Problem to Solve


Controlling the resource of time.

-too much on the calendar forces the organization to do too many events at a 50% proficiency rate versus doing what is important to that unit at a 90% proficiency

– Creates improper planning timelines for large-scale resources to be applied against that event. For example, ammunition, fuel, food, and land for large organizations for multiple days. 

–  Technology erodes calendared events even further with the ability of the technology to make inflight adjustments or competing priorities. (Cell phone groups pin balling things around)

– Every second is accounted for at the higher echelon which give zero time to the subordinate unit. 

– We are losing the ability to be thorough and discipline


– Ensure events have a deliberate recovery time before another major event. 

– Make sure there is time on the calendar for absolutely nothing to be done. 

– Outlaw text groups during the work day for zero deviation and thoroughness.

Are behavior analysts scientists first

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are first scientists? Why or why not? What are the implications of acting as a scientist and how can you ensure that you will practice along these guidelines?

APA format

Check for plagiarim and AI

Attached us the discussion rubric and reading

Must site one outside source

Importance of Writing

Case 1 Resources

9 Critical reading strategies and how it can improve your writing


Credible sources: How to know if a source is reliable


Chapter 1 – Why Ethics Matter


Chapter 2 Ethics from Antiquity to the Present

Text: 4:

Ethical Considerations in Business Writing

Text: 4:

Ethical Considerations in Technical Writing

The Future of Writing: Examining the Ethical Implications of AI Content Creation


Scholarly Readings:

Reflection on whether Chat GPT should be banned by academia from the perspective of education and teaching


The Importance of Writing, Research & Application in your Graduate Program

Use the assignment-specific template file in the Assignment Expectations section for all Cases and SLPs in this class. The templates are APA-formatted, may contain links and guidance, and include headings for each required section.

For this section, use only articles published within the last 18 months to research and address the following points:

· Discuss the ethical implications of presenting others’ ideas as one’s own. (1 page)

· Examine the importance of synthesis and proper citation. (1 page)

· Explain why it is necessary to use appropriate resources in academic and professional writing. (1 page)

The AI Detector

All submitted papers are automatically run through Turnitin. Faculty have access to the AI reports.

Turnitin’s AI Detection FAQs

answers the question about using Grammarly for grammar checks. Turnitin’s detector “is not tuned to target Grammarly-generated spelling, grammar, and punctuation modifications to content.” Another Grammarly product called GrammarlyGo, which is a generative AI writing tool, will have its content flagged by the program.

AI Writing Detection Capabilities – Frequently Asked Questions

· In ChatGPT or GrammarlyGo, request that a 1000-word graduate-level paper with three citations be written that could be submitted to address the three bullet points above.

· Copy and paste your query and the paper written by AI into a Word document which will be submitted with your assignment. Your instructor will see a


that marks AI-written content. 

This section of the paper may be written in first person. No research is required. 

· Assess the way your AI-authored paper sounds. Look at grammar choices, patterns, and repetition of terms.

· Examine the content of the sample paper contained in the report above. Does it sound like your AI-authored paper?

· Compare the two AI papers to what you wrote. Critically assess the writing styles.

This section should be 1 – 1 ½ pages. 

Be sure to check your paper with Grammarly for Word and make corrections before submission.

The use of AI for generating content in Trident classrooms is not permitted unless it is specifically required by assignments in classes. Certain classes may allow AI to be used for brainstorming or to kickstart research. Turnitin detects AI-generated content. 

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to



reference the sources in APA format

. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying


to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The first half of the paper must be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.

Assignment Expectations

· Use the

ETH501 Case 1

APA-formatted template to create your submission.

· The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

· A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, 4- to 4 ½- page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)

· A separate file containing the AI-generated paper.

· The reference list page in APA format

Using AI in business

Session Long Project 1 Resources

Distinguishing Scholarly from Non-Scholarly Periodicals: A Checklist of Criteria: Scholarly

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

How to Evaluate a Web Page

Student Support Resources: Office 365 Downloads

Reasons to use the free version of Grammarly

How to add Grammarly to Microsoft Office on Windows


Chapter 11. Epilogue: Why Ethics Still Matter

Trident APA Writing Resources

APA – 7th Edition: Introduction to APA-7th Edition

APA – 7th Edition: References/Citation Examples

APA – 7th Edition: In-Text Citations/Quotations

Plagiarism: Understanding Plagiarism

Plagiarism: How to Avoid Plagiarism

Scholarly Readings:

Measuring multiple-source based academic writing self-efficacy

Exploring writing processes in authentic writing tasks: A multimodal mixed-method approach

SLP Assignment

How Business Will Harness AI

Use the assignment-specific template file in the Assignment Expectations section for all Cases and SLPs in this class. The templates are APA-formatted, may contain links and guidance, and include headings for each required section.

