Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

As a student, one of my core responsibilities is to refrain from infractions of academic integrity. The university expects all students to have this fundamental discipline throughout their careers. All students must treat academic integrity seriously and reflect self-discipline in their school work. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, bribes, or other forms of intellectual interference could have serious consequences, adversely affecting the student’s graduation, professional licensure, and future job seeking. Therefore, students all have to treat academic integrity seriously.

The Internet provides tremendous resources for students’ course works. In the meantime, dishonest students could use the convenience of the Internet, creating new forms of cheating and plagiarism. For instance, students could outsource their school work to someone in another state or country for a fee. According to the articles from International Journal for Educational Integrity, Erica J Morris states that “In recent years, international work in the field of academic integrity has turned to examine this issue, including looking at the nature of contract cheating, estimating the prevalence of the problem, uncovering contributory factors or reasons as to why a student may outsource their assignment to a third party, and exploring how higher education institutions can effectively respond by enhancing both academic integrity policy and educational approaches” (Morris, 2018).

As students, we must avoid academic dishonesty, such as cheating, attempting to cheat, assisting others to cheat, or unauthorized use of any materials or resources in literary work. Firstly, we cannot collaborate with other students on any assignments or educational projects without permission from the instructors or professors.

Secondly, we cannot sell or buy test booklets with all the answers to academic assignments or tests. Thirdly, we cannot submit the same or similar assignment to a different course even though we completed the work ourselves. Last, we cannot copy or use someone’s ideas, wording, or other original content without acknowledging their source when we write our academic papers.


Morris, E.J. Academic integrity matters five considerations for addressing contract cheating. Int J Educ Integr 14, 15 (2018).


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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Think about how the types of situations mentioned in the “Policy Violations Examples” might arise during your academic career. How could these types of situations relate to academic integrity?

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Should marijuana be legalized-potential benefits and loopbacks

The debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana has been ongoing for decades, with proponents arguing for its medical benefits and potential economic benefits, while opponents raise concerns about public health and safety. Despite the controversy, several states in the United States have already legalized marijuana for both medical and recreational use, with Canada recently becoming the second country in the world to fully legalize the drug. This shift in policy has sparked a new wave of research and discussion on the topic, as policymakers grapple with the complex issues surrounding marijuana legalization.

One of the key arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana is its potential medical benefits. Research has shown that marijuana can be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and nausea. In fact, the medical use of marijuana has been legalized in over half of the states in the US, with more and more doctors prescribing the drug as a alternative to traditional medications. Legalization would also allow for more research on marijuana’s medical benefits, potentially leading to the development of new treatments for a wide range of conditions.

Furthermore, legalization of marijuana has the potential to provide a significant economic boost. The marijuana industry is already a multi-billion dollar industry, and legalizing the drug would open up new opportunities for entrepreneurs and create jobs in cultivation, distribution, and sales. In addition, legalization could lead to increased tax revenue for local and state governments, which could be used to fund education, healthcare, and other important social programs.

On the other hand, opponents of marijuana legalization raise concerns about the potential negative effects on public health and safety. They argue that legalizing marijuana could lead to an increase in drug abuse and addiction, as well as an increase in crime and other social problems. However, research has shown that in states where marijuana has been legalized, rates of drug abuse and addiction have not increased significantly, and in some cases have actually decreased. Additionally, regulating marijuana through legalization could help to ensure that the drug is safer and more reliable, as it would be subject to quality control measures and labeling requirements.

In conclusion, the debate over the legalization of marijuana is complex and multi-faceted, with valid arguments on both sides of the issue. While there are legitimate concerns about public health and safety, the potential medical benefits and economic opportunities that come with legalization cannot be ignored. As policymakers continue to grapple with this issue, it is important to consider the potential benefits that legalization could bring, while also taking steps to mitigate any potential risks. Ultimately, the decision to legalize marijuana should be based on a careful consideration of the available evidence and a thoughtful weighing of the potential benefits and drawbacks.


  1. Should marijuana be legalized for recreational use?
  2. Does marijuana legalization lead to increased use?
  3. What are the potential benefits of marijuana legalization?
  4. What are the potential risks of marijuana legalization?
  5. How can we regulate marijuana if it is legalized?
  6. Should marijuana legalization be decided by states or the federal government?
  7. What are the implications of marijuana legalization for law enforcement?
  8. Does marijuana legalization create new opportunities for addiction treatment?
  9. How can we address the racial disparities in marijuana arrests?
  10. Is marijuana legalization a gateway to harder drugs?

Ensuring student confidentiality under FERPA guidelines

  1. Introduction

The main purpose of this document is to provide teachers, administrators, school and school district staff, and other appropriate school officials with an overview of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). There are numerous references to other resources, primarily the Code of Federal Regulations. The subjects covered in this document include the release of education records, the rights of students to review their records, and the administrative requirements for the protection of education records. This manual will serve as a reference to those working with education records. It will provide an overall understanding of FERPA. In addition, specific and frequent references to the act are provided to show the relationships between the regulations and the act. The manual does not cover all provisions of the Act and Regulations. Instead, the Association on an ongoing basis will develop guidance and training program to assist schools, school districts, and postsecondary institutions in understanding and complying with FERPA. This comprehensive resource includes tools for developing school policy and instruction on how to train your staff about FERPA. Step-by-step guidance on the entire FERPA process allows you to become one of our experts. Start with some basic training on FERPA, move on to take our FERPA Quiz, and get a certificate in FERPA to announce your hard work and knowledge. All of these resources and more are available to assist you with FERPA. Students and parents also have rights. An objective of the Act is to assure that students and parents view education records, seek amendment of records, and have some control over the disclosure of information from records as it pertains to providing written consent that lists what records are to be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosure, and who the records are being disclosed to. Corrections of misrepresenting or inaccurate information maintained in a student’s record and the opportunity for a hearing to challenge information believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of privacy are the final rights of the students or parents. This manual has been updated and adapted by Kris Ranganath. Compiled from information and guidelines provided by LeRoy Rooker. Provided under the Family Policy Compliance Office, Kris has made adaptations to the manual to better help and cater to the needs of school. This manual is an in-depth resource for understanding FERPA and can serve as a guide and training instrument for better understanding FERPA_GO.

