Data interpretation and analysis-Biostatistics in public health

I am working on a research assignment. ”  The Impact of Parental Smoking Rules and Family Relationships on  Adolescent tobacco use and access”  I have completed the introduction and methods sections. However, my challenge lies in the results and analysis section. The data is in SPSS software, which is what the instructor provided for us to use. I am not familiar with analyzing data using this software, and I’m also not very familiar with Excel (though I’m currently learning it). It has been challenging to formulate descriptive frequency tables, perform chi-square tests, and even organize the data. I have already identified my dependent and independent variables. 


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Family relationships (e.g.,      lives with biological parents, stepparents, or guardians)
  • Parental tobacco use
  • Tobacco access at home
  • And other relevant variables      that describe the sample

Building Effective Organizations Response IN 12 HOURS


DISCUSSION 1 (Earnesto)

I define organizational Culture as the norm’s values, expectations, and understanding that govern
the behavior of those in an organization. Culture defines employee behavior and attitude at the
workplace and thus determines how employees undertake their work, how they relate with their
colleagues, and how they handle both the strengths and the weaknesses in the organization.

Organizational Culture, on the other hand, is made up of a firm’s values, vision, communication,
and working trust, as well as organizational inclusion. It is also essential to have an ongoing and
stable leadership practice, commitment to ethical behavior, and timely rewards for the employees
to encourage good behavior (Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020). A significant concern that organizations face
when sustaining a positive culture is the integration of multi-teams into the general company
values, particularly in growing or working environments. Switching an existing culture is even more
difficult due to the need to rely on eliminating wrong practices and dealing with skepticism of the

Leaders are central to creating change by modeling flexibility and setting out innovation,
communication, and direction. They should demonstrate new behavior, employ new techniques in
change, and appreciate flexible personnel. Current-day knowledge workplaces and tech-centric
companies like Google and Netflix endorse cultures of change (Paais & Pattiruhu, 2020). Google
focuses on incubation of innovation, and innovation encourages its workers to take some time to
work on innovation projects; Netflix focuses on the freedom accompanied by responsibility, in
which freedom empowers workers to act responsibly and be flexible.

Conclusively, everyone in the company plays a role in maintaining change by introducing different
viewpoints and suggestions that can be critical to evaluating the change. Self-directed change
training encourages top-down and bottom-up organizational development because employees
apply change management strategies.


Paais, M., & Pattiruhu, J. R. (2020). Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational Culture on
satisfaction and employee performance. The journal of Asian finance, economics, and
business, 7(8), 577-588.


DISCUSSION 2 (Loretta)

Organizational culture is the values, beliefs, and structure of an organization that had rules and
regulations in which every member abides. Some of the key values of an organization culture are
everyone working towards a common goal in the organization, there is freedom to innovate among
employees without fear if things do not go well, everyone is held accountable for their actions, there
is clear communication in all areas of the organization, all employees have integrity, there is
diversity in the organization, and everyone has respect for others and that working together is the
key to organizational success. When it comes to change in an organization, there can be a great
deal of resistance, this can even occur with leadership, but people have to learn to adapt. It should
be something that is built within the organization’s culture so that when change comes, people will
expect it, learn the new structure and make it part of the everyday structure of the organization.
Those who resist change risk failure.

I think that in one organization was the one in which I worked when everyone had to go through
cultural and sensitivity training. Where I worked, there were many patients of a certain race but the
ones providing care were of another race. There seemed to be a lot of bigotry, cruel words, and
discrimination. The training helps people to learn sensitivity and how to handle discrimination and
cruelty from patients without getting upset. Most of the patients grew up and lived in a different
time and in old age, memory can be a tricky thing, and we may think that we are back in our heyday
while others have moved forward to modern times. Things did get better for quite some time, but I
think that it was just too much for some of the employees and they eventually left the organization.
There are some things that even time cannot change.