The assignment requires research and attribution. It cannot be based on opinion or personal experience. Ensure that you spend time and energy learning to research different types of sources and have a finished product that reflects your voice and is properly formatted using APA. No quotations are permitted in this submission.

Topic: Provide a research-based summary on the “uses of AI in business.” The body of the paper will be two pages. Select a focus area that is related to your field or future career. (2 pages)

Although you are using 4 different sources, do not write an overview of each source. It is necessary to integrate content into a single focused effort addressing the topic.

Research Requirements: You must use all four types of resources below:

· Book: Rise of Generative AI and ChatGPT: Understand How Generative AI and ChatGPT are Transforming and Reshaping the Business World. (2023). Paste the book title into the search bar for Trident’s library in the portal**. Select one chapter that best matches your career discipline (Chapters 13, 15-22 are suggested). **If the direct search method does not work, click “Additional Library Resources” and scroll to the end of the list and click “Skillsoft Books (BusinessPro and ITPro)” and paste the book title in the search box.

· A scholarly journal article from Business Source Complete (EBSCO) (see module resources to identify this type of source) published in the last 18 months.

· A periodical (newspaper or magazine) article from Proquest Central published in the last 18 months.

· Resource found through an internet search, published in the last 18 months. You learned how to set dates in Google searches for this module’s discussion.

Be sure to check your paper with Grammarly for Word and make corrections before submission.

Research Analysis:

In the Appendix of the paper, you will provide feedback on the resources you used.

The book: Explain how you can search for other books in Trident’s library. Assess the ease of use of the ebook.

Business Source Complete (EBSCO): How did you know that the article was scholarly? What attributes told you this? What search term did you use and why?

Proquest Central: How was this type of article different than the scholarly one? Explain the process you used regarding search terms.

Internet Source: How did you determine that the web resource was appropriate for a graduate-level paper? Was the author or source legitimate? Explain.

This SLP will be written in 3rd person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see

Differences Between First and Third Person
. Your Analysis in the Appendix may be written in 1st person.

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to


reference the sources in APA format
. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying

to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the

ETH501 SLP 1
template to create your submission.

· The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

· Trident University International’s cover page

· A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 2-page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)

· The reference list page in APA format

· An appendix explaining how research was done and how sources were chosen.

org change and design



Week 1: Reflection Paper

University of San Diego: GSBA-533 Organization Change and Design

Ronald Belviy

Managing change effectively, within an organization is a complex undertaking that mandates meticulous planning, flawless execution and vigilant supervision. It entails transitioning from present states to envisioned future states encompassing modifications in structures procedures and cultures across an organization. Having a clear visualization of this change is vital for leadership and assistance to ensure that everyone involved comprehends the journey and their roles within.

The initial step in visualizing organizational change is acknowledging the necessity for it. This entails pinpointing internal and external factors driving the need for change. Internally challenges such as diminishing performance levels inefficiencies or a mismatched organizational culture can prompt the need for change. Externally shifts in the market dynamics technological advancements or regulatory updates may kickstart the change process. Visualizing this phase entails crafting a narrative that communicates the significance of change effectively. This narrative acts as the cornerstone for securing support from stakeholders and instilling a sense of urgency.

After recognizing the need for change the subsequent step is to outline a clear vision, and strategy. The vision represents the envisioned future state while the strategy lays out the route to achieving it. Visualizing this step involves devising detailed change models, like Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, or Lewin’s Change Management Model. These models offer frameworks for change implementation ensuring that all aspects are systematically addressed. For example Kotter’s model underscores tasks such as, creating urgency building strong partnerships and achieving short-term wins all of which are vital for maintaining progress.

Ensuring the engagement of all stakeholders is fundamental for effective change management. Visualizing this engagement requires identifying the stakeholders understanding their perspectives and keeping them informed about the change process. Tools such as stakeholder mapping and communication strategies are essential. Stakeholder mapping helps in recognizing those impacted by the transition and those capable of influencing its success. Communication strategies guarantee that stakeholders receive information consistently clearly and promptly fostering trust and minimizing pushback.

