Tom Brady

Tom Brady

Tom Brady

The Greatest Quarterback of All Time

Debates in sports are always fascinating, but after the recently completed Super Bowl 55, the biggest debate in the National Football League (NFL) has been at the forefront. The Super Bowl is one of the most significant sporting events in the football league. The question is: Who is the best quarterback of all time? It is an interesting question to many football lovers because many fans would not agree on it. While the NFL has been driven by the skill and success of quarterbacks for decades, including Otto Graham, Sammy Baugh, Johnny Unitas, Brett Favre, and others, only Tom Brady stands out among them all. Tom Brady is one of the most loved and hated quarterbacks in NFL history. He has achieved several accomplishments since he first played football, but some people still don’t consider him one of the best quarterbacks of all time. Tom Brady has more accomplishments than any other player in the league’s history, which is why he is considered the best quarterback of all time.

Tom Brady is considered one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time because he has the most Super Bowl rings than any other player. Brady has seven Super Bowl rings. That is the most by a single player of all time. He won his first six Super Bowl wins while playing for the New England Patriots and the most recent one playing for Tampa Bay Buccaneers. His wins are two more than the next closest player, Charles Haley, who won five Super Bowl rings for the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers. Still, Haley is a defensive lineman. Among quarterbacks, the closest player is Joe Montana, who has four wins in the Super Bowl. Of the ten Super Bowls that Brady has played in, five of them have earned him a Most Valuable Player (MVP) title. This is a great feat that no other quarterback in history the history of football has ever accomplished. Therefore, based on these achievements, Tom Brady can be considered one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.

Tom Brady is also the greatest quarterback of all time because his statistics in the Super Bowl are barely comparable to other players. Brady has the most Super Bowl pass attempts, 421, than any other football player. In the recently completed Super Bowl 55, Brady dropped back to pass 30 times. As a result, he became the first quarterback in the history of the NFL to cross the 400-attempt mark in the Super Bowl as he brought his total pass attempts to 421. The closest player has only 155 pass attempts in the Super Bowl. Brady also has the most Super Bowl completions, 277, than any other quarterback. The next three quarterbacks on the list have a combined total of 269 pass completions. Brady has another remarkable achievement of having the most decades with a Super Bowl win. Brady has won a Super Bowl in the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s. Other than that, Brady has already become the oldest quarterback to win the Super Bowl, as he is currently aged 43. With all these statistics, it is evident that Tom Brady is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.

All in all, Tom Brady is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. His achievements are nowhere close to his closest rival quarterbacks in the history of the NFL. Being the quarterback with the most Super Bowl wins, MVPs, pass attempts, and completions, it is fair to consider him the greatest. Even as he ages, he is still performing well and can continue dominating for years. Therefore, Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time.


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Topic: Argument that tom Brady is greatest quarterback of all time.  

Write a draft of a 500-word Argument Essay.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady

Make sure to incorporate the characteristics of the argument essay. Write about something you are familiar with, and do not use outside sources.

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Symbolism and Metaphor

Symbolism and Metaphor

Symbolism and Metaphor

“Hope is the Thing with Feathers”

Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Hope is the Thing with Feathers,” revolves around hope. Dickinson reveals that hope leads human beings far away from despair by encouraging them to endure even during times of extreme hardships. She illustrates that hope never takes us away but gives more: it is the thing that gives us endurance, fortitude, and courage. She also explains that hope is greatly mysterious, but it can be visualized as a tangible thing as people share their experiences and beliefs (Cripe, 2016). Emily uses the metaphor and imagery: a bird that sings persistently and constantly even when the surrounding conditions are harsh. Further, the persona explains that the bird sings even though there is no word to sing. The singing- of hope- keeps us warm during difficult times.

The theme in this poem is highlighted through various symbolic vocabularies. For instance, the persona uses words like “the little bird” and “sing” to describe hope as an innocent little bird that is always singing in the human heart. Furthermore, she continues to use phrases like “abash,” “chillest land,” “strangest sea,” and “in extremity” to show that hope remains consistent in our hearts even in aggressive and ferocious times. Additionally, in the phrase “a crumb” (Dickinson, 1910), Dickinson continues to add that hope- the bird- never asks for anything in return, even after helping us overcome hardships and challenges of life (Ali et al., 2016).

