Health Resources and Policy Analysis


Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA)

Review this document in preparation for your journal assignment:

Article: Examining EMTALA in the era of the patient protection and Affordable Care Act

EMTALA was designed to protect patients from being turned away when searching for emergency medical care.

For this assignment, address the following questions.

  • What unanticipated consequences have occurred from this legislation?
  • What were some of the unanticipated benefits?
  • As chief executive officer (CEO) of a health system, what measures would you implement in your organization to stop these issues from negatively impacting your organization’s productivity?

Your assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length and should include a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum word requirement).

To support your discussion, you should include at least two sources. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. References and citations must be provided using APA Style.

250 Words AND Cited correctly.

 In Text Citation:

As they had been left in charge of the financial decisions in their households in their husbands’ absence, economic decisions became political. Women and girls across the patriotic colonies “boycotted tea and wore dresses of homespun rather than imported cloth” (Berkin 142).

Thesis Statement DUE 6/20

This assignment, will be where you write JUST your research papers Thesis statement.  The Thesis will go in the first part of your paper.

This will give me a chance to view how your thesis has evolved.  Your statement MUST be a clear argument, followed with three supporting claims to prove the argument.  The assignment is due on Thursday before we leave for spring break.  Thesis statements should be no longer than a paragraph. 

 (Many of you have a good working thesis in your proposal, just refine and complete it)

 Be aware, your turn it in score must be below 15% for credit.

 Writing My Research Paper about Trail of Tears. 


7-4 Natural Science



An effective presentation includes a summary of the main points in the slides, but the presenter should add additional content in the speaker notes to help explain each point. Some presenters have the the ability to memorize the details through cues in the outline of the presentation, and some can even speak off the cuff. However, for this project, you will create speaker notes for the slides in your presentation, which is due in Module Eight. This will help you consider the outline of your presentation and the content you want to include on each slide.


For this assignment, you will be drafting the speaker notes that will accompany your 5- to 7-slide presentation. The speaker notes can be bullet points related to each item on the slides, or more developed paragraphs that help you fill in the details you wouldn’t include on the slides. This choice is up to you, but either way, the speaker notes should contain substantial details that address each of the required parts of your presentation.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Provide a brief overview of the scientific background of your issue and question. How does the issue relate to the natural sciences?
  2. Explain how the issue impacts the audience. In other words, how is the issue relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care about the response to your question or the outcome of your hypothesis? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
  3. Describe the empirical evidence you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the issue on you personally and on your audience. Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
  4. Explain why this issue is important to you personally. In other words, why did you select this issue to investigate?
  5. Illustrate how your investigation of the issue impacted the way you thought about the issue. In other words, how did thinking like a scientist to research, develop a question, and formulate a hypothesis affect what you thought about the issue you selected? How did scientific thinking change the lens through which you viewed the issue? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
  6. Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential knowledge of current natural science (or lack thereof), and what is specifically important to the audience. This element will not necessarily be a separate slide or step in the process. In your notes that address the previous six prompts, note word choices or pieces that are specifically tailored for your audience.

What to Submit

The draft of your speaker notes can be bullet points or paragraphs related to each item on the slides. Submissions should be 2–4 pages, double spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. You should use current APA guidelines (or another format approved by your instructor) for any references. For your final project, please keep in mind that these speaker notes will accompany 5–7 slides.


Module 4 – SLP


Global Executive Pay Levels

The expansion of global business by firms based in both the United States and other countries has raised
executive compensation issues. Senior executives in the United States continue to earn higher salaries
than similar executives in other countries.

In the United States, critics of executive pay levels point out that many U.S. corporate CEOs have a ratio
value of more than 350 times that of the average workers in their firms, while in Britain the ratio is 22, in
Canada it is 20, and in Japan it is 11.

After doing some research on global executive pay levels, write a persuasive paper explaining why you
are for or against U.S. executives making significantly more than their employees. The following may help
you with this assignment:

Chi, W., Liao, H., Wang, L., Zhao, R., & Ye, Q. (2019). Incentives to move up: effects of pay gaps between
levels on employee performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 29(2), 238–253. Available in the
Trident Online Library.

Nandamuri, P. P., & Chebolu, R. M. (2019). Executive compensation: the critique and the ideal. IUP
Journal of Corporate Governance, 18(3), 33–48.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2-3 pages (not counting the cover sheet and references). You are expected to deal
with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to
be answered one by one. Bring in at least one peer-reviewed academic article from the Trident Online
Library library source and don’t forget to return to the two assigned readings for insights to add.

