Examples of Nutrition Science

NOTE: If you use any references, data, statistics, information, or similar, you need to add the link or URL of your online source at the end of your work; if you know, you can list those sources in APA VII format.

175 words

Consider the ways you have heard the words nutrient and nutrition in your everyday life.

  • Discuss some examples of nutrition that you see brought up in everyday experiences (blogs, social media, media, current events, etc.).
  • How many of those examples are supported by knowledge from nutrition science? Provide some examples and share why you think nutrition information might be presented with or without scientific information.

Assignment: Personal Philosophy of Public Health Education


Why does creating a personal philosophy of public health education matter? Your personal philosophy influences the decisions you make and actions you take as a public health educator. And, as expressed in the quote above, you are more likely to take responsibility for the choices you make as a public health educator by clearly articulating your beliefs and perspectives. Developing a personal philosophy has additional professional benefits. For instance, employers in an interview may ask you to state your personal philosophy of public health education. Knowing your personal philosophy not only prepares you to respond, it also allows the employers to determine whether you fit within their organization’s culture.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the process for developing a philosophy of public health education, as well as the examples of public health education philosophies, provided in Chapter 3 of the Cottrell, Girvan, and McKenzie course text.
  • Begin to draft your own personal philosophy of public health education practice and the approaches you will use in your work.
  • Review the “Predominant Health Education/Promotion Philosophies” section of Chapter 3 and be prepared to compare your philosophy with these philosophies. Use the questions at the end of the “Developing a Philosophy” section to guide your comparison.

To complete this Assignment, write a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following:

  • Your personal philosophy of public health education (1–2 pages), which should be based on one of the five predominant philosophies of public health education
  • A comparison of your philosophy to one or more of the five predominant philosophies of public health education
  • Note: Your personal philosophy is not about “telling your story.” Rather, it involves thinking about your own practice of health education and how you will apply theories in the field.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. 

COM 3404- Short Answer Questions #1


These questions are based on this week’s readings and videos and has 6 questions. Guidelines to answer each question:

  • Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph.
  • Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter 9).
  • Review grammar and mechanics
  • Read articles before completing 

Based on “Face blindness” and “The Human Face” videos,

  1. What is face blindness and how does it relate to nonverbal communication?
  2. Why is the face an important source of identity and one of the most powerful channels of nonverbal communication?
  3. List two of the facial properties and explain each.

Based on the assigned textbook chapter,

  1. How does eye contact impact human interactions?
  2. How does the face is used to facilitate and inhibit responses in daily interaction?
  3. Display rules and styles of emotional facial expression demonstrate that people have considerable control over their facial expressions, and this control is manifested in a variety of ways. Explain how is control manifested in facial expressions.
  4. Facial expressions can show emotions, but they also are used for conversation management. How? Give two examples.
  5. What are micromomentary facial expressions or micro expressions?
  6. Many studies support the argument that expressions are not a perfect window into emotional experience. Why?
  7. Evidence shows that the nature of the social situation is a strong determinant of what is displayed on the face. Explain and give an example.
  8. The chapter gives examples of how the face is a potent influence on others. Think of some other examples of this, and discuss whether the face is more or less influential than other nonverbal channels in terms of its social impact.
  9. Explain the different functions of facial expressions.
  10. Define the Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles. How do they differ? Give an example of how you have used each.

Based on the “FAST vs FACS” article,

  1. Explain the difference between FAST and FACS


CH. 9 of the attached textbook

FAST and FACS attached


Applied Sciences COM 4430- Weekly Assignment 4- CH.6

 Answer each question separately, using references and chapter 6 examples. 

1.  Identify cultures that favor direct eye contact and those that avoid eye contact. 

2.  Explain how thought patterns and problem solving differ in the United States and other cultures. 

3.  Identify cultures that are comfortable with bodily contact and those that avoid bodily contact. Give examples of appropriate and inappropriate bodily contact in the United States. 

4.  Give an example of​ oral/ nonverbal miscommunication. What were the nonverbal or verbal​ messages? Explain the interpretation of these​ messages? What are some strategies to lessen​ miscommunication? 