1.1 Purpose of the document

The purpose of this document is to set out guidelines and practices for ensuring student confidentiality, while still promoting the vital use of student documents in research and evaluation. FERPA gives students the right to access documents that directly relate to themselves and the right to have accurate and not misleading documents. It is important for educational agencies and institutions that deal with student documentation to have a clear understanding of what is considered confidential under FERPA and what is not considered personally identifiable information. This verse is important simply because even though giving out any information that could directly identify a student is illegal under FERPA, it is not considered personally identifiable information unless it has a high chance of being able to identify an individual person. Educational agencies and institutions must understand this factual information when employing the guidelines and practices to internal and external research and evaluation that is a very important part of the education system today.

1.2 Scope of the guidelines

Guidelines 4: For the regulations on written consent to work effectively and consistently across a variety of contexts and applications, the rule provides for many different requirements for the consent form and its contents. Similarly, consent comes in many different forms. This section ensures that students and their parents understand what is expected to authorize specific disclosures of PII.

Guidelines 3: The disclosure and use provision of FERPA is detailed and far-reaching, with consequences that permeate virtually all aspects of school operations and instruction. As such, it requires comprehensive treatment, as well as careful guidance on both the regulatory provisions and their practical ramifications. The requirements for written consents to disclose PII and for the form and content of the consent also call for definitive guidance.

Guidelines 1: This section addresses the final rule’s disclosure and use of PII. It contains both the general and specific disclosure and use provisions and includes the following exceptions to the PII disclosure requirement: directory information, disclosures to school officials who have legitimate educational interests, disclosures to specified officials for audit and evaluation purposes, and disclosures connected to financial aid for which the student has applied or received. The section also includes the requirements for written consent to disclose PII and specifications for the form and substance of the consent.

1.3 Overview of FERPA

FERPA defines education records as all records that schools or education agencies maintain about students. The term “education records” is broadly defined and includes records in whatever medium (handwritten, digital, print, electronic, tape, film, microfilm, etc.) containing information directly related to a student and maintained by any school or educational agency. This includes information which is maintained by a person other than an educational agency or institution such as a school psychologist or nurse. Particular mention is made of health and medical records maintained about a student by a school. The term does not include personal working notes of teachers or other records in the sole possession of the maker and not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute. An education record containing information about more than one student may be inspected and reviewed by the parents of only one of the students or eligible students. This student or eligible student shall only have access to that part of the record which pertains to him or her.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

  1. Understanding FERPA

2.1 Definition of student records

2.2 Rights of parents and eligible students

2.3 Responsibilities of educational institutions

  1. Maintaining student confidentiality

3.1 Identifying and classifying student records

3.2 Secure storage and access control measures

3.3 Encryption and data protection techniques

3.4 Handling and disposal of student records

  1. Obtaining consent and release of information

4.1 Consent requirements under FERPA

4.2 Valid reasons for releasing student information

4.3 Proper procedures for obtaining consent

  1. Responding to requests for student information

5.1 Verifying the identity and authority of requestors

5.2 Evaluating the legitimacy of requests

5.3 Documenting and tracking information disclosures

5.4 Notifying parents and eligible students of disclosures

  1. Training and awareness programs

6.1 Educating staff on FERPA regulations

6.2 Providing guidance on handling student records

6.3 Conducting regular privacy and security training

  1. Monitoring and auditing compliance

7.1 Establishing internal controls and policies

7.2 Conducting periodic privacy assessments

7.3 Auditing access logs and data handling practices

  1. Reporting and addressing violations

8.1 Reporting incidents of non-compliance

8.2 Investigating and addressing privacy breaches

8.3 Implementing corrective actions and sanctions

  1. Conclusion

9.1 Summary of key guidelines and best practices

9.2 Importance of ongoing compliance efforts


Ensuring student confidentiality under FERPA guidelines
Examining the benefits and challenges of cloud-based storage systems for student records FERPA STORAGE SYSTEMS RECORDS.
Best practices for maintaining compliance with FERPA regulations
The potential consequences of sharing student information without consent FERPA CONSEQUENCES VIOLATIONS.
Balancing public access to school records with student confidentiality FERPA PUBLIC ACCESS CONFIDENTIALITY.
The relationship between academic freedom and student privacy rights under FERPA COPRIVACY LAWS IN EDUCATION.
Student rights advocacy and the impact on educational policy
FERPA and student privacy rights
Examining challenges in implementing FERPA policies
Addressing concerns about data breaches in education
Addressing mental health concerns while complying with FERPA MENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION.
How FERPA protects student records


We’ll write everything from scratch

Legal implications of non-compliance with FERPA rules

Understanding the basics of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Future of student data protection and privacy family educational rights and Privacy Act
family educational rights and privacy act guidance for school officials on student health records
Family Educational Rights and privacy act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment)
family educational rights and privacy act of 1974

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 applications

the family educational rights and privacy act (ferpa)family educational rights and privacy act in Spanishthe purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is to

the purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is to
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) waiver
what is the family educational rights and privacy act?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits the disclosure of
e Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
the family educational rights and privacy act of 1974
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) training


Ensuring student confidentiality under FERPA guidelines