SWOT Analysis of your Organization


In Week 2, you created a Systems Thinking Diagram that mapped the stock, inflows, outflows, and feedback loops of your organization. As you become more familiar with your environment and the relationships and interactions between departments and people, you will begin to discover existing strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of the weaknesses and threats to a system is essential during the initial phase to make operational improvements, and it will reveal existing opportunities to plan and execute effective solutions.

Watch the following videos:

Read “SWOT Analysis: How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy,” and visit the University Library page, Conduct a SWOT Analysis.

Complete a SWOT Analysis of your organization. Use the SWOT Analysis Worksheet and complete the following steps:

  • Complete a preliminary walk around the organization to scan the:
  • Internal environment for strengths and weaknesses (e.g., workflows, products, personnel, processes).
  • External environment for opportunities the organization might take advantage of and threats that the organization should mitigate against (e.g., new markets, advances in technology, proposed regulations, competition, etc.). 
  • Follow up with additional research that may provide clarity on elements you are hesitant about or indecisive to list.
  • Review your systems thinking diagram from Week 2 and determine if there are any details you can add or adjustments you can make to enhance your understanding of the organizational system.
  • Write an objective for your SWOT analysis.
  • List the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities, and potential threats.
  • Select the items that should be prioritized.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your SWOT Analysis (e.g., trade or industry publications or government or agency websites).

APA Format

HUM Week 6 Final Paper

Week 6 – Final Paper

My Future as a Human Services Professional

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 13, 14 and the epilogue from your text, 

The generalist model: Where do the micro and macro converge?Links to an external site.

Self-care in the world of empirically supported treatmentsLinks to an external site.
. Your final paper should identify and analyze a specific need identified by a community.

Your summative assessment will require you to reflect on your future as a human services professional. In your paper, you must comprehensively address the following:

· Evaluate your career selection that was made in Week 1.

· What populations do you want to serve and in what capacity?

· What type of organization do you want to be working for in the future (or now if you plan to stay with your organization as you advance)?

· Appraise the past, current, and future societal issues facing the human services profession with your chosen population and organization.

· Evaluate a minimum of one historical issue related to your population.

· What current challenges might your clients face and how might this impact your organization as well as your work?

· What future societal issues might your clients and organization face?

· Evaluate how you might perform your role in this field.

· How might you be supervised?

· What might your working relationships be with your colleagues?

· How will you maintain healthy boundaries with clients?

· What other services might your organization offer and how might these services interact with yours.

· Assess the impact that the community will have on your clients and organization?

· How will you work to serve your clients within the community?

· How do you think you will have an impact on the global needs in terms of the population you have chosen to serve?

· Compare the human services organization where you currently work or might work with a similar human services organization that serves the same population.

· Outline the similarities and differences, evaluating which is more of an effective model of a human services agency.

The My Future as a Human Services Professional final paper

Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s 

APA Style

Links to an external site.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper (bold and with a space between the title and the rest of the information)

Student’s name, followed by institution name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

· Must utilize academic voice. See the 

Academic Voice

Links to an external site.
 resource for additional guidance.

· Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

· For assistance on writing 

Introductions & Conclusions

Links to an external site.
 as well as 

Writing a Thesis Statement

Links to an external site.
, refer to the Writing Center resources.

· Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

· The 

Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources

Links to an external site.
 table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

· To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this 

Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty

Links to an external site.
 tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

· Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s 

APA: Citing Within Your Paper

Links to an external site.

· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the 

APA: Formatting Your References List

Links to an external site.
 resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

New Help Needed

I have 6 questions and each requires at least 175 words and a resource 

1.  Collaboration is a much-needed skill in the 21st century workplace. Describe the steps you will take to encourage and foster an environment of collaboration in your STEM classroom. 

2.  It is Open House Parent Night at your school. You have 5-7 minutes to explain what your STEM class is about to parents. Briefly describe three areas you want to focus on so that parents leave with a good understanding of the skills their child will be learning and how they will be learning that content. 

3.  Curiosity is a big part of STEM instruction. Describe how you do or how you will encourage curiosity and discovery in your classroom. 

4.  Inquiry-based instruction can be challenging for some teachers. Teachers often like to correct students during the learning process. Describe how this action can stop the learning process for students. What steps can a teacher take to ensure they allow students to discover learning without teacher interference? 

5.  Share with your peers any the field experiences you have had with shadowing your STEM mentor teacher. Focus on sharing specific examples that demonstrate the application of learning theories, supportive and engaging strategies, resources, and technology, common and innovative assessment practices, and the use of data after assessment.

6.  Which of the instructional methods are you most confident with implementing? Explain. What instructional method are you reluctant to incorporate that could increase the meaningfulness of your lessons for students? What can you do to become more confident with that instructional method? 

COM 4430- Online Discussion Post #1 (CH. 8)

 Discussion Posts: You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum (see syllabus for how they will be graded) that add value to the topic that is covered that week linking theory to real world examples.