5.  Explain how the use of color communicates nonverbal messages. 

Applied system thinking


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document  by doing the following: 

1.  Evaluate the case study using the attached “Four Steps Tool.” 

2.  Submit the completed “Four Steps Tool,” which includes the following:

 a.  your proposed best solution and the solution’s strengths and challenges

 b.  the solution’s superiority over other, rejected alternatives

 c.  the solution’s anticipated impact on the overall system

B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Apply systems thinking basics


A.   Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document by doing the following:

1.  Using the Iceberg Tool, write a summary of the analysis identifying key events, patterns, and the underlying structure that causes the identified events and patterns to occur.

2.  Choose the Behavior Over Time graph that best represents the patterns you identified using the attached “Case Study 1 Graphs” or “Case Study 2 Graphs” for the case study you chose.

 a.  Discuss why the chosen Behavior Over Time graph best represents the patterns present in the chosen case study.

3.  Write an analysis that discusses what the Iceberg Tool and Behavior Over Time graph reveal about the problem in the case study as well as the interconnections between the key events, patterns, and underlying structure of the system.

B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions 

Week 7: Final Capstone Paper

Welcome to Week # 6. This week’s assignment, Please see below:

Assignment Instructions:

Complete your Capstone Project paper by submitting a project based on previous research and coursework that you have completed in Cybersecurity or on a Cybersecurity topic that peaks your interest. Your project should incorporate your previously submitted assignments and needs to be closely related to at least one of the course objectives (listed below for your convenience). Your Capstone Project should add value to the Cybersecurity practice and should be able to used by others to further your research on the subject matter.


  • 36 – 42 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section) covering all eight course objectives listed below.
  • Papers need to be double spaced and in 12 point times new roman font
  • Reference Section

NOTE: The sections that should be in your paper are:

  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Discussion
  • Recommendations and Conclusions
  • References


  1. Use current and real world data to make your points, not just the textbook
  2. Your references should not be more than 5 years old
  3. Your assignment is due by Sunday not later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.


CO-1: Examine the various aspects of cybersecurity including the relationship between cyber defense, cyber operations, cyber exploitations, cyber intelligence, cybercrime, Cyberlaw within Federal and State Laws

CO-2: Deconstruct the processes and goals of cyber forensics investigations including the importance of search warrants and chain of custody in a forensic investigation of computer related crimes 

CO-3: Prepare a plan to manage functions that encompass overseeing a program or technical aspect of a security program at a high level ensuring currency with changing risk and threat environments.

CO-4: Prepare a plan to design functions that encompass scoping a program or developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution at the program and/or system level.

CO-5: Develop strategies and plans for security architecture consisting of tools, techniques, and technologies to detect and prevent network penetration, and to design effective cybersecurity countermeasures.

CO-6: Develop a policy to analyze network designs, topologies, architectures, protocols, communications, administration, operations, and resource management for wired, wireless, and satellite networks that affect the security of the cyberspace. 

CO-7: Develop a policy to implement functions that encompass putting programs, processes, or policies into action within an organization.

CO-8: Prepare a plan to evaluate functions that encompass assessing the effectiveness of a program, policy, process, or security service in achieving its objectives. 

Week 6: Recommendations and Conclusions

Welcome to Week # 6. This week’s assignment, Please see below:

Assignment Instructions:

You will be submitting your Recommendations and Conclusion section of your paper. The Recommendations and Conclusions section should in the Recommendations section cover things such as how to address the issue you wrote about, identifying gaps in the subject area, deliver suggestions, etc. The Conclusion section should cover should explain why your research is important, help the reader to reflect back on what they read, and leave the reader wanting more.

Recommendations Info: https://edubirdie.com/blog/how-to-write-recommendations-in-research-paper

Conclusion Info: https://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/docs/handouts/Conclusion%20Section%20for%20Research%20Papers.pdf


  • 6 – 8 Pages in length in APA format
  • Reference Section

NOTE: The sections at the end of the course will be:

  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Discussion
  • Recommendations and Conclusions
  • References


  1. Use current and real world data to make your points, not just the textbook
  2. Your references should not be more than 5 years old
  3. Your assignment is due by Sunday not later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.


