Applied Sciences week 3 Assignment

Visual Layout Draft

[WLOs: 4, 5] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]

Throughout the first three weeks of this course, we have explored various components of creating positive learning environments. All these elements come to life when we can arrange and design our classroom layouts. By strategically considering the physical design of our classroom environments, we can ensure the space is not only inclusive and equitable but also that the schedules, transitions, and routines we design will be able to come to life.

In your Week 1 journal, you had the opportunity to explore various tools that could be used to design the layout of your learning environment. This week, you will build on that work by selecting a tool to use in creating your first draft of your classroom layout. You will share your layout with your peers in the Week 4 Designing the Classroom Environment discussion forum and create a final draft as a piece of your Week 5 Learning Environment Design Project final assignment.

To prepare for this assignment,

Preschool Classroom

A 2/3-year-old classroom of 12 students. In the room you have one student Maria who comes from a home where Spanish is only spoken. Maria’s parents seem very interested in supporting her, but language is a barrier for them to communicate their needs to you. You also have one child Johnny who has cognitive and physical delays which require him to work with an aid most of the time when he is in your room. Johnny’s mom is very worried about him and would like to schedule regular meetings with you to review his goals and progress throughout the year. Then, you have a 3-year-old boy Michael who is living with a foster family after being moved around a bit. The family is overwhelmed trying to help him manage his behavior and he tends to lash out at other children often.

Assignment Instructions

There are two parts to your assignment:

Part 1: Visual Layout

  • Using the tool of your choice, create a visual layout for your chosen classroom environment.
  • Label the layout to identify which of the classrooms you designed it for.

Part 2: Visual Layout Explanation

Using the tool of your choice (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, video, etc.) explain your visual layout by addressing the following:

  • Describe how your environmental design encourages play to support achieving developmental milestones for the age group of your chosen classroom.
  • Discuss three areas from your visual layout and why they are necessary to include.
  • Explain how your visual layout creates an environment that supports classroom management.
  • Describe a challenge you had when creating your classroom layout and how you overcame the challenge.



AIDET is introduced below and is something you can practice before your first patient interactions.

Tools for Effective Communication

AIDET is introduced below and is something you can practice before your first patient interactions. 

AIDET® is an acronym (Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you) that represents the components of an effective communication framework to leverage during interactions, especially with people who might be nervous, anxious, or vulnerable. Developed by Studer Group as the “Five Fundamentals of Patient Communication” in the mid-1990s and later registered by Studer Group as AIDET®, it is most often used by healthcare professionals to communicate with patients and their families, as well as with each other. Research studies confirm that this approach appears to improve communication between healthcare professionals and their patients. 

A – Acknowledge. Greet people using appropriate tone and body language and use their names if you know them.

I – Introduce. Introduce yourself to others. Tell them who you are (including skill set, experience, and qualifications, if appropriate) and how you are going to help them. Escort people where they need to go rather than pointing or giving directions. 

D – Duration. Provide a time estimate and identify the next steps. Keep in touch to ease waiting times. Let others know if there is a delay and how long it will be.

E – Explanation. Explain step-by-step what to expect next, answer questions, and let the other person know how to contact you. Assess comprehension using the teach-back method. Listen and respond with compassion if needed.

T – Thank you. Foster an attitude of gratitude. Thank people for their patronage, help, or assistance.

For additional reference see: The AIDET® Communication Framework

Customize effective communication for your patients.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Create a script for patient communication about any topic you wish
  • Use AIDET and have a brief paragraph for each



  • An introduc paraG that attempts to gain the interest of readers and introduces your closed research theme reading, and offers a thesi statement suggesting what your response to the closed research theme reading will be focused on
  • A thesi statement previewing your  ” I Say” response to the closed research theme reading
  • A full and accurate summary of the closed research theme reading
  • A meaningful response, supported with evidence, to the closed research theme reading
  • A concluding paragraph
  • Revisions made based on the feedback you received from your instructor on the Half Draft (See the Grades link or consult your instructor for this feedback)
  • In-text citations of “They Say” summaries and quotations of the closed research theme reading and other sources, if you use any
  • APA or MLA style formatting, as specified by your instructor, with a References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA) page
  • Observation of the conventions of Standard Written English
  • Minimum 750 words for the final draft (References or Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
  • See the assessment rubric at the bottom of this page for an understanding of how your Final Draft will be graded.

