Time Management Presentation

Time Management Presentation

Time Management Presentation

Good evening to you all. Thank you for taking the time to be here today. I hope that you will find the sacrifices you made to be here worthwhile at the end of this. As such, I am honoured to take you through a time management topic where we will discuss the different issues connected to this subject.

Naturally, no matter where we come from or who we are, some things make us one, things that make us realize that we are not any different. These things are attainable to all of us in the world for free. Time tends to be one of those things because we all use and have access to it. However, the difference is evident in how we use it. A person in the United States and one in China can access it twenty-four hours daily. People in these countries may be in different time zones, but they have twenty-four hours at the end of the day.

Why Time Management?

People are always saying that time is not enough. What does this mean to you? It means that people have too much to do within a given time frame, and when they can’t meet the deadline, the only explanation is that time is insufficient. In other words, besides time being obtainable to all of us, it is barely enough because there are many things for us to handle in a day, and finishing them all may be challenging. Nevertheless, we should realize that time can be enough for everybody, but the difference comes in how we manage it.

So, why do we have to manage our time? A crucial reason for managing time is to allow for the feeling of balance. This means that you should maintain a work-life balance. Maintaining a balance between work and personal life tends to be very important because it ensures that one area of your life is not left behind. For example, with enough time, you can work, socialize with your friends and family, and have fun. In modern life, some people struggle to work nine-to-five jobs, get home to their kids, and ensure they have fun on the weekends. Typically, life has become very demanding, and we must move with the flow, which means managing time well to cater to all energy needs. When you manage time well, you have more time to relax and become less stressed, improving your well-being. Indeed, work is vital for survival because it pays for most people’s necessities. However, it is important to remember that your personal needs are also essential. As such, managing time means working effectively and catering to our individual needs while affording the free time to pursue things that make us happy. Additionally, controlling time improves your productivity and can help you become wealthy.


Let us see some methods you can use to manage your time. Some of these methods you can utilize are keeping a To-Do list and a To-Don’t’ list. Both of these tend to complement each other. An ATo-Doist is a list indicating the tasks you are supposed to complete to arrange these priority orders. Typically, you will initially attend to the most urgent and vital functions while the rest follow.

On the other hand, a To-Don’t-do list tends to indicate the functions you are not supposed To-Don’t-should: delete such responsibilities, outsource them, delegate them, or refuse to handle them even if they come around. The two lists will help you stay focused and stay in the line of work, which can help you stay focused.

Another method that you can utilize is keeping track of time. Simple things such as checking the mail tend to suck away a lot of our time, and through time tracking, either digitally on manually, it will be easy for us to track our daily activities. After following up for some days, you can quickly notice when spending time on inappropriate activities. As such, you will find yourself merely spending time on appropriate things. Also, working from a calendar can help you when managing time. What happens is that the calendar shows something that you are supposed to be doing at specific times and days.

Moreover, the Pomodoro Technique has proven to work efficiently when trying to manage time. This technique stimulates you to work with your time instead of against the time. In this technique, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks divided by breaks of five minutes, and Pomodoro is the name given to these intervals. Giesbrecht (2015) found that the leaves provide the brain with short offline work periods, allowing new rational perceptions. What the Pomodoro method does is keep you from procrastinating. Agile/Kanban is another method that can help you manage your time, enabling you to visualize and limit all the work you may have in progress.


As we have seen, there are various techniques that you can utilize to manage your time. This section will show multiple things you should consider when ordering. We will see different items that varying cultures utilize time for. As such, your culture can determine how you use your time. Pant (2016) found that some cultures may see time as cyclical and endless, while others see it as a limited supply. For example, if you come from the Western culture, you will likely see time as minor so that you will structure your life according to deadlines and milestones. When you fail to meet the deadline, you are said to have a poor work ethic. Southern Europeans feel happier and more satisfied when doing more things simultaneously (Lewis, 2014). Another consideration that we may have in time management is what happens when we are working with other people who do not manage time. For example, what do you do when working with coworkers who do not manage time well? My advice is to concentrate on coworkers what you want. Your eyes should be focused on what you are working towards and why you want to manage your time. You can stay on track in managing time by concentrating on the freedom you get when you do it.

