Integration of Innovation

Integration of Innovation

Integration of Innovation



Subject: Integration of Innovation

Date: 5th January 2022


Is it real?

Organizations in public and private sectors focus on enhancing the safety of passengers through proper infrastructure and manufacturing cars that can withstand the most intense impact without injuring the passengers, as well as installing safety features such as safety belts and airbags to protect the occupants in a car in case an accident occurs. Therefore, there is a need to incorporate the Internet of Things that enables drivers to monitor everything that happens around the car. The technology would be ideal for minimizing road accidents, particularly those that occur due to blind spots.

The rise of autonomous cars increases the market size for connected cars because people are now looking for vehicles equipped with augmented reality that can relay feeds from exterior cameras to guide the driver when reversing the vehicle and eliminating blind spots while increasing visibility all around the car (Iqbal, 2020). By 2019, the company’s market for connected cars was projected to create a market share of $3.83 billion globally, with an anticipated growth of 10.2% annually. This indicates that by 2030, the company will have a market share of more than $10 billion locally and more than $500 billion globally.

The product can be made because other companies, such as BMW, have manufactured cars with an augmented vision to give drivers all-around visibility by removing blind spots. Volvo cars also use connected vehicle technology to provide reliable, safe, and engaging mobility (Ericsson, 2021). The company has maintained continuous improvement in the manufacturing of connected vehicles by partnering with Ericsson. The final product will satisfy the market because it will focus on filling the gaps that have been left by other car manufacturers who are manufacturing connected cars. The company may, however, be unable to meet demand because the technology is new, and the market share continues to increase by 10.2% annually.

Can we win?

The product will have a competitive advantage because it will include unique features that are not yet so prevalent in the market. The product also offers value for money by guaranteeing safe mobility. Additionally, the product will gain a competitive advantage because it will be the only one offering 5G signal connectivity, entertainment, continuous updates and maintenance, and adequate mobility and functionality. However, we need to maintain continuous innovation to generate new ideas because our competitors will respond by producing better products that address our product’s limitations. Competitors may also react by reducing their vehicles’ prices to retain existing customers and attract new ones. We, however, have an advantage because we have invested in research and development. We, therefore, conduct regular market research in different markets, thus enabling us to understand the market properly.

Is it worth doing?

The product will be profitable at an acceptable risk because it will enable us to grow our market share and generate more revenue by increasing the price of our cars due to the added value. The product will also increase the efficiency of our vehicles, thus increasing their demand (Nell, 2012). Besides the financial benefits the product will yield, it will also create a good image for our company and improve our reputation as an innovative company that uses technology to enhance customer experience. Therefore, launching the product makes strategic sense because it yields both short-term and long-term benefits. The product also fits our company’s overall growth strategy because it will enable us to increase the market share and improve our position in the automotive industry. The company’s senior management will create a foundation for the successful development and launch of the product by providing all the resources required because the product will improve the company’s overall performance.


IoT and connected cars are strategically important to our company because customers are currently looking for cars installed with new technology features that improve safety, entertainment, and mobility. Therefore, the company would have to ensure that the proposed connectivity features not only focus on all-around visibility but also factor in the entertainment aspect. Competitors may also change their development plan to include the parts we install, which is why we also need to ensure that our features are unique based on quality and accessibility. We also intend to accelerate the development of connected cars to help the company grow by creating a solid competitive advantage.


Ericsson. (2021, 2nd December). A partnership built on innovation & trust – Volvo. Ericsson – Helping to shape a world of communication.

Iqbal, A. (2020). Obstacle detection and track detection in autonomous cars. Autonomous Vehicle and Smart Traffic.

Nell, K. S. (2012). Demand-led versus supply-led growth transitions. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 34(4), 713-748.


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You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been researching new technology developments that the company could integrate into its vehicles to enhance their usefulness and access to sensor data. Such data is acquired by the many digital sensors that have been integrated into vehicle subsystems over the past 20–30 years. The technology trend of particular interest to the CTO is the Internet of Things (IoT), the interconnection of embedded devices such as sensors and computers over the Internet to share data. For automobiles, the trend points to creating connected cars.

Integration of Innovation

Integration of Innovation


Senior management has decided to explore IoT for the company’s trucks and cars. Your task is to create an internal memo explaining that the company should integrate IoT into its product line using the RWW (real, win, worth it) screening tool from the Module One resources and the information from the CTO BriefComparative Growth DataComparative Operating Statistics, and Comparative Product Plans documents. Consider the following:

Discuss the feasibility of the product line (refer to RWW screening tool question number one: Is it real?).

      • Is there a need or desire for the product?
      • Is the size of the potential market adequate?
      • Can the product actually be made?
      • Will the final product satisfy the market?

Discuss the ability of the company to win market share (refer to RWW screening tool question number two: Can we win?).

      • Will your company’s products have a competitive advantage?
      • How will your competitors respond?
      • Can your company understand the market properly?

Discuss the potential benefits to the company of producing this product (refer to RWW screening tool question number three: Is it worth doing?).

      • Will the product be profitable at an acceptable risk?
      • Does launching the product make strategic sense?
      • Does the product fit your company’s overall growth strategy?
      • Will your company’s senior management support this project?

Based on the answers to the questions above, explain the reasons why IoT and connected cars are strategically crucial to the company.

      • Consider the evolving customer needs and desires; how would they impact the company’s product plan?
      • What do you think competitors will do (if anything) in response to changes in your company’s development plan?
    • Do you think that accelerating the development of connected cars will help grow the company?