In conclusion, the poem “Hope is the Thing with Feathers” is a piece of encouragement that tells us to be strong and endure life’s adversities, like the innocent little bird that sings persistently and endlessly. The poem sounds like a sweet lyrical birdsong. Also, the symbolic and metaphoric elements of the poem deepen one’s understanding of life, which is challenging and beautiful at the same time; therefore, I would recommend this poem to friends.


Ali, H., Asghar Bhatti, I., & Hassan Shah, A. (2016). Stylistics Analysis of the Poem “Hope is The Thing with Feathers.” World Journal of Research and Review3(5), 19. Retrieved 21 January 2022, from

Cripe, L. (2016). Hope Is the Thing With Feathers. JAMA315(3), 265.

Dickinson, E. (1910). The poem “Hope is the Thing with Feathers”. Retrieved 20 January 2022, from


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Symbolism and Metaphor

Symbolism and Metaphor

Symbolism and Metaphor in Four Poets’ Work: Brooks, Dickinson, Frost, and Hughes

By the due date assigned, post a one- or two-paragraph response of at least 150-200 words to the Discussion Area. By the end of Week 2, comment on at least two of your classmates’ submissions.


Choose a poem to analyze from this week’s assigned reading list (see below). We are reading and discussing the works of Gwendolyn Brooks, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Langston Hughes.
Create a written response of a paragraph or two of at least 150-200 words.
You may use the following questions to develop a response to your poem, or you may discuss another more appropriate literary element (e.g., imagery, characterization, theme) as best fits your selection:
What are some of the key symbols or metaphors in the poem, and how are they used to convey meaning to the reader?
How do these elements enrich the poem and deepen your understanding of its themes?
What is your reaction to the poem’s content and language? Would you recommend this poem to friends?

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Safety Within Schools

Safety Within Schools

Safety Within Schools

Safety needs are among the essential human needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Therefore, people feel more comfortable in an environment where they are safe from physical, psychological, and emotional harm. Similarly, security is one of the most critical things in a learning environment because it impacts learning outcomes and school attendance. For example, students may drop out of school if they feel unsafe within the school, and a student’s performance may decrease when they do not feel safe within the learning environment. Over the past decades, insecurity incidents in schools have spurred a heated debate on whether schools are taking the proper measures to ensure that students are safe within the school premises. For example, incidents of mass shootings in schools, bullying, and violence in schools have raised concerns about security within schools and the effectiveness of the security measures applied to enhance security. Although the level of insecurity within schools varies in different regions, it is evident that insecurity within schools is a global concern that should be addressed to create a conducive learning environment for learners.

Security Within Schools

The concept of security within schools is broad due to the different definitions of a safe school. One of the definitions suggests that a safe school is a place where there is no violence and is characterized by an environment where there is no fear of the disciplinary measures used and the general school environment (Mubita 78). Based on this definition, a safe school offers an environment that supports learning and teaching and allows learners, teachers, other staff, and visitors to interact freely without threats or fear. The second definition suggests that a safe school includes access to appropriate resources and training and a conducive school culture to respond to hazards and threats within the learning environment (Mubita 78). The third definition perceives a safe school as one that is free from possible harm and danger and where learners and teachers can work, learn, and teach without ridicule or fear, harassment, intimidation, violence, or humiliation (Mubita 79). Some researchers also view the safety of a school based on the school communities and how learners and teachers interact. For instance, Mubita argues that school safety includes keeping the school environment and community safe (79). The author adds that safety includes various issues and crises in a school environment and community that may impact the wellness of everyone within the school setting. Safety within schools also includes protecting learners, staff, and teachers from natural and manmade disasters that could risk their lives, such as fire and mass shootings. School safety may also be viewed based on an issue’s distraction to learning. A safe school is characterized by limited learning disruptions, clear communication of expected behaviour, and fair and consistent application of consequences for violating policies and procedures (Mubita 79). Therefore, creating a safe school may involve properly coordinating all activities within the school environment to identify any issues that may impact the safety of learners, staff, and teachers.

