Final Report Video PresentationDue

  Week 7 Assignment: Final Report Video Presentation


For this assignment, you will create a final report on your data analysis project in the form of a PowerPoint document and a 3-minute video in which you present the information in your PowerPoint. See What You Need to Know for Week 7 for resources that will help you with both PowerPoint and creating your video presentation. The goal is to be succinct, substantive, and to convey the problem statement, factors which cause the problem, key findings from the literature, graphics for each factor, data analysis, and evidence-based recommendations.


  1. Use the Data Analysis Project Report Presentation Template to create your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. In your PowerPoint presentation include the following:
    • A statement of the problem addressed by your data analysis.
    • The factors that cause the problem and the units of measurement used to measure each.
    • A summary of key findings about the problem in the literature.
    • A presentation of the data.
    • An analysis of the data.
    • Evidence-based recommendations for team implementation.
    • Conclusion, including how you would communicate implementation priorities to a diverse set of stakeholders.
    • References.
  3. Record a 3–5 minute presentation in Kaltura with the webcam on and the slide concurrently visible. See Using KalturaLinks to an external site. for help.
    • Use short, bullet point phrases with citations (or numbers for a footnoted reference list) on each slide.
  4. Select the PowerPoint Outline view, copy the text in this outline view, and paste it into a Word document.
  5. Submit the Word document to Turnitin as a draft.
    • Review the Turnitin report, make any needed changes, and resubmit the revised Word document to Turnitin before submitting the content for grading.

Submission Requirements

Submit the following documents in the Assignment area:

  • Your PowerPoint document.
  • Your 3–5 minute Kaltura video presentation with video and slide windows visible.
  • A copy of the exact Word document that was submitted to TurnItIn.
  • If you are completing a Track 1 project (a project in your own workplace), you must also present your data analysis final report in your workplace and submit a Workplace Presentation Summary that includes the following:
    • Titles of attendees at the meeting where you presented your final data analysis.
    • Date and time of your presentation.
    • Whether the meeting was on-site or remote.
    • A bullet point list of feedback you received.

Additional Requirements

  • PowerPoint Format: Use the Data Analysis Project Report Presentation Template.
    • Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points, but make sure all citations on the slide are visible to viewers.
  • Video Format: Display both PowerPoint slides and a webcam video of you presenting the information contained in the slides. Your video must be a continuously narrated presentation, which does not require the viewer to manually advance each slide.
  • Video Length: A maximum of 3–5 minutes.
  • Content: Make your presentation concise and succinct. Do not include distracting or non-value-added elements.
  • APA Formatting: Format any in-text citations and references according to current APA style and formatting. Evidence and APALinks to an external site. can help with this.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:

  • Competency 1: Execution: Translate strategy to develop and maintain optimal organizational performance in health care settings.
    • Present the data used in a data analysis project and analyze the results of the project.
    • Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
  • Competency 2: People: Create an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in health care settings.
    • State the conclusions from a data analysis project, including how to communicate implementation priorities to a diverse set of stakeholders.
  • Competency 3: Transformation: Facilitate a change process that effectively involves patients, communities, and professionals in the improvement and delivery of health care and wellness.
    • Summarize key findings from authoritative literature that provide external perspectives about a problem.
  • Competency 4: Change Leadership: Apply evidence-based change leadership practices in complex, dynamic healthcare environments.
    • Create a PowerPoint presentation and record a 3–5 minute video with webcam and PowerPoint slide content conveying the final report of a data analysis project.
  • Competency 5: Team Development: Develop high-performing teams by inspiring individual excellence and leading talent development in healthcare organizations.
    • Present evidence-based recommendations for team implementation based on a data analysis project.

View Rubric

Mentalism Vs. Radical Behaviorism

  • Column 1: Identify whether the statement is mentalistic or behavioristic for each scenario.
  • Column 2: Explain the reasoning behind your choices. Some of the scenarios are similar and you may reuse your justification in multiple scenarios—but you must restate the explanation for each scenario.
  • Column 3: Provide a behavioristic explanation as an alternative for each of the mentalistic explanations you identify.

Answer the following questions below the table. Each answer should be no more than two paragraphs.