To sum it all up, managing time effectively should be something that all of us aim to do. This is because it will better our lives in different ways. For example, you can balance your work and personal life through an effective balance of your work so that you can become less stressed and achieve more in life. You can use strategies such as To-do lists, To-don’t’ lists, tracking time, working from a calendar, and the PomodoroTo-don’t/Kanban techniques to manage your time.


Giesbrecht, B. A. (2015). Pomodoro Technique for time management.

Lewis, R. (2014, June 2). How different cultures understand time. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-different-cultures-understand-time-2014-5?r=US&IR=T

Pant, B. (2016). Different cultures see deadlines differently. Harvard Business Review23.


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Time Management Presentation

Time Management PresentatiWe In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Apply cross-cultural communication strategies for global audiences in real-world contexts


 You work for CON-voke, an organization that helps develop and run conventions and conferences on various topics. Your coworker, Nathan, has developed a presentation about time management delivered at the annual CON-voke company meeting. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, he cannot attend and present.

It would be best to make this presentation to a multicultural audience using his script and materials.


The presentation will be brief, approximately 10 minutes. Nathan has already created a proposed outline, found some resources on time management, and written a partial script. However, you can see that his hand is not the best for a multicultural audience. You will need to go through the presentation and make it ready.

Part 1: Annotated Presentation Script: Review the outline, resources, and script. Use the outline and resources as a starting point, but you may make changes and additions as necessary. Your ?nal presentation should describe the relevant topic and provide a good overview for an unfamiliar audience.

Once you have reviewed the resources, identify passages in the script that must be modi?ed to be more accessible to a global audience. You need to ?nish writing the script and make necessary changes to the language and content. Then, include an addendum for Nathan that explains why you made the changes.

The script should be approximately 1,000–1,500 words. As you complete the hand, ensure the presentation is written for a multicultural audience. Take into consideration ways to structure the display to be effective for a variety of cultures and audiences.

Use structure, language, and examples that are culturally aware. Use neutral language, and avoid metaphors and models that may not have broad relevance across cultures.

Make sure you consider ways that language choices may impact the perception of the content.

After writing the script, please write a brief addendum to Nathan outlining your changes and why they address challenges in presenting to a global audience.

Consider answering these questions:

What language choices make communicating to a multicultural audience di?cult?

What are some of the potential topics you should avoid when presenting to a global audience?

How do you determine how best to approach a multicultural audience?

What are some audience reactions you should consider as you write the script?

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Journal – Verbal Communication

Journal – Verbal Communication

Journal – Verbal Communication

Based on the content covered so far, one of the most significant things I have learned about verbal communication is just how much it is affected by culture. Culture affects communication in various ways, including how individuals interpret a message, what communication is considered appropriate, the kind of language used, and how people tend to communicate with each other (Hamilton, 2016). Among these, I find that the interpretation of the message is most important because words are just symbols that people use to represent their thoughts, ideas, and emotions. As a result, with differing interpretations of a word, there is a huge risk of miscommunication or even conflict when a word not viewed as offensive in one culture is viewed as such in another. With the ever-growing diversity of people in our communities, it is crucial that these differences in message interpretation be explored so that diverse populations understand and coexist in harmony. For these reasons, I have also made it my goal always to be keen and not jump to conclusions when talking to people from different cultures because our cultural differences will affect how we communicate.

In addition, by learning more about how culture affects my communication, I will be equipped to communicate effectively with almost anyone I meet. For example, when talking to a person from a high-context culture, I now know that the conversation will involve them giving almost all the details of a story. Notably, this is in contrast when talking to someone from a low-context culture because they only give specifics, which would require me to ask many questions to get all the information I need.


Hamilton, C. M. (2016). Communicating for success. Routledge.


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Journal - Verbal Communication

Journal – Verbal Communication

In at least 200 words, please respond to the following:
This week, you will have a Journal that asks you to address the content for the unit. Your reflection and writing will help with your understanding of the content covered.

In at least 200 words, please respond to the following:

What was the most significant thing you took away from the topic of verbal language this week?
How will this help you to be more aware about people’s verbal communication in the future?
Explain your reasoning by including at least one example.

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Library Research Project

Library Research Project

Library Research Project

In France, the role of a Health Care Financial Manager, also known as “Responsable Financier de la Santé” in French, is a vital position within the healthcare industry. As Health Care Financial Managers, individuals are responsible for overseeing and managing the financial operations of healthcare organizations, ensuring their financial stability and sustainability (Bouaziz et al., 2020). This assignment explores the required education, job duties, and wages for this career in France, comparing them to the education and expertise gained in the United States.