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Intellectual Property Discussion

Intellectual Property Discussion

Intellectual Property Discussion


One of the intellectual protections that SOPhiGEo can acquire is a patent. A patent is an exclusive right developed for an invention. A patent generally specifies if and how other parties can reach an invention. In exchange for the right, the beneficiary publishes public information about how they went about creating the invention (WIPO, 2016).

Period Covered

A patent usually covers an invention for a period not exceeding 20 years from the date a patent is filed. However, laws were changed, and they can only last for 25 years if they were filed after 2015. Therefore, SOPhiGEo’s patent may only last for 15 years.

Aspects Covered

Some of the aspects of the widget to be covered by the patent include its physical expressions (Moore, n.d.). Intellectual property law separates physical aspects from ideas. That means ideas cannot be owned, but physical expressions can.


Another protection relevant to the widget is a trademark. A trademark helps distinguish the products of one enterprise from the other (WIPO, 2016). A trademark will be applied to protect the widget’s proprietary design.

Period Covered

A trademark lasts for ten years. After the expiry of the period, the owner will need to apply for a renewal. A registrar from the patents and trademark office notifies the owners about the expiration of the trademark six months before the expiry of the ten years (USPTO Office, 2019).

Aspects Covered

A trademark confers special rights, including exclusive rights to use a registered trademark. SOPhiGEo, in this case, can use the rights exclusively. Also, the company may grant the trademark to other parties in exchange for payment.

Geographical Indications

Also, geographical indications and appellations apply to the widget. These geographical indications apply to items or devices that possess a reputation or characteristics attributable to the place of origin geographical indications. In SOPhiGEo’s case, the widget will have specifications that originate from the US.

Period Covered

Geographical indications also last for ten years after registration. After the expiry of the period, the owner may apply for an extension (USPTO Office, 2019). However, the new legislation does not require fresh applications unless the validity of the geographical indications is cancelled.

Aspects Covered

A valid geographical indication prevents third parties from using an application if they fail to conform to set standards. In this case, SOPhiGEo’s LoktYU can only work on specified phones and computers. Any devices that fail to comply with the company’s standards will be curtailed.


Moore, A. (n.d.). Intellectual Property and Information Control.

USPTO Office. (2019). United States Patent and Trademark Office.

WIPO. (2016). What is Intellectual Property? Wipo. int.


We’ll write everything from scratch


George and Sophia are entrepreneurs who together own a limited liability company named “SOPhiGEo, LLC.” They are inventors and have invented a widget that can be plugged into a mobile phone or personal computer to detect unsolicited third-party access to camera and audio recording features on the equipment and block the intruder with a repeating loop of nonsense gibberish that locks up the intruder’s device and can be stopped on the intruder’s device only by the widget’s primary user. This widget has a proprietary design and operating code. SOPhiGEo is calling it “LoktYU.” Currently, the only intellectual property (IP) protection SOPhiGEo has employed is trade secrets.

Intellectual Property Discussion

Intellectual Property Discussion

List and discuss 3 other intellectual property protections SOPhiGEo, LLC can obtain as the corporate IP owner for this widget in the United States, and for each IP type, provide the following information: (Do NOT discuss trade secrets.)

1. Name and brief general definition of the type of IP;

2. How long the IP’s protection will last to cover the widget;

3. What aspect(s) of the widget it will cover;

Some reading sources, but feel free to use more if needed:
*Intellectual property and information control: Philosophic foundations and contemporary issues – Ch 1:
*What is Intellectual Property?:
*U.S. Patent & Trademark Office:

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Directional Strategies Report

Directional Strategies Report

Directional Strategies Report

Analyze the effectiveness of the organization’s directional strategies.

Blue Cross Blue Shield provides healthcare coverage to members to ensure that they live free of fear and worry about how to meet healthcare costs. The company offers a personalized approach to healthcare based on its clients’ needs and the communities in which their clients work and live. The company intends to portray an image of a healthcare organization that understands and is concerned about people’s healthcare by providing affordable, quality healthcare. The organization’s mission is to transform, inspire change, and improve the health of its members. The task fits the organization’s current strategic goals because it enables the company to take responsibility for making continuous improvements in the provision of healthcare services to its clients and be a reliable source for healthcare benefit information and administration. The mission also fits the current strategy of collaborating with the government and donors to get funds for adopting new technology and training employees on how to use new technologies in healthcare because the design focuses on creating change in the healthcare sector, thus supporting the organization’s role in inspiring change.

The organization’s vision is divided into various elements. The first element is valuing customer satisfaction. This element includes being responsive, courteous, timely, accurate, and taking personal responsibility for problem-solving. The second element is valuing honesty, openness, reliability, and integrity. This element includes speaking the truth constructively, openly sharing the bad and good news with all co-workers, operating with integrity and ethics, and being a reliable source for health benefits information and administration. The third element is valuing patience, caring, mutual respect, fairness, and loyalty by striving to respect the rights and dignity of every individual, acknowledging every employee’s contributions, and listening with an open mind to ideas shared by employees. The fourth element is valuing employees who take responsibility for continuous improvements, leading by example, improving their skills through training, being committed to the organization’s vision, mission, and values, and encouraging teamwork. The fifth element is valuing employee involvement by striving to support decision-making with employee input, respecting others’ points of view, welcoming differences of opinion on achieving goals best and solving problems, and supporting community activities.

Identify gaps between effective directional strategies and the organization’s existing directional strategies.

