Stealth Marketing Techniques

Stealth Marketing Techniques

Stealth Marketing Techniques

The article “Is the Stealth Marketing an Element of Promotion Mix? A Review of the Techniques” describes marketing techniques that are subtle and non-intrusive, often called “stealth marketing.” The techniques reviewed in the article include product placement, influencer marketing, and guerilla marketing, among others (Alkhafagi & ALsiede, 2022). These methods aim to create a positive association with a product or brand creatively and unexpectedly without directly interrupting or overwhelming the audience (Alkhafagi & ALsiede, 2022). The article concludes that stealth marketing is an element of the promotion mix and can effectively reach consumers if done correctly.

Using stealth marketing techniques may raise ethical concerns around dishonesty and manipulation from the marketers’ perspective. By disguising a marketing message as something other than an advertisement, marketers may be seen as deceptive to consumers (Kennedy & Kapitan, 2022). Additionally, relying on subtle methods to influence consumer behaviour may be seen as exploiting their trust. In addition, from the perspective of company owners, using stealth marketing techniques may also raise ethical concerns around accountability. If a marketing campaign goes wrong or causes harm, it may be difficult for the company to accept responsibility and repair any damage to its reputation.

Moreover, stealth marketing can raise concerns about privacy and informed consent from consumers’ perspectives. Consumers may feel that their experiences are being manipulated and their choices are influenced without their knowledge or consent. Also, from competitors’ perspectives, stealth marketing can raise concerns about unfair competition (Kennedy & Kapitan, 2022). If a competitor uses stealth marketing to gain an advantage over others, it may be seen as unethical and potentially harmful to the competitive market. Therefore, using stealth marketing raises ethical questions about transparency, honesty, accountability, privacy, and fair competition. Marketers must weigh these concerns and consider their campaigns’ impact on all parties involved.

One example of stealth marketing is native advertising, where the sponsored content is made to look like editorial content in a publication or website. For example, a company might pay to have a blog post written about its product and published on a popular website disguised as regular content. The organization hopes to achieve a larger audience and create a positive association with its product without being perceived as intrusive or annoying. By blending the marketing message into the content, the company creates a more organic and subtle connection with its target audience.

Moreover, whether the organization’s marketing is an immoral practice or a morally permissible competitive strategy is a matter of personal opinion. Organizations should be transparent and honest about marketing tactics and avoid deceptive practices that exploit consumer trust. Native advertising and other forms of stealth marketing can blur the lines between advertising and editorial content and compromise consumer trust. Companies need to be transparent about their marketing strategies and allow consumers to make informed choices about the products and services they engage with.

As a leader of an organization, I believe that the decision to allow this type of marketing would depend on various factors and considerations. Some leaders might see stealth marketing as a necessary and effective way to reach their target audience and stand out in a competitive market. However, others might view it as unethical and potentially harmful to their brand reputation. Therefore, from an ethical perspective, I would consider whether the marketing tactics are transparent and honest and whether they exploit consumer trust or undermine the brand’s integrity. If the marketing tactics are deceptive or manipulative, they may be considered unethical and potentially harm the organization’s reputation in the long run. Also, from a business perspective, I would consider the potential consequences of the marketing tactics on the audience and the marketplace. If the tactics are perceived as unethical, they may face backlash from consumers, regulatory authorities, or other stakeholders. This could damage the organization’s reputation and negatively impact its bottom line.


Alkhafagi, Y. A. M., & ALsiede, Y. A. H. (2022). Is Stealth Marketing an Element of the Promotion Mix? A Review of the Techniques. Webology, 19(1), 6246-6266.

Kennedy, A. M., & Kapitan, S. (2022). Marketing ethics, ethical consumers, and ethical lapses.


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Stealth Marketing Techniques

Stealth Marketing Techniques

For this assignment, you will read an article and answer a series of questions concerning a controversial marketing strategy’s ethics and moral responsibilities. Research the CSU Online Library to find an article about marketing to vulnerable populations, stealth or undercover marketing, ambush marketing, or E-lining. Your chosen article must be at least three pages long and published in the last 5 years.
Then, provide a written response to each of the items listed below.
In your own words, how would you describe the marketing techniques used in the article you chose?
Explain the ethical issues involved in the marketing technique from the perspective of marketers, company owners, consumers, and competitors.
Describe an actual instance of the marketing technique not included in the article. What was the organization hoping to achieve through its marketing tactics? Would you consider the organization’s marketing an immoral practice or a morally permissible competitive strategy? Explain your position.
As a leader of an organization, would you allow this type of marketing? Explain your reasoning.

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Social Media Scrutiny

Social Media Scrutiny

Social Media Scrutiny

Advancements in technology led to the development of social media platforms and networks such as Twitter, Instagram, emails, LinkedIn, and Facebook. People create accounts on these sites and personalize them to their preferences. The personalization of accounts makes people susceptible to elimination when looking for work. This is because recruiters check the social pages of potential employees and use that information in deciding who to hire. In some instances, employees are fired from their employment because of their social media activities. Therefore, in the quest for administration to have the best-suited employees, they judge job seekers and other employees unfairly based on social media profiles and activities. Therefore, social media screening should not be supported because it promotes discrimination and invasion of privacy for the employees and influences the company’s reputation.

The first disadvantage of social media scrutiny is the invasion of privacy. As recruiters and employers view their potential employees’ and employees’ social media pages, the individual being scrutinized feels that the action is an invasion of privacy (Drouin et al., 2015). Furthermore, social media accounts represent peoples’ personal lives away from work, and therefore, checking their profiles is indeed an invasion of their personal and private lives. The invasion of privacy has led to a couple of people being fired because their employers did not like what they found on the pages. Additionally, some online accounts are private, and some people cannot view these accounts; the use of unacceptable alternative means to access these accounts is an illegal action and a high degree of invasion of privacy. Therefore, social media scrutiny is an invasion of privacy.

The second disadvantage of social media scrutiny is discrimination. Discrimination is influenced by the fact that people post their personal life. A biased recruiter who discriminates against people of color, disabled, or the LGBTQ community might disqualify these job seekers because of these characteristics. Subsequently, discrimination against some of the characteristics listed above is illegal in most states, and therefore, this discrimination is illegal. Additionally, since people are not aware of this bias, actions cannot be taken against this bias. Therefore, this bias doesn’t favor job seekers. Additionally, it’s not just job seekers who miss out but also employees who are fired based on discoveries of their characteristics (Lauderdale et al., 2021). Subsequently, discrimination based on these factors causes people to miss out on opportunities that they would fit excellently.