One of the causes of security issues within schools is the ignorant attitude of the school management toward security issues. Although various institutions have taken measures to enhance security within schools, some schools have yet to improve safety because of the need to save resources and ignorance toward some major security threats within the school environment. Manga argues that some school administrators do not have realistic security measures that indicate the security tasks that should be performed, the people who should be held responsible, how the tasks should be performed, when they should be done, and why they should be done (7677). Some school administrators also fail to evaluate the security loopholes to offer an effective solution, and the staff needs to fill the loophole before it is too late. Many school administrators hardly consider using the school’s revenue to enhance security, thus increasing insecurity. Some schools also lack full-time guards to monitor students, staff, and teachers’ activities within the school and check everyone who accesses the school premises to ensure that they are authorized to access the school premises and do not carry any weapons. According to Manga, some schools hire old and physically weak guards to limit the money used to pay the guards, thus increasing the school’s vulnerability to internal and external security threats. Some security guards in most learning institutions are also untrained, thus limiting their ability to handle a security threat effectively. The second cause of insecurity is the students. Overcrowding students from diverse backgrounds in a school increases security threats because of the conflict among students (Manga 7677). The conflict mainly arises from limited resources and different ideas and opinions and may sometimes lead to violence. In some instances, when a student’s misconduct is not addressed promptly, it may lead to crime, contributing to insecurity within the school.

Although the causes of insecurity within schools vary, the measures that can be taken to enhance security within schools are applicable worldwide. According to Ashcroft (20), the most effective approaches to improve safety within schools focus on viewing the school within its community setting by allowing local residents and pupils to access the schools after school hours, inviting community members to take part in the school activities and creating connections with professional groups and local businesses, focusing on the school environment rather than the individual student and physical security, using a partnership model to solve problems and employing various strategies rather than a single program. One of the measures that can be taken to promote safety within schools is using a zero-tolerance policy prohibiting violent behavior and any conduct that may threaten the security of learners, teachers, and staff, such as carrying a weapon within the school premises. Ashcroft argues that some institutions have already embraced the use of the zero-tolerance approach, but they are ineffective because of the wrong assumption that zero-tolerance should include uniform and tough punishments for any incident (21). Therefore, schools need to understand the limits of the zero-tolerance approach and what it should entail. For example, the zero tolerance approach may include suspending and expulsing students who threaten the safety of learners, teachers, and staff and firing staff and teachers who pose security threats to ensure that there are various punishment options for different types of wrongdoings within the school environment.

The second approach that can enhance the security of students, teachers, and staff within the school environment is early intervention in the children’s lives to reduce the risks of delinquency, behavioural problems, school truancy, and bullying. This approach requires collaboration between the school and the parents. The parents can monitor the student’s behaviour at home and use the disciplinary measures recommended by the teachers to eliminate the behavior records. Teachers can monitor the student’s behaviour in school and apply appropriate punishments to promote good behaviour. Ashcroft argues that the most effective prevention plans to address insecurity within schools combine various programs, including addressing the whole school population, soliciting support from teachers, and designing special projects targeting at-risk individuals and groups (22). The programs may include protocols and codes of conduct that define the norms followed within the school environment and deal with daily situations and events in the school. The programs may also include safety plans used to address serious events, a curriculum and projects for teachers to enhance mediation and conflict resolution skills, and support for students with specific problems. Schools can also use targeted student support to improve security within schools. Targeted student support includes group work and individual counselling, programs for suspended and expelled students, and mentoring (Ashcroft 22). The support can be provided within the school setting through health and social workers, students, or the local community. Teachers may also be offered training on how to deal with violent students within the school and limit disruptions in the class.

The third approach that can enhance surety within schools is implementing anti-bullying programs. Bullying is a leading cause of insecurity within the school environment because it results in students’ self-harm and violence. Therefore, schools need to create a strict policy prohibiting bullying within the school and actively collaborate with parents, teachers, and students to identify bullying incidents and behavior so that it can be prevented on time before a student gets hurt. It is also important to create awareness among students of bullying behavior so that appropriate measures such as suspension and expulsion can be taken to prevent bullying incidents in schools. Schools also need to offer counseling and psychological care to victims of bullying within the school to prevent self-harm and thoughts of harming other students since such thoughts have been linked to security threats such as mass shootings in schools. For example, a student may carry a firearm to school to shoot students who have been bullying them, thus putting the security of everyone within the school at risk. Anti-bullying programs should also include long-term counseling for students who bully others to eliminate bullying behavior.