Effective directional strategies emphasize an organization’s strategic intent to be personalized for everyone. According to Singh & Shah (2012), the first task in personalizing the strategic plan is to clear corporate challenges that focus on the workforce’s attention to the following capability or critical advantage to being built. Challenges act as the milestones between the organization’s current and future state. Corporate challenges are the operational means enabling the organization to gain a competitive advantage, and they identify the central point for capacity building in the short and medium term. Effective directional strategies are also founded on considerable thought and analysis by top management and indicate the organization’s intentions.

The current directional strategies adopted by Blue Cross Blue Shield outline the organization’s mission but do not outline the organization’s broad direction that should and will be followed. The mission statement also exempts information on the values and reasoning behind the mission. Another gap is that the current mission does not provide a clear message to outsiders and insiders of what the company stands for because it only outlines its purpose without portraying its character and image.

Analyze the alignment between the organization’s directional strategies and its strategic goals.

The healthcare organization is a competitive environment that includes many healthcare facilities in the private and public sectors. The climate also contains continuous innovation to address new healthcare issues, such as the rise of new diseases, the development of vaccines for recent outbreaks, and the use of technology to meet healthcare needs. Patients also recognize the need to be involved in their healthcare to enhance the quality of healthcare services they receive. Blue Cross Blue Shield’s directional strategy fits the environment because it promotes patients’ involvement in healthcare provision by improving collaboration between patients and physicians through patient-centered medical care to ensure that the unique needs of a patient are identified and addressed on time and creating a collaborative care model and training physicians on how to use it. The strategy also enables the organization to adapt to the technological changes in the healthcare environment by training employees on how to use new technologies in healthcare.

The organization’s direction is appropriate because it enables it to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities to gain a competitive advantage. For instance, collaborating with the government and donors to get funds for adopting new technology will enable the organization to implement a unique environment to improve healthcare quality for its clients. Partnering with institutions providing healthcare training programs will also allow the organization to gain access to graduates who are equipped with the knowledge and capabilities to work in the modern healthcare environment. The organization will also create a collaborative environment by improving collaboration between patients and physicians. The organization’s direction includes strategic goals to improve its performance and clients’ well-being. The main strategic goals that make the most sense are partnering with institutions providing healthcare training programs and implementing telehealth to promote the timely delivery of healthcare services to patients. These goals will facilitate the organization’s growth by improving the services provided to customers and attracting new customers.

Propose changes to the organization’s directional strategies that improve alignment between its structure and strategic goals.

One of the changes that the organization needs to make to establish a foundation necessary for the organization’s current structure and strategies is developing a well-written mission, vision, and values statement that signals the direction and intention of the organization and communicates to stakeholders on the short-term and long-term goals of the organization and values that need to be upheld to ensure that the intended performance is achieved. The organization’s objectives, vision, and mission must be formally documented and formulated to give a strategic direction. According to B et al. (2017), communicating a company’s mission is essential in strategic management because it helps to ground the organization by clarifying its purpose and framing the context of its operations. The mission statement also communicates to all the stakeholders outside and inside the organization what the company represents, what it is founded on, and where it is headed. It thus needs to be expressed with a commitment that everyone involved can understand and feel relevant (Singh & Shah, 2012). The second recommendation is creating stretch goals, challenging employees to meet demanding targets instead of relying on a tight fit between resources and objectives. According to Rao et al. (2009), the wealth of an organization depends on its role in creating future opportunities and the ability to capture a substantial share of them. Corporate challenges can, therefore, be reflected in the organization’s directional strategies.


B, B., S, B., & W, C. (2017). Crafting strategic objectives: Examining the role of business vision and mission statements. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management, 06(01).

Rao, C. A., Rao, B. P., & Sivaramakrishna, K. (2009). Strategic management and business policy. Excel Books India.

Singh, R. G., & Shah, M. K. (2012). Directional Strategies and Organizational Performance. Management Convergence, 3(1).


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Directional Strategies Report

Directional Strategies Report


Use Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Questions [DOCX] to complete the assessment. The document identifies three questions about each directional strategy you must consider as you analyze your organization’s fit with its directional system.

To prepare for the assessment, reexamine your TOWS matrix from Assessment 2, the analysis of your matrix, and the initial strategies you qualified as part of your draft strategic plan. Once you have reexamined your work, you will be ready to begin work on this assessment.

In addition, you may wish to review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.

Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft directional strategies report to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan to use this free service, be mindful that the turnaround time to receive input is 24–48 hours.

Your manager is pleased with the thorough and impressive work you have done to date. However, she notes that the TOWS matrix findings do not align with the organization’s directional strategies. The organization’s structure must align more closely with its strategic goal to be more efficient, competitive, and profitable. She asks for your help once again.

Her next task for you is to examine the organization’s mission, vision, and value statement and compare them to the TOWS matrix. She requests that you recommend revisions to the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements to more closely align with its strategic priorities.

Knowing your manager, you understand that she wants your directional strategies report to be insightful, substantive, and brief—all at the same time. You also know that your manager is a visual person. It will serve you well to include appropriate images and diagrams, such as your TOWS matrix, in your report to highlight critical information.

Write a directional strategies report that examines aligning a healthcare organization’s current directional strategies with its strategic goals.

Report Requirements
The requirement outlined below corresponds to the Directional Strategies Report Scoring Guide grading criteria, so address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each bar to see how your work will be assessed.

