Prof Double R



For this journal reflection, you will do the following:

  1. Describe an example from your life of an ethical situation in which you had a strong moral intuition or feeling.
  2. Describe your decision-making process for that situation.
    1. What biases can you identify in that situation?
  3. Choose an ethical framework from the Module Guide.
  4. Explain the use of the ethical framework in your ethical situation.
    1. How would this ethical framework describe the main ethical issues in this situation?
    2. Which ethical principles would be most important to consider?
  5. Reflect on the experience of using an ethical framework.
    1. How was it different from your typical approach to an ethical dilemma?

Note: Be mindful in deciding which information you choose to share about yourself. Your instructor is here to support you. However, be sure to choose an example that you would be comfortable with another person reading and responding to.

What to Submit

Submit your journal reflection as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You must cite the ethical framework you choose for this assignment. Follow APA citation guidelines when citing sources both throughout and at the end of your paper. 

Walden individual projects 3


This week, we are focusing on social change in our discussions. You will often be asked to think about social change during your time at Walden, and hopefully, you will pursue social change in your professional life as well.

Let’s begin by looking at how social change is defined within Walden’s 2020-21 catalog:

“Walden University defines positive social change as a deliberate process of creating and applying ideas, strategies, and actions to promote the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and societies. Positive social change results in the improvement of human and social conditions.”

In at least one paragraph, complete the questions/tasks below. Be as specific as possible:

What is your definition of social change? This answer should come from you, so please do not look up any definitions. This is about your thoughts.
How does social change happen in your life? Think about different aspects of your life, including personal, professional, and educational.
Quote an idea or passage from Walden’s definition.
Explain how the quote connects with your own ideas about social change.
Weekly Discussion Challenge: 
Look at Part A. In a one sentence summary, explain the main idea of Walden’s social change definition in your own words. Underline this sentence in your posting.

Click to explore your personal connection to change.
Part B

Click the link below for John Flintoff’s TED talk, How to change the world:

Flintoff, J. (2012). How to change the world.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17  minutes.

Click to access instructions for accessing transcript for this TED Talk. 
In Part A of this discussion, you are thinking about your definition and ideas about social change. In John Flintoff’s TED Talk, he explains how social change can be made with the smallest gestures that do not require wealth or celebrity. Keep this in mind, as you watch, listen to, or read the transcript of Flintoff’s Talk.

In at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences), complete the questions/tasks below. Be as specific as possible:

Introduce the TED Talk by author and/or title, and then give a short summary (tell what it is about in your own words).
Think about the ideas you discussed in Part A. How do Flintoff’s ideas tie in with your views of social change? Use a direct quote from the TED Talk and follow it with at least one sentence of your own commentary/reaction to the quote.
Open a browser window and type the following into the search bar:
        social change + insert your career field
        (Example: social change + nursing)
What topics or themes do you notice?
Describe one example of social change that interests you.
Make sure to touch on each of the topics/questions in the bullets above. Feel free to explore any ideas related to the TED Talk.

On or Before Day 7

Read the Part C instructions carefully before you respond to classmates as they differ each week. 

Part C

Write at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences) per response. In each of your response posts, make sure to address at least one of the bullets below:

Ask them a question about the intersection of social change and their career path. With your question, point out how social change directly relates to their lives and professional fields.
Identify a place in Part B where they used a source and reflect on the information and how it was integrated by the writer. How did the source information enhance the writer’s ideas? 
Connect your ideas about social change with their post. Find a bridge between your ideas and theirs, and explain the connection. Explain the connection and describe how and why your ideas are connected to theirs.
Quote your favorite sentence from Part A of their post. 

winning Hearts PP


Please read all instructions ✌️✌️✌️✌️

Winning Hearts Winning Minds Persuasive Presentation

Completion requirements

The Winning Minds and Hearts Persuasive Presentation Assignment 

Purpose Statement:

