarding wedlock, as an option in contrast to heteronormative sentimental love situated in desirous belonging. Morrison’s story is progressive in that it depicts such an eccentric, open profound quality and thinks about female companionship other than marriage, which was extremist at that point (Morrison, p. 72). Seemingly, the novel ‘Sula’ reveals how a few men were substantially uneasy about the kinship between women.

The race subject is connected to class since most of the individuals of color have a place with the lower class. Class is likewise a specialist that mistreats women and causes them much torment. Race and class, as man-centric organizations, represent a risk to female fellowship. These specialists uncover a specific uniqueness in the general public that converts into a type of oppression (Morrison, p.100). The intense monetary state of individuals of color changes them into inadequate residents. Female companionship can work as a haven to discover calm and well-being and make well the injuries coming about because of separation.

The dismissal of principles and the nonappearance of an ethical reference have represented Sula as a perplexing, questionable, unusual character. The Sula audiences can likewise perceive how the other end of the issue, the topic of friendship, resonates in the novel with a feeling of peculiarity. Regardless of the two companions’ youth closeness and friendship, Sula and Nel arrive at a state of bombed understanding in their relationship (Gillespie). These two powers that are, ethical quality and fellowship, stay definitive extraordinary incompatibles of Sula.

In the contention, the experience of kinship and profound ethnicity, the profound moral perceptions of the African American population that Sula excuses by her freed lifestyle, that the feeling, the singularity, the personhood of Sula takes structure. Amusingly, it is with a similar sort of mindfulness, the awareness of her longings and her fellowship, that Sula lays down with her closest companion’s spouse (Gillespie). Sula’s excusal and breaking of regularizing ethical quality collide with Nel’s understanding of female companionship. Jude ventures out from home, and Nel will not see Sula for quite a while. Nel’s passionate reaction, her profoundly felt anguish and decimation even with her partner’s double-crossing, gets from how her womanhood, distinction, and weakness have been all around very accessible, excessively presented to Jude.

The essay demonstrates the difficulty of females who agonize various forms of persecution and mirror women’s friendship as a strategy for fighting against discrimination. Sula betrayed her friendship with Nel and succumbed to narcissistic behavior resulting in their friendship’s fragmentation. Morrison further uses female friendship to demonstrate its significance in national building. Male-dominated agents root many problems for females by exploiting them. Sula and Nel demonstrate that life-long friendship in structuring identity fosters support, care, sharing experiences, and protecting one another beyond patriarchal notions.

Works Cited

Gillespie, Diane, and Missy Dehn Kubitschek. “Who Cares? Women-Centered Psychology in Sula.” Contemporary Literary Criticism, edited by Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 366, Gale, 2015. Gale Literature Resource Center,

Morrison, Toni. Sula. SPERLING & KUPFER, 2012. 58-170

Vickroy, Laurie. “The Force Outside/the Force inside: mother-love and regenerative spaces in Sula and Beloved.” Obsidian II, vol. 8, no. 2, 1993, p. 28+. Gale Literature Resource Center, Link:


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Literary analysis essay – Sula

Essay Assignment 1: Documented Literary Analysis

Your literary analysis essay will be on the novel Sula by Toni Morrison. You can choose from any of the topics listed below (recommended) or explore further topics in the chapter on Sula, pp. X to Y in the book How to Write about Toni Morrison (linked here for your convenience).

Nel and Sula

Nel and Sula

Your literary analysis should be between 2 ½ and 3 pages (600 to 750 words), not including the Works Cited page, should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12- point font and must include:

  • A clearly articulated thesis that states, somewhere in your introduction, the assertion (position, interpretation) that your paper will prove
  • An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion
  • At least two quotes from the novel itself that are integrated into your discussion
  • At least two citations of outside sources (such as literary criticism on the novel, preferably from articles from the MDC databases)
  • Topic sentences that focus the discussion in the body paragraphs
  • Examples, details, explanations in the body paragraphs that clearly support your thesis
  • Clear connections between ideas from paragraph to paragraph and within paragraphs
  • Proper MLA style format in the heading, in the in-text citations, and in the Works Cited page (see the template for the heading and margins in this lesson)
  • Works Cited page includes articles from two sources and from the novel for a minimum of three total listed sources
  • Standard usage, grammar, and mechanics IMPORTANT INFORMATION:
  • You will submit your final draft through the Turn-it-in drop box designated for this purpose in the course. Please be aware, that although Turn-it-in does allow for similarities for quotations up to 24% of your paper, any similarity above 24% is considered too high for an original paper and will be flagged as plagiarism.
  • You can get help with your paper at any of the campus writing centers (see the link in the course with this information), and you can also receive online help via SmartThinking, the online tutoring service provided by the College. This service is available by clicking on SmartThinking in the left-hand menu bar of the course under Tools & Resources.