When it comes to employees, they all must learn to adapt to the culture of an organization. Our own
feelings, biases, or misgivings are to be left at the door. Some will resist the culture of an
organization and turn it into something that they deem closer to standard, but times have changed,
and we have to learn to cater to a more diverse market and customer base and this also means that
the organization is becoming more diverse to meet customer needs. Some are stuck in the old
ways, and these are employees that find themselves in trouble often and eventually find
themselves on the outside looking in because they have been terminated.

Healthcare Financial Management


Creating a Business Plan

Research a health-related business (or businesses) for the purpose of creating your own start-up business. Examples of start-up health organizations may be an assisted living facility, a non-emergency mobile transportation company, a new health application, or a medical supply company to name a few. Researching other similar businesses will help you create a benchmark for your own start-up company. Be creative and follow your own interests!

The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop a business plan for a new company. Your plan should include the following sections:

  • Executive Summary: Provide a brief introduction of your company, its name, the mission statement, the vision statement, the values statement, the service or product being offered, your leadership team, and the company’s potential location.
  • Target Market: Who are your customers? Is there an adequate potential customer base?
  • Competitive Analysis: Who are your competitors? What sets your business aside from others?
  • Financial Summary: Include financial projections using relevant financial information (i.e., financial goals, sales projections, projected balance sheet, projected income statement, and projected statement of cash flows). Be sure to address interpretation of financial statements to determine financial strength. 
  • Also address external financing options which may be available, and the process of reimbursement for services. 
  • And finally, summarize the financial implications of healthcare trends. 

You must utilize the CSU Online Library for your research (resources are below), but you are also encouraged to utilize other online sources to support your business plan. Your business plan must be at least three pages and utilize at least three resources. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

For any publicly traded companies you may be researching, the company profiles in the Mergent Online database would provide an excellent basis for research, especially for finding information about competitors and related financial statements.


For this assignment, you will develop a section of your guidebook that includes a plan for a Family Night. This plan will allow you to share with your families examples of your curriculum, examples of instruction, your learning environment, and diversity considerations that you foster in your classroom. An example of this section and requirements can be found in the Instructor Guidance.

Guidebook Setup: This week, you will continue to develop your existing work by adding a new section titled, “Communicating, Engaging, and Encouraging Family Partnerships.” You will continue to build your Guidebook, using your chosen format from last week (Newsletter).

Guidebook: Communicating, Engaging and Encouraging Family Partnerships Section. For this section, you are going develop a plan for a Family Night in your classroom. You will create several communication examples to share with families during this night. They will include:

1) An invitation that encourages them to come to this event. Try to get them excited about it and explain the importance of their attendance.

2) A written transcript for an introductory welcome speech for the event

3) A plan for children and families to explore the curriculum centers or activities in your learning environment. For this plan, explain four specific activities that families and children could do together during this event. For example, you might plan for children to read a short book with their families in the library area of your classroom and then draw their favorite character on a classroom bulletin board.

4) A description or visual layout of how the learning environment will be set up for this event. Be sure to specifically describe how the learning environment will incorporate your teaching philosophy and cultural competence.

5) A transcript for a closing speech that explains the importance of maintaining a close partnership throughout the year.

Content Expectations:

I. Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook: Communicating, Engaging, and Encouraging Family Partnerships Introduction: Set up your Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook with a section titled, “Communicating, Engaging, and Encouraging Family Partnerships.” For this section, include an introduction that explains what is included and why close partnerships are important for families.

II. Developing a plan for a Family Night: Develop a plan for a Family Night, where families come into your learning environment. Include the following:

A. Invitation: Create an invitation for families to attend this event. Be sure it looks professional, while also getting families excited about it and explaining the importance of their presence at this event. Script for Welcoming Families: Develop a written transcript for an introductory welcome speech for this event. Be sure to explain the purpose of Family Night and discuss why family partnerships are important.

B. Family Participation Activities: Develop a plan for children and families to explore the curriculum centers or activities in your learning environment. For this plan, explain four specific activities that families and children could do together in your learning environment.

C. Learning Environment Description/Visual: Create a description or visual layout of how the learning environment will be set up for this event. Be sure to specifically describe how the learning environment will incorporate your teaching philosophy and cultural competence.