  • How does a behavior analytic approach differ from other fields of psychology?
  • What is the problem with a behavior analyst using a mentalistic approach?
  • Why is it important for a behavior analyst to use a behavioristic approach and not use a mentalistic approach in their practice?



Baykal, S., Karakurt, M. N., Çakır, M., & Karabekiroğlu, K. (2018). An Examination of the Relations Between Symptom Distributions in Children Diagnosed with Autism and Caregiver Burden, Anxiety and Depression Levels.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 12(1), 1-10.

Grey, I. M., Honan, R., McClean, B., & Daly, M. (2005). Evaluating the effectiveness of teacher training in Applied Behaviour Analysis. 
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
9(3), 209-227.

Parker, M. L., & Molteni, J. (2017). Structural family therapy and autism spectrum disorder: Bridging the disciplinary divide. 
The American Journal of Family Therapy
45(3), 135-148.

Singh, N. N., Lancioni, G. E., Medvedev, O. N., Hwang, Y.-S., & Myers, R. E. (2020). A Component Analysis of the Mindfulness-Based Positive Behavior Support (MBPBS) Program for Mindful Parenting by Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 32(4), 523-545.

Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Balcazar, F., Garcia Torres, M., Garcia, C., & Arias, D. L. (2022). Goal Setting with Latinx Families of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Case Studies.
Behavior Analysis in Practice, 15(2), 546-561.

Summers, J. A., Houlding, C. M., & Reitzel, J. A. M. (2004). Behavior Management Services for Children with Autism/PDD: Program Description and Patterns of Referral.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities,19(2), 95-101.

Applied Sciences Midterm Assignment

For your midterm, you will write about an ethical dilemma that you have experienced in your professional career. This dilemma will be examined by a classmate of yours for their signature assignment.

Create your own WIKI Page (Found in the week 6 assignments folder). Please review the instructions for creating a WIKI page. Think about an ethical dilemma that you have personally faced within a professional setting. Do not include a dilemma that involves your personal family or friendships.

Use the

What is an ethical dilemma
to help you identify the dilemma you want to talk about. Even though this description is written to social workers, the information holds true for ABA providers. As you read, replace the words “social worker” with “behavior analyst”.

On the WIKI page, fully describe the situation you faced, using pseudonyms and protecting confidentiality by not giving specific locations or agencies.

Use the above article (What is an ethical dilemma) to :

· explain and justify your situation as an ethical dilemma by describing the three conditions:

· an agent had to make decision

· there were multiple courses of action that could be taken

· ethical principles that were compromised. (do not list specific ethical codes as that is what your colleague will do).

· Explain why this is an ethical dilemma and not a personal value.

· Describe why your dilemma is an “absolute” or “pure” dilemma





The Dilemma is clearly and thoroughly described

1 – 10

The 3 conditions of the dilemma are fully discussed and accurate

1 – 5

The ethical dilemma is differentiated from values

1 – 5

Dilemma described as absolute or pure

1 – 5

Applied Sciences homework


You will submit 1 journal assignment in this module. Your journal assignment for this module should address the following:

  • What barriers do you think may arise as you work on your doctoral studies and what will you do to overcome them?
  • What support mechanisms do you have available?

In addition, reflect on your Time Management Plan in your journal assignment and address the following:

  • In considering your schedule, what is your biggest barrier to ensuring 13 hours of study time per week for one course? Or 25–30 hours per week for two courses?
  • Who do you need to have conversations with to help minimize this barrier?

Finally, reflect on your learning throughout this course. Your journal assignment should address the following:

  • What did you learn in this course that surprised you?
  • How can you use the information and skills from this course going forward as a scholar-practitioner?
  • What skills will you be able to use in future courses?
  • What skills do you need to continue to work on in future courses?
  • What resources, if any, did you find extremely helpful during the course?
  • What resources, if any, will you continue to refer to in future courses or everyday life?


Reflection Electronic Engineering Technologies

 Reflection Electronic Engineering Technologies

Start with a general sentence or two acknowledging the importance of skills (writing; research; source documentation; public speaking; interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating information; solving problems; making decisions; presenting data and information in creative ways that appeal to an audience; etc.) developed through Arts and Sciences classes. Add a sentence or two about your own field and the role these skills play. End your introduction with a thesis statement that lets your audience know which assignments you have chosen for your E-portfolio and what those assignments show about you. 

