trident mod 5 – m24

Module 5 – SLP


The SLP assignments in this course will assist you with the development of an
annotated bibliography. This document will become a valuable resource as you
complete your study. For SLP 5, add to your annotated bibliography for your
doctoral study. Review five new articles that focus on your topic and will help
you to build your literature review. For each resource provide the following:

Complete APA Citation: Sample for Journal Article:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of
Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.
Visit the Purdue Writing Lab for guidance on how to cite other types of

Summary: Discuss key definitions, theories, concepts, or ideas (in your own

Key findings: Identify the findings that are relevant to your study.

Key quote(s): Identify any key quotes or statements (remember to include a
page number for each quote).

Relation to other articles: Briefly compare and contrast this source to other
sources in your annotated bibliography.

Relevance to my Research: Identify which research question(s) or research
methodology/design this article supports.

Notes: Add any additional comments you have about this study (e.g. things to
remember, follow up, or other considerations).

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be assessed on the following criteria:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements
of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Demonstrates
mastery conceptualizing the problem, and careful consideration of experts or
research in the field of educational leadership. Module content and concepts


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esea c t e e d o educat o a eade s p odu e co te t a d co cepts
are thoroughly and thoughtfully analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated.
Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an
exceptional manner.

Scholarly Writing: Demonstrates mastery and proficiency in scholarly written
communication at the doctoral level.

Quality of References and Assignment Organization: Demonstrates
mastery using relevant and quality sources and uses appropriate, relevant, and
compelling content from the module readings or other sources to support ideas,
convey understanding of the topic and shape the whole work.

Citing Sources: Demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to
both in-text citations and the reference list.

Task: View this topic

Activity Details

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Applied Sciences wk4 assignment


Week Four: Signature Assignment. Case Study

Case Study: Performance for Scripps Health & Palomar Health

For this case study, please review the below two financial analysis to compare the performance for Scripps Health and Palomar Health.

Scripps Health Audited Financial 2022 and 2021

Palomar Health Audited Financials 2022 and 2021

Next, please include the below elements to answer your assignment:

· Compare the focus for each organization

· Provide financial comparisons for each organization (compare two years of financials)

· Provide key drivers for the organization

· Provide key statistical indicators for each organization

· Provide any revenue considerations

· Provide understanding of labor impact

Students are required to complete their analysis in 7-10 pages, double spaced, and provide at least three (3) scholarly references to support your assessment. Apply APA format for all your formatting, citations, and references, unless otherwise indicated. All papers should include:

· Title page, running head & page numbers;

· Abstract;

· Use of Level I and II headings (if applicable);

· Introduction section;

· Conclusion section;

· In-text citations;

· References page

Applied Sciences wk 3 assignment


Wk3 assignment

For this case study, compare Sharp Healthcare’s financials from the year 2022 and the year 2023.

Sharp Healthcare Audited Financials 2022 and 2023

Next, please include the below key elements to answer your assignment:

· Provide the planning process

· Provide key components of financial planning

· Provide key accomplishments that boosted Sharp Healthcare’s financials in each year.

Students are required to complete their analysis in 3-5 pages, double spaced, and provide at least two (2) scholarly references to support your assessment. Apply APA format for all your formatting, citations, and references, unless otherwise indicated. All papers should include:

· Title page, running head & page numbers;

· Abstract;

· Use of Level I and II headings (if applicable);

· Introduction section;

· Conclusion section;

· In-text citations;

· References page

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Health Care Research 4

For this assessment you will develop a thorough five to nine page research plan based upon your work on previous assessments. The plan will be based on either qualitative or quantitative methodologies but not both. In addition to refining your previous work, you will also discuss the concepts of reliability and validity as they pertain to data collection.

Health Care Research 3

For this assessment, you will craft a quantitative research question based on the hospital-acquired condition you selected for the Research Problem and Purpose Statements, as well as examine quantitative methodologies and data collection strategies that would enable you to answer your research question. 3 -5 pages

Health Care Research 2

For this assessment, you will craft a qualitative research question based on the hospital-acquired condition you selected for the Research Problem and Purpose Statements, as well as examine qualitative methodologies and data collection strategies that would enable you to answer your research question. There is no length requirement for this assessment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be two to five pages in length.

Health Care Research 1

Select a hospital-acquired condition (HAC) that is relevant to a health care context with which you are familiar. Create a two to three page report that includes the research-based explanation of the background of a problem associated with your chosen HAC, as well as develop appropriate research problem and purpose statements.

Healthcare Strategic Planning and Marketing


Successful strategic planning efforts are the product of strategic leadership. Strategic leadership is the combination of strategic thinking and strategic management. A critical component of any initiative is a thorough SWOT analysis that includes possible ethical considerations or conundrums.

For your final project in Unit VIII, you will fill the role as a newly hired quality executive at a midsized health system. The health system has developed a bad reputation for a lack of quality in care provided to patients. The board of directors is looking to you to lead efforts in the organization becoming an accountable care organization (ACO).

As you continue working toward that Unit VIII final project in this unit, you will complete the SWOT analysis and ethical considerations worksheet, as an executive that is organizing the development of an organizational ACO. The response to each question on the worksheet must be a minimum of one page.

By submitting this assignment, I verify that I am submitting an original work in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy in the 

***I’ve added the worksheet just in case link does not work***

HIPAA Compliance Checklist Paper

Develop a release of patient information compliance checklist (3-4 pages) for hospital staff members to follow. Include an introduction that covers the HIPAA Privacy Rule, proper and improper use of health information, and existing controls to protect patient confidentiality and privacy.