Week 1 – Class Organic Based Disorder

Look at this week’s University Library Resources. In particular, watch “Intersections of Mental Health and Incarceration.”

Write a 900 word analysis of the video that describes the relationship between crime and mental illness. Include the following:

  • Summarize the main points in the video regarding crime and mental illness.
  • Explain the relationship between crime and mental illness.
  • Describe treatment considerations for the mentally ill population in the correctional setting.
  • Describe how the prevalence of mental illness in the criminal justice system affects society.

Case HRM 403 Mod 1

Module 1 – Case


Assignment Overview

Material useful to the assignment:

Ahammad, M. F., Glaister, K. W., Sarala, R. M., & Glaister, A. J. (2018). Strategic
Talent Management in Emerging Markets. Thunderbird International Business
Review, 60(1), 5-8. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Glaister, A. J., Karacay, G., Demirbag, M., & Tatoglu, E. (2018). HRM and
performance–The role of talent management as a transmission mechanism in an
emerging market context. Human Resource Management Journal, 28(1), 148-166.
Available in the Trident Online Library.

Skillgigs. (2019, February 26). Top 13 new recruitment trends of 2019: Hiring made
simple [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaIy06D1blQ. Standard
YouTube license.

• Articles retrieved from EBSCO eBooks in the Trident Online Library (click on
“Additional Library Resources” under the library search box on the TLC course home
page. Then click “Business Source Complete.” Type the article title in the search

Case Assignment

After you have read two of the background readings (Ahammad, Glaister, Sarala, &
Glaister, 2018; Ng & Sears, 2021), and watched the Skillgigs (2019) video, write an
essay that identifies and discusses five emerging globalization trends in HRM.

Do you see these trends within your own workplace?

Rank the five in the order of their importance to your organization.

How does your organization determine which trends are the most important to its

Of the HRM trends you found in your research, but not in your organization, which
one or two do you hope to see embraced the future? Why?


5/1/24, 8:29 AM Case – HRM403 Global HRM (2024APR29FT-1)

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Remember to provide an introduction to your paper and a conclusion (but do not
insert a heading of “Introduction”). The heading of a paper should be the name or
topic of an assignment. Also cite sources and include a References page that
includes at least one high-quality peer-reviewed reference found in the Trident
Online Library in addition to the two required readings for this assignment. Select
“peer-reviewed” as a filter for results as well as a 3-year date range to obtain the
most recent published articles.

Your assignment (at least 3 – 4 pages, which means not less than 3 full pages,
not counting the cover page and References page), should be submitted to the
dropbox on or before the module due date.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Meets assignment requirements: Answers each assignment question and follows
assignment instructions closely.

Critical thinking: Alternatives considered, with best answer/solution defended.
Argument is well developed. Logic is clear and easy to follow.

Writing and assignment organization: Uses scholarly vocabulary. Writes in
coherent paragraphs. No errors in spelling or grammar. Uses clear, engaging

Use of sources and mechanics: Demonstrates mastery formatting in-text citations
and references. Uses relevant and quality sources to support compelling ideas
and convey understanding of the topic to shape the whole work.

Timeliness of assignment: Assignment submitted on or before due date.

5/1/24, 8:29 AM Case – HRM403 Global HRM (2024APR29FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/212786/viewContent/5333135/View 2/2

Wastewater Management in New York April 30

Writing a Journal

Journal articles: components
– Title

– Author(s)

– Abstract: the summary

– Introduction: what was the context that inspired this research?

– Literature review: how have other researchers studied this issue or similar issues?

– Methods: what did the author(s) do to reach their results?

– Findings: what were the results from this research study?

– Discussion: what do these results mean? What should be done?

– Conclusion: what are the main arguments that the author(s) make?

Journal articles: how to read them
1. Start with the abstract

2. Read the conclusion

3. Read the Introduction

4. Read the findings

5. Read the methods

6. Read the discussion

7. Read the conclusion again

8. Re-read from start to finish if needed

How to start writing
● Start with the methods

● Results / findings

● Discussion

● Introduction

● Conclusion

● Abstract

Methods section
1. Data

1. Geographic scope / sample population + WHY THIS SCOPE / SAMPLE?

2. Type of data: quantitative or qualitative or both

3. What is it? (e.g., locations, survey responses, atmospheric carbon volume over time, etc.)

2. Data collection:

1. How was the data gathered?

2. If surveying or interviewing, how were participants identified and recruited?

3. Data Analysis: How was data analyzed? Why were these analysis methods used?

4. Validation: How was the data or results validated?

Activity: Understand the methods section
● Read the methods section of my article
● Identify the following:

○ Data: what is the geographic scope? What is the sample population? Why?
What type of data is used?

