COM3404- Short Answers #3

 Your short answer is based on this module’s readings and videos and has 6 questions. You have 2 hours to answer the questions. It is worth a total of 6 points. Guidelines to answer each question:

  • Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph.
  • Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter).
  • Review grammar and mechanics
  • Read articles before completing

You will be asked to answer  the following list of questions:

  1. Determine whether certain personality traits are actually expressed in the voice and whether listeners are sensitive to these cues? What are the different personality stereotypes related to voice?
  2. What is known about emotional ex-pression in the human voice? Can people can identify emotions in the voice? Why? How?
  3. What are the typical prescriptions for use of the voice in delivering a public speech?
  4. Several studies tend to support the prescriptions for vocal variety in increasing audience comprehension and retention. Please develop in detail.
  5. Vocal cues play an important role in managing the interaction and are part of a system of cues that helps people structure their interactions. How? What are the different rules for managing interactions? Explain in detail.
  6. What are the reasons for why pauses occur? Define are the different types of pauses? Explain in detail.
  7. What are three of the many interpersonal functions served by silence? List and explain.
  8. Research suggests that the voice may be important in some aspects of persuasion. Why? How?
  9. Consider stereotypes you have about the voice—for example, about high or low voices, fast or slow voices, voices with different accents, and so on. Discuss what truth you think there is to the stereotypes, based on as many real examples as you can think of.
  10. Analyze the phenomenon of sarcasm in terms of the voice as well as the other cues that might be associated with it. Are verbal and non-verbal usages different in teasing (or joking) compared to being sarcastic?



Performance Problems and Consequential Strategies

Case study scenario..

Give a precise definition of the problematic conduct that is countable, unambiguous, and succinct. (To build an ideal definition, you might invent some details to fill in the holes.)

To identify the causes of the performance issue, do a PDC assessment (study the selected scenario to determine how to answer these questions).  

Name the domain and explain which part of the domain is causing the performance problem. 

Module 3 Reflection Paper


Select one item from the BACB® 5th edition task list. Pinpoint a specific behavior or output/permanent product related to the task list item, operationally define it, and determine how you would evaluate a trainee’s performance on the skill, both initially and ongoing. Would you include a checklist, BARS, or self-assessment? Would you use any fundamental measures or sampling procedures? How will you make your trainees comfortable being assessed on this skill? 

Remember to review the Reflection Paper rubric and instructions for reviewing a peer’s submission in the Important Course Information module.

Additionally, please include LINKS or DOIs to any articles or books referenced outside of the assigned readings as part of your APA citation (as is required when using web-based referencesLinks to an external site.). Failing to do so will result in point deductions.

Week 8: Paper Presentation


Hello Class!

Welcome to Week # 8. This week’s assignment, Please see below:

Assignment Instructions:

You will be submitting a 6-8 minute presentation on your research paper. Please remember to practice your presentation before recording. I also would like to see you in the video if possible. A key portion of the grading is going to be on your presentation skills, your performance etc. So, make sure you are looking all smart, poised and collected. Also, do not forget that your PowerPoint should have some character as well. 

Recommendations Info:

How to record a PowerPoint presentation:


  • 8 – 12 Slides in length

Applied Sciences Healthcare Homework


MS-DRG Calculations (Level 4—Analyzing)

For this exercise, use the file titled 
 Download AB202019_Ch05_Exercises.xlsx, tabs MS-DRG Calculation Example and MS-DRG Calculations. This assignment consists of 10 inpatient acute care admissions: 5 for Community Hospital and 5 for Memorial Hospital. Calculate the MS-DRG reimbursement rate for each admission. Notice the fully adjusted base rate, charges, and cost-to-charge ratio are different for each facility. Remember that the fully adjusted base rate already includes adjustments for IME, DSH, and wage index. Once you have completed the calculations, answer the following questions.




Which figure has the biggest impact in determining profit/loss for an admission; base rate or cost-to-charge ratio (CCR)? Why?


What is the definition of a CC/MCC? How does the presence of a CC/MCC code impact the reimbursement for an admission


Why do surgical cases tend to have a higher relative weight (RW), and in turn payment, than medical cases?


What can Memorial Hospital do to improve their profit?

Access to food around the world

NOTE: If you use any references, data, statistics, information, or similar, you need to add the link or URL of your online source at the end of your work; if you know, you can list those sources in APA VII format. 

Stable access to food is incredibly important for the well-being of humans and our societies. Think about your observations of the world and discuss what you think might support or hinder access to food for various populations.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • How do you think these situations might impact the overall health of the different populations?

COM 3417- Discussion Post 1

 You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum related to production design or acting. 

  • Find & Post (or post a link to) a concept of Communication in Film (photo, short video, brief piece of writing, song, etc., related to acting. 
  • Make a connection to the readings, videos or recordings for the week.
  • Each post should be at least THREE paragraphs in length.


Applied Sciences IDS 3336-Assignment #5

 Read Ch. 9 of the textbook and the link to the article.


  1. Answer in specific manner by making specific connections between this week assigned readings/ videos and your reflection. Please add in-text citations and/or reference(s) when necessary.

Reading Questions

  1. Describe why and how art and artists have in some cultures been considered to have exceptional power.
  2. What are propaganda and persuasion, and what are some differences between them?
  3. Describe how rulers have used images of them to enhance their authority.
  4. Give an example of an art work that was meant to protest war or social injustice, and describe how it did so.
  5. Why are images forbidden within some religions? Give specific examples.

Article Link:

IDS 3336- Discussion Board #5


You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum that add value to the topic that is covered for the week, linking theory (from class readings and videos) to real-world examples. Make specific connections and include citations or statements from the video(s) and reading(s) covered this week.

Reflect on the following questions:

  • What is the relationship between Art and Power? And, why art has the power to change the world?
  • What is the social and emotional responsibility of museums, especially as many public institutions strive to be a vital part of their local communities?
  • How can exhibitions help visitors critically and thoughtfully engage with present-day realities?
  • How do museums decide which political or social issues to engage with, and which ones to be silent about?
  • Can museums be neutral about social and political justice issues?  What is the value, if any, of remaining silent?
  • Find an example of an artwork that you find powerful in addressing current social issues. The piece can be in any medium (singing, painting, video of a dance, sculpture, music video, etc.), from any period, and from any civilization/culture. Explain what social issue is the artist trying to address and in what manner the artist addresses it.


Attached book, Chapter 9 

COM 3404- Short Answer Questions #2

 Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph.

  • Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter 10).
  • Review grammar and mechanics
  • Read articles before completing this assignment

Answer all numbered questions separately: 1- 10

  1. What are three primary properties of eye behavior? Choose one of the three and describe in detail.
  2. Gazing serves many interpersonal functions:
    • Regulating the flow of communication, both to open the channels of communication and to assist in the turn-taking process.
    • Monitoring feedback.
    • Expressing emotion.
    • Communicating the nature of the interpersonal relationship, for example, to show variations due to status, liking, and disliking.

3. What is the difference between gaze aversion and civil inattention. 

4. Define and explain CLEMs.

5. What factors influence the amount and duration of gaze in human relationships? In what situations would we predict more gazing?

6. How does eye behavior differ among people? Give examples.

7. How does context impact eye behavior? Give examples.

8. How does culture impact eye contact?

9. Based on “Eye contact in different cultures” article, what are the differences in eye contact between Western and non-Western cultures?

10. Based on “Eye contact in video communication” article by Keiser et al. (2022), how is eye contact impacted in video communication? Explain in detail and provide an example.