The Education Needs, Job Duties, and Wages for a France Health Care Financial Manager

Education Needs

To qualify as a Health Care Financial Manager in France, individuals basically need to possess a solid educational background in finance, financial accounting, or an associated career. An undergraduate degree in accounting or finance is usually the minimum requirement, although many professionals in this field hold higher degree levels, such as a Master in Health Administration or a Master of Business Management (MBA)  (Bouaziz et al., 2020). Furthermore, specialized requirements in healthcare finance, like the Certified Healthcare Finance Professional (CHFP) or the Chartered Analyst for Finance (CFA), can further promote career success.

Job Duties

The primary responsibilities of Health Care Financial Managers in France revolve around financial planning, budgeting, and decision-making within healthcare organizations. They analyze financial data, prepare financial reports, and develop strategies to optimize financial performance while ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and policies. They collaborate with other departments, such as administration, operations, and medical staff, to align financial goals with organizational objectives (Bouaziz et al., 2020). Health Care Financial Managers are also crucial in managing reimbursement systems, negotiating contracts with insurance providers, and conducting cost analyses to improve operational efficiency.


In France, the Health Care Financial Manager wage differs depending on specifications like the organization’s size, geographical location, and level of expertise. The typical wage is between €40,000 to €70,000 per annum (Bouaziz et al., 2020). However, it is crucial to keep in mind that these statistics are approximations and may differ greatly depending on individual qualifications and the specific healthcare organization.

The Education Needs, Job Duties, and Wages for United States Health Care Financial Manager

Education Needs

In the United States, some training specifications for a Health Care Financial Manager are similar to those in France. One needs an undergraduate degree in accounts, finance, or a similar discipline. However, in the U.S., advanced degrees such as an MBA or a Master’s in Healthcare Administration are more common and can provide a competitive edge in the job market (Bartsch et al., 2020). Additionally, there are specialized certifications available in the U.S. that are highly regarded in the healthcare finance field, like the Health Finance Administration Association’s Licensed Health Finance Professional certification

Job Duties

The workplace duties of the United States Health Care Financial Managers are comparable to duties in France. They are involved in overseeing and managing the finance operations of medical facilities. This includes finance determination, budget preparations, and decision-making to ensure the financial stability and success of the organization (Bartsch et al., 2020). Health Care Financial Managers in the U.S. also collaborate with other departments, analyze financial data, prepare reports, and play a crucial role in managing reimbursement systems and negotiating contracts with insurance providers.

However, there may be some differences in job functions due to variations in the healthcare systems and regulations between the two countries. For example, Health Care Financial Managers in the United States often deal with complex billing and coding systems and compliance with government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid (Bartsch et al., 2020). They may also be involved in strategic financial planning for mergers and acquisitions, capital investment decisions, and revenue cycle management.


The salary of Health Care Financial Managers in the United States tends to be higher compared to France. The range of pay can be influenced by elements like experience, geography, and the medical facility’s size. On average, Health Care Finance Managers in the U.S. get from $80,000 to $120,000 per annum. This is higher compared to the approximate wages in France (Bartsch et al., 2020).

It is important to consider the cost of living and other factors when comparing salaries between countries. The United States generally has a higher cost of living compared to France, which may partially account for the higher salary range (Bartsch et al., 2020). Additionally, the reimbursement structure and the complexity of the U.S. healthcare system contribute to the demand and compensation for healthcare finance professionals.


In conclusion, to work as a Health Care Financial Manager in France, individuals require a strong educational background in finance or accounting and potential certifications in healthcare finance. The job primarily involves financial planning, budgeting, and decision-making within healthcare organizations. While the salary for this profession in France may be lower compared to the United States, it is essential to reflect various requirements like the cost of living and individual circumstances. Overall, a career as a Health Care Financial Manager in France offers opportunities to contribute to healthcare organizations’ financial stability and success while being part of the country’s healthcare system.