○ Data collection: What methods were used to collect data? How were
participants identified and recruited?

○ Data analysis: What methods were used to analyze the data? Why were these
methods used?

○ Validation: Was there any validation strategy used? If so, what?

In pairs:

● Describe the where, how, what, and why for your planned or collected

● Where: what’s the geographic scope of your data?

● How will you collect the data?

● What: identify the basic properties e.g., quantitative or qualitative

● Why: Identify two reasons you will use this data, and one limitation

Your methods section

Journal articles: how to find them

– Google scholar (scholar.google.com)

– JSTOR (Browse by subject)

– Hofstra library – speak with a librarian!

Journal articles: how to read them
1. Start with the abstract

2. Read the conclusion

3. Read the Introduction

4. Read the findings

5. Read the methods

6. Read the discussion

7. Read the conclusion again

8. Re-read from start to finish if needed

Journal articles: ACTIVITY
Part 1: Find and article that can be relevant to your research (from the

journal you selected). Write down the following about the Journal Article:

● Article title

● Author name(s)

● Year published

● Journal name, volume

● Page numbers

Journal articles: ACTIVITY
Part 2: Read the article and write down the following:

● What is the problem they tried to solve? (What questions did they


● What were the main findings?

● What methods were used to reach those results/conclusions?

● What’s the argument made?

● In what ways is this article helpful for your research?

Pay attention to how each section is written and what it includes.

Journal articles: how to cite them (list of references)


Last name, Initials. (Year). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page

range. DOI or URL

Chicago Manual Style:

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title of Article: Subtitle.” Title of

Journal Volume, Issue: page range. DOI or URL or Database Name.

Journal articles: how to cite them (in-text citations)

(Author last name, Year) – (Pesci, 2012)

(First author last name et al., Year) – (Pesci et al., 2023)

For direct quotes: (Author last name, Year, p. X) – “Quote” (Pesci, 2012, p. 14)

Chicago Manual Style:

(Author last name Year) – (Pesci 2012)

(First author last name et al. Year) – (Pesci et al. 2023)

For direct quotes: (Author last name Year: X) – “Quote” (Pesci 2012: 14)

Annotated bibliography exercise
1. Use APA or Chicago manual style to write the citation for the journal article you found

for the list of references.

2. Write a summary that includes your answers to these questions:

● What is the problem they tried to solve? (What questions did they ask?)

● What were the main findings?

● What methods were used to reach those results/conclusions?

● What’s the argument made?

● In what ways is this article helpful for your research?

Citation exercise

1. Use APA or Chicago manual style to write the citation for the

journal article you found for the list of references.

2. Choose a finding from the article that you may want to

include in your research paper or proposal

3. Paraphrase the finding into a sentence and include an in-text


Citation management tools
● Zotero
● Mendeley

Clinical Reflection Report

Please see the attached file for instructions. Below are my clinical rotations and what I learned. I am a Respiratory Tech Student. So pretend to be with me and come up with a great Clinical Reflection Report 

1st Rotation:
UMMS (Univeesity of Maryland Medical Center)
Spring 2023 – Intro basic treatment to patients on floors and ICUIS

2nd Rotation:
Saint Agnes Hospital in Baltimore Maryland
Summer 2023 – ICU and Floors Rotations intro to Ventilator

3rd Rotation
Winchester Medical Center
Fall 2023 – ICU Rotation – Ventilators, Patients in X-ray, MRI and CT, Pyxies training, I/Stat blood processing, 





For this assignment, you will be analyzing primary and secondary data sources. 


1. For this paper, you are required to compose an APA paper spanning 1-2 pages (with a minimum of one full page), encompassing the following components:

1. Introduction paragraph

2. Overview of the primary data source and its content

3. Exploration of secondary data sources, encompassing: 

1. A discussion of two registries

2. An examination of at least one database

4. A conclusion paragraph to summarize the key points and findings, wrapping up the paper. 

5. You should have at least 2-3 references to support the information in your paper. 

2. Utilize the sample APA paper and APA resources to complete your paper.  

Applied Sciences Assignment

Consider students in grades 5th-7th for this assignment. Select a specific disability category (intellectual disability, specific learning disability, emotional behavior disorders, autism spectrum disorder, traumatic brain injury, or orthopedic impairment). Create a 250-500 word digital brochure that could be given to families and provide information about services and supports for individuals with disabilities.