Write one body paragraph for each of your three assignments. In each paragraph, specify when you created the assignment, explain which class required it, and identify the Arts and Sciences skills you drew upon to complete the assignment. Then discuss how those skills apply to your professional and personal life. (Your goal is at least 8-10 sentences per paragraph.)

Questions worth considering: Make things up!!!!

  • How has the knowledge you gained served as a foundation upon which to build future skills?
  • How did each of your assignments prepare you for other assignments you needed to complete later in your program?
  • What challenges did you face as you worked on each of your assignments and how did you overcome the challenges? 
  • What did you learn about yourself by completing each of your assignments?
  • What you are most proud of in each of your assignments?

 Reiterate the importance of skills developed through Arts and Sciences classes. Summarize what was most important about each of the three assignments you discuss in your body paragraphs. End your conclusion with a sentence or two analyzing how you have changed and grown as a result of completing these assignments. 

SLP HRM 403 Mod 2

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Module 2 – SLP


Dealing with Repatriates

An expatriate is an employee living and working in a different country from where he or she is a citizen.
Moving an employee to an overseas assignment for an extended period of time requires careful selection,
training, and planning to make the experience a success.

The return of an expatriate (called repatriation) must be well planned and executed in order for the
employee and organization to benefit from the overseas assignment.

Task: After doing some research, discuss how you (i.e., the VP of HR) would conduct the repatriation
process for an employee who is returning to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia after 5 years. Use your creativity
and discuss the entire procedure. Bring in at least one high-quality peer-reviewed library source in addition
to the required readings.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2-3 pages (not including the cover sheet and references). You are expected to deal
with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to
be answered one by one.

Structure of Submission:

1. Use your own words, rather than copying sentences from the article.

2. Use 12-point type size (Times New Roman), double-spacing, and one-inch margins. Add section
headings, a cover page, and a references list.

3. Cite your sources: APA Style – Trident encourages all students to comply with guidelines for proper
citation of references. Do not copy the references from the course. Instead, look up how to format them
in the guidelines provided by your professor. See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition. or the
Purdue OWL website –

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical thinking: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions are
analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing: Uses scholarly writing to an appropriately specialized audience.

Assignment Organization and Quality References: Uses relevant and quality sources to support ideas,
and intext citations are properly formatted. Remember also to bring in information from the required

Timeliness of assignment: Assignment submitted on or before due date.


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Case Mod 2 HRM 403

Module 2 – Case


Material useful to the assignment:

Borsetti, A. (2021). Upskilling and reskilling to adapt to an evolving
workforce. BenefitsPRO. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Flynn, M., & Dawson, T. (2021). Building the workforce of the future will take more
than money. Barron’s (Online). Available in the Trident Online Library.

Ismail, M., Zulkifly, N. A., & Hamzah, S. R. (2019). The power of shared vision:
bidirectional knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country
nationals. International Journal of Business and Society, 20(2), 501-520. Available in
the Trident Online Library.

Maximizing human capital with innovative talent management strategy. (2019). Air &
Space Power Journal, 33(3), 69–82. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Skillgigs. (2019, February 26). Top 13 new recruitment trends of 2019: hiring made
simple [Video]. YouTube. Standard
YouTube license.

Williamson, C. (2019). Managers realizing that a new world needs new people:
Changes in investment industry spur firms to look for different kinds of talent to
conquer challenges. Pensions & Investments, 47(7), 14. Available in the Trident
Online Library.

ZoomInfo. (2020, March 27). Modern hiring process: 10 leading trends changing
recruitment [Video]. YouTube. Standard YouTube

Case Assignment

After you have read about the difficulties of finding new talent to fit the needs of
international organizations, please respond according to the following:

Create an artistic visual that shows five of the most important challenges of global
talent acquisition specific to international employers and rank them in importance to
business success. Your visual can be a colorful chart, a flyer, or drawing, as long as
it is in a format that is accepted in TLC. The use of color is encouraged for this


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Then discuss in detail the top issue (#1) and your bottom issue (#5) and explain why
you ranked them as you did. Note, there is no requirement to discuss all five issues,
just these two. Your submission will likely contain two documents—the artistic visual
doc and a Word doc. Alternatively, you could save both as pdf files and then merge
them into one file for submission to the dropbox.

