Based on your research, what you have learned from your readings in Comparative Approaches to Program Planning pertaining to the “when” and “which” questions, what ethical considerations will you face, or have you faced, as you craft your proposal for the final Research Proposal Project?

How have you addressed these ethical concerns?

What have you learned about ethical violations in your research this week and reading you have completed on your own?


Please write at least four strong and thorough paragraphs (in your own words)
demonstrating your knowledge of the subject matter (FT 7308 Crisis and
Trauma Counseling).

FT 7308 Crisis and Trauma Counseling

Course Description:

This course examines techniques and theories used in crisis and trauma counseling with families
and individuals who have faced or are facing trauma, loss, and other major changes that are an
integral part of the human predicament. Therapeutic considerations include assessment,
diagnosis, treatment planning, and current treatment approaches (i.e. brief, intermediate, and
long-term), interventions, and emotional disorders during times of crisis, emergency, and disaster.
Consideration of vicarious trauma and self-care for counselors are also addressed.

Course Objective: Student will examine theories and techniques used in crisis and trauma
counseling with families and individuals who have faced or are facing trauma. Students will be able
to recognize and apply therapeutic considerations including assessment, diagnosis, treatment
planning, and current treatment approaches (i.e. brief, intermediate, and long-term), intervention
during times of crisis, emergency, and disaster. Consideration of vicarious trauma, self-care, and
raising resilience for counselors in times of risk.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: • Demonstrate a thorough
understanding of theories and techniques used in crisis and trauma counseling.

• Recognize therapeutic interventions (professional and community responses) during times of
crisis, emergencies, and disasters.

• Demonstrate a thorough understanding of vicarious trauma, selfcare, and resilience.

Week 3 – Letter

Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer and using the same client, Jennifer Scott, from the Week 2 assignment, examine ethical challenges that can impact supervision strategies by writing a 700 word advocacy letter that will be presented to the judge during a hearing on your client’s risk and needs. You may want to review her background again.

Specifically, your letter should do the following:

  • Summarize your client’s situation and major risk factors.
  • Identify 1 ethical challenge that affects your client.
  • Apply 3 ethical strategies that will address the challenge.
  • Examine the role you will have as an advocate.
  • Discuss how advocacy can be used for this situation.
  • Recommend actions that would lead to the desired change.

One 350 Word Answer


Research and evaluate a journal or newspaper article that covers the body system assigned to you by your instructor: Cardiovascular System

The article you select must have been published within three years from the start date of the course.  The article could include information about a disease, procedure or test (laboratory, radiology, or surgical), medication, etc.  Summarize your findings using at least 15 medical terms and abbreviations. Conclude your post with a list of the 15 medical terms and abbreviations used in your summary.  For each term and abbreviation, identify the meaning.  Remember, your list should appear at the end of your summary, within the same initial post. Include at least one scholarly source, excluding the textbook, to support your 300-350 word initial post.  All references used must be cited in correct APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Applied Sciences Homework2


An instance of a confidence interval can be observed in a medical journal, news article, or scholarly source. Summarize the study or article. Are the sample size and level of confidence utilized in constructing the confidence interval disclosed in the article or study? Elucidate the significance of the confidence interval as it pertains to the scholarly source or news article.

MGT 407 SLP 3 MOD 3

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Module 3 – SLP



This Module 3 SLP assignment rounds out the discussion of
employee development and rewards to enhance workplace


Developing and Rewarding Employees

What are some strategies to improve employee engagement,
productivity, and performance levels?

In this assignment, we consider practical ways to increase
employee engagement, increase productivity, and improve overall
employee performance.

SLP Assignment

You have been asked to give a 10-minute presentation to a group of
college seniors who majored or minored in human resource
management. The topic is on effective performance improvement
strategies using recognition and rewards. As with any visual
presentation, do not put too much information on your slides as you
do not want your audience to read the slides while you are giving
the presentation.

In addition to the background readings, find at least one additional
high-quality academic source from the Trident Online Library to
support your presentation. With your 6-8 slides (not counting the


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cover slide or the References slide), include speaker notes in the
comments section under each slide. [Adding an audio (voice)
component to each slide is required for this assignment.]

Submit your presentation to the SLP 3 drop box by the Module 3
due date.

Note: If you have difficulty submitting your presentation, it could be
that your internet connection has timed out.

These files can be uploaded to YouTube and the link shared. Set as
public or unlisted, NOT PRIVATE. Unlisted means your video/slide
presentation will not come up in search results. Only those who
know the link can view it, even if they do not have a YouTube

Important: Put the link to your slide presentation in a Word
document and submit your Word document as the assignment in
the drop box. Your professor then can click the link to view your
slide presentation.