 They Say / I Say, with Ivy Tech Community College Custom Reader, 1st Ed., Little Seagull Handbook, 4th Ed. 

Applied Sciences SPC 3210-Weekly Assignment 2

 Read Chapter 8 and Chapter 9.

Answer the following questions separately, using textbook theories and examples from chapters. 

1. What is the relationship between social penetration theory and social exchange theory? Why has Griffin included both theories in the same chapter? 

2. Discuss the difference and relationship between the depth and breadth of self-disclosure. 

3. Think back on your initial encounters with your roommate, romantic partner, or friend. What strategy or strategies were employed to reduce uncertainty? Were there elements about the individual and the context of your meeting that motivated your quest to reduce uncertainty? 

4.  Indicate three predictions that you can make about intercultural encounters based upon uncertainty reduction theory. Support your predictions by referring to basic axioms. 

Applied Sciences SPC3425- Homework 3- Chapter 3

Find a piece of media, such as a video clip, advertisement, or article, that exemplifies a concept in Chapter 3. Post the piece of media or a link to the piece of media to the discussion board. Identify what concept/s it illustrates, explain how it illustrates the concept/s, and analyze as it relates to Chapter 3. Your post should be at least 3 paragraphs long.

  • Identify a piece of media that illustrates a concept in Chapter 3.
  • Post that piece of media to the appropriate discussion board.
  • Identify the concept the piece of media exemplifies.
  • Analyze the piece of media in the context of the Chapter 3 concepts.


Module 2 – SLP


ICSC is “tweeting” RECon. Account holders on the social-networking service called
Twitter will be able to receive updates (tweets, in Twitter parlance) about sessions,
events, networking opportunities and new initiatives at RECon by signing up to follow
ICSC_RECon. While on the ICSC_RECon page, participants can follow other
Twitter-using RECon attendees as well.

From REITs and retailers to third-party mall managers, the shopping center world is
virtually a-twitter over Twitter’s vast marketing potential, and that of other social-
networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace. Not only are young consumers
already socializing en masse on these online stomping grounds, but also social
media are emerging as a vastly cheaper and much more targeted marketing vehicle
than newspapers and other traditional means. Sephora and Anthropologie routinely
beef up sales with exclusive Twitter-only deals. Starbucks uses multiple social-media
networks to help launch or test new products. Most retail REITS have recently
launched social-media marketing programs or they are contemplating it. Macerich
has been conducting a Twitter test for Kierland Commons, in Scottsdale, Ariz.,
spotlighting retailer discounts, book signings and other events for users who
electively follow the doings there. The firm also has a Facebook page for Scottsdale
Fashion Square. This year ICSC launched its own Facebook page.

It is no wonder that HR is bringing marketing into its repertoire of skills, especially
regarding social media marketing. If an organization wants to attract young people,
then they must go to where the young people are, and that is on social media. This is
just one trend that has suddenly become the “in” way to contact potential new

This SLP assignment is about this and other trends in this second decade of the 21st


Conduct research about the new marketing trends in the arena of Human
Resources. One source to begin your research with is an article found at the website
of HR Technologist. There are other related articles at the same website, HR
Technologist that you might find useful for this assignment, too.

What 3 trends would you adopt for your employers HR marketing portfolio? Discuss
these trends in detail, including a discussion of why they were selected. Is there
something not found in your research that you think should be an HR recruitment



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Privacy Policy | Contact

Top 8 recruitment marketing trends for 2020 and beyond. (2019, November 12). HR

Twitter. (2009). Twitter to spread the word at RECon. SCTWeek, 14(20), 5.