Choose from the following topics:

  1. Analyze the ending of the novel. What are the “circles of sorrow” that Nel experiences? Is the ending pessimistic, optimistic, or something else altogether?
  2. Nel and Sula’s friendship is central in the novel. What role does this friendship play in Nel and Sula’s lives and what point is Morrison making about the role of life-long friendships in the formation of identity?
  3. How do people who are intensely individualistic fare in the novel? Is it possible to break away from the values of the community and to be one’s own person? Answer the question with reference to at least two of the novel’s
  4. How and by whom is love expressed in the novel? In what ways is the love in the novel a ease the suffering of the characters? How is love not enough to appease the characters in light of their suffering?
  5. In what ways are the various characters in the novel alienated from the community? How do they cope with their loneliness, their preoccupations, and other after effects of feeling abandoned?
  6. Compare and contrast the journey of self-discovery for two characters in the book. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the comparison and
  7. Contrast Nel’s relationship to her mother and Sula’s interaction with her mother. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the
  8. Trace the use of three symbols in the novel and explain their connection to a theme in the
  9. What does Shadrack’s character teach us about the after effects of war and the ways mentally ill people can be ostracized from a community?
  10. Although no one has ever joined Shadrack on National Suicide Day, in the chapter titled 1941, much of the town marches toward the tunnel where they have not been able to get work and in their rage, the try to “kill, as best they could, the tunnel they were forbidden to build” (160). What is the significance of the event at the tunnel and the resulting deaths there?


  • Sula by Toni Morrison (see attached)

Here are 2 sources to use

  1. Vickroy, Laurie. “The Force outside/the force inside: mother-love and regenerative spaces in Sula and Beloved.” Obsidian II, vol. 8, no. 2, 1993, p. 28+. Gale Literature Resource Center, Link: (login with your Gmail Account)
  2. Gillespie, Diane, and Missy Dehn Kubitschek. “Who Cares? Women-Centered Psychology in Sula.” Contemporary Literary Criticism, edited by Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 366, Gale, 2015. Gale Literature Resource Center, Accessed 25 Jan. 2021. Originally published in Black American Literature Forum, vol. 24, no. 1, 1990, pp. 21-48.  (See attached)

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Ethical Decision Making

Ethical Decision Making

Ethical Decision Making

Ethical violations tend to affect professional prestige across every profession. It is essential for frequent training to take place to increase professionals’ abilities in moral judgment and decision-making. However, activities are insufficient in informing counselors and paraprofessionals about the complexity of particular situations. Oramas (2017) claims that actions are not enough to tell most counsellors how they should handle current ethical issues. In my profession as a mental health paraprofessional, I expect to encounter specific challenges.

One of the significant challenges that I might face revolves around issues of confidentiality. In this context, I picture an ethical dilemma involving confidentiality. I am working with victims of trauma following sexual abuse. One of my clients discloses that she had been sexually abused by her cousin when she was around nine years old, but she insists on having this information remain confidential. This abuse has led to major intimate issues. Later, the cousin stays with her aunt, who has a 10-year-old daughter. The client has expressed worries over potential damage to the family if the information is disclosed, and even though she has taken time to heal and even experienced difficulties in her intimate relationship, she still believes that the information should remain private and confidential. It is my responsibility to act in the interest of the client. Still, at the same time, given that mandatory reporting for abuse is required by the law for incidents of abuse, I should care for the welfare of the child who might be under a similar threat of experiencing sexual abuse and the succeeding trauma.