Another disadvantage of social media scrutiny is the destruction of the company’s reputation. The destruction of the company’s reputation is caused by the reaction of employees who have been fired because of social media profiles. Additionally, potential employees might prefer employment in a company that doesn’t scrutinize their online profiles as compared to those who scrutinize their social media profiles. Additionally, social media profiles may be fabricated and, therefore, do not represent an individual’s actual personality; they might be close to the truth or far from the truth (The Use Of Social Media in Hiring – Risks and Tips – Ogletree Deakins, 2010). Therefore, the destruction of the company’s reputation will be based on the reactions of the employees and potential employees.

In conclusion, social media scrutiny in the time of employee recruitment is a practice that should be stopped. Scrutiny in professional accounts, such as LinkedIn, may be allowed, but scrutiny on other social media accounts for recreation should not be carried out. Subsequently, this conclusion is based on all the negative impacts that job seekers and employers may face in regard to the results of this scrutiny. Therefore, social media scrutiny should not be advocated for, but its use in hiring employees should be stopped.


Drouin, M., O’Connor, K., Schmidt, G. and Miller, D., 2015. Facebook fired: Legal perspectives and young adults’ opinions on the use of social media in hiring and firing decisions. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, pp.123-128.

Lauderdale, F., Cobanoglu, P. and Ongan, P., 2021. INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY BUSINESS-ECONOMICS ADVANCEMENT CONFERENCE. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 April 2021].

Ogletree Deakins. 2010. The Use Of Social Media in Hiring – Risks and Tips – Ogletree Deakins. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 April 2021].


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Social Media Screening

Please write a two page paper on your views about employers using social media accounts to make a decision about hiring someone. Is this an evasion of privacy? Please support your opinion with in-text citations.

Social Media Scrutiny

Social Media Scrutiny

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Promoting Innovation

Promoting Innovation

Promoting Innovation

The Strategy for Choosing Incremental or Discontinuous Innovation in Milestone One

In milestone one, I chose discontinuous innovation. The strategy used to select this type of innovation was to compare the risks and benefits associated with incremental and discontinuous innovation and review the need for additional training in implementing incremental and discontinuous innovation. The review results indicated that although the employees would need additional training to implement the discontinuous innovation, there would be fewer risks associated with the invention, and the organization would generate more revenue because the market for electric cars is increasing.

Reasons for Selecting the Processes for Managing Innovation Used in Milestone Two

I selected marketing and advertising as the processes for managing innovation because resistance to change and the slow response to change happen when customers do not understand creation or how it benefits them. Therefore, advertising and marketing strategies enable the organization to familiarize the customers with the design and how they can benefit from it. Advertising and marketing are also ideal for introducing discontinuous innovation because they help an organization communicate the value of its products to potential customers.

Promoting a Climate for Innovation through the Recommended Organization Structure

The divisional organization structure promotes a climate for innovation in our project by creating competition among divisions, thus ensuring that the discontinuous innovation is implemented effectively within the shortest time possible. It also provides that every division focuses on what it is good at, thus promoting idea-sharing and enhancing innovation. The divisional structure also encourages a climate for innovation in introducing autonomous cars by enabling divisions to operate autonomously under a divisional manager who ensures they have the resources required to implement the invention. The structure will also allow the organization to introduce autonomous cars in the market before other competitors because operating through divisions ensures that decisions are made quickly.


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In the previous few modules, you learned about the different aspects of innovation, such as its dimensions, the five significant trajectories for managing innovation, the spaghetti model of creation, and many more. In this discussion, you may choose to discuss some of these concepts or other innovation concepts covered in this course and reflect on the following aspects of your course project:

Promoting Innovation

Promoting Innovation

In your initial post, you should address the following questions:

  • What was your strategy for choosing incremental or discontinuous innovation in Milestone One?
  • What were your reasons for selecting the processes for managing innovation you used in Milestone Two?
  • How do your recommendations for the organization structure promote a climate for innovation in your project?

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Purchasing Ethics

Purchasing Ethics

Purchasing Ethics

Scenario 1

What does the Institute of Supply Management (formerly the NAPM) code of ethics say about accepting supplier favors and gifts?

The Institute of Supply Management (ISM) dictates all forms of anti-corruption conduct; therefore, accepting gifts or favors from suppliers is unethical and corrupt (Monczka et al., 2016).

What options or courses of action do Bryan & Nina have?

Bryan and Nina’s courses of action would be to repack the clock and send it back to the supplier who sent it, or they could choose to keep the clock because it was sent to their home.

Which is the best course of action and why?

The best course of action would be sending the clock back to the supplier who sent it because accepting it would be a form of corruption that goes against the ISM principles of anti-corruption.

Scenario 2

The buyer at Sealgood Instruments, Troy Smyrna, is practicing a certain type of unethical behavior. What is the term for this behavior? Why is it considered unethical?

Troy Smyrna’s behavior is referred to as Reciprocity, which goes against the ISM principle of purchasing ethics and business conduct by behaving unethically and promoting commercial bribery that contributes to corruption (Monczka et al., 2016).

Describe multiple alternatives for Lisa.

Lisa has the alternative to either accept Troy’s condition or report the unethical behavior to Sealgood Instruments’ management.

Which is the most ethically sound and why?

Reporting Troy to the management is the most ethical option because his behavior risks ruining the company’s reputation.

Scenario 3

What does the Institute of Supply Management (formerly the NAPM) code of ethics say about financial conflicts of interest?

ISM dictates that awarding business to a family relative is an unethical practice that is also an illegal act.

Analyze this scenario using these four variables of environment

Ethical behavior in the organizational environment dictates that professionals in supply management should promote ethical business conduct. In contrast, it dictates that the organization’s actions should consider their effects on the immediate community in the cultural environment. Decisions influence the personal environment by ensuring the ethical behavior of the individuals while they affect the industry environment by ensuring their effects do not harm the environment through the green movement (Monczka et al., 2016).

What should Sharon do in this situation?

Sharon should report the unethical behavior to management, and she should stick with her first choice by not agreeing to be influenced by her superior.


Monczka, Robert M et al. (2016). Purchasing & Supply Chain Management. 6th ed., Cengage Learning.


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Purchasing Ethics

Scenario 1

Purchasing Ethics

Purchasing Ethics

Bryan Janz was just arriving back from lunch when his office phone rang.  It was his wife, Nina, calling from home.  Nina told Bryan that FedEx had just delivered a package addressed to her.  The package contained a beautiful clock now sitting over the fireplace.  In fact, Nina said, “the clock looks absolutely beautiful on our living room fireplace”.  Thinking the clock was from a family member, Bryan asked who sent the present.  She said she did not recognize the name—the clock was from Mr.  James McEnroe.  Bryan immediately told Nina that she had to repack the clock because it was from a supplier who has been trying to win business from Bryan’s company.  They definitely could not accept the clock.  Nina was very upset, and responded that the clock was perfect for the room and, besides, the clock came to their home, not to Bryan’s office.  Because of Nina’s attachment to the clock, Bryan was unsure about what to do.

