Explore and Critique Potential Methods and Designs

Create a summary of the research method, then design your plan to investigate your research topic. 

Select a method and design appropriate for a doctoral dissertation study. Quantitative studies must demonstrate internal and external validity (e.g., large, random samples, statistical power, and representativeness). Qualitative studies must demonstrate validity within the context of the specific qualitative design (e.g., credibility, dependability, transferability, trustworthiness). Replication studies are not permitted. Your summary must address the following: 

  1. Note a specific method, and then design your plan to use in your research. 
  2. Describe and substantiate the appropriateness of the method and then design it to respond to the stated problem, purpose, and research questions. 
  3. Note how the proposed method and design accomplish the study goals, why the design is the optimum choice for the proposed research, and how the method aligns with the purpose and research questions. 
  4. Provide appropriate foundational research method support for the proposed study design. 
  5. Explain the particular data-gathering techniques and data analysis processes. A sample size of the study population should be identified, appropriate, and justified based on the nature of the study design. Quantitative analyses must include justified sample size determination.  

Length: 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages 


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Module 2 – SLP


Drawing on the material in the background readings and doing additional research,
prepare a 3- to 4-page handout in which you describe what is meant by cloud-based
HR systems and how it might be used. What are the strengths and challenges of
using cloud-based computing for HRM? Are there specific HRM functions that are
more applicable to cloud computing than others? Discuss.

You should develop a colorful handout with graphics that is intended for SHRM
conference attendees. The attendees want to learn what they can about how the
cloud works, so they can share the handout with their HR staff back at the office.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issue.

Recommend 2 sources for additional information that you include at the end of your
handout (do not use course background information as your additional information).

Cite sources of information actually utilized to prepare your handout. Sources used
must be valid and reliable and may come from the course itself, from the library,
and/or from the internet.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Assignment driven criteria

Critical thinking

Scholarly writing/oral communication

Assignment Organization and Quality of References



7/13/24, 4:30 PM SLP – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)

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Develop Applied Project Questions


Your assignment is to draft two or more research questions. These questions can be either qualitative or quantitative or a mixture of both. 

Qualitative: Research questions must be aligned with the purpose statement. Qualitative research questions should be open-ended and reflect the nature of the qualitative design (avoid yes/no and closed-ended questions). 

Quantitative: Research questions must align with the purpose statement and include the proposed hypothesis(es). Ensure the research questions and hypothesis(es) are aligned with the purpose statement. The research questions and hypotheses must be directly answerable, specific, and testable based on the data collected. 

(Quantitative Only) 

Both null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses should be stated. Each must directly correspond with a research question. Ideas must be stated in the testable, potentially negatable form, with each variable operationalized. Note: Each hypothesis represents one distinct testable prediction. Upon testing, each hypothesis must be entirely supported or entirely negated. 

 This assignment must be 1 page 

HRM 404 SLP mod 2

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Module 2 – SLP


Drawing on the material in the background readings and doing additional research,
prepare a 3- to 4-page handout in which you describe what is meant by cloud-based
HR systems and how it might be used. What are the strengths and challenges of
using cloud-based computing for HRM? Are there specific HRM functions that are
more applicable to cloud computing than others? Discuss.

You should develop a colorful handout with graphics that is intended for SHRM
conference attendees. The attendees want to learn what they can about how the
cloud works, so they can share the handout with their HR staff back at the office.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issue.

Recommend 2 sources for additional information that you include at the end of your
handout (do not use course background information as your additional information).

Cite sources of information actually utilized to prepare your handout. Sources used
must be valid and reliable and may come from the course itself, from the library,
and/or from the internet.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Assignment driven criteria

Critical thinking

Scholarly writing/oral communication

Assignment Organization and Quality of References



7/11/24, 5:09 PM SLP – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214156/viewContent/5387345/View 1/1

HRM 404 Case mod 2

Module 2 – Case


Case Assignment

Select one of the two following options for this Module Case assignment.

Option 1: Prepare a slide presentation with recorded narration (10-12 slides not
including title and reference slides) for your supervisor and team members. Your
presentation should provide an evaluation showing how introducing a new HRIS can
benefit an organization with 250 employees that currently has an automated record-
keeping system. Explain why a new system is better than the current one by
comparing and contrasting a new system with the current HRIS application. Make a
final recommendation for which HRIS to purchase or retain and explain why you
selected this option. (You may need to meet with your current HRM to learn about
the current system in use.)

Option 2: Prepare a slide presentation with recorded narration for your supervisor
and team members. The presentation must not contain less than 10 slides–not
including title and reference slides–but the presentation can contain significantly
more than 10 slides, if needed. Your presentation should provide an overview of
three HRIS systems showing how an HRIS can benefit an organization with 250
employees that currently does not have an automated record-keeping system. Make
a final recommendation to your supervisor and team members for which HRIS option
should be purchased and explain your selection rationale.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical-thinking and analysis of the issue.