Bartsch, S. M., Ferguson, M. C., McKinnell, J. A., O’shea, K. J., Wedlock, P. T., Siegmund, S. S., & Lee, B. Y. (2020). The Potential Health Care Costs And Resource Use Associated With COVID-19 In The United States: A simulation estimate of the direct medical costs and healthcare resource use associated with COVID-19 infections in the United States. Health Affairs39(6), 927-935. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.00426

Bouaziz, D., Salhi, B., & Jarboui, A. (2020). CEO characteristics and earnings management: empirical evidence from France. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting18(1), 77-110. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFRA-01-2019-0008


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Library Research Project

You have decided you would like to work in a foreign country as a healthcare financial professional. Choose the country and the type of position within health care finance or health care management. You would like to know how medical education, job duties, and pay in the country of your choice compare to the training and experience received in the United States.

Library Research Project

Library Research Project

Using the CTU Library and other resources, address the following:

Provide the education requirements, job functions, and salary for your chosen medical profession in the chosen country.
Describe how these differ from the education requirements, job functions, and salary in the United States.
Be sure to support your information by citing at least 2 scholarly references using APA format.

Please submit your assignment.

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Implementation Strategy

Implementation Strategy

Implementation Strategy

In this case scenario, the most effective strategy when implementing new software for the company is to upskill its staff’s talent through training and development. When a company improves the abilities of its current team instead of hiring new staff, the company gains by maintaining the loyalty of its employees. Besides, the company also gets to keep employees who have experience in the company’s operations and have already formed a rapport with each other. Upskilling the current staff also ensures a quick response in the event of a problem. Further, in the long run, it is also cheaper to upskill existing staff than to hire new staff or outsource the work (Sasmita & Kumar, 2018).

Moreover, the company can increase its revenue and market share by increasing funding to the marketing department and advertising itself as technologically advanced. Another way to increase revenue is by making the company’s operations more effective. The company can audit the processes to find areas of wastage and sizes that can be improved. Reducing operating costs will ensure an increase in profits, which can then be used to increase sales and, as a result, grow the company’s revenue (Goncharova et al., 2019). In addition, the company can also increase its market share by expanding the range of products it produces. Subsequently, the company can change the current range of products to cater to a broader range of potential clients. Furthermore, the company can also cut a niche for itself in which it can charge a premium cost. Consequently, this action will increase the company’s revenue.


Goncharova, N. A., Solosichenko, T. Z., & Merzlyakova, N. V. (2019). Brand platform as an element of a company marketing strategy. International Journal of Supply Chain Management8(4), 815.

Sasmita, N., & Kumar, R. H. (2018). The difficulty of re-skilling for organization and employee growth. Soc. Sci3, 65-67.


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A large box retailer is implementing a new learning and development (L&D) software program in their organization. The existing software program is a simple system run by a small content designers and trainers team. In contrast, the new program will require highly specialized programming and coding skills outside the team’s current skill set. Once implemented, the software will require ongoing support from someone with specific and unique coding capabilities. Coding may need a quick turnaround time to keep the system and the connected pieces of training running smoothly.

Implementation Strategy

Implementation Strategy

Address the following criteria:

Recommend an implementation strategy for the new L&D program at the large box retailer.
Which approach would you recommend? Choose one of these options.
Should the retailer upskill its talent through training and development?
Should the retailer hire new talent that can run the program?
Should the retailer outsource the program to a company with the talent?
Why did you choose the approach you selected?
Considering this thought process, consider the company you chose for your project. What do you recommend it do to increase its revenue or market share?
What skills, facilities, products, and services will the company need to capitalize on the identified opportunity?
Determine whether the company will need to buy, build, or ally with another company, and explain why.
If you have questions or require additional support, communicate this to your instructor.

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Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Body language plays a significant role in the way one communicates. Scientists used the word kinesics to refer to the various forms of body language that can be used in communication or as part of nonverbal communication. Sometimes kinesics can be complicated to interpret, as I learned from my experience. To elaborate, I remember when my family and I decided to throw a surprise birthday party for one of my aunts. I came up with the idea and got everyone else involved, so we arranged everything in secret and got her all her favorite things that we knew she would love. It was an awesome party, and I believed she would be ecstatic about it. When the day came, we all hid in the house as we waited for her to come in so that we could all jump out at once and surprise her, just like any other surprise celebration. However, when the moment came, we all jumped out, yelling, “Surprise!” I looked at her and thought she was angry and disgusted. This really broke my heart because it had been my idea, and I had put a lot of work into it, hoping she would love it, but I might have just ruined her birthday. I ended up leaving early and went home. The next day my aunt visited, and she was concerned about why I left the party early. At first, I thought she was just being polite, thanking me for the surprise, but later I realized that she really loved it and that I had just misinterpreted her facial expressions.