CO-1: Examine the various aspects of cybersecurity including the relationship between cyber defense, cyber operations, cyber exploitations, cyber intelligence, cybercrime, Cyberlaw within Federal and State Laws

CO-2: Deconstruct the processes and goals of cyber forensics investigations including the importance of search warrants and chain of custody in a forensic investigation of computer related crimes 

CO-3: Prepare a plan to manage functions that encompass overseeing a program or technical aspect of a security program at a high level ensuring currency with changing risk and threat environments.

CO-4: Prepare a plan to design functions that encompass scoping a program or developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution at the program and/or system level.

CO-5: Develop strategies and plans for security architecture consisting of tools, techniques, and technologies to detect and prevent network penetration, and to design effective cybersecurity countermeasures.

CO-6: Develop a policy to analyze network designs, topologies, architectures, protocols, communications, administration, operations, and resource management for wired, wireless, and satellite networks that affect the security of the cyberspace. 

CO-7: Develop a policy to implement functions that encompass putting programs, processes, or policies into action within an organization.

CO-8: Prepare a plan to evaluate functions that encompass assessing the effectiveness of a program, policy, process, or security service in achieving its objectives. 

Week 5: Discussions Section

Assignment Instructions:

You will be submitting your Discussions section of your paper. The discussion section is one of the final parts of a research paper, in which an author describes, analyzes, and interprets their findings. They explain the significance of those results and tie
everything back to the research question(s) in the beginning of your paper.

Reference on Discussion writing: https://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/docs/handouts/Discussion%20Section%20for%20Research%20Papers.pdf


  • 2 – 4 Pages in length in APA format
  • Reference Section

NOTE: The sections at the end of the course will be:

  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Discussion
  • Recommendations and Conclusions
  • References


  1. Use current and real world data to make your points, not just the textbook
  2. Your references should not be more than 5 years old
  3. Your assignment is due by Sunday not later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.


CO-1: Examine the various aspects of cybersecurity including the relationship between cyber defense, cyber operations, cyber exploitations, cyber intelligence, cybercrime, Cyberlaw within Federal and State Laws

CO-2: Deconstruct the processes and goals of cyber forensics investigations including the importance of search warrants and chain of custody in a forensic investigation of computer related crimes 

CO-3: Prepare a plan to manage functions that encompass overseeing a program or technical aspect of a security program at a high level ensuring currency with changing risk and threat environments.

CO-4: Prepare a plan to design functions that encompass scoping a program or developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution at the program and/or system level.

CO-5: Develop strategies and plans for security architecture consisting of tools, techniques, and technologies to detect and prevent network penetration, and to design effective cybersecurity countermeasures.

CO-6: Develop a policy to analyze network designs, topologies, architectures, protocols, communications, administration, operations, and resource management for wired, wireless, and satellite networks that affect the security of the cyberspace. 

CO-7: Develop a policy to implement functions that encompass putting programs, processes, or policies into action within an organization.

CO-8: Prepare a plan to evaluate functions that encompass assessing the effectiveness of a program, policy, process, or security service in achieving its objectives. 

Applied Sciences COM 4430- Weekly Assignment 3- CH.5

Answer each question separately, use references and chapter 5 examples.

1.  Evaluate a specific listening situation using the​ Sapir-Whorf and Bernstein hypothesis. What was the​context? What was the​ speaker’s main​ goal? Was the speaker​ credible? 

2.  If thinking is​ universal, how does culture and language affect the way different groups of humans​ think? 

3.  Explain the difference between restricted and elaborated codes in the Bernstein hypothesis.

4.  In what employee positions is knowledge of a foreign language more crucial for a​ company? Why?

5.  What does it mean to say two languages do not have vocabulary​ equivalence? What does it mean to say the same language does not have vocabulary​ equivalence?