Analyze the effectiveness of the organization’s directional strategies.
Use the linked document Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Questions [DOCX] to determine how effectively the existing directional strategies currently fulfill the requirements of the effective directional system.
Identify gaps between effective directional strategies and the organization’s existing directional strategies.
Analyze the alignment between the organization’s directional strategies and its strategic goals.
Examine the strategic fit.
How well does the directional strategy fit the environment?
Given the environmental analysis you completed in Assessment 1, how appropriate is the organization’s direction?
Which strategic goals make the most sense at this time? Growth? Maintaining the status quo? Or does contraction make the most sense right now?
Propose changes to the organization’s directional strategies that improve alignment between its structure and strategic goals.
Recommend changes you think the organization needs to make to establish a foundation necessary for the organization’s current structure and strategies.
Be sure to support your recommendations with references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources.
Write a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional directional strategies report that includes conclusions supported by relevant evidence.
Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references.

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Employees Speech Rights

Employees Speech Rights

Employees Speech Rights

The Constitution grants individuals the freedom of free speech, but free speech is subject to restrictions in the workplace. Employees and employers need to be aware of the boundaries to stay on the right side of the law. Workplace free speech restriction occurs under three conditions: whistleblowing, controversial views expression, and technology-based communication. Although critics argue that such exemptions violate the First Amendment requirements, free speech restriction is crucial in the workplace.

According to Mathis et al. (2016), one of the situations that call for workplace free speech restriction is when employees express controversial views. The employer can restrict or sue an employee if the views hurt the company. For instance, a cigarette company cannot allow its employees to express anti-smoking advocacy. Besides, a union-free company cannot allow employees to wear merchandise promoting an employee union. However, while seeking a resolution to these issues, the employer must seek consensus instead of applying the law directly. Suing and sacking employees may cause high employee turnover.

Also, employee free speech is restricted when it comes to whistleblowing. Whether the reports made by an employer regarding their colleagues or employers are accurate or not, employers have a right to limit reporting (Nagele-Piazza, 2018). However, whistleblowing is a complex affair, especially when there are conflicting national interests. For instance, the dilemma will kick in if an employee reports their organization to the media for gender-based discrimination that does not affect them directly. Such speech has no specific protection in the Constitution.

In conclusion, free speech restriction in the workplace is crucial even though it contradicts some individual rights. Such limitation applies to issues that touch on the company and not public affairs. The First Amendment that protects free speech only applies to government employees and not private businesses.


Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S. R., & Meglich, P. (2016). Human resource management. Cengage Learning.

Nagele-Piazza, L. (2018, July 23). What Employee Speech Is Protected in the Workplace? SHRM; SHRM.


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Employees Speech Rights

Employees Speech Rights

Discuss the following statement: Even though efforts to restrict employees’ free speech at work may be permissible, such actions raise troubling questions affecting individual rights.

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Contemporary Business Leaders

Contemporary Business Leaders

Contemporary Business Leaders

Richard Branson is a globally renowned entrepreneur who is usually associated with the Virgin Group. The popular English tycoon has at least 400 companies within the Virgin Group umbrella. His entrepreneurial tendencies began to manifest when Richard was 15 years old (Virgin, 2021). The zeal to make a positive difference in the world is evident in the various enterprises that operate under the nonprofit organization the Virgin Group. Richard Branson inspires upcoming entrepreneurs to engage employees within a joyful environment leading to success.

Identify a leader and justify why you selected that particular leader. With what organizations is the leader affiliated? In what industry is the leader recognized? How long was the leader in a leadership position?

Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born in 1950. The British tycoon’s parents were Edward James and Eve Branson. Branson struggled with schoolwork due to dyslexia. At the age of 16 years, Richard Branson permanently dropped out of school. This unpopular decision led to the establishment of the magazine Student. The print material sought to discuss issues that affected young people. In 1966, the first issue of Student was printed. The magazine made $8000 through advertising. At least 50,000 copies were released for free. This initial business spearheaded Branson’s journey into entrepreneurship, which has lasted for 50 years and continues to exist.

Richard Branson is affiliated with the Virgin Group, which he founded in 1970. The Virgin Group is found in different sectors, including health, music, leisure, telecommunications, and travel. The pioneer entity in the Virgin Group is Virgin Records, which was started as a retailer dealing with mail-order records. The company proceeded to sign numerous artists such as Mike Oldfield, Rolling Stones, and Sex Pistols, making it a success (Amyx, 2018). Besides doing business, Richard Branson is a philanthropist. He established Virgin Unite in 2004. Virgin Unite is Virgin Group’s nonprofit entity, which brings together individuals with entrepreneurial ideas with the intention of making the world a better place. Entities such as the B Team, the Elders, and Ocean Unite have been incubated through Virgin Unite (Virgin, 2021). These aspects confirm that Richard Branson’s leadership at the Virgin Group is successful. Richard Branson’s impact on budding entrepreneurs shows his desire to improve the world through those in need of his experience, mentorship, guidance, and resources. These are the reasons for choosing Richard Branson for this discussion.

Discuss which leadership theory best describes the chosen leader’s approach to leading people.

Richard Branson utilizes the transformational leadership theory at Virgin Group. Transformational leadership involves providing followers with the autonomy to drive change within an organization. Transformational leaders must set aside their interests and create clear work expectations among their followers (Akingbemisilu, 2018). Such leaders are charismatic and initiate the change process, letting followers proceed with the activities that are related to the same.

Richard Branson is a perfect definition of a transformational and charismatic leader. Richard Branson attests to his lack of regard for management and leadership rules. He also encourages other upcoming leaders to break the rules. This approach enables Richard to come up with new plans once the current ones fail together with his employees. He states, “Tennis, like a business, moves so quickly that if you dwell on the past for even a few minutes, an opportunity will have passed, and the moment will be lost. You have to get into the right frame of mind in order to perform your best and need to be able to put setbacks behind you instantly” (Domanska, 2021). The statement confirms the leader’s easygoing and unusual nature in leadership.

