Poster Presentation With Abstract for Healthcare Conference

Final Project: Poster Presentation with Abstract for Healthcare Conference

Course Objectives for Assignment

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the global and U.S. healthcare industry in terms of history and development, and the significance of healthcare service access, delivery, and quality.
  • Present and defend an argument for or against a selected health care industry practice, incorporating examples of logical thinking and critical analysis.

Week 12 Assignment 5: Due on Saturday of Week 12 by 11:59 pm EST.

Assignment Scenario: As you continue in your career, you may find that attending professional conferences, in-person or virtually, may be beneficial to your professional development. In this scenario, you will be presenting a poster and abstract at a professional conference to share your knowledge, skills, and expertise on a specific healthcare subject matter. You will select your specific subject matter from the Topic List Options provided below. Your topic will be personalized based on the Topic and the Option you select for your presentation. Example: Topic 1: Strategic Human Resource Management which will be based on Option 1-A of my local community. Each Topic that is provided below is from the course’s content. While you may use any of the eBooks, materials, or publications provided within the weekly content sections of this course, you may also have to conduct your own research to create your poster and abstract.

Several templates have also been provided for you. Please review the templates that are located within the Resources section below the assignment prompt, then select one that you feel will be best for your poster presentation. Please note that you can only use free programs to create your poster, and if you are planning on using a specific program outside of Microsoft Office, then you will need to email the instructor to review your request. The abstract must be provided in Microsoft Word.

Assignment Requirements: Submit Your Poster and Your Abstract as 2 Documents

Poster Requirements: Present Your Poster Using a Microsoft Office Product. Examples: Publisher or PowerPoint

  1. Poster Title: Your poster should include the title that you are presenting, be brief, but long enough that the audience can understand the topic. 
  2. Visuals: Create at least one illustration, graphic, graph, table, or other image for your poster. Do NOT use any images that are not your own creation. Unlicensed Clip Art may be used as a supplement only, if desired.
  3. Appropriate Headers: Each area on the poster must include appropriate headers or titles for the information contained with the section.
  4. Text: Blocks of text should be brief but informative. Expand on: a) why the information you are presenting is important, b) background and evaluation of topic, c) what you learned,  and d) focus on the key items that you researched for your selected topic.
  5. References: A minimum of four references with correlating in-text citations are required. Supporting external evidence will need to be presented using APA 7th Edition formatting. Your references should be credible and/or scholarly, collected from the any of the weekly course content, and you may include a maximum of two additional resources outside of the weekly content from your own personal research.

Abstract Requirements: Present Your Abstract in a Word Document

  1. Formatting and Length: Your abstract should be between 250 to 500 words, formatted in APA 7th Edition using Microsoft Word.
  2. Text: The abstract should highlight the major points of your poster, explain: a) why the information you are presenting is important, b) background and evaluation of topic, c) what you learned,  and d) focus on the key items that you researched for your selected topic.
  3. References: Include any references from your poster in your abstract. Ensure that all references and in-text citations are formatted in APA 7th Edition formatting. You are not required to include all your references from the poster unless they are needed to present the information within your abstract.

Applied Sciences homework4

Welcome to the fourth and most important phase of the Research Project.  This assignment is the culmination of all your work over the semester, and it amounts to 
12% of your final grade.  Please make sure to give considerable time and effort to this assignment, as it has the biggest impact on your final grade.

1. The essay should be 6 full pages, or as close as possible.

2. The essay should be followed by a Works Cited page(s) with full citations for the 6-8 sources you used as your basis of information.

3. This all should be in MLA format. Use the Purdue OWL MLA guide for assistance.

· This means the font should be Times New Roman (12-point), and the paper should be double-spaced with a proper heading and headers.

· It also means there should be in-text citations to show where you used your sources in the essay.

4. The paper should follow the outline below closely, addressing each question as clearly and concisely as possible using only the information found in your sources and your own thoughts or analysis.