  • Find & Post (or post a link to) a concept of International Business Communication (photo, short video, brief piece of writing, song, etc —  related to this weeks chapter 8.
  • Analyze the object according to requirements for the week.
  • Make a connection to the readings, videos or recordings for the week.

Applied Sciences COM 4430- Weekly Assignment 6 (Ch.8)

Answer each question separately, using textbook theories and examples. 

1.  Explain the difference between the U.S. and Continental eating styles. 

2.  How do introductions differ from the United States and other​ countries? 

3.  Identify some cultural taboos concerning giving flowers as gifts. 

4.  Please list the disadvantages and advantages of the exchange of email in the global business arena. 

5.  Describe cultural variations in business card exchange. 

COM3404- Short Answers #3

 Your short answer is based on this module’s readings and videos and has 6 questions. You have 2 hours to answer the questions. It is worth a total of 6 points. Guidelines to answer each question:

  • Each question should be answered in 1-2 paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each paragraph.
  • Incorporate corresponding terminology (review chapter).
  • Review grammar and mechanics
  • Read articles before completing

You will be asked to answer  the following list of questions:

  1. Determine whether certain personality traits are actually expressed in the voice and whether listeners are sensitive to these cues? What are the different personality stereotypes related to voice?
  2. What is known about emotional ex-pression in the human voice? Can people can identify emotions in the voice? Why? How?
  3. What are the typical prescriptions for use of the voice in delivering a public speech?
  4. Several studies tend to support the prescriptions for vocal variety in increasing audience comprehension and retention. Please develop in detail.
  5. Vocal cues play an important role in managing the interaction and are part of a system of cues that helps people structure their interactions. How? What are the different rules for managing interactions? Explain in detail.
  6. What are the reasons for why pauses occur? Define are the different types of pauses? Explain in detail.
  7. What are three of the many interpersonal functions served by silence? List and explain.
  8. Research suggests that the voice may be important in some aspects of persuasion. Why? How?
  9. Consider stereotypes you have about the voice—for example, about high or low voices, fast or slow voices, voices with different accents, and so on. Discuss what truth you think there is to the stereotypes, based on as many real examples as you can think of.
  10. Analyze the phenomenon of sarcasm in terms of the voice as well as the other cues that might be associated with it. Are verbal and non-verbal usages different in teasing (or joking) compared to being sarcastic?



Performance Problems and Consequential Strategies

Case study scenario..

Give a precise definition of the problematic conduct that is countable, unambiguous, and succinct. (To build an ideal definition, you might invent some details to fill in the holes.)

To identify the causes of the performance issue, do a PDC assessment (study the selected scenario to determine how to answer these questions).  

Name the domain and explain which part of the domain is causing the performance problem. 

Module 3 Reflection Paper


Select one item from the BACB® 5th edition task list. Pinpoint a specific behavior or output/permanent product related to the task list item, operationally define it, and determine how you would evaluate a trainee’s performance on the skill, both initially and ongoing. Would you include a checklist, BARS, or self-assessment? Would you use any fundamental measures or sampling procedures? How will you make your trainees comfortable being assessed on this skill? 

Remember to review the Reflection Paper rubric and instructions for reviewing a peer’s submission in the Important Course Information module.

Additionally, please include LINKS or DOIs to any articles or books referenced outside of the assigned readings as part of your APA citation (as is required when using web-based referencesLinks to an external site.). Failing to do so will result in point deductions.

Week 8: Paper Presentation


Hello Class!

Welcome to Week # 8. This week’s assignment, Please see below:

Assignment Instructions:

You will be submitting a 6-8 minute presentation on your research paper. Please remember to practice your presentation before recording. I also would like to see you in the video if possible. A key portion of the grading is going to be on your presentation skills, your performance etc. So, make sure you are looking all smart, poised and collected. Also, do not forget that your PowerPoint should have some character as well. 

Recommendations Info: https://edubirdie.com/blog/how-to-write-recommendations-in-research-paper

How to record a PowerPoint presentation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c


  • 8 – 12 Slides in length

Applied Sciences Healthcare Homework


MS-DRG Calculations (Level 4—Analyzing)

For this exercise, use the file titled 
 Download AB202019_Ch05_Exercises.xlsx, tabs MS-DRG Calculation Example and MS-DRG Calculations. This assignment consists of 10 inpatient acute care admissions: 5 for Community Hospital and 5 for Memorial Hospital. Calculate the MS-DRG reimbursement rate for each admission. Notice the fully adjusted base rate, charges, and cost-to-charge ratio are different for each facility. Remember that the fully adjusted base rate already includes adjustments for IME, DSH, and wage index. Once you have completed the calculations, answer the following questions.




Which figure has the biggest impact in determining profit/loss for an admission; base rate or cost-to-charge ratio (CCR)? Why?


What is the definition of a CC/MCC? How does the presence of a CC/MCC code impact the reimbursement for an admission


Why do surgical cases tend to have a higher relative weight (RW), and in turn payment, than medical cases?


What can Memorial Hospital do to improve their profit?