Security within schools is a significant concept within the global education system, especially because of the impact of insecurity on learning outcomes and students’ willingness to go to school. Although it is a broad concept, it can be narrowed down to creating a safe environment for learners where their physical, emotional, and psychological needs are met. The leading causes of school insecurity are school management’s ignorance about security and student behavior, such as conflict, violence, and bullying. Therefore, schools need to focus on how student conduct within the school can be regulated and set aside enough resources to enhance security by employing qualified guards. Some of the approaches that can be used to improve security within schools include implementing anti-bullying programs, early intervention in a child’s life, and using a zero-tolerance approach. The approaches may be used based on the levels and types of insecurity within the schools and the availability of resources. Schools can also benchmark to identify the most effective ways to implement different approaches used to enhance security within schools.

Works Cited

Ashcroft, John. Promoting Safety in Schools.

Manga, Sani. “Assessment of Causes and Forms of Insecurity in Educational Institutions in Kebbi State: Implications for School Administration.” International Journal of Current Research, vol. 11, no. 10, 2019,

Mubita, Kaiko. “Understanding School Safety and Security: Conceptualization and Definitions.” Journal of Lexicography and Terminology, vol. 5, ser. 1, 2021, pp. 78–79. 1,


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The essay should be 6-10 double-spaced pages, 12 pt.
Times New Roman font, 1” margins. Please follow the MLA manuscript format (pgs 548-
596 in Norton).
The English department has determined that, upon completion of this assignment, you
will be able to achieve the following objectives:
? To identify a problem and offer a feasible solution
? To synthesize source material to support a thoroughly considered position

Safety Within Schools

Safety Within Schools

? To use logos, pathos, and ethos in support of a position
? To anticipate and respond to multiple viewpoints in support of a position
? To appropriately integrate and cite sources in one’s writing
As you move through the writing process for the Proposal Argument, you will also gain
practice toward achieving the Course Learning Outcomes by 1) employing the research
process to find relevant source material for your topic and effectively integrate the
content into Proposal Argument; 2) displaying critical thinking, reading, and writing as
you synthesize your source material and make rhetorically effective moves in crafting
your argument; and 3) writing effectively in a manner that is consistent with the
principles and conventions of academic discourse.
Evaluation Guidelines:
A. The essay should include a clear statement of claim, including any necessary
qualifications, a clear explanation of reasons and evidence, and enough relevant evidence
to support the claim.
B. The essay should have an introduction that (1) introduces the topic and (2) provides a
thesis statement about the writer’s position or claim. The introduction should be concise.
C. The argument should effectively integrate material from sources with your own
writing. The source material should be carefully attributed to its author, and the
material must be properly cited using MLA guidelines.
D. The reasons and evidence presented by the writer should be convincing, credible, and
E. Essay should acknowledge any opposing arguments and counterclaims against their
stance and provide logical retorts.
F. The essay should comprise sentences and paragraphs that logically develop your
argument. The transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections should be clear.
G. The essay should be free of grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors. Pay particular
attention to the following:
? clear use of modifiers
? effective incorporation of quotes, paraphrases, and summaries
• correct attribution and citation commas
• sentence boundaries

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Magic 8 Ball

Magic 8 Ball

Magic 8 Ball

Character analysis

Elizabeth Spano is one of the actors in the play Magic 8 Ball by Kimberly Pau. The play reveals various aspects of this character. The audience learns that Elizabeth is in love with Bradley. The question depicts this, ‘…am I going to have 4 children with
Bradley?’ (Mercado, 2012, p. 126). The character goes forth and asks the Magic 8 Ball whether Bradley is in love with her. When the Magic 8 Ball responds in the affirmative to the latter, Elizabeth is excited. She then asks about the likelihood of a proposal and receives a positive answer. The sequence and types of questions that Elizabeth asks display her curiosity to know about the future. The other character, Melissa, confirms Elizabeth’s hopeless desire for love as she cautions her that the Magic 8 Ball is leading her on. This implies that Elizabeth could be building the future on false hopes.