Assignment Questions

  1. What does the Institute of Supply Management (formerly the NAPM) code of ethics say about accepting supplier favors and gifts?
  2. What options or courses of action do Bryan & Nina have?
  3. Which is the best course of action and why?

Scenario 2

Lisa Jennings thought that at long last, her company, Assurance Technologies, was about to win a major contract from Sealgood Instruments.  Sealgood, a maker of precision measuring instruments, was sourcing a large contract for component subassemblies.  The contract that Assurance Technologies was bidding was worth at least $2.5 million annually, a significant amount given Assurance’s annual sales of $30 million.  Her team had spent hundreds of hours preparing the quotation and felt they could meet Sealgood’s requirements in quality, cost, delivery, part standardization, and simplification.  In fact, Lisa had never been more confident about a quote meeting the demanding requirements of a potential customer.

Troy Smyrna, the buyer at Sealgood Instruments responsible for awarding this contract, called Lisa and asked to meet with her at his office to discuss the specifics of the contract.  When she arrived, Lisa soon realized that the conversation was not going exactly as she had expected.  Troy informed Lisa that Assurance Technologies had indeed prepared a solid quotation for the contract.  However, when he visited Assurance’s facility earlier on a prequalifying visit, he was disturbed to see a significant amount of a competitor’s product being used by Assurance.  Troy explained his uneasiness with releasing part plans and designs to a company that clearly had involvement with a competitor.  When Lisa asked what Assurance could do to minimize his uneasiness, Troy replied that he would be more comfortable if Assurance no longer used the competitor’s equipment and used Sealgood’s equipment instead.  Lisa responded that this would mean replacing several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment.  Unfazed, Troy simply asked her whether or not she wanted the business.  Lisa responded that she needed some time to think and that she would get back to Troy in a day or so.

Assignment Questions

  1. The buyer at Sealgood Instruments, Troy Smyrna, is practicing a certain type of unethical behavior. What is the term for this behavior? Why is it considered unethical?
  2. Describe multiple alternatives for Lisa.
  3. Which is the most ethically sound and why?

Scenario 3

Sharon Gillespie, a new buyer at Visionex, Inc., was reviewing quotations for a tooling contract submitted by four suppliers.  She was evaluating the quotes based on price, target quality levels, and delivery lead time promises.  As she was working, her manager, Dave Cox, entered her office.  He asked how everything was progressing and if she needed any help.  She mentioned she was reviewing quotations from suppliers for a tooling contract.  Dave asked who the interested suppliers were and if she had made a decision.  Sharon indicated that one supplier, Apex, appeared to fit exactly the requirements Visionex had specified in the proposal.  Dave told her to keep up the good work.

Later that day Dave again visited Sharon’s office.  He stated that he had done some research on the suppliers and felt that another supplier, Micron, appeared to have the best track record with Visionex.  He pointed out that Sharon’s first choice was a new supplier to Visionex and there was some risk involved with that choice.  Ben indicated that it would please him greatly if she selected Micron for the contract.

The next day Sharon was having lunch with another buyer, Mark Smith.  She mentioned the conversation with Dave and said she honestly felt that Apex was the best choice.  When LUC asked Sharon who Dave preferred, she answered Micron.  At that point Mark rolled his eyes and shook his head.  Sharon asked what the body language was all about.  Mark replied, “Look, I know you’re new but you should know this.  I heard last week that Dave’s brother-in-law is a new part owner of Micron.  I was wondering how soon it would be before he started steering business to that company.  He is not the straightest character.” Sharon was shocked.  After a few moments, she announced that her original choice was still the best selection.  At that point Mark reminded Sharon that she was replacing a terminated buyer who did not go along with one of Dave’s previous preferred suppliers.

Assignment Questions

  1. What does the Institute of Supply Management (formerly the NAPM) code of ethics say about financial conflicts of interest?
  2. Ethical decisions that affect a buyer’s ethical perspective usually involve the organizational environment, cultural environment, personal environment, and industry environment. Analyze this scenario using these four variables.
  3. What should Sharon do in this situation?


  • There are 3 ethical situations.
    • Please read and answer the 3 questions after each scenario.
Class textbook:
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
Monczka, Robert M./ Handfield, Robert B./ Giunipero, Larry C./ Patterson, James
Edition: 6th, Cengage Learning

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Regression Modeling

Regression Modeling

Regression Modeling

Model for Predicting Tax Assessment Value

Scatter Plot with FloorArea and Assessment Value

Looking at the plot above, one can conclude that there is a linear relationship between Assessment Value and Floor Area. The Assessment Value increases as the Floor Area increases. Therefore, a linear relationship can be said to be present between the two variables.

Regression Analysis of FloorArea and AssessmentValue

The following is the output for the regression analysis of Floor Area and Assessment Value.”

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.968358209
R Square 0.937717621
Adjusted R Square 0.935641541
Standard Error 115.5993039
Observations 32
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 6035851.903 6035852 451.6772 1.23E-19
Residual 30 400895.9721 13363.2
Total 31 6436747.875
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 162.6627673 54.47856531 2.985812 0.005586 51.40269 273.9228 51.40269 273.9228407
FloorArea (Sq.Ft.) 0.306732084 0.014432619 21.2527 1.23E-19 0.277257 0.336207 0.277257 0.336207424

The figures that would be key in determining whether the Floor Area is a significant predictor of Assessment Value are the R square and p-value. The R2 value, which is 0.9377, indicates that the Floor Area influences 93.77% of the Assessment Value. The figure shows that the floor area has a great influence on the assessment value. Therefore, Floor Area can be deemed a strong factor that impacts the Assessment Value. The p-value of the regression analysis is 1.23E-19, which is less than 0.05. A p-value of less than 0.05 usually suggests statistical significance. Therefore, one can conclude that Floor Area is a significant predictor of Assessment Value.

Scatter Plot with Age and AssessmentValue

The following is the scatter plot with age as the independent variable and assessment value as the dependent variable.

From looking at the scatter plot, one can deduce that there exists no linear relationship between Age and Assessment Value. This is because the data in the plot is evenly distributed and not an indicator of one change affecting the other. The linear regression line is almost level indicating that one variable has little to no effect on the other variable.

