Case #1: A colleague accidentally leaves their computer unlocked with patient records visible. You notice this breach of security and have the choice to report it to higher-ups or ignore it to avoid causing trouble for your colleague. The AHIMA Code of Ethics underscores the importance of safeguarding health information. How do you reconcile your duty to protect patient data with your professional relationship with your colleague?

Provide specific information from the AHIMA Code of Ethics to support your answer. Discuss how you would resolve this concern.

Case #2: A coding professional works in a healthcare facility that emphasizes high productivity. The coder is under pressure to meet coding quotas, but rushing through the coding process may lead to inaccuracies. The ethical dilemma here involves the conflict between the AHIMA Standards of Ethical Coding, which stress the importance of accurate coding, and the pressure to meet productivity targets.

Discuss what strategies the coder should use to balance the need for accuracy with productivity. Should the coder talk to their supervisor? Why or why not?

Case #3: A coder receives medical records from different healthcare providers, and there are inconsistencies in the documentation. Following the AHIMA Standards, the coder should seek clarification from the providers to ensure accurate coding. However, the dilemma arises when one provider is unresponsive or unwilling to provide clarification. The coder must decide whether to code based on incomplete information or risk delaying the coding process.

Discuss what strategies the coder should use to balance the need for complete documentation with productivity. Should the coder talk to their supervisor or the physician? Why or why not?

Case #4: A coding professional is aware that the health information being coded is incomplete or unreliable due to lack of proper documentation by the physicians. According to the AHIMA Code of Ethics, coding professionals must ensure the accuracy and integrity of health information. Along with this, releasing incomplete or unreliable information may affect patient care and billing processes. The coder faces the ethical dilemma of balancing the need for accurate information against the potential consequences of delayed chart completion and assignment of codes.

Discuss what strategies the coder should use to balance the need for complete documentation with productivity. Should the coder talk to their supervisor or the physician? Why or why not?

Case #5: You have recently been hired as a medical coder, and you realize that the training provided by the organization is insufficient to ensure accurate coding. According to the AHIMA Code of Ethics, it is your responsibility to strive for accuracy and proficiency in your work. However, reporting this issue might jeopardize your position or strain your relationship with the employer. How do you balance the ethical imperative of accurate coding with the potential consequences of speaking up?

Discuss what strategies the coder should use to balance the need for complete documentation with productivity. Should the coder talk to their supervisor or the physician? Why or why not?

Health Care info 1

Develop a section (3–5 pages) of a proposal to study whether a group of physicians provided quality of care related to an identified disease or condition and population. Include a plan to manage the information from collection to destruction and an analysis of legal considerations.

PowerPoint EHR with speaker notes

 Create a slide presentation (12–15 slides; 20 minutes long) for a HIM team of a healthcare organization that is considering upgrading its existing EHR or implementing a new one. Address in the presentation: SDLC, migration plans, and best practices for successful EHR implementations. 

Briefing to HIM Director Paper

 Using the “Find & Compare Nursing Homes, Hospitals & Other Providers Near You” tool on Medicare.gov, obtain benchmarking data on several health care facilities. Write a 3–4 page brief to the HIM director specifying the use of benchmark and comparative data in health care, the statistical data that allows for comparisons, an interpretation of the results of the comparison, and other pertinent details. Include three or more graphs, charts, or tables in the brief. 


This Case Assignment focuses on recognizing the link between organizational strategy and HR activities. 

You are the new director of human resources at The King Company. As director, you must play a large role in resolving the organizational issues confronting the company and develop solutions for the functional and managerial issues facing the HR department.


The King Company Background
 to review information on the company.

[Note: You may want to download/print the company background information provided in this module so that you have it handy as you work on subsequent module assignments.]

Case Assignment

After reading the fictional King Company case, address the following questions in an essay format which includes an introduction and conclusion (not a Q & A format):

· Describe the current relationship between organizational strategy and HR activities at The King Company. Give three examples and analyze the relationships.

· What improvements are needed to HRM’s strategic role at King? Discuss.

For the Case Assignment, utilize information from at least two sources from the Trident Online Library to help strengthen and validate your discussion.

Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes, and/or procedures as you address the assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers. Use different employer examples than what have been used previously in your other papers and courses.

Make reasonable, cost-effective assumptions in your paper. It is not an option, however, for you to hire additional help (temporary or otherwise).  State your assumptions in the beginning of your discussion.

Paper length: 
3–4 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages).

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the Case rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:

Assignment-Driven: Does the paper fully address all aspects of the assignment?   Is the assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?

Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?

Business Writing: Is the essay logical, well organized and well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?

Effective Use of Information: Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read, understood, and can apply the background materials for the module? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality sources? Do additional sources used provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?

Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the References page?

Timeliness: Has the assignment been submitted to TLC (Trident’s learning management system) on or before the module’s due date?


Module 1 – SLP


SLP Assignment

In this SLP assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint slide
presentation (with audio) about age discrimination.

To begin, review the SLP materials related to age discrimination in
the background material. To better inform yourself, also do some
independent research to identify trends in the workforce related to

In your Power Point presentation:

Identify and discuss current issues in age discrimination in the

Research and discuss various social, economic, and political
factors that will impact age discrimination in the future.

Discuss recommendations for an anti-age discrimination
campaign that your employer can use to eliminate age
discrimination in the future.

Be sure to use in-text citations in your slides. Your PowerPoint
presentation should last about 6 minutes and contain 6-7 slides (in
addition to a title slide at the beginning and a reference slide at the
end). You can have more slides to cover the topic in more detail.

Tip: Do not have too many or too few words on each slide; consider
that this is a slide presentation, not an essay. The words on the
slides should be prompts to the actual information you want to


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share. Also include your extra comments in the Speaker’s
Comments (Notes) section at the bottom of each slide, or use audio
recording (voice over), or both. You can record your audio as you
read the speaker comments/notes for each slide.

Please have a coworker, friend, or family member use their
computer to test that the link works before submitting your
assignment for grading.

Bring in at least two valid and reliable high-quality peer-reviewed
sources found in the Trident Online Library. These two high-quality
sources are in addition to your provided course materials. (Be sure
to cite sources within the text of your paper as well as list each in
the Reference section.)

Please note that the link below will open in a new window and may
require activation of a LinkedIn account on the first attempt. Trident
students may use their student email address to access this free
subscription to LinkedIn Learning as a part of this course.

Add an audio or video clip to slides – LinkedIn Learning

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the
grading rubric for this assignment:

Meets assignment requirements

Critical thinking

Writing and assignment organization

Use of sources and mechanics

Timeliness of assignment

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MGT 412 MOD 1 Case 1

Module 1 – Case


Case Assignment

For your first assignment in this Module, you will be considering
sexual harassment in the workplace, a topic which has garnered a
great deal of attention recently. You are a newly assigned top HRM
professional in your organization and you wish to review your
organization’s sexual harassment policies and training. Review the
required readings in the background material and then prepare a
memo to yourself that covers the following points:

Identify and explain the key legal concepts in sexual harassment
in the workplace from the perception of a person of a gender
other than your own, putting yourself in the victims’ shoes.

Discuss aspects of recent developments in sexual harassment
that are relevant to how your own organization addresses sexual
harassment in the workplace.

Finally, identify and explain what you consider future
developments in this topic will be and how your organization’s
policies and training concerning sexual harassment will need to
be adapted.

Assignment Expectations

Bring in at least two valid and reliable high-quality peer-reviewed
sources found in the Trident Online Library. These two high-quality
sources are in addition to your provided course materials. (Be sure


12/16/24, 8:27 PM Case – MGT412 Human Resource Management and Law (2024DEC09FT-1)

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to cite sources within the text of your paper as well as list each in
the Reference section.)

Your memo should be 3 to 4 pages in length (not counting title and
reference page) and should be submitted by the module due date.

The criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Meets assignment requirements

Critical thinking

Writing and assignment organization

Use of sources and mechanics

Timeliness of assignment

12/16/24, 8:27 PM Case – MGT412 Human Resource Management and Law (2024DEC09FT-1)

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Final Data Management and Governance Plan

 Create a data map that depicts enterprise architecture, data integration, and use of multiple data sources. Write a final data management and governance plan (4–5 pages) that enables a health care organization to manage and govern its data, along with a one-page executive summary. 

ITM 301 Module 3 Case 3 make up

Module 3 – Case


Assignment Overview

Working in teams separated by time zones is always a challenge.
For this Case you will be assigned to a team of 5 other students.
This will provide an opportunity for you to use a collaboration group
tool or tools as you research an issue of IT Infrastructure to support
your collaborative learning and to share your findings with other
members of your team. Have your professor pre-approve this topic
for the team. Post a discussion of the team processes and the
team’s conclusions on the IT infrastructure topic selected to your
individual case area. Be sure to include references to support your
discussion. It is very important that you provide a detailed analysis
of the team interaction and your opinion of the team results.

Review these lectures to prepare for this assignment:

Module 3, Lecture 1: Business IT Networks and Components:


12/14/24, 1:15 PM Case – ITM301 Principles of Information Systems in Business and Organizations (2024OCT14FT-1)

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0:00 / 19:52

Module 3, Lecture 2: U.S. Customs’ Network Crash:

0:00 / 25:50

Case Assignment

Collaborative Work

You will see the members of your team in the announcement area;
your professor will also email the names of your team members.

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Reach out early and get to know each other. Those who live in time
zones that make it difficult to interact with the team or who have
some other difficulty, can opt to do the project independently with
the professor’s approval. In the discussion on group processes,
reflection on groups in which you have worked in the past is

Each team should agree on which collaboration tool to use (e.g.,
Skype or Zoom https://www.zoom.us/) for group meeting video
conferencing. Using your trident.edu email address gives you
access to a free Zoom account for sessions up to 40 minutes. Once
an account is created, the team leader can send the Zoom link to all
team members for your face-to-face meetings, in which you can
also share screens. For document sharing, Google Docs is
recommended. Here is a video on how to share Google documents
with others (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFE1iCPafTA). A
Gmail account is required to use Google Docs. Google Docs allows
the team members to access on the same document as you
prepare your Case.

In this assignment, you are required to write a report and discuss
the following:

This will provide an opportunity for you to use a collaboration
group tool or tools as you research an issue of IT Infrastructure to
support your collaborative learning and to share your findings
with other members of your team.

Reflect on your experience with interacting with the team
members: what you learn from others and yourself through this
collaboration, whether the collaboration is successful, what
problems/issues occur and why, how they are addressed, how
you can do better next time when the similar circumstances
occur. Please note that this reflection on team experience is
based on your experience, these questions mean for prompt you
for self-reflection, not necessarily mandatory questions that must
be addressed since each team is different. Depending on what

12/14/24, 1:15 PM Case – ITM301 Principles of Information Systems in Business and Organizations (2024OCT14FT-1)

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happened in your team, reflections are different from person to

Assignment Expectations

This Case is to cover team processes and the IT infrastructure to
support team processes. For the IT infrastructure, refer to Module 3,
Lecture 1: Business IT Networks and Components (above). The IT
infrastructure consists of components identified as hardware,
software, communication systems, data resources, and people.
These components apply to information systems, and in Module 3,
you will be analyzing collaboration systems. Your Case will:

Discuss the backgrounds of each

Present findings on the IT infrastructure to support team
processes discussing hardware, software, communication
systems, data resources, and people for the selected tool or
application, and providing a comparison across the various group
collaboration tools.

Include references to support your discussion with a detailed
analysis of the team interaction and your opinion of the team
results. (Reflect on teams you have worked with in the past if you
did the project independently. If they were not virtual teams, then
speculate how the Group Technology would have changed your
team experience.)

Each team member will post the report to your individual drop box,
the cover page must include the names of all team members.

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Proposal For Software

 Prepare a 3–4 page proposal for a new software system that explains the forces driving the change, the ethical considerations behind the proposed change, the risks to the organization of not accepting the proposed change, and the benefits of accepting the proposed change.