However, Elizabeth is not excited about Melissa’s lack of belief in the Magic 8 Ball’s ability to predict the future (, Inc., 2022). She even provokes Melissa to ask about her relationship. Melissa’s question regarding sexual interactions between their romantic partners upsets Elizabeth. Any responses that negate Elizabeth’s belief that she and Bradley are in love are vehemently denied. This shows a lack of growth in Elizabeth throughout the play. The character’s language and conversations reveal that Elizabeth is in an unstable emotional state that bars her from considering the possibility of failing to live as life partners with her lover, Bradley. The likelihood of taking a drastic self-harm action is revealed by one of the last questions that Elizabeth asks. ‘Is Melissa going to be sad when I fling myself from the roof and fall splat on the asphalt?’ (Mercado, 2012, p. 129). This question confirms Elizabeth’s unstable emotions because of love.

References, Inc. (2022). Magic 8-Ball Fortune Telling.

Mercado, E. (Director). (2012, November). Magic 8 Ball [Motion Picture].


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Prompt: Choose ONE PLAY to discuss. Then, choose ONE CHARACTER to discuss. In a well-developed paragraph, discuss the character, analyzing elements such as the person’s actions, conflicts, and motivations. Include examples and at least one quotation from the play as supporting evidence.

Magic 8 Ball

Magic 8 Ball

Tips: Remember to provide evidence for your claims in the form of examples and at least one quoted passage from the play. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries should be cited according to APA style, including in-text and reference citations. Check grammar and spelling before posting. Post directly to the discussion; do not attach a document.

Resource: Refresher on Character
A reader or viewer of a play can learn about a character in a number of ways. Here are some questions to think about before drafting your response:

Dialogue/monologue – How do the words the character says reveal information about who they are? Does the surface have a noticeable speech pattern? Does the character’s use of language reveal their emotional state? What is revealed through what others say about the character?
Action – What is shown through the character’s actions or lack of action?
Stage directions/movement/props – What is revealed through the character’s placement on the stage, movements, and use of props?
Relationships/interactions – What is understood about the character through relationships and interactions with other characters?
Development – Does the character grow and change during the play, or is the character static and unchanged? How developed or round is the character?
Role – Is this character the narrator? If so, are they reliable or unreliable?

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Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Hellenistic Philosophy Chart




The Existence of a Deity


This school of thought held the existence of a deity, gods, who did not affect the world and people’s lives and were to be ignored. This school of thought held the existence of deities in the world who affected the world and people’s lives and were to be feared.

Pleasure and Happiness

Pleasure is the highest good. Pleasure and happiness are achieved from mind tranquility, freedom from pain, and friendships. Pleasure and happiness are preferred indifferent that people can lead a life without.


Virtue is a means to an end and is considered good in as much as it helps attain pleasure and happiness. Virtue is the highest good, including wisdom and justice.


Public Service

Promoted obscurity through lathe biosas, whereby an individual was not to be actively involved in social roles, including public service. Public service would only unsettle an individual. Promoted civic duty and responsibility. Virtue is the highest good and is linked with public service and virtuous behavior.

Communal Identity

Communal identity was necessary to protect the individual within a community by providing the greatest happiness for the greatest number of members of a community. Communal identity was apparent in the universal state of existence where all men were considered brothers.

Significance of the philosophies’ popularity in Hellenistic culture

It shows the accomodatability of Hellenistic culture. Significance in Hellenistic culture nature is shown in the simplicity of life. Presenting thoughts for people leading a tranquil life by promoting satisfaction in a simple, peaceful, stress-free life. It shows the religiosity of Hellenistic culture. Significance in Hellenistic culture nature is shown in the morality of life. Its ideas held great similarities to popular Christian ideologies promoting moral living and leading a moral life.