Regression Analysis of Age and AssessmentValue

The following tables detail the output of the regression analysis of age and assessment value.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.179004
R Square 0.032043
Adjusted R Square -0.00022
Standard Error 14.58229
Observations 32
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 211.1752 211.1752 0.993097 0.326957
Residual 30 6379.294 212.6431
Total 31 6590.469
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 32.36046 7.557027 4.282168 0.000175 16.92695 47.79397 16.92695 47.79397
AssessedValue ($’000) -0.00573 0.005748 -0.99654 0.326957 -0.01747 0.006011 -0.01747 0.006011

Similar to the regression analysis of floor area and assessment, the key areas of the analysis that would help in determining whether age is a significant predictor of assessment value are the R square and the p-value. In this regression analysis, the R square is 0.032. This value implies that age influences 3.2% of the Assessment Area. The impact that age has on the Assessment Area is very little, and thus, age cannot be considered a significant predictor of assessment value. Additionally, the p-value of 0.327, which is greater than 0.05, indicates that there is no statistical significance. Therefore, age is not a significant predictor of assessment value.

Multiple Regression Model

Regression Analysis with AssessmentValue, FloorArea, Offices, Entrances, and Age

The following is the output from the multiple regression analysis:

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.976236077
R Square 0.953036879
Adjusted R Square 0.946079379
Standard Error 105.8107623
Observations 32
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 6134458.105 1533615 136.9798 1.62E-17
Residual 27 302289.7703 11195.92
Total 31 6436747.875
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 38.78344837 77.09450721 0.503064 0.618999 -119.401 196.9683 -119.401 196.9683109
FloorArea (Sq.Ft.) 0.244040823 0.025492496 9.573045 3.59E-10 0.191735 0.296347 0.191735 0.296347105
Offices 80.9459182 35.65397654 2.27032 0.031382 7.790001 154.1018 7.790001 154.1018353
Entrances 86.59756024 45.20452498 1.915683 0.066051 -6.15446 179.3496 -6.15446 179.3495841
Age -0.20798889 1.406373888 -0.14789 0.883528 -3.09363 2.677652 -3.09363 2.677651975

Based on the results of the multiple regression above, the R square figure is 0.953, while the adjusted R square is 0.946. The R square is the adjusted goodness of fit model for measuring linear models. It is used for identifying the variance percentage in the target fields explained by the inputs (Bar-Gera, 2017). Therefore, the figure obtained above means that 95.3% of the variation is explained by the change in the variables. On the other hand, the adjusted R square is the modified version of the R square that is used for adjusting the predictors that are not significant in the model (Bar-Gera, 2017). The current multiple linear regression model has several predictor variables, thus the need to evaluate and determine the adjusted R square. If the R square is less than the R square, it means that the additional variables in the model are not adding any value. This is the case with the current analysis since Adjusted R squared = 0.946 < R square =0.953.

Predictors Considered Significant

As mentioned initially, if the R square is less than the R square, it means that the additional variables in the model are not adding any value. The condition is true for the current case, and this means that there are predictors that are considered significant and those not considered significant. However, to determine the predictors that are significant, it is essential to check the p values of each of the variables, including floor area, offices, entrances, and age. A predictor is only significant if its p-value is less than 0.05 (Di Leo & Sardanelli, 2020). Looking at the output from the analysis, only one of the predictors has a p-value of less than 0.05. The only significant variable is Floor Area (p = 0.0313 < 0.05).

Final Model if FloorArea and Offices are Used as Predictors

When floor area and office are used as predictors, the following are the results of the regression analysis:

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.972788347
R Square 0.946317168
Adjusted R Square 0.942614904
Standard Error 109.1570926
Observations 32
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 6091205.02 3045603 255.605 3.82E-19
Residual 29 345542.8548 11915.27
Total 31 6436747.875
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 115.9135583 55.82814291 2.076257 0.04684 1.732186 230.0949 1.732186 230.0949311
FloorArea (Sq.Ft.) 0.264121119 0.024011991 10.99955 7.28E-12 0.215011 0.313231 0.215011 0.313231156
Offices 78.33905509 36.34621963 2.155356 0.039569 4.002689 152.6754 4.002689 152.6754209

The results of the regression analysis can help in formulating the final model.

The final model can be derived based on the following formula:

y = mx + c

where c is the intercept and m the constant.

Y(AssessmentValue) = 115.91 + (0.26 x FloorArea) + (78.34 x Offices)

Assessed Value Based on Final Model

AssessmentValue = 115.91 + (0.26 x FloorArea) + (78.34 x Offices)

We are given FloorArea =1500, Offices = 2

Therefore, the assessed value will be calculated as follows:

Assessed Value = 115.9 + (0.26 x 3500) + (78.34 x 2)

= 1025.9 + 166.68

= 1192.58

The assessed value based on the final model will be 1192.58 thousand dollars.

The obtained Assessed Value is consistent with what is provided within the database because it falls between the minimum and maximum values.


Bar-Gera, H. (2017). The Target Parameter of Adjusted R-Squared in Fixed-Design Experiments. The American Statistician, 71(2), 112–119.

Di Leo, G., & Sardanelli, F. (2020). Statistical significance: p-value, 0.05 threshold, and applications to radionics—reasons for a conservative approach. European Radiology Experimental, 4(1).


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The Excel file for this assignment contains a database with information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list of the variables in the database:

Regression Modeling

Regression Modeling

FloorArea: square feet of floor space
Offices: number of offices in the building
Entrances: number of customer entrances
Age: age of the building (years)
AssessedValue: tax assessment value (thousands of dollars)

Use the data to construct a model that predicts the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings with specific characteristics.

Construct a scatter plot in Excel with FloorArea as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of FloorArea and AssessmentValue. Is FloorArea a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?
Construct a scatter plot in Excel with Age as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of Age and Assessment Value. Is Age a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?

Construct a multiple regression model.

Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis with AssessmentValue as the dependent variable and FloorArea, Offices, Entrances, and Age as independent variables. What is the overall fit r^2? What is the adjusted r^2?
Which predictors are considered significant if we work with ?=0.05? Which predictors can be eliminated?
What is the final model if we only use FloorArea and Offices as predictors?
Suppose our final model is:
AssessedValue = 115.9 + 0.26 x FloorArea + 78.34 x Offices
What would be the assessed value of a medical office building with a floor area of 3500 sq. ft., 2 offices, that was built 15 years ago? Is this assessed value consistent with what appears in the database?

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Nestlé Organizational Culture

Nestlé Organizational Culture

Nestlé Organizational Culture

Does the company explain how long it has held these cultural values or how they were formed? To whom are these ‘espoused’ values directed on the website? Prospective employees or customers?

