Reinforcement procedures in Applied Behavior Analysis

Review the following scenarios and indicate which kind of reinforcement procedure you would employ. Be sure to justify your answers with the literature, as it is possible that there can be more than one possible answer for one or more of the following:

  • Mike bangs his head when he cannot figure out his math homework.
  • June needs to increase her study sessions.
  • Maria twirls her hair during public speaking engagements at a high rate.
  • Sally answers questions before she hears the entire question, often getting it wrong.
  • Michelle leaves several voicemails in a row – without waiting for a call back.
  • Mike chugs his beers at happy hour.
  • Dana swears too much when watching football.

APA format

Check for AI & Plagiarism 

Help Me If You Can

I have some questions that require at least 100 words each as well as a resource

1.  How does effective, supportive classroom management positively affect students’ behavior? How does poor classroom management negatively affect students’ behavior? How can these influences define the culture of the classroom? 

2.  How does an accurate understanding of student diversity (i.e., cultural, gender, social class, and developmental differences) affect teachers’ perspectives and expectation of behavior? How should student diversity as well as other school variables (i.e., class size, location, resources) be taken into consideration when developing your classroom management philosophy? 

3.  After reading the topic materials on classroom management, what valuable points do you believe were most helpful for classroom management? Why are these points so valuable to you? Provide specific examples from your own experience in the classroom or your field experience hours with your mentor teacher. 

4.  Student use of technology can enhance learning, but it can also create challenges with classroom management. Describe one procedural challenge of implementing student use of technology and one solution to that challenge. 

5.  While secondary students need to grow and become more independent and responsible for themselves, there are still benefits to having families involved in their child’s education. List 2-3 benefits of having families involved in what is happening in the classroom. 

6.  Technology can be an excellent tool for teachers to incorporate into their classroom. How could it be used during transitional times, such as entering and exiting the class, changing activities, etc.? 

Applied Sciences Signature Assignment

Our county has a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) with two designated mental health providers to provide school-based therapy. They meet the specific requirements and guidelines of our state and district. These are the only providers we allow to meet with students and conduct therapy sessions during school hours. An intake process is completed and informed consent is provided by the parent/guardian. 

There is a private mental health provider that continuously tries to see his clients during school hours. He has been told that he is not allowed to conduct therapy on campus.  In response to this, he gets parents to add him to their child’s emergency contact list and permission to check-out list.  He has been seen driving students around town to run his errands, taking them to restaurants, going to the park etc., all while billing the students insurance for the time he has the client. He is now picking up 2-3 students at a time and states he is providing “group therapy”, while he is billing insurance for each client.  

School administrators are encouraged to express concerns with parents regarding the amount of instruction lost, potential misuse of funds/bills, and inefficient therapy provided. A number of administrators actually advocate to allow him to come because he often works with many of their “problem behaviors.” They have stated, “he actually answers when we call” or “I’m just glad to get this student off campus for a while.” This provider will also buy food, clothes, pay phone/light bills for parents/families, etc.,  so this makes it very difficult to explain to the parent the misuse of funds or substandard therapy he is providing.  They see him as a resource and  financial support to them. In addition to all of this, the provider’s wife is a private, licensed psychologist who provides diagnoses and recommendations for therapy services, so most of his clients are referred to him by his wife’s company.   

Use References below:

Rosenberg, N. E., & Schwartz, I. S. (2019). Guidance or Compliance: What Makes an Ethical Behavior Analyst? Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(2), 473.

Brodhead, M. T. (2019). Culture Always Matters: Some Thoughts on Rosenberg and Schwartz. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(4), 826.

NCHL Leadership Self-Assessment, Reflection, and Personal Development Plan


Week 9 Assignment: NCHL Leadership Self-Assessment, Reflection, and Personal Development Plan


You have been practicing NCHL competencies throughout the program. Now is an ideal time to reflect upon your growth, and to set a few specific action steps for future career development. Examining your growth in each of the healthcare executive competencies is a helpful way to identify behavioral examples of skill execution.

This assessment has three parts:

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment

Assess the development of your leadership skills over the course of your MHA program.

Part 2: Reflection

Write a paragraph reflecting on your capstone project and what you learned about your own leadership abilities.

Part 3: Personal Development Plan

Identify measurable action steps for future career development by creating three SMART goals for future healthcare leadership competency development.


Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment

Complete a self-assessment of your health leadership competencies using the STAR Format Competency Rating Table. Instructions for filling in the table are included in the document.

In completing the self-assessment, make sure you do the following:

  • Assess personal progress toward developing NCHL health leadership competencies.
    • Compare your baseline competency rating at the start of your program with your current competency rating.
    • Explain any new insights from your competency assessment.
  • Describe specific examples of how you have demonstrated NCHL health leadership competencies, with the intent of improving healthcare outcomes.

Part 2: Reflection

Write a succinct one-paragraph reflection about your experience completing the capstone project. Include what you learned about your own leadership abilities as you worked on the project.

Describe an example of inspirational team leadership you have experienced. Who provided the leadership? What was inspirational about it? What leadership traits did it demonstrate?

Include your reflection in the space provided toward the bottom of the STAR Format Competency Rating Table.

Part 3: Personal Development Plan

Create three SMART goals for your future development of healthcare leadership competencies. Include at least one SMART goal related to creating an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in healthcare settings.

You will recall that SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Using these parameters as you create your goals helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.

Include your reflection in the space provided toward the bottom of the STAR Format Competency Rating Table.

SLP MOD 3 hrm 403

Module 3 – SLP


Global Cultural Differences

Performance management systems and appraisals are very common in the United States and some other
countries. However, challenges can be experienced when performance management approaches are used
in other countries where multinational organizations have operations, or when they are used with
employees who have diverse backgrounds with characteristics very different from those of an American

In some countries and cultures, it is uncommon for managers to rate employees or to give them feedback,
particularly if some points are negative. For instance, in Saudi Arabia, China, and Japan, there is a high
respect for authority and age. Furthermore, in some cultures, employees may view criticism from superiors
as a personal attack rather than useful constructive criticism and feedback.

Task: Working with your HR Department, develop a short presentation for an orientation session with new
employees that discusses the importance of using an ethical and respectful performance management
system. Describe what it would look like with your current employer. If you are not employed, be creative
and develop one you would like to implement wherever you work in the future. Alternatively, you can refer
to this type of situation at a past employer.

Note that younger workers today do not want to see slides full of words or clip art. They want to see no
more than “5 words and a picture” on each slide, and the pictures must be of real people. All those other
words you want to put on each slide must be put on the notes pages instead of on the slides.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your presentation should be between 8 and 12 slides (not counting the cover and reference list slides) but
can be more slides to meet the preferences of today’s younger workers. (There should be only one topic
on each slide—of 5 words or less.) Each slide should have a picture of real people rather than clip art

Structure of Submission:

Use your own words, rather than copying sentences from the article.

Use a consistent font size on each slide. Add slide headings, a cover page, and a slide with your
reference list.

APA Style – Trident encourages all students to comply with guidelines for proper citation of references.
Do not copy the references from the course. Instead, look up how to format them in the guidelines
provided by your professor. See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition. or the Purdue OWL website

Include at least one high-quality reference found in the Trident Online Library in addition to the two
required readings for this assignment. Select “peer-reviewed” as a filter for results as well as a 3-year
date range to obtain the most recent published articles.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: Cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.


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Critical thinking: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions are
analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing: Uses scholarly writing to an appropriately specialized audience.

Assignment Organization and Quality References: Uses relevant and quality sources to support ideas,
and intext citations are properly formatted.

Timeliness of assignment—Assignment submitted on or before due date.

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Respond to your classmate’s discussion. In your response post, response on why you
agree. Please provide a thoughtful reply to promote discussion, critical thinking, and
class interaction of your colleagues. Each of your responses to your classmates should be
at least 150 words in length, and include an APA formatted scholarly resource.