The phase involves putting plans into practice. When visualizing this stage you can utilize tools like Gantt charts to monitor progress assign resources and oversee timelines. It is crucial to establish feedback mechanisms for tracking the effects of changes and making any necessary corrections. This may involve conducting surveys holding focus groups and tracking performance indicators to assess the impact of change efforts. Regular reviews of progress and adaptive planning ensure that the change process stays aligned and any deviations are addressed promptly.

Providing support throughout the change journey is key for its long term success. Visualizing this support necessitates fostering a culture that values continual enhancement and learning. This can be accomplished through training sessions mentoring programs and offering tools that empower employees to adapt to new workflows. Acknowledging and rewarding contributions to the change process also plays a role in upholding morale and dedication.

As a leader or supporter of change there are several crucial responsibilities that I must fulfil, one of which is inspiring Leadership Must paint a picture of the future state inspiring others to recognize the possibilities and advantages of the transformation. Coming from the Navy I saw firsthand how the right leader can directly impact the success of a mission and the morale of their crew. A good leader is someone who can adopt their change management to their staff, recognize what motivates them and what is the right leadership method for that group. Often times in the Navy I came across Commanding Officers that refused to adapt their leadership style to their crew and it would completely bring down the morale of the crew.

In the civilian world, which I only have about a year of experience in so far, I have also seen the ups and downs of managers making or breaking a crew. In the civilian workplace it is more important to understand the innerworkings of cultural groups and the personal ideals that workers prioritize. Overall, I see change management as the leader’s ability to adapt their mentorship and leadership style to each group and sympathize with different cultures.

Explore the Applied Doctoral Center

For this assignment, develop a PowerPoint presentation explaining the applied doctoral dissertation process at NU to a colleague or prospective student interested in the DHA program. Your presentation should discuss, at a minimum: major differences between applied doctoral projects and theoretical research dissertations (e.g., Ph.D.), key milestones and deliverables for each applied dissertation course (DIS9911-DIS9914), the 3-section dissertation manuscript, and the professional presentation/dissertation defense. In addition, your presentation should discuss potential barriers or risks to completing your project and strategies you will implement to minimize the risks. 

Length: 8-10 slides, one slide per dissertation section, and additional slides as needed. Include speaker notes of 100-150 words, a title page, and a references page

References:  Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journals.



Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

Note: Your Case Assignment and SLP assignment will be the same assignment in
Module 4 only. You will need to prepare only one paper and submit the same paper
in both the Case 4 dropbox and the SLP 4 dropbox to receive a grade (the same
grade) for each.

Your professor will complete the rubric and feedback for the assignment for the Case
Assignment. For the SLP assignment no rubric will be completed. Your professor will
enter equivalent points (the same percentage, and letter grade) for the SLP as was
entered for the Case 4 grade.

Case Assignment

Read the articles below concerning how HR has changed from Personnel, and how
new technologies have and are reshaping the HRM field.

Human Resource Management (n.d.). The Historical Background of Human
Resource Management. Retrieved from

Nobes, C. (June 1, 2021). Getting ahead of HR technology trends in 2021.
Achievers. Retrieved from

Your task is to write a blog that addresses the concept of technology in the changing

Determine the key differences from past Personnel activities to what activities are
often performed in HR departments today.

A final section in your blog should focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion and HR’s
role in the development of technical skills of employees.

Provide sections titled

1. How and why Personnel has changed to HRM.

2. The emergence of technology to reshape HRM.


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3. Technology and Developing Employees

4. How technology may help organizations build more diverse, equitable, and
inclusive workplaces.

The following are optional articles for this assignment, but you are not limited to their
use. You may locate another high-quality peer-reviewed journal article of your own
choosing in the Trident Online Library.

Barisic, A. F., Poor, J., & Pejic Bach, M. (2019). The intensity of human resources
information systems usage and organizational performance. Interdisciplinary
Description of Complex Systems, 17(3), 586-597. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Frey, J. (2019, 12). The future of work. Core HR, HRIS and Payroll Excellence
Essentials. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Tursunbayeva, A. (2019). Human resource technology disruptions and their
implications for human resources management in healthcare organizations. BMC
Health Services Research, 19(1), 268-275.
3. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Howard, T. L., & Ulferts, G. W. (2020). The changing value of diversity in
organizations. The Journal of Business Diversity, 20(2), 61-73. Available in the
Trident Online Library.