1. Introduction (< 1 page)

1. Summarize your main topic and the key issues you will address in your paper. Preview the structure of the paper.

2. Summarize your theory of how these issues are related and why they are important to US society.

2. Issue Analysis (~ 1.5 pages)

1. Explain why this is an important issue for the US government to address with scientific evidence to support this view.

2. Discuss the potential causes and consequences of this issue, again providing scientific evidence to support all arguments or claims.

3. Summarize your key points and conclusions from this section.

3. Options Analysis (~ 1.5 pages)

1. Explain the position of the national Democratic Party on this issue. Rely on the party platform and other sources to summarize how Democrats address this issue.

2. Explain the position of the national Republican Party on this issue. Rely on the party platform and other sources to summarize how Republicans address this issue.

3. (Optional) You may also explain one other position on this issue as might be provided by a minor party or interest group. Summarize this alternative approach to the issue if you chose to discuss one.

4. Summarize your key points and conclusions from this section.

4. Social and Personal Solutions (~ 1.5 pages)

1. Using your own analysis of the information provided, discuss how you think the federal government should address this issue. Provide evidence and reasoning for your position.  Discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of your view.

2. Briefly discuss what you as an individual might do to help with this challenge in your own community. What role might you play independently of the government to improve American society in this regard?

5. Conclusion (< 1 page)

1. Review the structure of the paper, highlighting the main points you want your reader to remember.

2. Reflect on your original theory and discuss how your views may have evolved because of your research.

6. Works Cited

1. Cite the sources you used in the text in MLA format.

Total points:

_____/ 100

Excellent  – A

Good – B

Average – C

Poor – D/F







Essay follows the prompt well; Strong research, critical thinking, and communication.


(60 – 54 points)

Essay generally follows prompt; Good research, critical thinking, and communication.


(53 – 48 points)

Essay strays from prompt at times; Adequate research, critical thinking, and communication.


(47 – 42 points)

Essay does not follow the prompt; Insufficient research, critical thinking, and communication.


(< 42 points)







High quality sources and evidence from reputable and/or scientific sources.


(10-9 points)

Good sources and evidence from credible and/or objective outlets.


(8-7 points)

Relevant sources and evidence from biased or simple sources.



(6-5 points)

Poor sources and evidence from dubious or conspiratorial sources.


(<5 points)








Clear and coherent paragraphs and essay structure; Strong summary and transition sentences.


(10-9 points)

Acceptable paragraph and essay structure; Adequate summary and transition sentences.


(8-7 points)

Confusing paragraph and essay structure; Weak or unclear summary and transition sentences.


(6-5 points)

No clear structure across or within paragraphs; Few to no summary or transition sentences.


(< 5 points)


MLA Format




Few to no errors in citation and paper format 


(10-9 points)

Some minor errors in citation and paper format


(8-7 points)

Poor citation and/or paper format



 (6-5 points)

Incorrect or inadequate citation and paper format


 (< 5 points)






Few to no errors in usage, spelling, and punctuation 


(10 – 9 points)

Some minor errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation


(8-7 points)

Distracting errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation


(6-5 points)

Many or major errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation


(< 5 points)



One last reminder about Artificial Intelligence:

You are expected to use your own words for the entirety of the paper.  A few brief quotes are acceptable with proper quotation marks and citations for them.  Otherwise, you should originate all content without plagiarizing sources or using Artificial Intelligence tools.  Your papers will be screened by Turnitin for both plagiarism and AI-generated text.  Evidence of either could result in penalties at the instructor’s discretion.

Research Plan 5-9 Pages

For this assessment you will develop a thorough five to nine page research plan based upon your work on previous assessments. The plan will be based on either qualitative or quantitative methodologies but not both. In addition to refining your previous work, you will also discuss the concepts of reliability and validity as they pertain to data collection.

quantitative methodologies and data collection

For this assessment, you will craft a quantitative research question based on the hospital-acquired condition you selected for the Research Problem and Purpose Statements, as well as examine quantitative methodologies and data collection strategies that would enable you to answer your research question.