In addition, Richard Branson states the need to hire people whose strengths are others’ weaknesses. Thus, personality is critical to academic achievement. Most importantly, the leader emphasizes the need to fill the market gaps instead of simply competing continually. The critical leadership skills that Richard observes include learning, listening, and laughter (Schawbel, 2014). This style of leadership makes the Virgin Group a highly desirable employer.

What was the leader’s greatest career achievement?

In his own words, the ability to learn consistently has been his greatest achievement. “The truth is, for most of the time, I’ve learned as I went along, but I’ve learned this is often my greatest asset” (Mejia, 2018). The statement confirms that an individual’s ability to learn on the job is critical to their success. Richard Branson has been within the learning curve during the entrepreneurship journey. When he began his first enterprise, Virgin Records, he did not have any background related to music. This understated ability enabled Richard to build a firm foundation and create admirable global businesses.

Identify a significant career challenge the leader faced and how the challenge was handled. Did the response align more with a managerial role or a leadership role?

The crash involving Virgin Galactic, one of the entities under the Virgin Group umbrella, was Richard Branson’s greatest challenge. SpaceShipTwo crashed in the Mojave Desert, killing one of the two test pilots in October 2014. The other pilot sustained critical injuries. The crash occurred due to human error and mechanical anomalies. This crash cast a dark cloud over the promising venture and interrupted planned space travels for at least 500 people who had already made reservations with Virgin Galactic. As the leader of Virgin Group, Richard Branson announced his condolences to the family of the deceased. He also confirmed to the public and Galactic’s employees about the future direction regarding exploring space tourism (France-Presse, 2014).

What power base did the leader use in handling or resolving the challenge?

After the crash, Richard Branson used his legitimate power to encourage other employees to continue with testing and development efforts (France-Presse, 2014). This power played out when he spoke to the public about the crash. His position as an influential leader who makes a positive impact on people’s lives contributed positively to the resolution of the challenge.

Compare the leadership style used by your selected leader against that of the leader’s successor/predecessor (or competitor in the same industry if a successor/predecessor is not applicable). Was there a difference in the leadership styles? Which leader do you think is more effective and why?

Richard Branson differed from the Late Steve Jobs. Both leaders were involved in the communication sector. Steve Jobs used the authoritative style, while Richard Branson utilized the transformational style. Richard Branson delegates to employees and seeks their opinions and self-drive. The late Steve Jobs used reward and punishment to achieve desired results while retaining power. Often, Steve Jobs relied on efficient communication of instructions to subordinate employees (Isaacson, 2012). Richard Branson believes in listening to employees to avoid mistakes. Richard Branson’s charismatic and jovial nature seems to contribute largely to his style of leadership (Domanska, 2021).

Include a personal reflection and identify two to three attributes you hope to emulate or avoid (based on studying this leader) in order to be a successful leader.

I admire Richard Branson’s tenacity, charisma, and ability to lead others joyfully. The leader started undertaking entrepreneurial activities as a teenager. His ability to accept his differences owing to dyslexia is admirable. Dropping out of school and starting an enterprise that made at least $1milion is inspiring (Schawbel, 2014). Taking an unpopular decision shows his determination to excel in the world of business. As a leader to reckon with, Richard Branson continues to show remarkable determination even after the SpaceShipTwo crashed during testing. His encouragement to employees confirmed that he is determined to live out his dreams. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I hope to learn the art of leadership as Richard did.


Akingbemisilu, T. (2018). Critical Evaluation of the Application of Leadership Theories to a Leader in an Organizational Context and Management Theories to a Contemporary Organization (A case study based on Virgin Group Limited and the Co-Founder, Sir Richard Branson).

Amyx, S. (2018). Story of Strive: The Inspiring Journey of Richard Branson.

Domanska, A. (2021). What makes Richard Branson a Great Leader? Industry Leaders.

France-Presse, A. (2014). Investigation Begins into Crash of Virgin Galactic Spacecraft. Industry Week.

Isaacson, W. (2012). The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs. Harvard Business Review.

Mejia, Z. (2018). Self-made billionaire Richard Branson on achieving success: This has been my ‘greatest asset.’ Retrieved from

Schawbel, D. (2014). Richard Branson’s Three Most Important Leadership Principles. Forbes.

Virgin. (2021). Richard Branson’s story. Retrieved from


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Contemporary Business Leaders

Many names have been recognized as notable business leaders. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Welch, and Colleen Barrett are all leaders identified for their unique approach to leading people. Choose one of the following business leaders for this assignment: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Indira Nooyi, Anne Mulcahy, Howard Schultz, Colleen Barrett, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Susan Wojcicki, Marissa Mayer, or Mary Barra. Select one leader and discuss (in 1,250-1,500 words) what you have learned about the selected individual as a leader and the leadership style that leader embodies. Address the following in your discussion:

Contemporary Business Leaders

Contemporary Business Leaders

  1. Identify a leader and justify why you selected that particular leader. With what organizations is the leader affiliated? In what industry is the leader recognized? How long was the leader in a leadership position?
  2. Discuss which leadership theory best describes the chosen leader’s approach to leading people.
  3. What was the leader’s greatest career achievement?
  4. Identify a significant career challenge the leader faced and how the challenge was handled. Did the response align more with a managerial role or a leadership role?
  5. What power base did the leader use in handling or resolving the challenge?
  6. Compare the leadership style used by your selected leader against that of the leader’s successor/predecessor (or competitor in the same industry if a successor/predecessor is not applicable). Was there a difference in the leadership styles? Which leader do you think is more effective and why?
  7. Include a personal reflection and identify two to three attributes you hope to emulate or avoid (based on studying this leader) in order to be a successful leader.