The ability to share ideas that change the minds and hearts of others, particularly in the organization, is what most communication activities strive for.  In Chapter One, Woodward and Denton (2019), highlight the three types of primary motivations of communication, namely communication as pure information, pure expressions, and pure persuasion, with the hardest to accomplish being pure persuasion.  This is because for us to know that we have accomplished our persuasive goals, there is often confirmation that we need from our target audience, which goes beyond their understanding as in the case of pure information, or just voicing opinions as in the case of pure expression.  In persuasion, in addition to providing understanding and an opportunity to express ourselves, we have the additional task of changing the position of our audience on an issue, and this can be their behaviors, political opinions, behavior, or values.  Yet the ability to change other people’s minds or hearts is a vital skill that is useful in most jobs in most fields.  Even when our jobs are not persuasion-focused, we find ourselves using this skill when we need to present proposals to our supervisors and colleagues. In short, it is essential to be able to articulate and express our ideas to others in a way that elicits a desired response from them. 

Overview of this assignment:

1.      Select any persuasion goal of your choice and come up with the name of the persuasion topic, objective, and target audience for your persuasive presentation. (Please Select the familiar goal for me.)

2. Develop a formal speaking outline written in.  Your speaking outline is a guide that you will use when you make your presentation.  The speaking outline is submitted on Moodle together with the topic in the Week Seven Module, due November 1

3. Use the outline to create your PowerPoint presentation. (8-10 Min with speaking notes)

A. The focus of the assignment:

A persuasive presentation by nature is designed to move audiences; therefore, your topic and its contents should present the organization with an opportunity for them to want to yield to your proposal.

Presentation organization: You will include a Welcome, Introduction, Need/Problem, Solution, Visualization, and Call to Action. Your outline will have enough information for you to speak for 8-10 minutes. 

Presentation length:  

8-10 minutes.  We will adhere to time limits for persuasive presentations.  In the real world, for example, it is disrespectful to an audience for a speaker to violate time expectations.  Please practice your presentation to see if you fall below or above the 8-10-minute threshold and to know if you need to provide more facts and/or information about your topic.

Presentation content

The content of your presentation should reflect your thorough knowledge of your topic and also your awareness of your specific audience.  You need to use language which you know appeals to your audience.  As our textbook explains, one way of drawing our audience’s attention is by using words and phrases that our audience holds in high esteem.  For example, if my audience is a class of American students, I would be aware that words such as fairness and grading fairly are phrases that they hold in high esteem.  Think of your specific audience and think of words that that specific audience holds in high esteem. 


Woodward, GC. & Denton, RE., Jr. (2019). Persuasion and Influence in American Life. (8th ed.). Long Grove: Waveland Press.

Eisenberg, EM., Trethewey, A., LeGreco, M., & Goodall Jr., HL. (2017). Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin


Module 1 – SLP


Make Sure You Have Excel

Excel is free to you as a Trident student. If you do not yet have it on your computer,
follow these instructions:

Install Office 365 from Trident Webmail

Go to your student email account and log in.

1. In the upper left corner of the page, click on the “waffle”:

2. Then select Office 365:

3. Click the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner that says Install Office and
select Office 365 apps:


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4. Follow the instructions from there.

Data, Information, and Organizational Knowledge

In this module, you will be introduced to Excel and some of its basic functions. Here
are some lectures to help you with this SLP

ITM301 from LinkedIn Learning – Module 1: Formatting Tips to Build Compelling

Please note that the link above will open in a new window and may require activation
of a LinkedIn account on the first attempt. Trident students may use their student
email address to access this free subscription to LinkedIn Learning as a part of this

SLP 1 Review Quiz: This quiz will not count toward your grade but allows you to
assess your knowledge.

Enter the information in the spreadsheet below.


1 ITM 389

2 Fall 2020

3 Test1 Test2 Test3 FINAL



#1 #2 #3 PART. AVERAGE

5 Tilly, Susan 999-25-

84 65 89 90

6 Shulz, Ben 999-52-

93 71 97 70

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Privacy Policy | Contact

7 Raymond, Dorthy 998-71-

62 83 58 90

8 Smith, Betty 997-74-

95 94 80 90

Adjust the size of the columns as needed.

Calculate the final average in G – average the 3 test grades and multiply them by .90
(90%) add in the 10% of the participation grade. =c5*.3+d5*.3+e5*.3+f5*.1

Now calculate the average for columns C, D, and E.

After completing the Excel exercises, please upload the Excel file with your results to
SLP 1 Dropbox.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your assignments will be graded following these expectations:

The assignment file must be developed in Excel and saved as .xls file.