Qualitative Research Questions and Method

For this assessment, you will craft a qualitative research question based on the hospital-acquired condition you selected for the Research Problem and Purpose Statements, as well as examine qualitative methodologies and data collection strategies that would enable you to answer your research question. There is no length requirement for this assessment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be two to five pages in length.

Research Problem 2-3 Page Report

Select a hospital-acquired condition (HAC) that is relevant to a health care context with which you are familiar. Create a two to three page report that includes the research-based explanation of the background of a problem associated with your chosen HAC, as well as develop appropriate research problem and purpose statements.

managing change case

Change Management

Rapid technology changes in workplaces can cause stress, prompting employees to resist adopting new tools. This resistance stems from fear of obsolescence, disrupted routines, and perceived tool complexity.

Addressing these anxieties through effective communication and training is crucial for smooth technological transitions.

Case 4 Resources

Embracing Technology and Adaptability Through Change Management

Technology Modernization Requires Cultural Change

America’s generational divide doesn’t apply to technology.

Resistance to Change: Workflow Evolution Across Generations

2023 Work in America Survey

Workplace stress affects most workers despite employers’ efforts

Artificial Intelligence
 (2023) You may create a free login to access more information.

10.1 Organizational Structures and Design

10.2 Organizational Change

10.3 Managing Change

Scholarly Readings:

As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035

Technology Supported Change

Investigate the role of technology (AI, data analytics) in facilitating change. How has technology transformed the landscape of change management in recent years? (1 ½ pages). Research Required.

Technology Resistance and Adoption

Analyze the challenges and advantages of managing a multi-generational workforce in the age of rapid technological change (1 ½ pages). Research Required.

Workplace Stress & Coping Mechanisms

Examine how changes in technology can cause workplace stress. Research how managers and organizations mitigate adverse effects for smooth tech transitions (2 pages). Research Required.

All research for this case should have been published within the last two years. 

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to 


reference the sources in APA format
. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying 

 to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The paper must be written in the third person. This means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.

Assignment Expectations

Use the APA-formatted 

MGT501 Case 4 template
 to create your submission.

· The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

· A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 5-page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)