Structure of Submission:

Use your own words, rather than copying sentences from the article.

Use 12-point type size (Times New Roman), double-spacing, and one-inch margins. Add section
headings, a cover page, and a reference list.

Cite your sources: APA Style – Trident encourages all students to comply with guidelines for proper
citation of references.

See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition. or the Purdue OWL website –

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical thinking: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions are
analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing: Uses scholarly writing to an appropriately specialized audience.

Assignment Organization and Quality References: Uses relevant and quality sources to support ideas,


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Mod 4 CASE HRM 403

Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

Please read:

Phillips, J., Farndale, E., Horak, S., & Beamond, M. (2019). Facing complexity, crisis,
and risk: opportunities and challenges in international human resource management.
Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 465–470. Available in the Trident
Online Library.

Retrieved from EBSCO eBooks in the Trident Online Library (click on “Additional
Library Resources” under the library search box on the TLC course home page.

Case Assignment

After you have read Phillips, Farndale, Horak, and Beamond (2019) article about
various opportunities and challenges that face International HRM management

Conduct research to locate a multinational corporation (MNC) that you are
somewhat familiar with then please respond according to the following:

Create a visual that shows five of the most important HRM-related globalization
challenges specific to the MNC you located online and rank them in importance to
their business success. Your visual can be a chart, flyer, or drawing, as long as it is
in a format that is accepted in TLC. The use of color is encouraged for this

Then discuss in detail the top (#1) and bottom (#5) HRM globalization challenges
and explain why you ranked them as you did.

Provide an introduction and a conclusion, cite sources, and include a cover and
References page.

Submit your visual to the assignment dropbox as part of your 3- to 4-page paper (not
counting the cover and References section) on or before the module due date. When
asking for 3-4 pages, we want 4 but are willing to accept at least 3 full pages.

Assignment Expectations


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Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Meets assignment requirements: Answers each assignment question and follows
assignment instructions closely.

Critical thinking: Alternatives considered, with best answer/solution defended.
Argument is well developed. Logic is clear and easy to follow.

Writing and assignment organization: Uses scholarly vocabulary. Writes in
coherent paragraphs. No errors in spelling or grammar. Uses clear, engaging

Use of sources and mechanics: Demonstrates mastery formatting in-text citations
and references. Uses relevant and quality sources to support compelling ideas
and convey understanding of the topic to shape the whole work.

Timeliness of assignment: Assignment submitted on or before due date.

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Please start by creating a 3 slides multimedia presentation introducing yourself to classmates and the instructor using the technology of your choosing. Examples of technology you might use to complete this include, but are not limited to, a narrated PowerPoint, Screencast-O-Matic., Prezi., Powtoon., or Adobe Spark Video..

The presentation must include the following at a minimum:

· One or more images of yourself.

· Description of your personal and professional aspirations.

· Your education and work experience related to instructional design.

· How you envision applying the Instructional Designer Competencies Download Instructional Designer Competencies (IBSTPI, 2012) at your current workplace or a workplace you anticipate in your future.

The 7 dimensions of ABA

Distinguish ABA from other psychological fields by identifying which of the articles is behavior analytic and which is not, and provide an explanation for your choice.

  • Identify which of the seven dimensions of ABA are present in the behavior analytic article.
  • Analyze why the other article is not behavior analytic. How do you know the seven dimensions are not present?
  • Differentiate ABA from the other branches of behavior analysis, by explaining the differences and connections between ABA, behaviorism, and EBA.
  • Which aspects are shared and which aspects make them different from each other?

Reinforcement procedures in Applied Behavior Analysis

Review the following scenarios and indicate which kind of reinforcement procedure you would employ. Be sure to justify your answers with the literature, as it is possible that there can be more than one possible answer for one or more of the following:

  • Mike bangs his head when he cannot figure out his math homework.
  • June needs to increase her study sessions.
  • Maria twirls her hair during public speaking engagements at a high rate.
  • Sally answers questions before she hears the entire question, often getting it wrong.
  • Michelle leaves several voicemails in a row – without waiting for a call back.
  • Mike chugs his beers at happy hour.
  • Dana swears too much when watching football.

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