
Utilize data-driven performance improvement techniques for decision-making

AHIMA Competency Vl.4 (3)


Find and read an article on topic below:


Topic:  Identify Performance Measures

In your article:

1)   Define Performance Measures

2)  Complete Review Question #2, p. 49 to categorize performance measures; either “outcome or process”. 

Please see sample article below. After article there should be 3 defined terms below article.




APA Format

Please review Ahima Code of Ethics Cases Assignment Case Studies and provide responses.    This assignment will serve as your Term Paper.

1. Analyze policies and procedures to ensure organizational compliance with regulations and standards

2. Adhere to the legal and regulatory requirements related to health information management

3. Comply with ethical standards of practice

Ahima Code of Ethics

Case #1

Since May, you have been working with a recruiter to obtain a new position in HIM. Your experience includes over ten years in inpatient and outpatient coding, you are an AHIMA-approved ICD-10 trainer, and you have worked with your state association on coding projects over the past two years. Nothing the recruiter has presented to you has been a good fit, but in late September, the recruiter calls with positions open for coding auditor. You have never done that type of work before, but are confident you could learn, and the recruiter gets you a phone interview. During the conversation, the HIM manager for the organization says that she sees you have been an auditor since May. You immediately recognize that the HIM manager has the wrong impression of your experience.

Determine the appropriate course of action in response to the interviewer’s statement. Provide justification based on the AHIMA Code of Ethics.


AHIMA. 2019. AHIMA Code of Ethics.
http://bok.ahima.org/doc?oid=105098#.XR-TMOtKi71 .


An inpatient coder has come to you, the director of HIM, with concerns that she has been

instructed by the coding supervisor to code all bedside debridements as excisional. When you discuss this with the coding supervisor, she explains that surgical trays are ordered for the bedside and that physicians have been ignoring the queries requesting clarification. Instead, they orally state that the debridements are always excisional. Therefore, she issued the directive to the staff.

1. Use the ethical decision-making process to determine if this is an unethical situation and, if so, what principle of the AHIMA Code of Ethics or AHIMA’s Standards of Ethical Coding it violates.

2. If it is a violation, give your opinion of what the implications might be to the coder, coding supervisor, yourself, and the organization.


AHIMA. 2019. AHIMA Code of Ethics. http://bok.ahima.org/doc?oid=105098#.XR-TMOtKi71.

AHIMA. 2016. AHIMA Standards of Ethical Coding. http://bok.ahima.org/CodingStandards#


Hamilton, M. 2020. Ethical Issues in Health Information Management. Chapter 21 in

Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach, 6th ed. N.B. Sayles and

L. Gordon, eds. Chicago: AHIMA.

Swirsky, E. 2020. Ethical Issues in Health Information Management. Chapter 27 in
Health Information



Reflect on an organization you are familiar with, whether it’s your current workplace, a previous employer, or an organization you have studied. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

1. Examples of Positivity: Can you identify specific practices or policies that this organization has implemented to create a positive work culture? How have these initiatives impacted employee morale and performance?

2. Leadership and Positivity: How do leadership styles within the organization contribute to or hinder the development of POB? Provide examples of positive or negative leadership behaviors and their effects on the workplace environment.

3. Challenges and Solutions: What challenges has the organization faced in maintaining a positive work environment? What strategies could be implemented to overcome these obstacles and sustain a positive organizational climate?

Please integrate theories, models, or concepts covered so far in this course into your responses. Be sure to provide specific examples and evidence to support your observations and recommendations. The inclusion of these elements will weigh into the overall score for this discussion. 


  • The initial post should be at least 325 words 

4. **Personal Experience and Suggestions**: Based on your personal experiences, what additional suggestions would you offer to enhance POB in the organization?

Exploring the Skeletal and Muscular Systems


Understanding of the intricate language used to describe the structures, functions, and disorders related to these crucial components of the human body.

Assignment Instructions

Explore the medical terms related to the Skeletal and Muscular Systems. Identify and define key terms, including bones, muscles, and relevant anatomical features.

Anatomy Terminology Breakdown (Skeletal System):

  • Choose 10 terms related to the skeletal system.
  • Break down each term into its root, prefix, and suffix.
  • Provide definitions for each component and explain how they contribute to the term’s meaning.

Anatomy Terminology Breakdown (Muscular System):

  • Choose 10 terms related to the muscular system.
  • Break down each term into its root, prefix, and suffix.
  • Provide definitions for each component and elucidate their significance in conveying the term’s meaning.

Functionality and Physiology:

  • Discuss the physiological aspects of the Skeletal and Muscular Systems.
  • Explain how these systems collaborate to facilitate movement, support, and overall body functionality.

Clinical Application:

  • Investigate a clinical condition or disorder associated with either the Skeletal or Muscular System.
  • Provide a brief overview of the condition, including its symptoms and potential treatments.
  • Analyze the medical terminology used to describe the condition.

Muscle and Bone: A Deeper Look


As you delve into the terminology specific to the Muscular and Skeletal systems, it is crucial to connect these words with tangible and real-world applications. Unlike the skin, the muscles and bones provide a dynamic framework for movement and support. You can feel your muscles at work during physical activities, and your bones create a sturdy foundation for your body.

Discussion Points

Summarize Key Functions:

  • Summarize 4-5 of the most important functions of the Muscular and Skeletal systems.
  • Utilize the proper medical terms associated with these functions.

Understanding Physiology:

  • Explore and explain how these systems work physiologically to enable movement, support, and overall body functionality.
  • Provide insights into the intricate processes that contribute to the functionality of muscles and bones.