Recommend 3 sources for additional information that you include at the end of your
presentation (do not use materials in this course as your additional information). At
least one of your three references about a concept in this assignment topic should
come from a peer-reviewed academic journal found in the Trident Online Library.
Cite sources of information utilized to prepare your assignment.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.
Remember that people today do not want to watch a PowerPoint presentation with
slides that are full of words. They want to see no more than 5 words and a picture
on every slide. Additional words should be on the note pages. A best practice is to
insert one bullet point on each slide. If you want multiple, very short bullet points on
one slide, transition each bullet point in one at a time. In addition, the pictures should
be real people, not clip art; pictures of employees of the company are preferable.


7/11/24, 5:09 PM Case – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214156/viewContent/5387343/View 1/2

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[Tip: Type out the narration for each slide on the notes pages and you can read it as
your recording. Save each recording as the slide number, such as Slide 3, etc.]

Once completed, upload your submission to the appropriate drop box by the due
date and time.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Meets assignment requirements


Writing and assignment organization

Use of sources and mechanics

Timeliness of assignment

7/11/24, 5:09 PM Case – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)

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Eng 201 Case Mod 2

Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

Case 2: Feminist/Psychoanalytic Literary Analysis

Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size.

This essay is to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No secondary
sources are to be used in this essay.

This essay is not to be written in the first person, “I.”

Case Assignment

Using a Feminist or Psychoanalytic approach, discuss character in “The Birthmark,”
“The Yellow Wallpaper,” “The Story of an Hour, OR “The Open Boat.”

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first essay;
it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body
points and details.

Please note that uploaded student essays are scanned by Turnitin. Please be
sure that essays include only the thoughts, words, and ideas of the writer.

Essays must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with
standard one-inch margins and no less than 700 words of text.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or
introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention.
Follow the opening sentence with a very brief background on the story to be
discussed. Be sure to always include author’s full name in the introduction of the
essay. After that first instance, only the surname is used. The last sentence of the
introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay,
which in this case, would be a literary analysis of the short story.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this
essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the essay. For
example, the body of the essay may be divided into paragraphs addressing


7/11/24, 5:06 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214050/viewContent/5388906/View 1/2

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character, symbolism, and theme. In any case, each body paragraph must support
(explain) your interpretation (analysis) of the short story. Each body paragraph
should begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with
a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. You may wish to offer a
reason as to why the short story is still read in educational settings after so many
years or why the story’s themes are especially topical in our society today.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction
(word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A
grade will be determined based on the Module 2 Case expectations and the Trident
University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Assignment Expectations

Write a Feminist/Psychoanalytic literary analysis (no less than 700 words in
length) that states an original thesis statement.

Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s
ideas and/or intended purpose.

Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and
cohesive essay.

7/11/24, 5:06 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214050/viewContent/5388906/View 2/2

RTI and EBP strategies in ABA

In this discussion you will present two effective RTI (Response-to-Intervention) and/or EBP (Evidence-based-practices) strategies. You can do 2 of EBP or RTI or 2 of either one of the topics.  Your discussion should reflect best practice as found in the literature and not a personal preference. Your posts do not have to be long but complete enough that others can understand the intervention or strategy and how it is used. Cite the literature you reviewed supporting your position.

RTI and EBP cover a lot of territory. Obviously, you could not cover the entire area of responses in these topics so focus your posts on a specific element(s) of RTI or EBP such as the state of the literature in these topics, issues and problems with some element of RTI or EBP or issues with implementation of RTI or EBP. Please free to focus on any elements of EBP or RtI that you find interesting.

They check for AI & Plagiarism

Create a Purpose Statement

A related purpose statement should be developed once the problem statement has been drafted. The problem and purpose statements are related in content and wording, yet the focus of each statement is different:  

Statement Focus 

Problem Statement:The sole focus is on the identified problem; the distinction between the current state and what is desired.

Purpose Statement: Focus is on the intent of your applied dissertation project.  


Create an applied dissertation project purpose statement by indicating the intent, goal, and rationale for addressing the problem you identified in Week 3. The purpose statement should begin with “The purpose of this (quantitative or qualitative) applied dissertation project is to….”  

Use the following list to create the purpose statement. At a minimum, your purpose should include items 1-4 from the list below:  

For All Purpose Statements (Minimum Components) 

  1. Project method
  2. Project design
  3. Project setting
  4. Closing statement as to how the study results may inform the field of healthcare leadership, management, or health policy  

Other Components as Applicable

  1. Constructs/variables  
  2. Target population 
  3. Sampling frame  
  4. Sampling method  
  5. Sample size (Justified by scholarly sources and power analysis for quantitative studies)
  6. Data collection method (including instrumentation if applicable)
  7. Data analysis method
  8. Software to be used for analysis 

Week 3 Part A Scientific Revolution


 Copernicus, Galileo, or Newton? Based on your readings of Shapin, McClellan and Dorn, which of the three was the most significant scientific revolutionary, and why?

**250 words for this discussion 


Science and Technology in World History: An Introduction by Domenico E., III Bertoloni Meli, Harold Dorn, and James E., III McClellan Chptr 10-13

Week 2 Part B1 Scientific revolution


1. Why was practical astronomy so highly cultivated in the Arab world?

 250 words per question



Science and Technology in World History: An Introduction by Domenico E., III Bertoloni Meli, Harold Dorn, and James E., III McClellan 

Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam Helped to Shape the Western World by John Freely