One 300 word Answer


: Cardiac enzymes, Cerebrospinal fluid analysis

Laboratory and diagnostic tests are an integral component o to diagnose conditions and diseases.   Research and evaluate the laboratory or pathology test(s) or procedure(s).

Your initial discussion post should thoroughly cover the laboratory or pathology test or procedure that you have been assigned and include the following information:

· Test name

· Specimen needed for the test (blood, urine, etc.)

· Normal range by patient age

· Panic level

· Factors that affect results

· Typical conditions or monitoring for which the diagnostic test is ordered.

· A minimum of four conditions or diseases that utilize the test for diagnostic purposes.

All references used must be cited in correct APA style

Infectious Disease Powerpoint

 Firm on price, Due before May 1st

For your topic, please describe in a short PowerPoint (5-6 slides)

  • How it is contracted (using terminology we have learned in class),
  • Symptoms (or other ways to identify it) 
  • Explain how you would teach how to avoid your assigned topic below to children, specifically referring to personal hygiene and universal health precautions (state the age or grade range you are teaching- preschool, kindergarten, early elementary or older elementary). See Chapter 16 (pg 523) in your textbook for Universal Precautions.  


Include in this teaching situation how the children can minimize the spread of disease in a school or childcare setting. 

(This is not a formal lesson plan, just a description of what you would do (or have seen). 

This can be an idea you have, or something you have observed through your field experience (be sure to state from where you got your idea – we always want to give credit where credit is due!)  

Power Point:

1st slide: Name and ailment

2-4th or 5th slide the three topics above

Last slide: Citations to any information found online or in your book.

-Choose ONE of these for your PowerPoint

Head lice

Common cold

Group A strep infections


Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) 

This first four hours Summary/Reflection can be school observation hours


20 points possible

5 points: Correct heading in the format below

5 points: Correct font, spacing and margins; spelling/grammar

5 points: At least 1/2 page summary (just the facts) of the experience focused on health, safety, fitness and/or nutrition of children and families

5 points: At least 1/2 page reflection (your thoughts, what you learned) of the experience focused on health, safety, fitness and/or nutrition of children and families 

From the Field Experience Handbook:

Format for Heading on Summary/Reflection pages (this takes up no more than two lines) 

Your Name -Julia Johnson                        Date of event or observation 04-12-2024

School/Grade/Teacher – Western Hills Primary School/Pre-K           Time in and out 8am-1pm

Please use 11 font, 1.5 spacing and 1 inch margins.  The summary and reflections are expected be 1-2 pages.  Points will be taken off for incomplete summaries and reflections, spelling and grammar errors and incorrect format and/or headings

Medicaid is State-Based…Should it be?


Medicaid is partially federally funded and partially state-funded. As we all know, not every State is equal in per capita income, and the number of poor and disabled is equally unbalanced. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid funding was expanded, yet some states opted out of accepting the additional funding. This, in some states, is heading to Medicaid cuts in benefits and eligibility, leading to a crisis in many families.

Since this is such an important program, especially to the poor and to our children, discuss whether this program should be state-based at all or entirely administered at the federal level? If your State opted out, what is the potential damage? If this be a Federally administered program, would there be less concern, and would more lives be covered? Is there a counterpoint to this? Should it remain currently administered? Back up your opinions with references and in-text citations to the course readings, lectures, or external articles.

Prepare 1: Data Analysis Project Research Considerations


The research focuses on the examination of existing data sets. Research involving human subjects is outside the scope of the capstone project.

In order to differentiate between research involving human subjects and the examination of data sets, visit the Institutional Review Board (IRB)Links to an external site. to learn about the protection of human subjects and the applicable policies as well as the regulations governing human subjects research.

To save time in the process of topic selection, ensure that you understand the limits of the capstone course. For example, you cannot administer a survey to or interview staff and patients. As an alternative, and with permission, you could examine existing data that the organization has already gathered relating to the problem or issue. One application of this might be employee satisfaction. Most organizations conduct periodic employee satisfaction surveys. You could request to review and summarize survey results as they relate to two or three problem areas, conduct a literature review, and propose solutions.