This experience taught me that reading facial expressions is not as simple as I thought. To help me avoid making the same mistake, I studied more about nonverbal communication, which included facial expressions. I learned that the same facial muscles are used to express different emotions, which can then lead to misinterpretation, as in my case (Hamilton, 2016). I also learned that culture plays a significant role in people’s facial expressions (Mandal & Ambady, 2004), meaning that people from different cultures will have differing facial expressions for the same message. As such, when communicating, I tend to keep these facts in my mind so I do not take a message wrongly.


Hamilton, C. M. (2016). Communicating for success. Routledge.

Mandal, M. K., & Ambady, N. (2004). Laterality of facial expressions of emotion: Universal and culture-specific influences. Behavioural Neurology15(1-2), 23-34.


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Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication replaces, reinforces, and can contradict verbal communication. Nonverbal communication may also regulate interactions and express cultural values.

For this discussion, please respond to the following:

Describe a time when one of the six categories of nonverbal cues (kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, artifacts and paralanguage) caused you to misinterpret a message in a personal or professional setting. Be sure to highlight which category is represented in your example.
Explain the steps you would take to avoid misinterpreting a message the next time you are in a similar situation.

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Health Care Workforce

Health Care Workforce

Health Care Workforce

Accreditation Process for Physician Education Programs

Through accreditation, medical education programs can demonstrate to students, graduates, employers, and regulatory agencies that they satisfy the standards necessary to produce qualified healthcare professionals. To ensure that foreign medical education programs for doctors meet the requirements and generate qualified healthcare professionals, they can be accredited in several ways. Here are some typical techniques for accreditation:

 Country-Specific Accreditation

Many nations have accreditation organizations that assess and accredit medical education institutions within their borders. These accrediting organizations evaluate the program’s curriculum, faculty qualifications, facilities, and student outcomes, among other factors. Medical education programs that lead to the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree are accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) in the US (Ahmed et al., 2023). Similarly, nations like Canada, Australia, and the UK have certifying organizations that assess international medical education programs.

 International Accreditation Organizations

Some organizations, known as international accreditation bodies, evaluate and accredit medical education programs in numerous nations. The International Medical Education Directory (IMED), run by the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), is one well-known example. IMED compiles a list of qualified medical schools worldwide that have received official accreditation from the relevant accrediting body in the host nation.

 Recognition of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)

The WFME is an international group that works to raise the standard of medical education worldwide. The WFME acknowledges national accrediting organizations and organizations that adhere to its predetermined standards. Accreditation by recognized WFME member organizations indicates that a medical education program has complied with global standards (Shiffer et al., 2019). The WFME recognition strengthens the program’s credibility and reassures stakeholders that it meets the necessary quality standards.

Cooperation with Local Medical Authorities

Foreign medical education programs may work with local regulatory or medical authorities to obtain accreditation. To implement this strategy, renowned medical institutes or organizations in the nation where the program is implemented must be partnered with or affiliated with. Through these partnerships, the program conforms to regional standards and regulations, guaranteeing that the education delivered meets the requirements of the host nation.

How American Medical School Programs for Physicians Compare to Those in Other Countries

Medical education programs in the United States and abroad for doctors might differ in a number of important ways. First, there are differences in the length of the programs, with some overseas programs being shorter than the four-year MD degree in the United States. Second, depending on the needs and interests of each nation in terms of healthcare, the curriculum and emphasis placed on particular medical specializations may vary. Thirdly, different programs may have different entrance tests and eligibility requirements, affecting admission and selection processes. Last but not least, there may be differences in the accreditation criteria and procedures, with US schools adhering to strict criteria defined by the LCME. At the same time, foreign programs are often assessed by country-specific accrediting agencies or international organizations. These differences highlight the importance of thoroughly researching and evaluating foreign medical education programs to ensure alignment with career goals and the requirements of intended practice locations, particularly for individuals considering practicing medicine in the United States.

