Sentential Logic

Sentential Logic

Sentential Logic

 Complete, then copy and paste the entire worksheet or the truth tables into the Discussion Forum as your post

Step 1.  Represent these statements with variables and symbols. (For example, E could stand for “Elmo is red,” and B for “Big Bird is green,” but feel free to change these variables per your own preference). Complete this table below:

Given Sentence Your Formal Representation
Elmo is red. E
Big Bird is green. B
Either Elmo is red or Big Bird is green. E v B
Big Bird is green and Elmo is red. B & E
It is not the case that Big Bird is green ~ B

Step 2.  Complete the following simple table with four combinations of T and F, when T (stands for true) and F (for false):


Step 3. Now complete the Truth Table for the rest of the sentences (T stands for true, and F stands for false). The color-coding will help you determine where some of the same information can be transferred over from the previous tables.

Elmo is red Big Bird is green. Either Elmo is red or Big Bird is green. Big Bird is green and Elmo is red. It is not the case that Big Bird is green
E B E v B B & E ~ B

Step 4.

Interpret what this Truth table tells you.  What’s your claim regarding Elmo and Big Bird’s colors using the truth table you constructed?  Does the information (T and F) from your Truth Table align with reality? How is this process and constructing a Truth Table useful?

From the table, it is clear that;

  • E is True
  • B is False
  • E v B is True
  • B & E is False

Accordingly, the truth table aligns with the reality of the colors of Elmo and Big Bird.

  • E is True because Elmo is indeed red in color in reality.
  • B is False because Big Bird is not green in color but is yellow in color, and therefore, the truth value of that sentence is False hence (~B)
  • E v B is True, the truth value of E v B is T if at least one value of E or B is T

From the statement either Elmo is red or Big Bird is green (E v B), we know E=T while B= F, and therefore, the truth value is T.

  • B & E is False; the Truth value of E & B is False if at least one value of E or B is F

From the statement, Big Bird is green and Elmo is red, we know B = F while E = T and therefore, the truth value of the statement is false (F)

The depiction of these conditions in a truth table simplifies the interpretation and understanding of the truth values and sentence logic of the sentences.


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Unit 10 Discussion Assignment

Take a Break!

This assignment first asks you to “Take a Break with Elmo and Big Bird.” If you’re not familiar with these Sesame Street characters, watch this video.

Sentential Logic

Sentential Logic

Now that we’ve established our context, let’s have some fun with Elmo, Big Bird and sentential logic (SL), also known as propositional logic. Let’s remind ourselves of several features of SL:

  • SL is a truth-functional logic, in the sense that every statement has only one truth value — it must be either true or
  • An atomic sentence is a sentence that contains no sentential
  • A compound sentence is a sentence that contains one or more sentential
  • The truth value of a compound sentence is a function of the sentential connectives it contains.
  • Each sentential connective has a corresponding truth table which makes explicit the circumstances under which it is considered true (or false)

Here are the sentential connectives of SL and their corresponding symbols:

Conjunction (frequently rendered as “and”) &
Disjunction (frequently rendered as “or”) ?
Negation (frequently rendered as “not”) ~
Conditional (frequently rendered as “if … then”) ?
Biconditional (frequently rendered as “if and only if”) ?

Let’s now consider the following set of propositions:

  • Elmo is
  • Big Bird is
  • Either Elmo is red or Big Bird is green.
  • Big Bird is green and Elmo is
  • It is not the case that Big Bird is green

Once we know the truth-value of the ?rst two sentences (whether they are true or false), we can establish the truth-values of the others by applying the rules for their respective connectives.

For this assignment, complete the worksheet below and add it to the Discussion Forum. Then read and comment on at least two students’ posts by reviewing the accuracy of their truth tables.


(Complete, then copy and paste the entire worksheet or the truth tables into the Discussion Forum as your post)

Step 1. Represent these statements with variables and symbols. (For example, E could stand for “Elmo is red,” and B for “Big Bird is green,” but feel free to change these variables per your own preference). Complete this table below:


Given Sentence Your Formal Representation
Elmo is red. E
Big Bird is green. B
Either Elmo is red or Big Bird is green.
Big Bird is green and Elmo is red.
It is not the case that Big Bird is green

Step 2. Complete the following simple table with four combinations of T and F, where T stands for “true” and F stands for “false.” Use the standard array as explained in our text.


Step 3. Now complete the truth table for the rest of the sentences (again, T stands for “true,” and F stands for “false”). The color-coding will help you determine where some of the same information can be transferred over from the previous tables.

Elmo is red Big Bird is green. Either Elmo is red or

Big Bird is green.

Big Bird is green

and Elmo is red.

It is not the case that Big Bird is green




Step 4.

Interpret what this truth table tells you. What’s your claim regarding Elmo and Big Bird’s colors using the truth table you constructed? Does the information (T and F) from your truth table align with reality? How is the process of constructing a truth table useful?

End of the Worksheet

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Service Activity

Service Activity

Service Activity

After a busy day, I decided to pass by the store and pick up some groceries. At the store, I found a good parking space, parked, and went into the store. After picking up the groceries, I hurried back to my car to beat the rush hour traffic. Two of the parking spaces next to my car had already been occupied, with one driver choosing to park close to my car. I strained to pull out, trying several reversing options. Unfortunately, I ended up scratching the adjacent car, but nobody noticed the incident. I evaluated the situation and decided to leave as reporting it would create real hassles, delaying me, not to mention the possible high insurance rates.


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Service Activity 

If you are planning to do a Service Activity Analysis for the final assignment, you will need to complete a 50-100 word outline. Your final Service Activity Analysis (due Module 8) will be assessed for depth, breadth, and judgment, and you will be responsible for answering the questions in the case as they pertain to your service activity. You may proceed with the service activity option only if you have received prior approval by the instructor, who may ask for further clarification.

Service Activity

Service Activity

For ideas as to how to present and format a scenario highlighting your service activity experience, please follow the examples provided by the cases in Ruggiero’s Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues. The case you construct based on your service activity should be similar in format to the many examples you can find in that source.

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Communication Dilemma

Communication Dilemma

Communication Dilemma

Explain how you would communicate this email and to whom you would report. Speculate the implications of ignoring the email and determine how this might impact investigating security incidents.

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The communication dilemma involved an incriminating email that was misdirected. The fact that the information was sent by mistake plays a key role. As an employee, the main action I would take is to report the case to the authorities. The action would create validated information that would adequately aid the collection of vital information to prosecute the involved parties (Kahan, 2017). Reporting the case to the manager is necessary because it is part of the protocol that needs to be observed.

On the other hand, ignoring the information might yield results that appeal appropriately to the concerned individuals. The ignorance may lead to a tort, affecting the company negatively. The law also allows the prosecution of such action under withholding information that led to crime in the company.

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Kahan, D. M. (2017). Ignorance of the law is an excuse–but only for the virtuous. Michigan Law Review, 96(1), 127-154.


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Communication Dilemma

Please respond to the following:

Communication Dilemma

Communication Dilemma

As an employee, you receive an email that was misdirected. The email’s content implies that the email’s sender is involved in criminal behaviour involving your company.

  1. Explain how you would communicate this email and to whom you would report. Speculate the implications of ignoring the email and determine how this might impact investigating security incidents.
  • Interpret this situation from a security point of view and outline the process you would follow in collecting evidence while investigating this case.

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