Alternatively, create a PowerPoint presentation with audio
recordings inserted and upload it into the Dropbox and it can be
viewed in the PowerPoint application.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the
grading rubric for this assignment:

1. Meets assignment requirements

2. Critical thinking

3. Writing and assignment organization

4. Use of sources and mechanics

5. Timeliness of assignment


4/2/24, 9:57 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/3

Module 3 – Case


Assignment Overview

After a Hard Day’s Work at ACME

In this Module 3 Case, you have the opportunity to delve further into
the talent management function and HR’s role in it. As you may
recall from the video on talent management, performance
management, learning and motivating, compensation, career
development, and succession planning all are contributors to
building a strong talent pool.

You will learn more about two employees who have been with
ACME, Inc. for two years. Andy is working as a quality assurance
specialist in the plant and Ismal is an IT robotics specialist. These
employees are friends and often meet outside of work with a few
other ACME employees, including Henry, a new employee recently
hired as an HR Staffing Specialist.

Ismal caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a
video on the overhead TV screen:

Seven Dimensions (2021). 4 Essentials for Compassionate
Leadership. Insights and Strategies: Workplace Skills. 10:49
minute video. Available in the Trident Online Library, Films on

“Quiet….Listen to this,” pleaded Ismal. The table of
acquaintances turned to the screen. “That’s it–I make
good money at ACME, but lately I feel something is


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“Something is missing? Ismal, you are lucky. Many things
are missing for me, ever since I got my new manager…”
said Andy.

“Yep, more than one thing for me too,” said Ismal, thinking
about his own lousy boss.

Your Role: You are Henry, the HR staffing specialist. Henry wants to
impress his HR boss and thought “what an opportunity….I’m going to
prepare a detailed plan to save ACME from losing these and other ACME
star employees as well.”

Case Assignment

Prepare a 3- to 4-page actionable strategy addressing HR’s role
(ACME-wide) related to employee retention. Pull in as many good
HR practices as possible that Henry could employ to help in
employee performance, motivation, and retention. The strategic
plan that you develop for Henry to use should cover recommended
actions for the organization during the next 12 months.

In addition to the background readings, find at least two high-quality
additional sources from the Trident Online Library and/or from web
sources to augment your plan, such as, for example, academic or
industry magazine/journal articles.

Submit your Case 3 paper by the Module 3 due date.

Note: This assignment requires a 3- to 4-page Word document (not
counting the cover page or the reference page).

Case Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the
grading rubric for this assignment:

Context and purpose for writing

HRM MOD 3 Case 3

4/2/24, 9:47 PM Case – HRM402 Training and Development (2024MAR04FT-1) 1/3

Module 3 – Case


Assignment Overview

Signature Assignment: Body of Knowledge, Introduced level

In this assignment, your knowledge skills will be assessed at the
“introduced” level. In MGT411, they will be assessed at the
“reinforced” level. Finally, in MGT412, your body of knowledge skills
will be assessed at the “mastered” level. The rubric criterion
“Assignment Driven” for body of knowledge has been developed to
measure student success in meeting the HRM402 Case 3
expectations. Rubric criterion for the other two courses are included
in their respective assignments.

Case 3: Implementation

Implementation is the phase of instructional design in which the
instructional plan is put into effect. The instruction often is facilitated
by an instructor.

In this assignment you will prepare a 6- to 8-minute training video.

Case Assignment

Continue with the training topic you chose in Case 3. DO NOT
CHANGE TOPICS. Go through, step by step, the Implementation
phase of the ADDIE model. Be as specific as possible. If there is
unknown information, make logical assumptions for the information


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needed and include a section in your paper showing the
assumptions you made.

Bring in at least two valid and reliable sources found outside of
your course materials. (Be sure to cite sources within the text of
your paper as well as list each in the Reference section.) These two
high-quality sources should come from peer-reviewed academic
journals found in the Trident Online Library.

As you select two outside sources for Case 3, you may find the
following helpful to determine which sources to include:

Herring, J. E. (2011). Chapter 3: Evaluating websites, Figure 3.1, p.
38. In Improving students’ web use and information literacy: a guide
for teachers and teacher librarians. Facet Publishing. Available in
the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

Lack, C. W., & Rousseau, J. (2016). Chapter 4: What is critical
thinking? In Critical thinking, science, and pseudoscience: Why we
can’t trust our brains. Springer Publishing Company. Available in
the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

See the following for citation and reference style instructions:

Purdue University (n.d.). Purdue Writing Lab. Retrieved from

Also see the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition.