How the Variances Affect the Level of Care in the United States and Its Cost

The differences between medical school programs offered abroad and those given in the United States may impact the quality and cost of healthcare in the United States. Disparities in physician competency can result from differences in curriculum, accreditation requirements, and admission standards, lowering the healthcare standard (Aftab et al., 2021). Variations in program length and the influx of medical professionals with overseas training may impact the physician workforce and market dynamics, which may impact physician incomes and healthcare costs. These elements influence the cost and quality of healthcare in the United States and other elements of the healthcare system.


Aftab, W., Khan, M., Rego, S., Chavan, N., Rahman-Shepherd, A., Sharma, I., Wu, S., Zeinali, Z., Hasan, R., & Siddiqi, S. (2021). Variations in regulations to control standards for training and licensing of physicians: a multi-country comparison. Human Resources for Health, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-021-00629-5

Ahmed, H., Kortz, M., & Carmody, J. B. (2023). An Update on Medical School Accreditation in the United States: Implications for the Single Graduate Medical Education (GME) Era. Cureus. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.34884

Shiffer, C. D., Boulet, J. R., Cover, L. L., & Pinsky, W. W. (2019). Advancing the Quality of Medical Education Worldwide: ECFMG’s 2023 Medical School Accreditation Requirement. Journal of Medical Regulation, 105(4), 8–16. https://doi.org/10.30770/2572-1852-105.4.8


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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Health Care Workforce

Health Care Workforce

For this assignment, complete the following:

Explain how foreign medical education programs for physicians are accredited.
How do foreign medical education programs for physicians compare to medical education programs in the United States?
How do the differences impact the quality and cost of health care in the United States?
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100–200-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.

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Comcast Corporation

Comcast Corporation

Comcast Corporation

Comcast Corporation is an American telecommunications company with headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Comcast is a renowned provider of telecommunication services and competes with companies such as AT&T. The company serves at least 40 American states; its primary offerings in the market include entertainment programs, streaming devices, television subscriptions, home phone services, security surveillance for homes, cell phones, and internet connectivity, among others. Such services are offered under platforms such as Xfinity, NBCUniversal, and Sky (Comcast, 2022).

The company serves both individuals and businesses. For individuals, home surveillance, phones, subscriptions to television programs, films, animations, and streaming devices serve a variety of needs. On the other hand, internet connectivity, surveillance, and streaming devices serve various requirements for business clients. Either customer segment can use the company’s offerings.

Comcast has been accused of numerous injustices in its business operations. In August 2016, Comcast was fined for illegal charges that it added to its clients for equipment and services that it did not order. The fine was set at $2.3 million. At least one thousand clients complained of the incident. In addition, the customer service personnel have been accused of name-calling as they speak to clients (Wattles, 2016). The company’s customer service is wanting, an aspect that may affect its business success in the future.

Based on this current aspect of the company, Comcast could lose its clients as most choose to use other providers in the market for the same services and products. The loss of clients due to poor customer service and unjustified charges may negatively impact the company’s revenue. The adverse effects could lead to reduced sales volumes. Further, the customer base could also reduce significantly, especially if the business clients pull out and seek services from other providers.


Comcast. (2022). Xfinity. Retrieved from Comcast: https://corporate.comcast.com/company/xfinity

Wattles, J. (2016, October). Comcast hit with FCC’s biggest cable fine ever. CNN Business.


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You are interviewing for a position as the director of strategic planning for a Fortune Global 500 company. To prepare for the interview, you research the company to understand its business and customer base. You want to be able to recommend tangible strategies the company can use to improve its market share or revenue. So, you decide to delve a little deeper into the company’s vision and long-term strategic goals and identify some obstacles the company may face in reaching these goals.

Comcast Corporation

Comcast Corporation

First, choose a Fortune Global 500 company from the following list.

Sanofi S.A.
Total S.E.
Deutsche Bank AG
Toyota Motor Corp.
Randstad N.V.
Comcast Corp.
Airbus S.E.
United Parcel Service Inc.
Use the Company & Industry Information section of the MBA Library Research Guide, the company’s website, and other resources to learn more about your chosen company.

Then, write a journal to describe the background and basic business information related to the company. Specifically, it would be best if you addressed the following rubric criteria:

Provide a brief company overview. Identify the company’s global headquarters and the primary products and services it offers.
Describe the company’s customer base. Does the company primarily serve businesses or individuals? Explain how.
Using events from the past year, identify at least one obstacle the company is currently facing or might face in the future that could impact its success.
Please explain how this obstacle might impact its revenue or market share.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

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