Nestle upholds a culture of integrity and business ethics. As explained on the company’s website, this couture has been instrumental in the facilitation of business activities. The company’s culture has reinforced the mindset that highlights the need to ‘do the right thing for the right reason’. Through this mindset, it has been possible to create shared value for company activities, consumers, communities, and shareholders. However, time specifications regarding when the company began to observe this culture are not provided. These values are discussed on the website and espoused for both potential employees and clients. Nestle provides this information to the public through the said platform, which is accessible to people who are interested in purchasing products or seeking employment at the company (Nestle CWA, 2020). It provides a chance to understand how the company operates and the values it holds in high esteem.

Does this organization win awards or come close to being one of the best places to work in the country? What other information suggests that this organization makes an effort to generate positive emotions for employees?

Nestle has received numerous awards for its exemplary performance and operations. Since 2011, Nestle has appeared on the FTSE4Good list as the first company that produces breast milk substitutes. Nestle emerged first among 22 companies manufacturing food and beverages around the world. This ranking occurred courtesy of the Access to Nutrition Index. Nestle is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. It has maintained its 100th percentile scores in Health and nutrition and Environmental Policy. In addition, the company received a 100 in the Water aspect. MSCI rated Nestle AA due to its exemplary performance as far as environmental, governance, and social issues (Nestle, 2021). These are just a few of the numerous awards that the company has received over the years.

To generate positive emotions among employees, Nestle uses its collaborative culture. This culture provides employees with an opportunity to make decisions and remain agile. The recruitment process plays a critical role in enabling potential candidates to understand the company and determine if they are well-suited for the applied positions. They gain mental preparation regarding what to expect as employees of the organization. This creates a healthy future for the candidates who thrive in their careers (Salmons, 2018).

In your opinion, is this organization a relatively high- or- low stress place to work? Explain your answer. What practices does this organization seem to use to help employees minimize stress?

Based on the reviews that former employees have provided on websites such as Glassdoor, Nestle is a relatively high-stress place to work. One of the former employees stated that the company has great employees. However, the management tends to preach wine and take water. The employees are reminded that family is important but remain under-compensated and overworked. The company’s management does not reciprocate the employees’ honesty and is less concerned about their welfare. In the past 7 or 8 years, the company was different from what it is today. The management has created a distance from the subordinate employees that may be the breeding ground for these negative elements (Glassdoor Inc., 2015). The company has recently agreed to pay all employees a living wage. This decision has led to its recognition as the first manufacturer to pay living wages. It is also expected to benefit employees and the communities. This action may reduce the financial stress that employees experience at the organization. However, based on the above employee review, the changes remain insufficient to alleviate workplace stress.


Glassdoor Inc. (2015). Nestle USA. Retrieved from Glassdoor:

Nestle. (2014, June). Nestlé agrees to pay all employees living wage. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Nestle. (2021). External recognition. Retrieved from Nestle:

Nestle CWA. (2020). Our culture of integrity. Retrieved from Nestle:

Salmons, J. (2018). Transforming Nestlé’s culture isn’t just inside our walls, it’s in how we hire. Retrieved from


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BUS 135 Organizational Culture: Organizational Culture (NESTLE) 

Use the Instructions below to type a 2-page essay

Nestlé Organizational Culture

Nestlé Organizational Culture

1. Scan through the company’s website to find any statements made about the company’s culture. Describe what you found by answering these questions:

  • Does the company explain how long it has held these cultural values or how they were formed? To whom are these ‘espoused’ values directed on the website? Pro-spective employees or customers?
  • Does this organization win awards or come close to being one of the best places to work in the country? What other information suggests that this organization makes an effort to generate positive emotions for employees?
  • In your opinion, is this organization a relatively high- or- low stress place to work? Explain your answer. What practices does this organization seem to use to help employees minimize stress?

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Nikon Sales Plan

Nikon Sales Plan

Nikon Sales Plan

Defining and Analyzing a Set of Sales Goals for the Business and Rationale for Choosing These Goals

One of the goals for the business is to increase its market share by 15% within one month. Currently, Nikon faces stiff competition from Sony, Canon, Panasonic, and Leica. Therefore, it needs to increase its market share to create a competitive advantage. Increasing market share will also increase the company’s sales, thus increasing revenue that can be used to improve the company’s products to attract more customers. The second goal is to increase monthly revenue by 5% within two months. An increase in income will increase cash flow in the company to sustain research and development, thus promoting innovation, which could lead to the manufacturing of high-quality products that compete favourably against competitors. The third goal is to reduce the customer churn to less than 1% within two months. Customer churn is defined as the number of customers leaving a business (Baker et al., 2020). To maintain a competitive advantage, Nikon has to ensure that no customer leaves the business by maintaining high customer satisfaction and communicating the value of its products through marketing. Reducing customer churn also improves a company’s reputation, thus attracting more customers.

Analyzing Viable Sales Strategies and Tactics Suited To the Target Market and Rationale for Their Selection

One viable sales strategy for Nikon is solution selling. According to Blokdyk (2018), solution selling includes focusing on the needs of the customer without emphasis on the actual sale process. Nikon should consider identifying the needs of potential customers and the challenges they may be encountering so that the sales team can recommend the most appropriate camera for the customer. For instance, the company may conduct a survey to identify the needs of photographers to customize cameras in ways that meet the specific needs of professional and non-professional photographers. Solution selling is well suited for the company because the products that the company specializes in can be customized to create solutions and meet customers’ needs and preferences. Solution selling is also viable for Nikon because it makes customers feel valued because they are heard and given solutions tailored to meet their needs, thus creating a stronger relationship between the company and its customers, which will result in higher sales and conversions. The second viable strategy is social selling. Capaul & Schwitter (2021) define social selling as the tactic of first familiarizing the business with the defined target market and then building relationships with potential customers. Nikon should use social selling when venturing into new markets. The company can leverage its strong social media networks to establish its brand in new markets and engage customers in conversations to understand their needs and preferences.

One of the sales tactics Nikon should use to create a competitive advantage is asking customers to refer others. According to Makandar (2014), referrals are an effective sales tactic for brands facing stiff competition because they help generate valuable and successful leads because references are from someone a potential customer knows. Referrals are a suitable sales tactic for Nikon because potential customers need genuine information on the quality of photographs taken with Nikon cameras to decide whether to purchase. Another tactic is content marketing. Nikon should post pictures taken with their cameras on social media platforms to display their quality to potential customers. The company should also use storytelling and customer testimonials to communicate the value of its products to attract customers. Content marketing is suitable for Nikon because it will help the brand showcase the quality of photographs generated by different types of Nikon cameras, thus enabling customers to choose based on their needs and preferences.