Review the topic headings in the MHA5020 Reading ListLinks to an external site.. This will be helpful for identifying useful resources as you select a topic for your data analysis project. It may also help you gain more granularity on a subtopic for enhanced knowledge, locate a useful tool for quality measurement or compliance audits, et cetera.

Asking About HIPAA Training

You must inquire about the completion of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 training that may be required by your employer or your selected organization.

You may also visit the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website, Health Information Privacy, available via the following resource to learn more about the HIPAA Act of 1996 and how it applies to you.

Looking Ahead

Throughout this capstone course, you are required to turn in five assignments, specifically in Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.

If you have not done so already, take some time to read through these assignments to understand what is required of you.


The actual capstone experience includes one meeting (phone, web conference, or on-site) with a practicing healthcare professional within a selected healthcare organization to confirm the topic and the method for analysis of the issue, as well as any related details. Details may include how to access data, defining one’s role as a temporary volunteer, the possibility of completing a short HIPAA orientation online, and so forth. Each organization will have specific structures within which you will work.

Learners with healthcare experience or who are actively employed within a healthcare organization should feel free to utilize this capstone experience as an opportunity to showcase their healthcare leadership competencies. Learners who are employed in a healthcare organization typically work within their employer organization due to ease of access and the opportunity to add value to the organization.

Existing data may be found within the public domain (such as government or accrediting body websites) or within your selected organization. You will request permission to view existing organizational data, and you must include a statement that you will uphold confidentiality regarding any proprietary information.

Week 1 Prepare 2: Selecting a Data Analysis Project Topic


Take some time now to select a topic for your data analysis project. Please note that every learner in this course must have a unique topic. Complying with the following recommendations will help narrow the topic and ensure logical flow and reasonable scope.

  • Locate a research study that has already addressed the issue and focus on 1–3 performance indicators examined in that study.
  • Check your logic: Is it already established in the literature that there is a direct relationship between the problem you have identified and the performance indicators you are going to review? If not, read the literature once again to discover what performance indicators or variables are relevant to your problem.
  • Determine whether you can draw a visual diagram, graph, pie chart, or any other visual infrastructure to summarize or group the data you are examining. If you can label an X and Y axis, then you probably have a measurable topic.
  • Remember that, if you are using benchmarks, the organizations or topics must be similar in scope and nature for a valid comparison. For example, avoid benchmarking aspects of a rural 20 patient average daily census non-profit hospice against a national for-profit hospice with an average daily census of 17,000 patients.

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Assignment Readings

Stress not only affects the structure and function of the brain, but its genetic makeup as well. In this module you were introduced to the various effects stress has on each body system, including the reproductive system. New research suggests that experiencing intense psychological trauma may have a genetic impact on a person’s future children. In the following video, Dr. Rachel Yehuda studied the genetic effects in a population of Holocaust survivors and found variations from the norm in both generations for the gene associated with depression and anxiety disorders. The findings imply that children of individuals who experience profound stress in life may be more likely to develop stress or anxiety disorders themselves.

Can Trauma Be Passed to the Next Generation Through DNA?
 PBS Learning Media. Accessed at

Answer the following questions in essay format. For additional details, see the Case Assignment directions below.

How does experiencing trauma affect a person’s life?

Describe the term epigenetics. How does stress play a role in epigenetics?

Describe an event in history that could have caused stress-related changes to the next generation (some examples include the Holocaust, 9-11 terrorist attack, the Dutch famine of 1944). Include the disorders these children experienced (such as anxiety, depression, mental disorders, etc).

Why might it be helpful to know how children will be affected by trauma their parents experienced?

What kinds of events going on in the world right now could be producing similar effects in future generations?

Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Effects of Trauma.

Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-pt font, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (i.e., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay.

M.H.M. Reul, J., Gutierrez-Mecinas, M., Collins, A., & F. Trollope, A. (2012). 

Epigenetics of stress

Epigenetics of lifestyle (pp. 70-89). BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS. 