Precision: The questions asked are answered.

Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.

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ITM 301 CASE 1 MOD 1

Module 1 – Case


Assignment Overview

Every company has, to a greater or lesser extent, an information subsystem—that is,
a means by which it gathers data, interprets it, and makes it available to employees
through a distribution system. Whether we are talking about marketing information,
cost projections, accounting results, or internal quality reports, every company
depends on information to inform knowledge to support its planning, decision-
making, and control.

So how does knowledge fit into the picture? The emergence of the field called
knowledge management has highlighted some key propositions in the last 10 years
or so. All organizations are storehouses of knowledge that operate in information-rich
environments made up of people and things both inside and outside the organization
itself. Organizations organize, interpret, and evaluate this information to solve
organizational problems.

Networked information technology enables the processing and utilizing information
to advance knowledge. People’s brains are the key knowledge resource of any
organization. Codified knowledge stored in books, audio, videotapes, and computer
systems can be an important knowledge resource as well.

There are organizational processes and strategies for IT management and
management in general. Therefore, these IT processes and strategies, in particular,
can significantly enhance the ability of organizations to use their knowledge
resources for problem solving.

Several of these themes will come up again in later modules in this course. But by
way of introduction to the subject, examine some views of how information sharing
works. Listen to each of the lectures below and then take the quiz (which does not
count in the grading). This will be followed by a case where you see the power of
information sharing enabled by networked computer systems.

These lectures and quiz will help you with the case:


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Case 1 Review Quiz: This quiz will not count toward your grade but allows you to
assess your knowledge.

Case Assignment

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Privacy Policy | Contact

Crowd Funding

What does one do to obtain funding for a new invention, movie, or company? Do you
go to the bank? Do you go to venture capitalists? Do you go to angel investors?
Crowd Funding is an alternative to these traditional sources of funding. is one of the largest of these crowdfunding websites. Here a person
posts about the project with a description, maybe a video, and the funding needed.
Backers then pledge money to the project. If the funding goal is not reached, then
the project is stopped with return of any pending obligations of support.

Kickstarter started in 2009, and since that time has been focused on helping creative
types find funding sources. Since 2009 it has received almost 2 billion dollars in
pledges from 10 billion backers for over 260,000 projects such as films, music, stage
shows, comics, journalism, video games, technology, and food-related projects. So
this is a great opportunity for aspiring new artists, inventors, etc., to obtain funding.
This is happening on Kickstarter with 1000’s of dollars pledged each day, where the
creator of the projects keeps 100 percent ownership of the project in which investors
decide they want to invest.

Go to and look at the various project categories. Select a category
and a project of interest to you. Provide a description for one of your selected
projects, including the offerings and number of backers. Discuss the pledges, the
amounts of the pledges, and the numbers of people for different pledge amounts.
What does the pledge amount tell you about the motivation of the customers?

Explain why crowdfunding may be advantageous to new entrepreneurs. How does
Kickstarter seek to build a community for the entrepreneurs?

What information must an entrepreneur provide to get funding? How does
Kickstarter manage the collection and transfer of pledges? Would you use this site
yourself or recommend it to others?

Assignment Expectations

You are to produce an analysis of Kickstarter. In doing this analysis you will answer
the questions asked. Use a table to show the Kickstarter offerings and the number
of backers. Then discuss these pledges and why this crowdfunding is of advantage
to entrepreneurs. Using several products compare the type of information the
entrepreneur needs to get funding and discuss if you would invest or recommend to
others. In 3 or 4 pages, provide your discussion and analysis—we encourage the
use of spreadsheets and tables to justify your response.

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Nervous and Integumentary Systems Exploration


Part 1: Nervous System In-Depth Analysis

Overview and Functions:

  • Provide a detailed overview of the nervous system, outlining its primary components and functions.
  • Explain the role of the nervous system in maintaining homeostasis.

Structures and Subdivisions:

  • Identify and describe the main structures of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
  • Explore the subdivisions of the nervous system and their specific functions.