Boundaries are essential for any effective relationship between a client and a counsellor. They set the structure for the association and offer a consistent framework in the counselling process. Therapeutic boundaries are founded on beneficence, nonmaleficence, fidelity, justice, and autonomy. The ethical boundaries relevant in this situation are nonmaleficence, charity, and freedom. It is the responsibility of the counsellor to do no harm and to avoid problems or activities that might cause damage or conflict of interest with the client. It is also the responsibility of the counsellor to promote what is suitable for the client with the expectation that the client will benefit from the counselling. It is essential to maintain these principles. The client might feel harmed or betrayed when information about the abuse is disclosed to the authorities, in this case, the Child Protective Services. One of the ways that the client might benefit from the counselling sessions will involve closure where either the perpetrator is charged for the abuse or the client takes part in preventing a similar incident from happening to someone else. This brings about issues of autonomy since failure to report would imply colluding with the client in keeping silent and allowing the perpetrator to have control over her, hence violating her independence. The law mandates reporting of any cases of child abuse. Therefore, it will be essential to report this incident to Child Protective Services while striving to maintain the boundaries. This will ensure that the client’s welfare is protected, and even though her trust might lessen, mandatory reporting will help curb any potential harm that might be caused by the perpetrator to other children.

Confidentiality is a counselor’s moral and legal obligation to refrain from disclosing information about the client or their treatment. This includes refraining from making comments with other staff members in the workplace. Confidentiality is critical to the effectiveness of therapeutic relationships because it builds trust. Clients are confident that they can share information since the counsellor cannot disclose the information to other people. Oramas (2017) claims that even though the protection of the client and others is the primary responsibility of the counsellor, counsellors fulfil their responsibility by being aware that sharing information might lessen or eliminate trust, besides affecting the therapeutic relationship with the client. In cases of abuse, there is usually the duty to warn and protect.

Ethical decision-making entails gathering facts, determining whether a dilemma or issue exists, and whether or not there is a moral, legal, clinical, professional, or ethical obligation to make decisions (Davies, 2019). It is also the process in which divergent courses of action and their consequences and implications for the client or counselor are considered. Ethical decision-making also involves consultations with colleagues, peers, or supervisors. In this context, ethical decision-making will include obtaining informed consent and written authorization from the client to authorize the counsellor to disclose information to relevant parties where needed. The second step is to make a clear explanation to the client regarding the rules or exceptions to confidentiality to avoid misunderstanding. The client needs to understand that confidentiality must be breached when mandated by the law, mainly when there are threats of one harming themselves, threats of harm to other people, or when it is learned or even suspected that an elder or child is a victim of neglect or abuse (Sori & Hecker, 2015). Some states mandate professionals to report any child abuse, and in most of the states, failure to do so might lead to criminal penalties. Most clinicians hesitate to say abuse because it could permanently damage the therapeutic alliance between the client and the counsellor, as well as the client and the parents. However, Sori and Hecker (2015) claim that failure to report the abuse could prevent a child from obtaining the proper intervention. The client must understand that saying, in this case, is mandatory. Before disclosing the information to anyone, the client’s file must be checked to ensure authorization and the limitations on the information to be shared. Generally, it is always better to inform the client of the limits of confidentiality at the beginning of the counselling session, as this will lessen the probability of reduced trust and a broken relationship in the process.

Resolving this dilemma might require supervisory consultation. In particular, reporting the probability of abuse by the perpetrator to Child Protective Services should be done with the help of the supervisor, who will be able to help with the required steps of reporting the abuse and raising concerns of probable abuse. Confidentiality in the process of reporting should also be maintained. The counselor needs to know that information that can be disclosed to the supervisor should be on a need-to-know basis, as this will help prevent a breach of confidentiality. There may also be a need for supervisory or collegial advice about whether reporting in the first place might be a good call, given that the client had stated emphatically that she did not want the information disclosed to anyone. The law requires all in all, given that mandatory reporting of abuse, and to avoid any legal repercussions, such a consultation might not be necessary.


Davies, M. Ethical Decision Making within the Counselling Professions. British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.

Oramas, J. E. (2017). Counselling ethics: Overview of challenges, responsibilities and recommended practices. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research9(3), 47-58.

Sori, C. F., & Hecker, L. L. (2015). Ethical and legal considerations when counselling children and families. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy36(4), 450-464.


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Discuss what ethical boundaries are relevant in the situation and the importance of maintaining those boundaries.

Explain the ethical decision-making process. Frame the circle around your dilemma when discussing each of the moral decision-making steps that a paraprofessional must complete.

Address areas that may require collegial or supervisory consultation to resolve this dilemma.

