COM3404- Short Answers #3
Your short answer is based on this module’s readings and videos and has 6 questions. You have 2 hours to answer the questions. It is worth a total of 6 points. Guidelines to answer each question:
- Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph.
- Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter).
- Review grammar and mechanics
- Read articles before completing
You will be asked to answer the following list of questions:
- Determine whether certain personality traits are actually expressed in the voice and whether listeners are sensitive to these cues? What are the different personality stereotypes related to voice?
- What is known about emotional ex-pression in the human voice? Can people can identify emotions in the voice? Why? How?
- What are the typical prescriptions for use of the voice in delivering a public speech?
- Several studies tend to support the prescriptions for vocal variety in increasing audience comprehension and retention. Please develop in detail.
- Vocal cues play an important role in managing the interaction and are part of a system of cues that helps people structure their interactions. How? What are the different rules for managing interactions? Explain in detail.
- What are the reasons for why pauses occur? Define are the different types of pauses? Explain in detail.
- What are three of the many interpersonal functions served by silence? List and explain.
- Research suggests that the voice may be important in some aspects of persuasion. Why? How?
- Consider stereotypes you have about the voice—for example, about high or low voices, fast or slow voices, voices with different accents, and so on. Discuss what truth you think there is to the stereotypes, based on as many real examples as you can think of.
- Analyze the phenomenon of sarcasm in terms of the voice as well as the other cues that might be associated with it. Are verbal and non-verbal usages different in teasing (or joking) compared to being sarcastic?