Methods or Actions to Motivate and Manage the Sales Team

One of the methods that can be used to motivate the sales team is setting clear and achievable goals. Adler (2018) argues that goals create a sense of direction. Therefore, setting goals will guide the sales team on what should be achieved in the long-term and short term, thus selecting the most appropriate measures to ensure the goals are met. Setting goals can motivate and manage the sales team because it ensures that the team works towards the same objective and defines what the company expects of them. Nikon can also offer incentives to motivate the sales team to meet the goals. Incentives are vital in managing and motivating the sales team because they push the sales team to achieve the specified goals to get rewarded. Incentives can be successful for Nikon because the sales team will focus on meeting the company’s expectations, thus increasing sales.

Nikon’s sales team can also be motivated and managed through assigned responsibilities. Holding the sales team accountable for various activities in the company will help in effective sales team management because each team member knows what they are expected to do. Assigning responsibilities will also empower the sales team, thus motivating them to meet the company’s goals. Another method that Nikon can use to motivate and manage the sales team is engaging the team members in decision-making. Collaboration in decision-making will give the sales team a sense of belonging, thus motivating them to meet the organization’s goals and contribute to its success. Nikon should also maintain an open line of communication between the sales team and top management for an adequate flow of information on sales-related issues, such as challenges the sales team may be experiencing in completing assigned tasks and the resources needed to meet sales goals. Management also needs to give the sales team feedback on their performance and identify areas of improvement.

Creating a Well-Supported Evaluation Plan with Plausible and Thoughtful Rationales

Nikon’s ideal evaluation plan should include outcome-based, professional development, and behavior-based measures. The outcome-based measures should consist of sales results, efforts, and profitability indices. According to Blokdyk (2019), sales efforts include actions such as selling expenses and the number of sales and service calls made. Nikon should conduct a weekly review of the sales calls made by the sales team within the week and the number of sales calls that resulted in successful sales. Nikon should also measure the monthly profitability gained from new sales to determine whether the sales efforts during the month were successful or not. The company should access behaviour-based outcomes based on the activities that resulted in sales, such as the management of the company’s market share, customer relations, product knowledge, report preparation, timely submission, and personal attributes.

The company should identify changes in customer behavior that could arise from marketing efforts, such as negative product perception due to misleading information. Nikon should conduct a competency assessment to determine the characteristics of the sales team and conclude whether the team members are fit for the assigned tasks or not. Assessing the competencies of sales team members helps select suitable salespersons, thus increasing sales. Nikon should create a list of required competencies and assign sales responsibilities based on a salesperson’s competencies. Professional development should encompass sales performance assessment measures such as professional knowledge, professional selling skills, and personal attributes.

Analyzing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Its Impact on the Sales Plan and Business

According to Manoli (2022), integrated marketing includes targeting customers using a wide range of channels with consistent messaging. Nikon should consider using a combination of social media and event marketing. For instance, the company can create a photography event where people view a collection of photos taken with Niko cameras and take pictures using different types of Nikon cameras. The company can then post the photographs taken during the event on social media platforms and include short videos of customers explaining their experiences. The company may later launch an online marketing campaign based on the photography event. The campaign may include photograph challenges where individuals who attended the event are requested to post one of their best photos taken with the Nikon cameras during the event. The company may engage the audience in voting for the best photos and create a reward for whoever wins the competition to encourage many people to participate.

Combining digital marketing and event marketing will help Nikon reach many customers, thus increasing sales. The proposed integrated marketing plan will also help the company maintain a stronger relationship with its customers, thus reducing customer churn by increasing customer loyalty. The company may also collect customer feedback during the photography event and implement it to improve customer satisfaction. Feedback from the event may also help the company create an appropriate theme for the digital campaign to encourage the participation of many potential and existing customers. The integrated marketing plan will impact the sales plan by defining the sales strategies and tactics to be used. For instance, it must be aligned with the solution selling and social selling strategy by maintaining customer engagement.


Adler, R. W. (2018). Organizational goals and objectives. Strategic Performance Management, 43-52.

Baker, S., Baugh, B., & Sammon, M. (2020). Measuring customer churn and interconnectedness.

Blokdyk, G. (2018). Solution selling complete self-assessment guide. 5starcooks.

Blokdyk, G. (2019). Sales Efforts a Complete Guide – 2019 edition. 5starcooks.

Capaul, F., & Schwitter, M. (2021). Social selling: Übersicht. Let’s Link!, 51-62.

Makandar, N. (2014). A study on referral marketing. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail Management.

Manoli, A. E. (2022). Integrated marketing communications. Integrated Marketing Communications in Football, 17-35.


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In your sales plan:

Define and analyze a set of sales goals for the business and justify why those goals were chosen.
Be sure the goals are measurable.

Nikon Sales Plan

Nikon Sales Plan

Analyze viable sales strategies and at least two tactics that are suited to the target market, and explain why they are suitable and were selected.
Create methods or actions to motivate and manage your sales team, including why the methods or actions can be successful.
Create a well-supported evaluation plan with plausible and thoughtful rationales.
Analyze an integrated marketing plan, including how it will impact the sales plan and business.
Cite any sources you use.

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Organizational Volunteers

Organizational Volunteers

Organizational Volunteers

What do you think about using “volunteers” to do work that other people get paid to do?

Organizational volunteering is a source of labor for both non-profit and for-profit organizations in the US and around the world. Volunteers are motivated to join volunteer programs with the objective of being absorbed into the organization’s workforce at the expiry of their volunteer or training program. Others take up volunteer positions through company-lead strategies that use incentives for customers to self-serve. As consumers become independent with advancing technologies and connections, the appeal of customer reviews is increasing. Companies that apply this strategy, like Verizon, engage in exploitative and unethical methods for services they would otherwise have paid people or deployed equipment to handle. Customer exploitation is uninhibited through the manipulative digital marketing strategies used to reach out to clients. Once a client decides to purchase a product from an online retailer, the product vendor requires them to create an account that requires email verification. The customer will then review individual data on a massive scale to come up with a cheaper solution. As a result, the company cuts on the human resource spending for recruitment and recurrent salaries. With a simple award system, such as using categories (Silver, Platinum, Gold), companies deny qualified candidates an opportunity to dispense professional service.

If you were in Mark Studness’s position, what would you be most concerned about in this arrangement? How would you “manage” that concern?

Mark Studness should be more concerned with ethical practice compliance at the organizational and external levels. I would embark on a transformative organizational change management that will implement measures for the organization to adhere to set down legislation, policy guidelines, and tax compliance issues for any worker at the company. In a bid to maintain a growing business, I would implement a consultative monetary rewards system that motivates dedicated problem solvers in the company’s customer relations department.