Pathophysiology Exploration:

  • Discuss one way in which something can go wrong with either the Muscular or Skeletal system.
  • Highlight the impact of this dysfunction on the body’s overall health and mobility.

The Secret Language of the Health Professions


watch this video: Easy German – Basic Conversation Phrases 1 (03:22)

Clearly, learning German would take some time and practice. So does learning the language used in the health professions. But when you do learn it, this special language of ours can be rather fun. It makes us members of an exclusive club, the general public is not invited.

It also poses great safety risks. If we do not learn the language properly, the risk of errors increases as we may get something wrong or be misunderstood by another health professional. If we are not careful the patient has no idea what is going on, or what they are supposed to do. Miscommunication has caused innumerable deaths, including that of infants whose parents did not understand the pharmacy directions for pediatric dosages of medications and whose health professionals did not take the time to ensure they did.

Read: Dose of Confusion

“When you pick out colors, it’s supposed to be for prom dresses or Christmas pictures, not colors for the lining of her casket.” – Christine Hutto, Brianna’s mother  

Report on medication errors due to medical terminology miscommunication.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Share a personal experience or near miss that medical term miscommunication caused or locate an article to use
  • Summarize the situation including the specific medical term error
  • What could have been done to prevent the miscommunication
  • Discuss the actions you will take during this course so you can provide safe patient care
  • Cite any references. At all times proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

Applied Sciences PowerPoint Presentation Assignment



Each student will develop and submit a PowerPoint presentation over an assigned chapter/topic

from the textbook (Sports in American Life: A History Richard O. Davies chapter 1-9) Pick ONE CHAPTER. There must be a minimum of 10 slides and no more than 15 slides per



Your PowerPoint presentation should be based off a SINGLE CHAPTER from Sport in American Life

(student choice). The presentation needs to follow the outline of the chapter and should include a

brief introduction that provides the audience with a frame of reference of the overall theme of the

chapter and end with a strong conclusion slide.

 Keep your visuals clear and simple.

 Use simple graphics, charts, and diagrams wherever possible.

 Avoid using too many colors, patterns, and graphics in one frame.

 Use a minimum of words for text and title frames.

 Upper and lower-case lettering is more legible than all capital letters.

 Avoid using more than two font sizes per frame.

 Try to maintain the same or similar font size from frame to frame.

 Contrasting use of color is best.

 Keep color schemes consistent throughout the presentation.

 Graphics – Photographs, graphs and illustrations of artwork are excellent means of

communicating complex ideas, providing that they are meaningful and relevant.

 Each graphic should be cited and documented on the slide with the graphic as well as its

source on the final reference slide.

 All material should be presented in APA format, including but not limited to the title

slide, material should be cited if appropriate and it is encouraged to write in your own

words as much as possible.

Note: Your assignments will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. The

tool is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity and higher scores

generally indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher a score the

higher the probability that there are too high a percentage of quotations included in the

narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.

Single Case Design and experimental questions

This week you examined how we quantify and record behavior based on an experimental question. Consider an idea you may have to research using single case design. Select one of the (4) types of experimental questions from Kennedy and construct an experimental question. 

To receive full credit you must:

  1. Identify which type of question you selected (2 points).
  2. Provide a measurable dependent variable (5 points).
  3. Provide an independent variable that is behavior analytic in nature (5 points).
  4. Identify how you will quantify your dependent variable? In other words, will you use count, rate, duration, latency, etc.? (5 points).
  5. Determine possible IOA formula for your study (3 points).

They check for AI and plagiarism

Rubric and article attached

Corporate Social Responsibilty

Session Long Project 3 Resources


A Succinct Theory of Business Ethics

2.4 Utilitarianism: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number

3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship

2.5 Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Explained With Examples

Utilitarianism: Making Ethical Decision in Retail
. (2023) 

Scholarly Readings:

A new insight on CEO characteristics and corporate social responsibility (CSR): A meta-analytical review

The Relationships Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Talent Management: An Analysis Through Human Resources Management
 (2023) Download PDF

SLP Assignment

CSR Defined

Define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (1/2 page). Research Required.

Utilitarian Ethics

Introduce utilitarian ethics and its core principle of maximizing overall happiness or utility (1 page). Research Required.

Arguments in Favor of CSR 

From a utilitarian perspective, discuss how CSR initiatives can lead to an overall increase in societal happiness or well-being. Examine the benefits to companies (1 page). Research Required.

Arguments Against CSR

Explore potential criticisms of CSR from a utilitarian viewpoint. Consider the implications if CSR initiatives lead to short-term losses for businesses or if they disproportionately benefit certain groups at the expense of others (1 page). Research Required.

Use ChatGPT or another AI program to research arguments for and against CSR. If you use an idea provided by ChatGPT, you must cite and reference the program. 

The use of AI for generating content in Trident classrooms is not permitted unless it is specifically required by assignments in classes. Certain classes may allow AI to be used for brainstorming or to kickstart research. Turnitin detects AI-generated content. 

All research for this SLP should have been published within the last two years. 

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to 


reference the sources in APA format
. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying 

 to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings. 

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the APA-formatted 

ETH501 SLP 3 template
 to create your submission.

· The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

· A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 3 ½ page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)

· The reference list page in APA format 

Applied Sciences Health Information Technology homework APA Format


APA Format

Topic:  Predictive Analytics

lll.5 Describe research methodologies used in health care.


The application of predictive analytics is relatively new to healthcare.  Demonstrate your understanding and comprehension of predictive analytics technology using 150-word  count.

For maximum points, be sure your internet assignment includes definitions and examples of predictive analytics technology.