The brochure should include the following:

  • Short rationale explaining how you will use the brochure to communicate with parents/guardians and establish mutual expectations to help you work collaboratively to support child development and achievement.
  • Short definition and explanation of the disability category including the developmental and individual differences typically associated with the disability category.
  • Three developmentally appropriate, specially designed instructional strategies that can be used to address the educational needs of students with this disability.
  • Three intervention strategies families can implement at home to promote communication skills, social skills, and literacy skills in their children affected by the chosen disability.
  • Three communication/collaboration strategies that can be employed by the state, school, service providers, and parents/guardians to implement intervention services to support student achievement and development.
  • Recommend local organizations families could use to learn more about the disability and community services that might be available to them. Provide contact information for the organizations and services.

Support the assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Director's Resource Template

    Use the figures in Director’s   Resource 5-6 (pg. 142)  to determine how many children will be in each   group for the next six months. If licensing requires one adult for every   4 infants, one for every 8 toddlers, and one for   every 12 preschoolers, use the information provided to   determine what effect will the changing enrollment have on your budget.

Health informatics Article

I have chosen the article Meeting the challenge: Health information technology’s essential role in achieving precision medicine

I need ppt slides as the same file i have uploaded( same sequence.Article Overview.Introduction.Objective.Method.Results.Conclusions. youtube link to to explain the topic)

Another is a 2 page word file summary for the article

All files are attached and instructions and article.

Economics and statistics

The target length for the paper is 10-12 pages.

What question do you want to answer with your regressions?
Why is this question important?
What is your hypothesis about what the answer will be?
What reasons do you have to form this hypothesis rather than the opposite hypothesis?
Are there reasons your hypothesis might turn out to be wrong? What are they?
What organization created your data?
Where and when are the data from ?
What variables do they contain?
Present summary statistics about the data
how many observations are there?
mean, median, min, max, standard deviation of the important variables in your data? put these in a table.
What are some limitations of the data?
Are they representative of the whole population or just some kinds of people?
Are they missing any values?
Are all of the variables measured well? Or might some of them contain error?
What measures do you construct from the variables in your dataset?
Do you use them as they are?
Do you make any into categories ?
Do you add, subtract, divide, multiply, or otherwise transform any of them to make new measures from your data?
What regressions will you run? Write them down in the order that you’ll run them
How to choose regressions: Did you make any important, subjective decisions when deciding how to run the regression? e.g. did you drop any observations, impute any missing values, create any binary or categorical variables from continuous variables? Try making these decisions a few different ways and run each of the corresponding regressions.
Display the y = B0 + B1*x + …. formulas for each of the regressions you’ll run
Display each of your regressions one-by-one and discuss them individually
Discuss which coefficients are significant, which coefficients are large, and how their significance and size does or does not stay consistent across all the regressions you run.
Comment on how your R^2 and adjusted R^2 evolve
Show residual plots and discuss which observations are/are not systematically over- or under-predicted.
Summarize your findings and re-state why they are important.

It is using some kind of econ stat.

Discrete probability distributions
Continuous probability distributions
Sampling and sampling distributions
Interval estimation
Hypothesis testing
Inference with two populations
Inference about population variance
Simple linear regression
Multiple regression
Time Series

With real-life sample problem in the real world with the data that we find through online. 

GIS Project in Public Administration

*Note* The topic and abstract have been completed with two voice threads from my professor for feedback. This is a serious project so if you are not familiar with GIS please do not accept this assignment. It is due before May and I will not have time to make any corrections. The project is based on Binghamton NY and is expected to be completed based on that population and demographic.

Assignment Description: In this GIS project, you will explore the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in addressing a relevant issue in any field of public administration. The project will involve identifying a specific area, community, or stakeholder group affected by a particular problem, creating a GIS map to visualize the problem, analyzing the available data, concocting a potential solution, and discussing the importance of GIS in addressing this challenge.

Task 1: Problem Identification and Data Collection: Begin by selecting an area, community, or other target population that experiences some problem.  Research and collect relevant data sources that can contribute to understanding the problem. Consider both spatial (geographic) and attribute (non-spatial) data.

Task 2: GIS Map Creation: Using a GIS software of your choice (such as ArcGIS, or QGIS), create a comprehensive map that illustrates the issue in the selected service area. Ensure that the map is visually appealing, clear, and effectively communicates the problem.

Task 3: GIS Analysis and Problem Solving: Utilize GIS tools and techniques to analyze the collected data and identify potential causes or contributing factors to the problem. Perform spatial analysis operations such as buffer analysis, network analysis, or hotspot analysis to uncover patterns and relationships. Identify key areas of concern that require intervention.

Task 4: Discussion on the Importance of GIS: Write a comprehensive discussion on the significance of GIS in addressing the problem/concern. Explain how GIS helps public administrators in understanding, planning, and managing challenges. Discuss the benefits of GIS in decision-making processes, urban planning, infrastructure development, etc.

Note: Remember to appropriately cite all data sources, references, and any external resources used in your project.