How do these “volunteers” fit into an organization’s structure? Take each of the six elements of organizational design and discuss how each would affect this structural approach.

Work Specialization – the organization will have to implement a decentralized management approach to accommodate the integrated role of customer roles for the business.

Departmentalization and compartmentalizing – volunteers will be categorized under customer service for increased participation in client-initiated discussions.

Chain of command – it remains unclear how increasing participation of customers in solving solutions for the company will be sustained in the end. Customers switch product shopping preferences or stop using specific websites (Biran et al., 2021). Establishing a chain of command to an unsupervised human resource reserve may require filler recruitments for emergency problems and solutions for clients.

Span of control – the organization will have a span of control to a limited level of company participants. It will be difficult to dictate to free customers what time and problem they must solve since the arrangement is on a willing basis (Haugh, 2021).

Centralization and decentralization – The organization must centralize core management sectors of the work assignment. However, customer relations and the sales department have a window for stepping out of the rule book.

Formalization elements – it will be difficult to formalize a will-based dedication to contributing to solutions to complaints, queries, and best practices.


Biron, M., De Cieri, H., Fulmer, I., Lin, C. H. V., Mayrhofer, W., Nyfoudi, M., … & Sun, J. M. J. (2021). Structuring for innovative responses to human resource challenges: A skunk works approach. Human Resource Management Review31(2), 100768.

Haugh, H. M. (2021). Social economy advancement: from voluntary to secure organizational commitments to public benefit. Journal of Management History.

Robbins, S., & Coulter, M. (2017). Management, Global Edition (14th ed., p. 373). Pearson Education, Limited.


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Case Application 2: Organizational Volunteers

Please read “Case Application 2: Organizational Volunteers” on page 373 of your text and answer the following:

Organizational Volunteers

Organizational Volunteers

  • What do you think about using “volunteers” to do work that other people get paid to do?
  • If you were in Mark Studness’s position, what would you be most concerned about in this arrangement? How would you “manage” that concern?
  • How do these “volunteers” fit into an organization’s structure? Take each of the six elements of organizational design and discuss how each would affect this structural approach.


Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, 2018
Pearson Education
ISBN.13: 978-0-134-52760-4

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Memorandum for Stakeholders

Memorandum for Stakeholders

Memorandum for Stakeholders

To: United Parcel Service Stakeholders


Date: February 24, 2023

Subject: United Parcel Services (UPS) Leadership Culture

I am writing to inform you about UPS’s leadership culture. Leaders shape an organization’s culture by how they interact with their colleagues and followers, their communication style, and their decision-making strategies (Tsai, 2011). The primary goal of a leader is to create a high-performance team that will help the organization achieve its goals (Tsai, 2011). Effective leaders mentor and coach followers to help them serve communities better.

As you may be aware, creating a competitive advantage is one of UPS’ primary goals. For that to happen, the company is obliged to provide outstanding services to its customers. Since the company’s vision is to facilitate sustainable shipment, leaders help employees align with the vision. The company supports employees logistically by providing sufficient delivery vehicles to help them make fast deliveries (United Parcel Service, n.d.-b). The end goal is to gain a competitive advantage against established players like FedEx Logistics and DHL Supply Chain.

Also, our organization’s leadership strategy is based on the principle that our employees are ‘hired hearts, not hired hands.’ Therefore, the leaders are committed to pursuing humanity and ensuring employees live in dignity. Among others, the employees benefit from paid weekends and holidays and healthcare coverage (United Parcel Service, n.d.-a). Besides, the company, through its leaders, provides training and career progression opportunities. We do not believe in accumulating so much as we keep those who help us make profits in poverty. You understand that it is costly, but it is fundamental to helping us give back to the community.

Finally, I would like to bring to your attention our company’s commitment to openness and resistance to discriminative tendencies. To help our employees improve, leaders regularly communicate goals and expectations to ensure employees stay in line (United Parcel Service, n.d.-a). Our leaders also maintain an open-door policy to allow employees to voice their feedback at any time. We believe effective communication is fundamental in helping our employees exploit their potential.


Tsai, Y. (2011). Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior, and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research, 11(1). BMC.

United Parcel Service. (n.d.-a). Home | About UPS. About UPS-US.

United Parcel Service. (n.d.-b). Is your supply chain a competitive advantage?


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After you complete the first assignment this week, in a formal memorandum, communicate key findings to the CEO of your selected organization. Remember to be cognizant of your audience and be cohesive in your communication.

Memorandum for Stakeholders

Memorandum for Stakeholders

Be sure to format your document as you would a professional memo. As a standard business document, a memo does not follow APA formatting guidelines for papers. However, you must include citations for any resources you use according to APA style.

Length: 1-2 pages, not including the reference page.

This assignment is a Memo to the StakeHolder concerning the 1st Part of the Assignment I have uploaded/attached below.

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Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

Two Crucial Stakeholders or Sponsor Roles for the Change Process from the Singapore Headquarters and the U.S. Branch.

The main stakeholders involved in the change process are the vice president and the customer success manager. The vice president’s role in the process will be to handle the strategic plan to guide the team’s business in the Singapore headquarters and the U.S. branch and collaboratively work with the executive management plan to pinpoint, highlight, and act upon the company’s requirements. The vice president will also be required to adopt various integration strategies to ensure the optimal efficiency of the change process. One of the roles of the customer success manager will be to contribute to establishing and implementing strategic customer plans to help pinpoint areas where the corporation can improve the overall delivery of its services, quality, and excellence. The second role will be to hire and train customer service staff with the necessary knowledge, skills, and capabilities to enhance the organization’s performance.

The Importance of Each Stakeholder’s Role in Achieving Buy-In, Acceptance, and Support for Change in All Sectors.

The vice president will significantly influence how employees react to the change by acting as an opinion leader. Employees will expect the vice president to include them in making decisions on any issues arising from the difference and how it affects employees. Allowing employees to participate in the change implementation process and accommodating their needs increases the initiative’s likelihood of success and prevents resistance. The customer success manager will serve as a counselor and connector. Often, employees turn to junior staff to communicate their issues to top management. Therefore, the customer success manager will act as the link between employees and the vice president and help them express their feelings about the change and any concerns that could lead to resistance. The customer success manager will also counsel other employees to help them deal with any disruptions caused by the change.

Strategic Objectives That Support the Change Management Plan

The company intends to leverage resources, people, and technology to help its customers transform all business operations and promote innovation. The company also wants to create unprecedented service, value, and opportunity for its customers, partners, and employees by ensuring customers have the best customer experience. In addition, customer confidence is strengthened, all challenges are conquered, and the best company value is achieved. The organization’s operations aim to pursue excellence in everything it does, be a leader in innovative information technology services and strategies, empower all employees to provide services exceeding customers’ expectations, and make its community unsurpassed.