Phase: Implementation

a. Provide a 6- to 8-minute video of a sample from your training
course, prepared to show the learners what they may expect in
the rest of your training program. For example, if the subject is
how to groom and shampoo a dog, then cover a section of that
content in the video. Include the learning objectives applicable to
that video section in your video.

b. In a Word document or as an add-on to your video, critique your
video and make recommendations for the future. Also in the

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same Word or video file, discuss what feedback you would collect
to validate content accuracy and completeness, teaching
methods, and communication approach.

Note: Your video may be too large and take too much time to
upload directly to the classroom. If you have slow Internet, you may
be timed out. However, your file may be uploaded to YouTube and
the link shared. Set as Unlisted. Unlisted means your video will not
come up in search results. (Only those who know the link can view
it even if they do not have a YouTube account/username). Put the
link to your video in a Word document and insert it in the Case 3
dropbox by the assignment due date. Your instructor will find the
link to the video by opening that Word document, although you can
insert the link in the text box, too.

Alternatively, you can create a PowerPoint presentation and insert
an audio on each slide.

Assignment Expectations

This Case submission will be evaluated using the criteria as stated
in the Case rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:

Assignment Requirements

Critical Thinking

Writing and Assignment Organization

Use of Sources and Mechanics


TECA 1318: Healthy Recipe Presentation


Create or find a healthy snack recipe

  • Choose which age group your snack is for:
    • Toddlers, Preschool, Grades K-1 or Grade 2-3
  • Your recipe should have a main ingredient group from My Plate. to an external site. (grains, vegetables, fruits, protein, dairy)
  • Create a Power Point for the age group chosen that is 8-10 slides in length and uses age-appropriate language, length of text on slides meets best-practice standards and uses age-appropriate images and photos that are engaging and effectively teaches children health, safety and nutrition. (Standard 6c).
    • Included photos, documenting the step by step process of making the recipe and how to practice or ensure health and safety tips
    • Use one or more photos or images on the ingredients’ slide(s)
  • Think healthy!  Choose snacks with ingredients that are healthy. Do not include unhealthy items (that are predominantly made of  sugar or high in saturated fat) or nuts (due to allergy issues) Explain how the ingredients are healthy and how these healthy ingredients impact children’s development
    • There are many alternatives out there- if you find a recipe that includes chocolate or something unhealthy- be creative!  Use a healthy alternative!  Points are deducted if the snack is not healthy.
    • Do not choose a snack that includes any type of nuts, including peanuts or peanut butter due to allergies
  • The first slide of your presentation will include your name, the recipe name, and the age group
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the content knowledge and resources in the academic disciplines of science, health, and safety (Standard 5a) by including the following in your presentation:
    • Include one safety tip that is relevant to the recipe (for example: safety in cutting food or using skewers or toothpicks; how to avoid choking hazards)
    • Include information or a slide that includes how you kept the preparation area healthy to prepare food (for example: clean surfaces or clean hands) and explained the science behind why this is important.
    • Explain how your recipe is nutritious and how these healthy ingredients impact children’s development. (for example: Does your recipe include carrots?  How are carrots nutritious?  How are they beneficial?)

Make the recipe and take photos to show the steps. 

  • Through understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of your work with young children, make the recipe with a young child and include photos of the experience (the child’s face does not need to be in the photos.) (Standard 4a). (Photo release form attached)
  • In your Power Point, include photos, documenting step by step the process of making the recipe and shows how to practice or ensure health and safety tips
  • Use one or more photos or images on the ingredients’ slide(s)

Applied Sciences Labels Assignment


Food Label Critiques

In this assignment, you will evaluate 4 labels at the store and 3 labels at home from foods you would feed to children.  Create a Word Document or Power Point with the comparisons and evaluations, including pictures or a transcript of the nutritional details.

Comparing the same food

At the grocery store, find two different products which are available in both “regular” and “low fat” or “low carb”.  (For example, regular Ranch dressing and low-fat Ranch dressing would be one product and Chicken Noodle Soup and low sodium Chicken Noodle Soup would be your second product).

From the Nutrition Facts on the back or side of the container, record (hand write or take a picture) the following for each of the 4 labels:

Total Fat

Total Carbs.




Write a paragraph (75-150 words) about each food pair, comparing each of the two items.  Decide which one of the two would be more healthy to eat and why.  How would the information from the labels impact your decision when choosing foods or a menu for children?

In the assignment, include your notes or pictures from the 4 labels you recorded and 2 paragraphs comparing each of the 2 foods you chose.