Gender-Based Violence

Gender-Based Violence

Gender-Based Violence

I have heard of many cases in the media about gender-based violence. The majority of cases I have encountered involves women being abused by their partners or even strangers. It is unfortunate that such women faced lots of obstacles before they decided to leave their abusers. It is obvious that survivors of gender-based violence have difficulties regaining their emotional independence unless they receive a network of emotional support. But as stated by the speaker in the video, men also have been victims of gender-based violence, and they need protection the same way female victims need support. That is why I think it is a good idea to have forums, education, and campaigns against gender-based violence. It is vital to shine a spotlight on the violence faced by women as well as men and transgender people. Research shows that one in three women globally faces intimate gender-based violence in her lifetime.

While intimidation, threats, and harassment are the common tactics of victimization by abusers, lately, there has been increased use of technology as a way of monitoring, harassing, threatening, stalking, and intimidating victims, and this makes it harder for survivors to find physical safety. Also, it is common nowadays for abusers to misuse numerous technologies all at once while using non-technological tactics of abuse. It is commendable of the speakers to acknowledge the gender-based violence full range, including the victims/survivors, perpetrators, their tactics, effects, and, most importantly, the need to fight against gender-based violence.

Hot Topics in Immigration

From the presentation in the video, it is clear that every U.S resident, regardless of their immigration status, has a right to due process. Also, I think that undocumented immigrants have a right to an attorney whether their case is civil or criminal. It is important that their welfare should be put into consideration, and evidently, their potential to succeed and opportunities are relatively limited, but more notably, the fear, isolation, and discrimination they face should not be experienced by anyone in the American society. The majority of undocumented youths do not get to finish school and become disaffected, and this tends to continue the poverty cycle. For those who are fortunate to finish high school, their access to college education is relatively limited because they may lack funding or have few choices.

Generally, as implied by the speaker, undocumented immigrants find difficulties in pursuing legalization options, and that is why they find the need to represent them without charging them. As presented as well, they have the right to vote or fully take part in the society where they were raised. It is unfortunate that, in extreme cases, some undocumented immigrants become hopeless such that they end up taking their own lives. Some of their relatives are detained and deported, making them devastated because their support system is lost, which undermines their potential for success in the future. The presentation clearly shows that the American society should value the wellbeing, mental health needs, and the rights of these undocumented people because, in the long run, it benefits everyone in the country. I think that all people should have the opportunity to thrive whether or not they are documented.

Transgender Experiences

It has been frequently reported that Trans people are facing discrimination in the society. They have reported encountering barriers when it comes to accessing education, healthcare, employment, and even housing. They also tend to experience increased rates of sexual and physical violence. The speaker made it clear that such systematic discrimination against trans people is due to transphobia, hatred, or irrational fear of transgender individuals. We need to pay attention to the issues that trans people face in America. It is evident that they are not only discriminated against but they are also harassed and isolated by the larger communities. Trans people, especially the Transgender women of color, are among the most vulnerable people in the community.

Studies have shown that advocates have tracked at least twenty-six deaths of transgender women of color in the United States as a result of fatal violence in the year 2018. Those victims were murdered by strangers, acquaintances, and even their partners, some of whom were detained and prosecuted, while other perpetrators are yet to be identified. The majority of such cases involve anti-transgender bias. In other cases, the transgender status of the victims might have subjected them to risky situations like forcing them into survival sex work, poverty, unemployment, and homelessness. Needless to say, a lot of trans people face discrimination, stigma, exclusion, and social rejection, preventing them from participating in society. In the end, such factors affect the well-being and health of these people, and this places them at high risk of contracting diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Fighting Online Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking has become a common vice in the society today. In a digital world such as this, sexual trafficking on the web is the most common form of human trafficking. The majority of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking victims are girls and women, both in-person and online. However, only eighteen percent of technical tools focus on sexual exploitation trafficking. Adolescent girls, in particular, are the most susceptible to online sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Technology, particularly the internet, is one of the factors that enable sex trafficking to become among the fastest-growing criminal enterprise globally and has contributed to its profits of an outstanding ninety-nine billion dollars annually. Technology and the internet alike provide the tools used by the traffickers. Digital resources, like classified and open ad sites, social networking sites, adult websites, chatrooms, among others, have enabled the interaction between sex traffickers and a high number of potential victims. Today, it is easy for one to pose online as a potential suiter in order to build the trust of his potential victim before recruiting them. Often, traffickers identify susceptible young ladies via social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. For instance, posts that suggest loneliness, low self-esteem, and problems at home signals to a trafficker that one can be victimized easily. As there is a continued increase in the use of technology, sexual violence and trafficking facilitated by online platforms will continue unless more is done to stop it. Facebook, in particular, should be more alert about prohibiting posts and images depicting violence against women.


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Gender-Based Violence

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Gender-Based Violence

Gender-Based Violence

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Select 4 different YouTube videos, write 250 word reflect for each video, take screenshot of each video watched.

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