Note: It is acceptable to get inspiration for this dilemma from the textbook if needed; you must create your spot, not simply revisit one from the text.

Substance Use and Disorders Program Students:

Create your ethical dilemma and ethical decision-making steps as it relates to substance use and addictions. Resources specific to substance use are included in the Topic 4 materials folder.

A minimum of three scholarly sources should be included in the paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the title before beginning the work to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

6.5: Examine ethical codes and organizational policies and procedures.

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Corporate Level Strategies

Corporate Level Strategies

Corporate Level Strategies

Corporate level strategies are used to address a company’s entire scope. Corporate strategy tops the planning pyramid and highlights the entity’s main reason for existence. It should be viewed as the final destination of the business. Corporate level strategies are long-term, uncertain, complex, geared towards overarching other goals, dynamic, and extensively impactful (Bogomyagkov & Machulskyi, 2012).


When a business is in a state that lacks significant growth but performs well, it may opt for stability as a corporate decision. This decision enables the entity to retain its current market share through the provision of the usual products and services. A company that chooses this decision encounters less risk due to a lack of new product developments, which can lead to a firm’s failure. The strategy decision facilitates better allocation of resources to maintain the current efficiencies, thus retaining the main revenue sources.

Stability decision presents various challenges or disadvantages. First, most managers are accustomed to the company’s routines and fail to consider new alternatives that may be present within its environment as opportunities. Second, the company ignores all options that provide opportunities for diversification, which creates a trade-off between current strategies and potential opportunities for further growth. Thirdly, entities that choose this strategy may experience failure as other competitors improve their products and services consistently and acquire clients from different companies’ market shares (Puranam, 2016).


The expansion strategy is ideal when a company seeks to venture into a new market. Its main advantages include expanding the product or service portfolio, improving current services or products, and incrementing revenue due to acquiring a wider customer base. However, this strategy can lead to a loss of resources if the research and development process is faulty. This fault results in the loss of significant market share due to a lack of satisfaction after consuming the new goods and services. Finally, a company that fails to consider the cultural aspects that affect the new market is unable to penetrate and find acceptance (Puranam, 2016). This strategy is associated with high risk and high reward as well.


A company that intends to significantly reduce its activity’s scope can adopt this strategy. The retrenchment approach is ideal for an organization that is facing different difficulties in the market. Such difficulties come from the internal and external environments, forcing the organization to react for survival (Puranam, 2016). As the danger of decline looms, the management has a chance to take action and solve the causes of the problem. For instance, diminishing profitability or product popularity requires an organization to investigate the main cause and find a solution. Thus, the strategy saves companies from collapse. The main challenge of the strategy is the risk associated with the wrong diagnosis. If an organization concentrates resources and efforts on the wrong issue, the risk of collapse increases. During this period, the company may record less profit, increase operational costs, and lose market share, which will last for as long as the company seeks a solution.

A company’s strategic decision for its corporate level affects marketing at the lower levels significantly (Gaskill & Winzar, 2014). A company that chooses growth over retrenchment applies different marketing approaches. For instance, the advertising messages are designed to attract more clients and inform each segment about the perceived benefits associated with each product/service. The applied pricing strategies vary from the competitors’, while distribution is enhanced by ensuring that multiple places can hold the item for sale purposes. Overall, the corporate level decision determines the performance of a business.


Bogomyagkov, Y. & Machulskyi, I., (20120. Corporate and business level strategies at MNEs.

Gaskill, A. & Winzar, H. F., (2014). Marketing’s decision influence within the firm. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, 14(2), pp. 1-19.

Puranam, P., (2016). Corporate Strategy Decision Making, Demystified.


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Lesson 5 Unit 3


You are part of PritWaferMouseTrooper, a consulting firm that specialise in strategic marketing. You are part of the sales team and you have contacted CraftSupplies, a company specialising in Art and Craft Supplies.

Corporate Level Strategies

Corporate Level Strategies


In addition to your service, your company has its own blog and you have been asked to write an individual blog post.

You should read the business section of newspaper and write a blog entry reviewing at least 3 strategic marketing decisions made at corporate level, weighing their pros & cons.

You should also reflect on how strategic marketing decisions influence marketing at lower levels within the organisations.

Your blog reflection must be backed up by theory which must be appropriately referenced.

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