Remember to provide an introduction to your paper and a conclusion (but do not
insert a heading of “Introduction”). Also cite sources and include a References page
that includes at least one high quality reference found in the Trident Online Library in
addition to at least two of the four required readings for this assignment. Select
“peer-reviewed” as a filter for results as well as a 3-year date range to obtain the
most recent published articles.

Submit your visual and Word document to the assignment dropbox as part of your 3-
to 4-page paper (not counting the cover page and References page) on or before the
module due date.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Meets assignment requirements: Answers each assignment question and follows
assignment instructions closely.

Critical thinking: Alternatives considered, with best answer/solution defended.
Argument is well developed. Logic is clear and easy to follow.

Writing and assignment organization: Uses scholarly vocabulary. Writes in
coherent paragraphs. No errors in spelling or grammar. Uses clear, engaging

Use of sources and mechanics: Demonstrates mastery formatting in-text citations
and references. Uses relevant and quality sources to support compelling ideas
and convey understanding of the topic to shape the whole work.

Timeliness of assignment: Assignment submitted on or before due date.

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I need your assistance

I have 6 questions that I need answered. Question 1 and 3 has links to videos/websites. Each question requires a reference and at least 75 words.  

1.  Review the “”FIEP: A Facilitated IEP Meeting.”

Discuss your impression of the meeting as it relates to the collaboration between members of the IEP team, compliance with IDEA, and whether ethical principles of professional practice were demonstrated during the execution of the IEP process. Defend your ideas by citing specific examples from the video and standards from the “Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE).” 

2.  According to this statement on the Integration of Faith and Work, “we are assured that our work within the world matters to God and our neighbors, and that we honor God by serving others in ways that promote human flourishing.” Additionally, the “Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)” also calls upon teachers to demonstrate and “ethic of care.” Select a verse or quote that exemplifies your desire to become an educator. Explain how this quote applies to you personally and your service to students, families, and colleagues 

3.  Think about what you learned from viewing the selected grade level videos you chose from “Through Your Child’s Eyes.”

Identify the grade level you focused on and summarize the challenges the students faced. Consider the “Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)” and describe what viewing the videos taught you about how dyslexia affects students academically and away from the educational environment and the ethical responsibilities associated with ensuring that the needs of these students are met. 

4.  Discuss the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities and describe how you can adopt the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective to encourage a classroom culture that respects and values the individual differences displayed by all students, regardless of disability. 

5.  An educator overhears a conversation between two students. One of the students is talking about witnessing other students picking on a student with an intellectual disability during the daily walk home. The behavior described includes taunting, pushing, and taking personal possessions. The educator hears the student say that he feels bad for the student who is being picked on but is afraid to confront his peers or report the behavior, particularly since the activity is not happening on school grounds. Discuss how the educator can address this issue. Include evidence from the “Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)” and “Professional Dispositions of Learners” to support your ideas.  

6.  You have just finished a lesson on solving inequalities and handed students a worksheet to complete silently. While the students were working independently, you decided to check your email, not realizing that your computer screen was still being projected to the class.  You open an email from the principal Mrs. Russell, who is following up on a student, Rebecca Johnson, who was recently referred to receive services on an Individual Education Program. You realized what had occurred once you heard the students giggling at the screen. You quickly unplugged the computer from the projector and told the students to get back to work.  What should you do next to protect the student’s privacy? Include evidence from “Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)” and “Professional Dispositions of Learners.”   

Applied Sciences Assignment Three

Please use reference: Beirne & Sadavoy, Chapter 1.5 and 2.2

  1. At least two paragraphs summarizing the entirety of the readings.  For example, what is the main idea of the readings, when there are multiple chapters or articles, what ties them together? When citing, use APA style (author/s, (date), page). Some weeks this section will be shorter and other weeks it will be longer based on the week’s readings.
  2. At least one paragraph discussing two concepts that you found particularly interesting, or that challenged your belief system. Reference the specific readings and cite your source using APA style (author/s ( date), page)
  3. At least one paragraph discussing the impact of your reading to your practice.  For example, what should a behavior analyst DO to be most reflective of this content?  Reference the specific readings and cite your source using APA style (author/s, (date), page).