Common Medical Terms:

  • Compile a list of 10 common medical terms related to the nervous system.
  • For each term, provide the root, prefix, suffix, and the meaning of the combined term.
Part 2: Integumentary System Exploration

Anatomy and Functions:

  • Present a comprehensive overview of the integumentary system, detailing its anatomy and functions.
  • Discuss the key roles of the skin in protection, sensation, and temperature regulation.

Layers of the Skin:

  • Explore the layers of the skin, including the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Explain the functions and characteristics of each layer.

Medical Terminology Application:

  • Generate a list of 10 medical terms associated with the integumentary system.
  • Break down each term by providing the root, prefix, suffix, and the meaning of the combined term.

Medical health information technology

Apa format

TOPIC:  Regulatory

AHIMA Competency V.2:  Demonstrate compliance with external forces

Analyze and compare the governmental organizations that develop regulations in the area of preventing and controlling infections and explain the regulatory approaches, policies and procedures, and standards instituted by healthcare facilities.  

Use graphical presentations.

Apa format 

Applied Sciences Hit homework Apa format 200-250 words

TOPIC:  Control of Infections

Discuss why the control of infections is so important in healthcare organizations.

In subsequent three posts, discuss substantively with peers and/or me the status of the coronavirus which has devastated our families, communities and the world. Remember when it was forecasted that 200,000 was going to die and we thought that was absurd?  Now we are beyond the crisis of Covid-19, what’s new:  Money Pox, vaccines, boosters? 

EQ:  Are we virus-free?  Defend why healthcare organizations require their staff to have certain vaccinations in order to be employed at the facility?

Compose Literature Review


Using the outline created in Week 7, you will use scaffolding for developing your literature review. To conduct a literature review, you need to critically analyze your Doctoral Project or Dissertation-in-Practice topic from a scientific and objective perspective. You need to clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of multiple perspectives and synthesize the existing literature into a cohesive view of the existing situation. In a doctoral project, the literature review involves more than describing or reporting on each topic. Instead, you will focus on developing a balanced, integrative, and critical review of the body of scholarly, professional, or industry literature, academic and industry, as it relates to the identified problem, while ensuring all perspectives are included.

Rather than choosing resources that only support your identified problem or your assertions about the problem (which is convergence), you must also address those resources that present different points of view about the problem (this is divergence). Addressing divergent viewpoints is sometimes referred to as refuting an argument or assertion because you explain why the viewpoint is inaccurate, invalid, unreliable, or irrelevant to the problem. In creating your literature review, you want to present a holistic view of the literature with both convergent and divergent resources.

Health Care Financial Management


The goal of this assignment is to use an organization’s financial information to create financial statements (balance sheet, statement of operations, and statement of changes in net assets).

In your eTextbook at the end of Chapter 2, locate Question 22 within “Review Questions and Problems.” Using the financial information provided for Sharpe Medical Center in the table, provide

  • a      completed statement of operations,
  • a      statement of changes in net assets, and
  • a      balance sheet.

To conclude this assignment, you must also

  • analyze      the organization’s financial position using the information contained      within the financial statements that you composed, and 
  • create      a summary of the organization’s financial strength based on the financial      statements.

Your submission should be at least three pages, not counting the title or reference page. At a minimum, you must cite your eTextbook, but you may use other outside sources as well. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

22. Multiple statements. The following are account balances (in thousands) at September 30, 20X1, for Sharpe Medical Center. Prepare (a) a balance sheet, (b) a statement of operations, and (c) a statement of changes in net assets for September 30, 20X1.

Givens (in ’000s)  

Inventory $5,000

Patient revenue (net of contractuals) $402,000

Gross plant, property, and equipment $450,000

Net accounts receivable $95,000

Ending balance, net assets with donor restrictions $24,000

Wages payable $8,600

Long‐term debt $320,000

Supply expense $44,000

Net assets released from donor restriction $9,000

Depreciation expense $54,000

General expense $100,000

Bad debt expense $6,500

Cash and cash equivalents $58,000

Transfer to parent corporation ($7,900)

Beginning balance, net assets without donor restrictions $250,000

Accounts payable $16,000

Beginning balance, net assets with donor restrictions $33,000

Interest expense $4,000

Labor expense $180,000

Accumulated depreciation $70,000

Long‐term investments $95,200

Ending balance, net assets without donor restrictions $264,600