Chapter 3 Epigenetics of Stress
Chapter 5 Epigenetics of Nutrition

OpenStax College, Chapter 14. Stress and Illness

Publishing, H. H. (n.d.). Uncovering the link between emotional stress and heart disease. Retrieved September 28, 2017, from

Norris, J. (2011, February 03). Aging, Chronic Disease and Telomeres Are Linked in Recent Studies. Retrieved September 28, 2017, from

Henderson, D. F., Nelson, D. L., & Quick, J. C. (2017). Social class, health, stress, and heart disease. In C. L. Cooper, & J. C. Quick (Eds.), The handbook of stress and health (pp. 630-645). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Chapter 2 Impact of Stress

Chapter 3 Personality




In your own words, please write at least three strong and thorough paragraphs (in your own words) demonstrating your knowledge of the subject matter.

1. Think about the case of Jonna. According to chapter 2 (ATTACHED), counselors do not have magic words or tricks to use when someone is experiencing intense grief. We do, however, have the power of human connection. Does this connection excite you or scare you? Why?

2. If you were a counselor working with clients who experienced a crisis, which theoretical model or approach would you use? Why? It will be important for your response to demonstrate how your knowledge and skills have expanded this semester.

3. In chapter 7 (ATTACHED), the author discussed myths about suicide behavior provided by the World Health Organization. Did any of the myths surprise you? Which one(s) and why? It will be important for your response to demonstrate how your knowledge and skills have expanded this semester.

4. How are traumatic events in the military community experienced differently than they might be in the civilian community?  It will be important for your response to demonstrate how your knowledge and skills have expanded this semester.

5. What understanding will you gain, what skills will you acquire, and lesson will you learn if you were earning your certificate from FEMA Crisis Response Training?

Outdoor Play Activities

Choose two age groups from the following:



Preschoolers (ages 3-4)

Kindergarten (age 5-6)

Early Elementary (ages 6-8)

Older Elementary (ages 9-11)

Construct a list of 4 age-appropriate large motor physical activities or games for children for outdoor play. 

Two activities for each of the two age groups of your choosing.

Research various websites, articles, or books and locate physical outdoor activities or games for a specific grade level and age group of children.  

Each game or activity must have a cited source.  Try to be creative and innovative.  The game of “tag” probably doesn’t have a source (Who made up “tag”?)- but there are lots of forms of tag that are very creative.

Include objectives for each large motor activity or game

Hint: What are children learning by doing this activity or game?  (“just getting exercise” is not sufficient)

Use the Physical Education TEKS to an external site.  as a source for what you would learn from an activity or game

Think about physical, social, emotional and cognitive benefits – include benefits from at least two of these areas. 

Use the following format:

  1. Each game or activity must have a cited source.  
  2. Describe the large motor outdoor activity or game step-by-step so anyone could pick up the activity and use it.
  3. **If the activity involves water, a safety tip MUST be included
  4. Include objectives for each activity or game
  5. Include one thing you would adjust in the activity for a child who has different physical abilities than a typical child of that age.

Applied Sciences [u01a1] Week 1 Assignment: Video Introduction and Topic Selection



Create a short (less than 2 minutes) video introduction to yourself using a webcam and PowerPoint slides.

The video may be recorded in Kaltura or other compatible technology where the webcam and slide view are concurrently visible. The Using KalturaLinks to an external site. Campus resource can answer many of your Kaltura questions. If you choose to use technology other than Kaltura for your presentation, get permission from your instructor in advance. The requirement is to produce a continuous presentation which does not require manual advances to view slides and hear audio.

Use the Video Introduction & Topic Selection Template to create your PowerPoint slides.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Your name and current or desired employment.
  • Your current or desired area of practice and your desired focus in healthcare.
  • Three NCHL healthcare executive competencies you believe are your strengths.
  • Three NCHL healthcare executive competencies, which you would like to develop further.
  • The topic area you would like to focus on for a data analysis project in this course. Cite relevant healthcare literature to support your choice of a topic area.
  • The value the data analysis project would bring to a healthcare organization (value proposition).
  • The relevance of the data analysis project to your current or future career interests and goals.

Additional Requirements

  • Assignment Format: In the video you create, display both PowerPoint slides and a webcam video of you presenting the information contained in the slides.
  • Slides: Use the Video Introduction & Topic Selection Template to create your PowerPoint slides.
  • Video Length: A maximum of two minutes.
  • APA Formatting: Format any in-text citations and references according to current APA style and formatting. Evidence and APALinks to an external site. can help with this.
  • Submission Requirements: Submit your video presentation in the Assignment area.