The strategic goals that align with change management are acquiring new customers from innovative offerings and providing a regular flow of information between employees and stakeholders. Increasing employee engagement will increase employee commitment, thus promoting the generation of new ideas that can be implemented to create innovative offerings. At the same time, proper communication strategies will enable employees and stakeholders to communicate efficiently and collaborate in eliminating issues that may affect organizational performance (Sueldo, 2016). An adequate flow of information between employees and stakeholders will also enable the company to understand the causes of turnover, reducing the high turnover rate in the U.S. branch.

 How Developments to Organizational Structures Can Guarantee Effective and Constant Behavioral Change.

Improving organizational systems can guarantee fruitful and sustained behavioral change in different ways. To begin with, it can help the employees feel more appreciated, reduce turnover, and enhance job satisfaction (Carnahan et al., 2015). For instance, an organizational system that includes rewarding employees for their efforts in improving organizational performance helps create a sense of belonging, thus reducing the intention to leave. Secondly, improving an organizational system to include programs that show that the company cares about its employee’s growth and development creates loyalty, thus reducing the intention to leave (Sharon, 2014). Such programs may include career opportunities and training programs that equip employees with new skills and capabilities. Career development and rewarding employees will increase employee productivity at the U.S. branch by increasing employee morale.

Recommendation of at Least Two Enhancement Strategies for Team Collaboration.

The leading cause of the lack of collaboration across both locations is a strict top-down hierarchy whereby employees are expected to implement the decisions made by top management without providing feedback. The second is poor communication, which has led to inconsistency in how similar tasks are completed in the two locations. Therefore, team collaboration can be enhanced by creating a common communication platform that allows communication between employees in the two locations to ensure a consistent way of working. The second strategy is selecting a team leader to represent the team’s needs to top management and give feedback on the decisions that affect the team members. Top management should allow employees to participate in decision-making to build trust.

 Change Management Model That Can Be Utilized at The U.S. Branch

The challenges in the U. S branch can be addressed by changing how the company treats its employees. For instance, the company needs to create opportunities for career growth and training, adjust work schedules to create work-life balance, create proper leadership practices, and improve communication. The ADKAR change management model is the most appropriate to address this challenge because it reduces change resistance. According to Angtyan (2019), the model reduces resistance because employees are aware of the change, are empowered and engaged, learn by sharing, identify and address barriers, and remain focused on the proposed change and its goals.

Steps Necessary to Implement the Change Management Model at the U.S. Branch.

One of the steps required to implement the ADKAR change management model at the U.S. branch is removing any roadblocks that could hinder the success of the change. One of the measures that will be taken to remove the roadblocks is embracing employee feedback on how the change affects them and collaborating with them to find the most effective solution to their problems. The second measure is enlightening employees on the change’s significance in eliminating and reducing resistance. We will create a team to monitor employee behavior throughout the change process and create a contingency plan to deal with planned and unplanned changes. Contingencies will include employee counseling to help them adapt to the change and motivation programs to encourage adapting. The main milestones that need to be accomplished for change implementation are onboarding all employees to ensure they embrace the change and reducing and eliminating employee resistance to the change.


Angtyan, H. (2019). ADKAR model in change management. International Review of Management and Business Research, 8(2), 179-182.

Carnahan, S., Kryscynski, D., & Olson, D. (2015). How corporate social responsibility reduces employee turnover. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), 14792.

Sharon, T. (2014). The relationship between employee engagement as a human resource management practice and employee organizational commitment. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.

Sueldo, M. (2016). The impact of integrated organizational communication on organizational sustainability. Management of Organizations: Systematic Research, 75, 121-140.


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Congratulations! You impressed the leadership team as an HR consultant hired to resolve communication and employee disengagement issues at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions organization.

Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

You submitted a change readiness report as Milestone One, highlighting the importance of stakeholders and change implementers. The VP and the management team also appreciated your proactive presentation on employee engagement. Next, you submitted a report on the various change management models and justi?ed your recommendation of one of those models.

You prepared the VP and the leadership team for your recommended change management plan with each of these submissions with each of these submissions. It is time for you to deliver the change management plan to the VP. This document is a signi?cant component of your change management kit because it outlines individual and organizational activities that require change implementation. Through the change management plan, you will identify stakeholders of significance, outline strategic goals, and recommend steps and strategies to implement the organizational changes required.


Create a report covering the change management plan’s pre-implementation and implementation phases in the course scenario. Refer to the Case for Change Guide to ensure relevant organizational data is considered.

Speci?cally, it would be best if you addressed the following rubric criteria:

Identify two key stakeholders or sponsor roles from the Singapore headquarters and the U.S. branch for the change process.

  • Refer to the Leaders’ Self-Evaluations document for additional context.

Discuss the significance of each stakeholder’s role in gaining buy-in, acceptance, and support for change across departments.

  • How can each stakeholder improve the change initiatives’ likelihood of success (for example, by acting as opinion leaders, connectors, counselors, and journalists)?

Identify strategic goals that align with the change management plan and provide rationale. Consider the following in your response: Refer to the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals; U.S. Branch Overview; and Leaders’ Self-Evaluations.

  • Ensure alignment with the change management plan and the organization’s strategic goals (Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch). Research emerging trends that could in?uence employees of the U.S. branch.

Explain how improvements to organizational systems can ensure successful and sustained behavioral change.

  • Refer to the Exit Interviews to identify the areas of change.
  • What are the processes, procedures, or policies that need improvement?
  • How will these improvements impact the behavioral change of employees at the U.S. branch?

Recommend at least two enhancement strategies for team collaboration.

  • Refer to the Exit Interviews and Leaders’ Self Eteam collaboration problems of team collaboration.
  • What are the reasons for the lack of collaboration between team members across both organization locations?
  • How can an individual performer become a team player to improve team collaboration?
  • How should leadership behavior change to build trust?

Determine a change management model that can be used at the U.S. branch and provide justi?cation.

  • Based on your evaluation of the challenges the U.S. branch faces, choose from the following change management models: Kotter’s, Lewin’s, or ADKAR change management model.
  • How would you use this model at the U.S. branch?

Describe the steps needed to implement the change management model at the U.S. branch. Support your response with research.

  • How would you mitigate and remove any roadblocks in the change management process?
  • What are your plans to deal with the impact of planned and unplanned changes and any contingencies? What milestones need to be accomplished for change implementation to succeed?
  • How would you measure the success of your change management plan?

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