Major Literary Genres
Major Literary Genres
Major Literary Genres
Distinguishing characteristics and traits make the differences between the significant literary devices apparent. The two works of literature, The Ants & the Grasshopper and Felisa RinÓn de Gautier: Official Biography, are categorized as the major literary device, prose, with the former being fiction prose, while the latter is non-fiction prose. The distinguishing trait of the prose genre involves its structure consisting of sentences and paragraphs; while comparing the two works of literature, they both possess this trait, with the numerous sentences and paragraphs contributing to their structure. Further, the contrasting trait of these works of literature involves their fictional and nonfictional form: The Ants & the Grasshopper is a fable, a short story fiction prose. At the same time, Felisa RinÓn de Gautier: Official Biography is a biography, which is non-fiction prose. Literary works can be easily classified using the various features of a genre. Accordingly, despite these works of literature being of the prose genre, their multiple distinguishing characteristics make their differences evident by making it apparent which features are attributed to a given genre.
Library of Congress Aesop Fables: The Ants & the Grasshopper.
Shevlin, A. (2021). Felisa RinÓn de Gautier: Official Biography.
Well write everything from scratch
After studying the topic of literary genres, the student will be able to compare and contrast two works of literature. (25 points)
Major Literary Genres
Use the following as a reference to make your comparison of both works of literature.
There are three major literary genres. These are prose, poetry, and drama.
PROSE: Prose is written in the ordinary form of language; this is in sentences or paragraphs. The two forms of prose are fiction and non-fiction.
Fiction: Works of fiction are imaginary (made-up). Examples: short stories (myths, fairy tales, fables, mystery, etc.) and novels, among other
Non-fiction: Non-fiction presents and explains ideas about real people, events, and facts (reality). Examples: autobiographies, biographies, letters, essays, and reports.
POETRY: Poetry makes use of musical and emotionally charged language, as well as imagery, figurative speech, and unique sound devices such as rhyme and rhythm. Poetry is written in verse. Groups of verse are called stanzas.
DRAMA: Drama is a story written to be performed by actors. The written version of the drama is called a script. The script includes the actors dialogues, stage directions, and a description of the setting, sound effects, and lighting. Drama is divided into parts called acts, and acts are divided into smaller parts called scenes.
Read the following two works of literature.
First genre:
Second genre:
After reading the above works of literature, analyze them and write a paragraph comparing both works in terms of genre by following this guideline.
Write a topic sentence stating the purpose of your paragraph.
Classify each work of literature by indicating the primary literary genre it belongs to: prose, poetry, or drama.
Compare both (focus on similarities as to the genre they belong to). You must name one (1) similarity about both genres and not about the content of the literary work.
Contrast both (focus on differences as to the genre they belong to and not to the content of each work). You must name one (1) difference.
Finish your paragraph with a concluding sentence which states your opinion about both literary genres.
Submit a 6 to 8-sentence paragraph using the correct paragraph structure.