· The reference list page in APA format

Rank Ordering Six Evidence-Based Practices for Intensifying Instruction

 For this assignment, you must write a two-page paper discussing six evidence-based practices
you would employ in Lakeisha’s first round of Tier 3 instruction in either mathematics or
reading. In particular, you must rank these practices in order in your discussion. First, discuss the
evidence-based practice you think has the highest probability of being effective, followed by the
practice you believe has the second highest probability of being effective, until you have ranked
all six practices.
In your discussion, (a) identify the evidence-based practice, (b) explain the rationale for selecting
it, and (c) explain why you believe it is appropriate to use while simultaneously justifying its
ranking among the six practices you selected. Further, you must reference the information
provided about Lakeisha’s circumstances. This information is presented next.
Overall Learner Profile for Lakeisha
• Hypersensitive to certain environmental stimuli (sound, movement). Requires frequent
redirection to the task.
• Follows class rules. Needs to develop self-regulation skills – which is one of her long-
term goals.
• Is receptive to the teacher’s feedback (i.e., she does not get upset when error correction is
provided; also, she responds exceptionally well to verbal praise)
• Welcomes Tier 2 and Tier 3 services. She wants to be successful and is not ashamed to
receive remedial instruction
• Can be impulsive if not reminded to “think things through;” Specifically, Lakeisha
responds at times without reflecting on the directions or the steps she needs to perform to
decode a word or use an algorithm to solve a math equation
• When appropriately reflective, she needs extended time to process input, formulate a
response, and then execute the response.
• Has occasional days when she performs as if she has never been taught a basic skill. This
aspect of her learning profile means that she must be provided systematic, cumulative
practice after demonstrating the acquisition of a targeted learning outcome.
• Has commented on how much modeling and practice she needs (e.g., She once said, “The
teacher shows us four examples, but I need to see 18 examples to be able to understand
what to do.”). Data have documented her need for multiple opportunities to practice a
skill and receive immediate, behavior-specific feedback to master it.
• Demonstrates fine motor skill deficits; Her handwriting can be challenging to decipher;
further, she labors to produce legible handwriting.
• Attributes academic success to luck rather than her effort
• Demonstrates deficits in (a) phonics (i.e., sounds spelled by single letters, consonant
blends and diagraphs, and vowel diagraphs); (b) total sight word vocabulary concerning
irregular, high-frequency words; and (c) fluency (reads less than 50 words per minute
with halting/limited prosody)
• Excellent listening comprehension skills. She can answer questions about 3rd and 4th-
grade level passages that are read to her. On the other hand, she is routinely unable to
correctly answer the vast majority of comprehension questions that pertain to a 1st or 2nd-
grade-level reading passage when she is required to read the text independently because
she cannot accurately decode most of the text. Likewise, she inadequately retells a story
she has read.
• Has mastered basic counting skills (1:1 correspondence, cardinality, reversibility); Can
rote count to 200; Names numerals to 200; and Demonstrates a rudimentary
understanding of place value through the use of base ten blocks
• Addition and subtraction fact fluency is extremely poor; Uses her fingers to solve basic
facts and struggles when both numbers (addends/minuend and subtrahend) in the
equation are six or greater; Poor fine motor skills extend the time she needs to solve
addition and subtraction basic facts
• Sometimes performs the incorrect operation because she does not attend to the sign (+,-)
• Exhibits challenges with adding a single-digit or two-digit number to a two-digit number
when regrouping is required; likewise, demonstrates difficulty subtracting a one-digit or
two-digit number from a two-digit number when regrouping is required
• Solving word problems is impaired by calculation difficulties and not the ability to
understand the procedure to follow to solve a word problem
In addition to the directions you are currently reading, refer to the Microsoft Word template you
must use to write your paper. I have placed this template in the assignment directions presented
in the aforementioned Canvas modules. The template contains all of the proper formatting,
which is as follows:
1. Your name, the paper’s title, and page number are to be listed in the header.
2. Use 1” top, bottom, left, and right margins.
3. Use the following font: 12-point Times New Roman. Use plain text for the content in the
body of the paper.

4. Single space throughout the entire body of the document, and indent the first line of each
5. Write in complete sentences throughout the paper
You will note that I put example text in the template. To efficiently use the template, replace my
example text with yours. Begin by putting your name in place of the words “Your Name” in the
header, and then replace all of the example text I put in the template.
Grading Criteria

HIT 1450 MOD 2 DB

 Now that you have completed your first practice assignment in Module 1 the one called M1A1 Introduction to Coding, then choose one coding scenario from that assignment that you did not assign the code correctly or you had trouble with. Provide the scenario and the code chosen and discuss how you will adjust the code lookup process to ensure the correct code for Module 2 practice assignment. 

How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Online Gambling


Blockchain technology is transforming online gambling by enhancing transparency, security, and fairness. This decentralized system, originally developed for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has found a natural fit in the online gaming industry.


One of blockchain’s most significant contributions is its transparency. Every transaction is recorded on an immutable public ledger, ensuring that outcomes and payouts are verifiable. Players can trust the system to deliver fair results, removing concerns about tampered games or hidden fees.

More information 


Blockchain’s encryption provides top-tier security for transactions and personal data. Players can deposit and withdraw funds without exposing sensitive financial information, reducing the risk of fraud or identity theft.

Anonymity and Accessibility

With blockchain, players can gamble anonymously using cryptocurrencies. This increases accessibility in regions with restrictive gambling laws while providing a seamless and secure payment system.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts enable automated payouts and bonuses, removing the need for intermediaries. This ensures that players receive their winnings promptly and fairly.

Blockchain is reshaping online gambling by fostering a system built on trust and efficiency. As more platforms adopt this technology, the gaming industry is poised for a fairer and more secure future.