Write your response in a 5- to 6-page blog format, complete with pictures and/or
graphics. At the end of your blog, provide a list of the sources (in proper APA format)
utilized to prepare your submission. The references used must be high-quality
sources from the Trident Online Library. High-quality sources come from peer-
reviewed academic journals or textbooks. Keep in mind that blogs are typically
written in first person. The page count required does not include the cover and
reference list pages.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issues.

Include two sources used to prepare your paper in a References section at the end.
Use valid, high-quality sources. Sources may come from the course itself or from the
Trident Online Library.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Meets assignment requirements

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ENG 201 mod 4 CASE

Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

Case 4: Cultural Literary Analysis

Length: no less than 1,000 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font

In addition to your own thoughts, words, and ideas, this essay is to include TWO
credible and reliable secondary sources.

The first person “I” is not to be used in this essay.

Case Assignment

In an organized and well supported essay, discuss the connections between theme
and culture in two or more of the selections below.

“The Lesson,” Toni Cade Bambara
“Phenomenal Woman,” Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou, “Still I Rise”
Sandra Cisneros, “Three Wise Guys”
Sherman Alexie, “Good Hair”
Sherman Alexie, “On the Amtrak From Boston To New York City

“Culture” is the combination of the social behavior and norms of a particular group
and may include knowledge, belief, customs, and habits of those in the group. In this
essay, consider the writer’s theme or “message,” specifically as it relates to the
specific culture in which he or she is writing.

Unlike Cases 1-3, this essay includes a bit of background readings, or “research.” In
support of your own interpretation, you will also include additional points of view on
the writings and/or on the writers themselves.

This essay must include a combination of no less than SIX in-text citations from at
least two credible and reliable secondary sources that have been written on the
selections or the writers. Citations must be in proper APA Style and a Reference List
must be included.


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Please note that uploaded student essays are scanned by Turnitin. Please be
sure that essays include only the thoughts, words, and ideas of the writer.

Essays must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with
standard one-inch margins and no less than 1,000 words of text.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or
introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention.
Follow the opening sentence with a very brief synopsis of the play. Be sure to always
include an author or poet’s full name in the introduction of the essay. After that first
instance, only the surname is used. The last sentence of the introduction is the
thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each
body paragraph must support (explain) your interpretation (analysis) and each body
paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with
a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction
(word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A
grade will be determined based on the Module 4 Case expectations and the Trident
University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Assignment Expectations

Write a Cultural literary analysis (no less than 1,000 words in length) that states
an original thesis statement and includes no fewer than six citations in APA Style
from no fewer than two credible and reliable sources.

Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s
ideas and/or intended purpose.

Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and
cohesive essay.

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As discussed in Chapter 1, several environmental health issues have affected our population. These range from air quality to water quality. 

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper. In this section, you must include the following items:

1) an overview of your environmental health issues chosen topic (a brief history of the issue, why it is a problem, how it affects your community, etc.) and your current knowledge of the topic.

2) how this issue relates to public health and what you have learned in this unit; and

3) two job opportunities that could come from this issue and how these jobs would potentially assist in solving this problem.

Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of four references, one of which could be your textbook. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community (such as a newspaper or journal article). Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in APA Style.


Module 3 – SLP


Discuss the top five metrics you think are the most critical to an
organization’s HR function and defend why you have selected
them. Present an example of each (applying numbers and
explaining what they represent. Explain what value each metric is to
HR and provide examples of decisions that might be made based
on the analysis. Be sure to include some graphics in your
presentation (charts, tables, etc.).

Your assignment may be either a written paper (3 full pages), or a
slide presentation (7-9 slides with voice over). The slide count does
not include the cover slide, any questions slide(s), or reference list

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issue.

Recommend two sources for additional information that you include
at the end of your submission (do not use course background
information as your additional information). Sources used must be
valid and reliable and come from the Trident Online Library. At least
one of the two references must be from a peer-reviewed academic
journal and not on the list of readings for this Module.

Cite sources of information actually utilized to prepare your
handout. Sources used must be valid and reliable and may come
from the course itself or from the library.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing
as possible.


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Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the
grading rubric for this assignment:

Assignment driven criteria

Critical thinking

Scholarly writing/oral communication

Assignment Organization and Quality of References


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