Obesity has many health consequences and can lead to many chronic illnesses (Brown &
Allison, 2013). There are multiple ethical issues related to researching obesity. In some
cultures, obesity is considered a wealth status symbol. By portraying obesity as a
negative condition that needs to be modified, researchers could inadvertently cause
psychological distress, cultural disparities, and identity crises in populations who hold
this belief. To help alleviate this potential issue, cultural and community leaders should
be involved in developing interventions to help create healthy behaviors. Obesity is
caused by many different factors, such as physical activity level, eating habits, medical
conditions, socioeconomic status, and psychological conditions (Brown & Allison, 2013).
It is unethical and unsafe to assume that a person’s behaviors are the sole reason for
their obesity. This type of thinking could cause a person to suffer psychological, mental,
and physical distress. To reduce the possibility of harm, all research participants will
have the ability to remove themselves from the project at any time. All participants will
be closely monitored by health professionals. And all participants should have the ability
to have any and all concerns addressed when they arise. Another ethical issue is the
freedom of choice. In some previous obesity studies, participants were not allowed to
make choices that are known to contribute to obesity (Brown & Allison, 2013). These
limitations resulted in increased obesity after the study was completed as individuals
reverted to making the forbidden choices. To reduce this effect, research participants
must be allowed to make their own decisions, but they need to be aware of the
consequences of those decisions, so that they are informed. Easy-to-understand
education provided in a nonjudgmental way will be key to freedom of choice.

There are multiple opportunities for formal research ethics training. Most companies
require annual training, which might include ethics. There are also a plethora of online
ethics courses and training opportunities. As I am not professionally performing
research currently, I have no current plans to attend formal research ethics training.
However, should I become more interested in public health research or obtain a job in
research, I fully intend to participate in formal research training at that time.


Brown, A. W., & Allison, D. B. (2013). Unintended consequences of obesity-targeted
health policy. AMA Journal of Ethics, 15(4), 339–346.

Applied Sciences Help with Homework

Training Manual Title

Audience: ?

Your name



DeVry University

Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Capture reader’s interest 3
Build case through logic 3
Topic sentence/thesis statement 3
Training Objectives 3
Training Schedule 4
Body (sections specific to your topic) 4
legislative, regulatory, or legal foundation 4
graphics, flow charts, etc. 4
main idea(s) 4
Risk Management 4
Conclusion 5
Restate topic 5
Summarize three main points 5
Revisit introduction or tie all ideas together 5
References 5

Factors for success in a behavior chain procedure in ABA

There were several factors discussed that could increase the potential success of a behavior chain procedure in behavior analysis. Based on all of the readings and support from a resource you have located independently, elaborate on how you will be able to create successful behavior chain procedures and what potential problems you may need to address as a behavior analyst.

APA format

Check for plagiarism and AI

Must include an outside source as well

Need a little help

For the Week 1 Complete assignment, solve each problem and answer each question that
corresponds with it. Explain how you arrived at the answer for each problem. The total word
count for your assignment should be a minimum of 1200 words.

Identify the type of data (qualitative/quantitative) and the level of measurement Explain your

The average monthly temperature in degrees Fahrenheit for the city of Wilmington, Delaware,
through-out the year. 

The ages of the respondents in a survey.

The years in which the respondents to a survey were born.

The ethnicity of the respondents in a survey classi-fied as White, African American, Asian, or

The Arizona Diamondbacks and the city of Phoenix are considering building a new baseball
stadium for the Major League Baseball team. A decision needs to be made whether to enclose
the new facility with a roof. To help make this decision, data were gathered on the number of
days per month it rained during the baseball season, which are shown in the following table. 

a. Construct a frequency distribution for these data. 
b. Using the results from part a, calculate the rela-tive frequencies for each class. 
c. Using the results from part a, calculate the cumulative relative frequencies for each class. 
d. Construct a histogram for these data. 
e. What is the likelihood that a month during the baseball season will experience one day or less 

The following table lists the math SAT scores for 72 students.

a. Using the 2k ≥ n rule, construct a frequency distribution for these data.
b. Using the results from part a, calculate the relative frequencies for each class. 
c. Using the results from part a, calculate the cumulative relative frequencies for each class. 
d. Construct a histogram for these data.

The following data represent the number of days homes were on the market before being sold in
New Castle County, Delaware

a. Calculate the mean. 
b. Calculate the median.
c. Determine the mode. 
d. Which of these three measurements would best describe the central tendency of the data? 
e. Describe the shape of this distribution.

Internet service providers compete on services such as download speeds that are measured in
megabits per second (Mbps). The following data represent the download speeds that 16
Comcast customers experienced recently.

a. Calculate the mean. 
b. Calculate the median. 



– Hello Good people, Have you noticed a lot of blank posts or vague questions on this site? 

– Yes, those are spam posts by site owners to keep you here while the number of real jobs is going down. 

– The time you migrate to a well-paying site with lots of jobs is now. 

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