Is Medicare doing what it was intended?

 Discuss your thoughts on whether Medicare is serving its purpose as it was intended or needs a major overhaul. Is it being abused by enrollees, meaning are people who should not be covered getting coverage? Is it being abused by the providers, meaning the government is overbilled for services just because someone has Medicare? Do you think it perhaps should be managed by someone other than the government? Back up your opinions with references and in-text citations to course readings, lectures, or external articles. 

• Anne Bradstreet’s Use of the Metaphor/Extended Metaphor in “The Author to her Book”

Add two more pages to a Essay, I already started. Also add on the last Paper of the essay the respective works cited citations added to those 2 new papers. It has to have 3 primary citations and only one secondary citation. this is the topic:

• Anne Bradstreet’s Use of the Metaphor/Extended Metaphor in “The Author to her Book”

I attached the Essay in attachment so you can use it as a reference and give a look on it.

Hardee Transportation Case 4-2

Case 4-2 Hardee Transportation

The Assignment: Answer the four (4) questions at the end of Case 4-2

Resources: Course Textbook, Appendix 4B, Table 4B-1, Attached worksheet (Word or Excel format)

Acceptable Length: Show your work for solution to questions 1 and 2.  Well-written responses to question 3 and 4.

Formatting Requirements: 

  • Enter your name and date
  • Provide well-structured solutions/answers- incomplete answers will receive partial credit
  • Show your work

2. Answer case questions, using the attached word template or excel document.  Complete assignment and submit as an attachment using the assignment link when finished.

Consequences of the Fall and Contemporary Response


In this assignment, you will identify the consequences of the fall of humanity that leads to human suffering, and describe how a Christian organization fights back for creational purpose.

One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.

In the “Consequences of the Fall and Contemporary Response” three-part document, you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves examining the immediate implications of the fall. The second and third parts of the assignment address how the effects of the fall are still evident in the world today.

For Part Two and Part Three, you will select an organization from the “Christian Organizations That Address a Consequence of the Fall” list provided in the topic study materials.

While GCU style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Anthropology Life and producing variation

My question is to write a thought paper in single space , 1 page to discuss some aspect of reading, its about what you learn after reading the material, comments, questions, thoughts ,insights. Basically is reaction to textbook chapter3!!!!!!!! and powerpoint. 

its due by wednesday 11:59PM

Discussion Board: Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts


Discussion Board #1: Original Thread

Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts:

After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 1-5), identify the following items:

Squares: 4 ideas that, in general, square (fit) with your thinking.

Triangles: 3 angles you have never considered before.

Circles: 2 questions that are circling in your mind.

Hearts: 1 idea that you loved.

Once you have identified these 10 items, list and explain them in a thread. Your full thread should contain at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study to support the thoughts and ideas you are presenting. Your thread should be at least 400 words in length

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different ANOVA Designs: Comparison of One-Way ANOVA vs. Two-Way Factorial ANOVA

Below are general types of ANOVA designs we will be reading about in this module. The differences in methodology are based on experimental design:

  1. One-Way Between-Subjects or Within-Subjects Design
  2. Two-Way Between-Subjects Factorial Design

We discussed the pros and cons of one-way between-subjects ANOVA and one-way within-subjects ANOVA in Module 6. Use some of those facts discussed in that last discussion and debate the advantages and disadvantages of one-way ANOVA designs vs two-way factorial ANOVA designs with your classmates. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each from a statistical and practical perspective, and provide a real-world example of an experiment and design for the two-way factorial ANOVA.

Use your real-world example to explain in detail, how the example you provided fits the design selected for that example (two-way between-subjects factorial design). Make sure to discuss your:

  • Experimental design
  • Sample size
  • Number of variables
  • Number of levels for each variable
  • Possible interactions between variable

Worksheet for Light Spectrum and Plant Growth Lab



· Go to the following Virtual Lab Website 

· The virtual lab runs under Flash. You may need to enable your browser to run it. 

· Watch the short video clip about the white light spectrum and the pigments in plants.

· Using the controls to run the experiment, collect data to fill in the tables for radish and lettuce. 

o Select a plant

o Select the color for each chamber

o Turn the light switch “On” to run the experiment

o Use your mouse to grab the ruler and measure the height of the tallest part of the plant to the nearest centimeter. The height of each plant counts as one observation.

o Record the data in the appropriate data table. 

o Calculate the average height of the plant for each color.

Table for Spinach (already filled out)









Measured Height of plant 


Observation 1






Observation 2






Observation 3













1. Table for Radish 









Measured Height of plant 


Observation 1


Observation 2


Observation 3



2. Table for Lettuce









Measured Height of plant 


Observation 1


Observation 2


Observation 3




3. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the greatest amount of plant growth?

4. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the least amount of plant growth? 

5. In a short paragraph, explain how these observations are consistent with the information presented in the short video? 

6. Given that white light contains all colors of the spectrum, what growth results would you expect under white light?

emphases of servant leadership

Review the seven different emphases of servant leadership in Chapter 3 of the textbook. Which emphasis was most divergent from your view about servant leadership and which was most convergent? Explain your response.

.The Poets (or romanticists and visionaries)

.The Managerialists (or partially reconstructed Taylorites)

.The Egalitarians (or redistributive socialists)

.The Peripherals (or zealots and agnostics)

.The Discreet (or silent disciples)

.The Syncretists (or harmonisers and mystics)

.The Systematizers (or architects and quantity surveyors)

Hot Topics in Cognitive Psychology

The goal of this discussion forum is to offer you an introduction to the field of cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is a discipline within psychology that is concerned with the scientific study of the human mind. The mind is responsible for a variety of functions and abilities, including perception, attention, consciousness, memory, reasoning, and decision-making. Most of our mental life is unconscious. If the objects of our attention are equated to the objects of our consciousness, it is reasonable to assume that we are aware of only a limited number of events in our daily lives.

For your initial post, complete the following steps:

  • Watch the video entitled, The Magic of the Unconscious: Automatic Brain (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Select a “hot topic” of cognitive psychology based on what you have heard and/or seen in the media and your personal interests.
  • Look for a report in the media (e.g., newspapers, magazines, web pages of professional organizations, etc.) that refers to the selected topic such as “defendant cannot remember what happened,” “false memories explain UFO abduction stories,” and so forth.
  • Describe the content of the selected report and offer your own perspective. Namely, use your critical-thinking skills to examine the extent to which the claims made in the report and the evidence upon which the report relies are to be trusted. Then, discuss the real-life consequences of the evidence reported.

In your post, include a link to the selected report, and explain to the members of the class why you have selected it. Support your points with evidence from at least one peer-reviewed research article. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