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Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Hellenistic Philosophy Chart

Complete the Hellenistic Philosophy Chart. Using the space provided:
Identify the ways in which each school of thought addressed the particular issues presented
Explain what the popularity of these two philosophies tells us about the nature of Hellenistic culture

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Ceremonial Speeches

Ceremonial Speeches

Ceremonial Speeches

Ceremonies and celebrations constitute a majority of societal activities. There are numerous reasons for such activities, such as graduation and marriage celebrations, all referred to as special occasions. Usually, it is inevitable to find speeches being given, and ceremonial speeches are made on these occasions. Consistently, there are different types of ceremonial speeches, including commemorative speeches and commencement addresses (McCutcheon et al., 2009). People’s approach to giving such speeches is sometimes influenced by the person or event the speech focuses on. Accordingly, there are numerous approaches to giving a successful ceremonial speech.

The subject of a ceremonial speech influences the presentation of the speech. When a speech is about a hero, celebrity, or an admired person, the speech presentation will tend to flow smoothly. One of my favourite celebrities is Denzel Washington. Not only is he my favourite celebrity, but he is also the person I admire the most. Given the opportunity to introduce him to my college commencement ceremony, I would apply several elements in my introduction.

A commencement speech is a ceremonial speech given during occasions such as graduation ceremonies. Accordingly, the speech ought to be attention-grabbing and captivating to ensure everyone present follows the speech presentation. In this case, elements of ceremonial speech that I would incorporate include humour; humour eases the mood and makes the speech a lot more interesting. Also, using relatable language and events, by using some of Denzel Washington’s movie scenes that the majority, if not all of the people present, are aware of, to create a sense of togetherness built on a common ground of what they know or have in common.

On the other hand, if I had to give a ceremonial speech for a celebrity that I do not like at all, I would go about it in an orderly way. First, I would research the celebrity and find flattering introductions that people listening to the speech would relate to and enjoy. I would not let personal emotions interfere with the speech, maintaining the special occasion festivities and mood.


McCutcheon, R., Schaffer, J., & Wycoff, J. (2009). Glencoe speech. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.


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Respond to the following questions, and if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

Who is your hero? What is your favourite celebrity? The person you most admire? Think about these questions, and select ONE individual.

Ceremonial Speeches

Ceremonial Speeches

You have been selected to introduce this individual to your college commencement ceremony.
What elements of a ceremonial speech would you incorporate in your introduction and why?
If you had to give a ceremonial speech for a celebrity you do not like at all, how would you go about it?

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Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Contribution Why was it significant?
Government ·         Steps were implemented to improve the administration of justice at the local level.

·         Bishops were entrusted with crucial government posts.

·         Special attention was given to ensuring that there was a constant flow of royal income at the centralized and local levels of government.

·         Income from war booty was enhanced.

·         The enhancement of justice delivery at the local level was designed to ensure that people at the local level continue trusting in the government.

·         Besides, the use of bishops in governance, especially for delivering justice, played a key role in bolstering trust in government institutions.

·         Finally, enhanced revenue collection was meant to ensure the administration attracts the best officials to work for it.

Religion ·         Charlemagne instituted a hierarchical church structure.

·         He provided physical facilities necessary for the conduct of religious activities.

·         Charlemagne also played a key role in standardizing and regularizing religious practices (Lyu, 892).

·         The primary goal of Charlemagne’s religious reforms was to correct defects that were associated with contemporary religious life. There had been a significant shift from the prescriptions of the Canon law.
Education ·         He gathered prominent scholars from across Europe.

·         He introduced use of writing (Classen, n.p.).

·         He created palace schools to educate royal court members and their children.

·         Being a lover of art, Charlemagne also incorporated the study of artworks into the education system (Lyu, p. 887.)

·         The introduction of foreign scholars gathered from across Europe played a key role in improving education quality.

·         The use of writing played a key role in bolstering government bureaucracy.


Works Cited

Classen, Albrecht. Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature. Boydell & Brewer, 2021.

Lyu, Chenghan. “Einhard, The Life of Charlemagne—-Primary Source Analysis and Further             Discussion.” 2022 5th International Conference on Humanities Education and Social       Sciences (ICHESS 2022). Atlantis Press, 2022.


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Use this chart to explore and explain the contributions Charlemagne made to government, religion, and education. Answer the following as you work:
What were Charlemagne’s significant contributions in each area? Why were they significant?

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

Charlemagnes Significance Chart

List the contributions made by Charlemagne and his staff in each area.
Explain why these contributions are significant. What are the long-term impacts on Western civilization for each area?
Your submission must Include references to the sources provided in this module.

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