You are required to use at least two external sources to provide evidence in support of the leadership style displayed by your selected leader. The rationale should be justified; this should not be completed based on an opinion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Below is a video that may help clarify these concepts:

Here is a video to help break the assignments down for you as well:

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How does the GIS help Wendy’s improve their decisions on store locations?

The Geographic Information System (GIS), Esri, is an important software because it increases the accuracy of Wendy’s decisions. It provides critical information about a new location in real time. Tapping a specific location on the map allows the users to obtain information about the potential risks and values associated with the place. Wendy’s can predict the volume of clients they could expect based on the traffic. It is also possible to determine whether the location will offer Wendy’s target market based on consumer demographics (Robbins & Coulter, 2018). Other critical aspects, such as the safety of the area, present competitors, and the commercial mix, facilitate the decision-making process.

Are the store location decisions certain or uncertain decisions?

The store locations’ decisions are certain due to the kind of information that the GIS provides. Suppose Wendy’s management were to conduct a physical assessment of the new locations. This would consume time, finances, and human resources. In addition, obtaining all the crucial information regarding the area would be impossible. Thus, the kind of information that the GIS provides is important in making accurate decisions. This conclusion takes into consideration Wendy’s data regarding these areas. Thus, the GIS information supplements the current data, facilitating efficient decision-making.

How can intuition contribute to Wendy’s decision-making process?

Business leaders have used intuition to make decisions. However, reliance on intuition can be faulty or successful. Based on the risk involved, the reliance on intuition should not be automatic (Bonabeau, 2003). For this reason, Wendy’s should not rely on their intuition solely to make the decision. The use of intuition should be accompanied by the information obtained through the GIS. This would reduce the chances of making the wrong decision.


Bonabeau, E. (2003). Don’t Trust Your Gut. Harvard Business Review.

Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2018). Management. London: Pearson Education.


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Please read “Case Application 1: Where to Locate Next?” on page 69 of your text and answer the following: How does the GIS help Wendy’s improve their decisions on store locations?



Are the store location decisions certain or uncertain decisions? How can intuition contribute to Wendy’s decision-making process?


Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, 2018
Pearson Education
ISBN.13: 978-0-134-52760-4

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BOAT Framework

BOAT Framework

BOAT Framework

Technological developments in socio-political and communication means that firms should function in highly competitive international markets (Mehandjiev & Grefen, 2010). The markets tend to demand increased competence and develop compound products to address short-existent market openings. Consequently, there is pressure on resources, and the efficiency of personal firms inspires a high Virtual Enterprises (VEs) presence, whereby organizations amass forces in an attempt to handle the business openings. Typically, virtual enterprises disappear once the opportunity ends. When it comes to automated support for the VEs domain, there is an amalgamation of demand-pull and technology-push forces, and fast developments are evident in combining them. In this regard, the BOAT framework comprises aspects that describe a Virtual Enterprise e-business situation, and the letters represent Business, Organization, Architecture and Technology (Grefen, 2015).

Typically, the business feature depicts e-business goals or the economic theory for its being (Mehandjiev & Grefen, 2010). Consequently, this aspect responds to the query of the reason behind the existence of a precise e-business set-up or, basically, what should be attained. Additionally, the organization feature defines how firms are designed to attain the goals that the B aspect described. In this aspect, the core ingredients constitute business processes and organization structures, and here, the automated systems tend not to yet be in scope. On the other hand, the Architecture facet covers the automated information systems’ conceptual structure necessary in making the organizations that the O feature work has defined. Lastly, the Technology facet represents the technological recognition of the systems, which the A facet stipulates. Typically, the T feature tends to cover the tangible ingredients from communication and information technology, and they comprise hardware, software-only if applicable, as well as protocols.


Grefen, P. (2015). Beyond E-business: towards networked structures. Routledge.

Mehandjiev, N., & Grefen, P. (Eds.). (2010). Dynamic business process formation for instant virtual enterprises (Vol. 39). London: Springer.


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Describe the BOAT framework and discuss the possible ways in which these aspects are related to each other.

BOAT Framework

BOAT Framework

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4D Followership Model

4D Followership Model

4D Followership Model

Would you consider yourself, 1. A Disciple, 2. Doer, 3. Disengaged, or, 4. Disgruntled? Explain how you arrived at this conclusion and to what extent you find this model practical as a tool for analyzing the enigmatic majority. In your opinion, does such a model help in developing a more collaborative and innovative workplace?

The 4D Followership model describes interactions between followers and leaders in terms of behavior within a working environment. I believe that one can be more than one type of follower. For example, when a person starts a new project, he or she may be a disciple at first, entirely dedicated to the project and working to achieve the goal of the project. However, when there are delays, lapses, or repetitive tasks that either stagnate or decrease the speed of the project progression, such a person can become quietly frustrated with passively low motivation, a disengaged employee. Additionally, when a person genuinely loves their job but has an autocratic and unpleasant-to-work-with leader, such a person can become demotivated and a doer. When it comes to my role as a student at CCU, I oscillate between being a disciple and a doer. I chose to come to CCU because of its strong Christian foundation, and I believe it is by the leading of the only Spirit that I enrolled here. As a disciple follower, I am content with being a student at CCU and always look forward to learning and acquiring new knowledge as well as interacting with my peers. However, sometimes balancing work, home, and school becomes such a challenge that I end up a doer. I really enjoy the nature of my work and as it is, I am a disciple. I love to help the elderly and enrich their lives with the services I render to them. Interacting with them gives me a sense of satisfaction because I know I am fulfilling my purpose on earth.