Your submission will include:

Cover page (with all required components)

A 2- to 3-page paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, responses
to the questions, 3- to 4-sentence conclusion). A 2- to 3-page paper means the
professor is looking for two full pages minimum.

The reference list page in APA format.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the high quality
(peer-reviewed) sources in APA format. Other than a source for your organization, all
other references must come from the Trident Online Library. See
Trident’s Introduction to APA for for help with in-text citations. Another resource is
the Purdue OWL website. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-
text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper.

The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and
“you” are not appropriate. For more information see First vs. Third Person.

The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged; however, if you do include any, limit
the amount to not more than 10% of your paper. There is one academic purpose for
the use of quotations from others: Putting their words into your own would change
the meaning.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

1. Meets assignment requirements

2. Critical thinking

3. Writing and assignment organization

4. Use of sources and mechanics

5. Timeliness of assignment

Grading Note:

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify
the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based
on the level of the work submitted. You can access the rubric for this assignment on
the SLP 2 Dropbox page. Scroll until you see the link in the lower right-hand corner.

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To know someone is to explore the complex tapestry of their lives, understanding the intricacies

of their quirks and the depths of their struggles. It is the art of perceiving not just what they are

today but also understanding the experiences that have shaped their journey.

When adults are willing to undertake the profound journey of truly knowing a child, they can

show their care and offer guidance that fosters the child’s living and learning. This level of

investment often requires a profound commitment from many adults working cooperatively. It

entails recognizing who a child really is, where they are from, their emotional landscape, and

their relationships with others. In this discussion, you will examine how adults can help a child

develop their strengths and adapt to their struggles.

Respond to two of the three questions. In Column A, answer one of the two questions. You

are required to answer the question in Column B.

Column A questions (Choose one) Column B (Required)

How can adults, whether parents, educators, or mentors,

effectively develop a deep understanding of a child’s character

and strengths? What strategies can be employed to connect with

them on a more profound level?


In what ways can you identify when young individuals are

overusing or suppressing their strengths, and how can you guide

them towards a more balanced and empowered use of their

innate abilities?

The concept of readiness competencies (review

Table 11 in Chapter 5 (Below) of Whole Child,

Whole Life: 10 Ways to Help Kids Live, Learn, and

Thrive) is vital for preparing children to thrive in an

ever-changing world. How can these competencies

be integrated into educational and developmental

programs to equip children with the necessary skills

and mindset for success?

Table 11 Ten Readiness Competencies

1. Focus and get things done

2. Think and create in ways that help to navigate, experience, and contribute to a rapidly

changing world

3. Apply learning in the real world

4. Solve problems and make decisions

5. Get and stay physically, emotionally, and cognitively fit

6. Feel and express emotions appropriately

7. Persist through struggles and maintain hope

8. Relate to others and the world by forming, managing, and sustaining positive relationships

9. Be present and engage in meaningful, authentic, and appropriate ways

10. Use insights to grow and develop

Confidence and Skinner's analysis of “feeling”

Consider a time that you felt confident. How would you describe this in behavioral terms? Carefully use Skinner’s analysis of “feeling” confident and outline possible contingencies to explain your “confidence”.

APA Style

Check for AI and plagiarism 

Rubric attached




TOPIC:  Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, or high reliability

AHIMA Competency/Learning Outcome

lll.4:  Report healthcare data through graphical representations (3)


Use the Library’s database systems or Google Scholar to search for an article that highlights an organization’s use of Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, or high reliability.  

Demonstrate knowledge in utilizing these tools and techniques (via graphical representation) and give examples of each.

Using a word-count of 300, be sure to write in your own words and supply references.

Applied Sciences Hit medical homework



TOPIC:  Healthcare Iron Triangle v. Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim


Using the Library database systems or Google Scholar and search for articles on the Healthcare Iron Triangle and Triple Aim.  Use these articles as the basis for the Discussion Board:


Compare and contrast the Healthcare Iron Triangle and the Triple Aim.  How are they similar and how are they different?