The 4D followership model is practical only to a certain degree when it comes to analyzing employees in the workplace. This is because an employee does not remain in the same status of followership, and other factors within an organization can either enhance or minimize the level of followership. Thus, it calls for managers to be diligent in assessing the level of employee commitment to ensure that employees remain motivated and committed. Rodger Adair designed a tool that used the 4Ds and created an interplay of Turnover, High Productivity, and Job satisfaction factors. The tool is more comprehensive in determining the level of followership a person is at and what leaders can do to steer employees in the right direction to becoming disciples.


Adair R. (2016) 4D Followership Assessment Report.

List Bennis, W. (1990). Managing the dream: Leadership in the 21st century. Training: The magazine of human resource development27(5), 44-46.

The Gideons International in the British Isles. (2012). The Holy Bible: new international versionThe Holy Bible: new international version. Lutterworth, England.


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Discussion Prompt: Worthy of the Call

“With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 (NIV)

4D Followership model

4D Followership model

Discussion: 4D Followership Model 

Consider the following question(s) when responding to this thread: In the introduction of The Art of Followership (p. xxiii), Warren Bennis suggests that followers are really courageous leaders especially in the presence of “toxic leaders”. He is speaking of those individuals who stand fast in the spirit of truth, those who have cultivated strong values-aligned principles demonstrated by the courage to ask leaders honest questions, openly challenging their assumptions.

This scripture points to the calling of God, “…may He count you worthy and by His power fulfill every good purpose…” Applying the 4-D followership model (p. 144), consider your individual followership characteristics. Select from the following examples and answer the questions below:

  • As a student attending CCU
  • As a co-worker at your place of employment
  • Would you consider yourself, 1. A Disciple, 2. Doer, 3. Disengaged, or, 4. Disgruntled? Explain how you arrived at this conclusion and to what extent you find this model practical as a tool for analyzing the enigmatic majority. In your opinion, does such a model help in developing a more collaborative and innovative workplace?

Select one or more questions and post your comments here applying the scripture cited above.

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Amazon Company Analysis

Amazon Company Analysis

Amazon Company Analysis

Amazon is a global retail company that has maintained a top position in the retail industry by leveraging its strengths and creating a favorable internal and external environment. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the company’s internal and external environment by focusing on various elements of the two environments. One of the elements is the company’s segments. The paper will analyze the two most successful segments that have contributed to Amazon’s success. The second element is the five forces of competition. The paper will review two forces and how well the company has dealt with them to enhance competitiveness. The third element is future improvements that the company should consider to improve its ability to deal with the two forces. The fourth element is the company’s greatest external threat, and the fifth element is the company’s greatest opportunity. The next element is the company’s strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, the final element is the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.

General Environment

Amazon’s general environment is divided into different segments. Each segment focuses on meeting specific customer needs and preferences. The main characteristic of Amazon’s segmentation is the use of psychographic and demographic attributes. The company relies on purchase behavior to determine customer preferences, thus maintaining customer loyalty. The sections below review two of the most important segments in Amazon’s market.

North America

One of the segments that Amazon focuses on to improve competitiveness is North America. According to Majed et al. (2018), North America dominates the company’s sales because it has the largest customer base. The main sources of revenue in the North American segment include the sale of merchandise across various physical stores and the company’s online store and Amazon subscriptions such as Amazon Prime, which focuses on unlimited free movies and TV shows streaming and unlimited free shipping. The company also conducts market research in this segment to match its products and services with customer needs and preferences.

International Market

Amazon has maintained a sizeable global presence by selling its products and services worldwide (Majed et al., 2018). The international segment includes the company’s retail business for subscriptions and products sold through the company’s online platform. Although the company faces intense competition in global markets, it has secured a reasonable customer share by specializing in products in high demand in a specific country. The company also uses strategic alliances and partnerships to expand operations to global markets and secure a large market share, thus creating a competitive advantage over other brands within the global markets.

Five Forces of Competition

Amazon operates in a highly competitive environment. However, it has maintained a competitive advantage by maintaining a good relationship with customers, vendors, and suppliers. This section reviews the main forces affecting Amazon’s operations and how the company has dealt with the forces to sustain its operations.

The Threat of New Entrants

One of the main forces that affect Amazon’s operations is the threat of new entrants in the online retail market. The threat is high due to the rise in demand for e-commerce services, especially after the Covid-19 outbreak. This force is significant to Amazon because it has been a major player in the e-commerce market for a long time and has made major investments to maintain its position as a top e-commerce company worldwide. However, the rapid increase in online stores offering similar services may prompt Amazon to increase investment in research and development to make their e-commerce services and retain existing customers. The company may leverage its economies of scale due to its reputation as the largest online retailer in the global e-commerce market. The company may also continue using the strategies it has used in the past to address the force, such as selling its products at discounted prices to maintain customer loyalty and attract more customers.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Suppliers play a significant role in Amazon’s operations by providing the products sold to customers. Suppliers have high bargaining power because they know that retailers cannot operate without supplies. However, Amazon has managed to reduce the bargaining power of its suppliers by setting strict rules and regulations that its suppliers should adhere to. For instance, the company emphasizes ethical practices among suppliers through the supplier’s code of conduct. Suppliers who violate the code of conduct risk losing their contract with the company.

Future Improvements

The threat of new entrants will continue to be a strong force affecting Amazon’s operations, hence the need to devise strategies that can help the company effectively deal with the force to create sustainability. I would recommend introducing a variety of payment options, including cryptocurrency. Currently, online retailers emphasize using Visa, MasterCard, and e-wallets to pay for products and services sold on online platforms. Therefore, allowing payments using cryptocurrency will give Amazon a competitive advantage over competitors because cryptocurrency is gaining recognition as one of the most reliable currencies to pay for goods and services on online platforms worldwide. I would also recommend signing contracts with multiple suppliers supplying similar products to avoid disruptions in the supply chain if any supplier violates the company’s supplier code of conduct.

Greatest External Threat

Amazon’s greatest threat is stiff competition from local online retailers with more agile operations and responsive strategies. Therefore, the company may lose its customers to local online retailers, especially in global markets where the local retailers have already established broad brand awareness and substantial brand equity. Competitors, especially in the global market, also use innovation and strategic partnerships to increase their customer base, thus limiting Amazon’s competitiveness. For instance, the partnership between Shopify and Walmart poses a major threat to Amazon’s competitive advantage because the two companies have a large market share, and combining resources would enable them to acquire more customers, thus reducing Amazon’s customer base. Therefore, Amazon needs to consider strategic alliances and partnerships with local online retailers to maintain a solid customer base. Strategic alliances will help Amazon increase its customer base by acquiring the customers within the acquired company’s market share, thus increasing its competitive advantage.

Greatest Opportunity

Amazon’s greatest opportunity is the expansion to emerging markets. Amazon can expand its operations to emerging markets that other online retailers have not yet dominated. It can use third-party sellers to expand its brand awareness in the global markets and leverage the sellers’ brand image and awareness to increase its customer share in the markets. Amazon could also use independent partners to expand operations to global markets. Although Amazon’s competitors have also expanded their operations to global markets, Amazon may gain a competitive advantage due to its reputation for offering high-quality products and timely delivery of products to customers once they place their orders.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The main strength that Amazon can leverage to increase success is its strong brand name. The company has established global recognition as one of the best global online retailers worldwide due to providing high-quality products and services. The company can leverage its strong brand image to extend operations to global markets, including emerging economies. Another strength is highly effective distribution and logistics strategies (Yoo-Nah Hahn et al., 2018). The company has maintained a reputation of delivering products to customers within the shortest time despite their locations, thus creating convenience, which is among the things online customers look for. The main weakness that could affect Amazon’s success is the seasonal nature of the company’s scope of operations and revenue. According to (bb), Amazon’s revenues and sales peak in the fourth quarter annually, thus making it hard to maintain the cash flows required to maintain operations.

Strategy or Tactic

One of the strategies that Amazon could use to enhance its brand image, especially in global markets, is partnering with local online retailers with widespread brand awareness. The company can leverage the retailer’s brand awareness to attract more customers and maintain its loyal customers, thus enhancing its competitive advantage. Another strategy is diversifying the category of products and services offered to reduce the seasonality of the company’s cope of operations and revenues. The company may focus on products and services always in season to maintain consistency in its products and services demand.

Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies

Amazon’s main resources are human resources. The company has experienced staff who have the knowledge and expertise needed in the online retail business. The company also keeps its staff motivated by offering incentives and bonuses to reward them for meeting and exceeding expectations. The company’s capabilities include global presence, brand equity, and a wide range of products targeting different customer segments. The company’s brand equity has played a significant role in maintaining customer loyalty and attracting customers in the global market share (Betz, 2018). Amazon’s global presence increases its customer share, thus increasing revenue streams. The wide range of products contributes to increasing the company’s customer base by reaching a wide range of customers demanding different products and services. Amazon’s main competencies include high equity in the global market and affiliate networks. High brand equity enables the company to attract many customers, hence gaining a competitive advantage. The affiliate network enables the company to reach more potential customers through referrals, hence reducing marketing costs.


Betz, F. (2018). Chapter 2 strategic sales – The case of Amazon. Strategic Business Models: Idealism and Realism in Strategy, 13-23.

Majed, S., Nuraddin, S., & Hama, S. (2018). Analyzing the Amazon’s success strategies. Journal of Process Management. New Technologies, 6(4), 65-69.

Yoo-Nah Hahn, Myoung-Kil Youn, & Dong-Ho Kim. (2018). A brief analysis of Amazon and distribution strategy. Journal of Distribution Science, 16(4), 17-20.


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In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness assignment.

Amazon Company Analysis

Amazon Company Analysis

Using the corporation you chose from the Week 3 assignment, Strategic Management, and Strategic Competitiveness, examine the industry in which the entity operates. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the company:

Company website.
Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Strayer University’s online databases.
The Lexis Advance database.
Other miscellaneous sources. Note: the company’s annual report will often provide insights that other resources may not include.
Use the External and Internal Environments Template [DOCX] to ensure that your assignment meets the requirements.

Write a 4-6 page paper in which you do the following:

Choose the two segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their influence on the corporation you chose.
Assess how these segments affect the corporation you chose and the industry in which it operates.
Considering the five forces of competition, choose the two that you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose.
Evaluate how well the company has addressed these two forces in the recent past.
With the same two forces in mind, predict what the company might do to improve its ability to address these forces in the near future.
Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation.
Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with the most serious threat and the greatest opportunity. Justify your answer.
Give your opinion on the corporation’s greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses.
Choose the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to take maximum advantage of its strengths and the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to fix its most significant weakness. Justify your choices.
Determine the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
Go to the Strayer University Online Library to locate three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

Analyze the effects of the general environment, competition, threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses relative to a corporation.

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