D. Transcript for Closing: Develop a written transcript for a closing speech, thanking families for coming to this event and reviewing the importance of maintaining these partnerships throughout the year.

Writing and Formatting Expectations:

a) Resource Support: Writing is substantiated by at least three supporting resources.

b) Organization: Demonstrates logical progression of ideas within the writing.

c) Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

d) APA Formatting: Writing includes citations and references in APA format.

e) Suggested Assignment Length:
In general, your assignment should be approximately four pages in length.

Health Information Technology APA Format


Topic:  Joint Commission Environment of Care Standards vs. National Incident Management System


From your reading of Chapter 13 and searches via internet, illustrate (examples/graphs) how the relationship between Joint Commission EC stands and the NIMS influences the development of an emergency operations plan. 

Be sure to use your own words and provide examples

Word-count: 200 APA Format

Analysis & Action Plan Paper

Prepare an issue analysis of an incident that occurred in a health care organization and create a leadership action plan that will help to address the specific incident but will also help to drive safety and quality improvements throughout the organization. The issue analysis and action plan together should be 8-10 pages.



Final Project/Exam

Over the last several weeks we have been studying the story of art, including the important changes from one period to the next and the specific contributions of select artists. 

A local business owner, Mr. Z, who is an alumnus of Indiana Tech, has decided to purchase several pieces of 2-dimensional artwork to hang in our school. However, he knows nothing about art since he never took an art class in school. His assistant has narrowed the choices down to three selections: 1) Cezanne’s 
Mountains in Provence (page 541); 2) Picasso’s 
Violin and Grapes (page 575); and 3) Pollock’s 
One (page 603). Mr. Z is now asking you to choose one as your personal favorite.

You must then write a letter to him persuading him to purchase the choice you made. He requires at least 3 reasons that have detailed explanations as to why you think this is a good work of art. Your reasons must be based on the contributions that each artist has made to the overall story of art and the significance of the particular type of art, along with your reflections and taste as a student at Indiana Tech.

Your purpose is to persuade Mr. Z to pick the artwork you have chosen as one of the final artworks purchased for the school. Your letter will include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

· Introduction: A beginning paragraph stating your purpose for writing to Mr. Z. An example would be: As an experienced art student at Indiana Tech, I am prepared to explain my reasons for choosing, ” ______________” as a good choice for Indiana Tech based on the fact that…

· Body: Within the body, there should be a separate paragraph for each topic. Since Mr. Z requires 3 reasons or more, there should be 3 more separate paragraphs. For example, if your first reason discusses color aspects, then that is all you should discuss. When you begin to talk about the contributions of the artist or the period, you should start a new paragraph.

· Conclusion: In your last paragraph, you need to remind Mr. Z of your purpose, and then challenge him to do something (visit the class, call you for more information, purchase the painting, etc.).

· Audience: Since you are writing to Mr. Z, as a local business owner and alumnus of Indiana Tech, you need to remember to use tone and word choice that is appropriate for your audience.

· Style: Use your best grammar and sentence structure. Remember to use appropriate language for your audience and separate paragraphs for each topic.

Applied Sciences ABA501 – Assignment 1

In this assignment, you are to provide a detailed analysis of the following article:

Using A Taped Intervention To Improve Kindergarten Students’ Number Identification

by Katherine R Krohn, Christopher H. Skinner, Emily J. Fuller, and Corrine Greear

The analysis should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, presented in APA formatting, and contain the following information: 

1.       The rationale for the study.

2.       A brief description of the method and results.

3.       An evaluation of whether the study was consistent with the goals of behavior analysis as a science (why or why not).

4.       Discuss how the study addressed the dimensions of ABA.

5.       A summary of the lessons learned from the study and if there is an application to future practice or research.

Please note: Your assignment should be submitted in a Word Document format using Times New Roman 12. The assignment must use APA format (See link to APA publication style in the course site resources.)  Please include an appropriate heading on your paper and references to support methods or procedures used.

Paper and Excel Sheet

Develop a 2-4 page review on the importance of the budgeting process to a health care organization, as well as demonstrate an understanding regarding the differences between an operational budget and a capital budget. Additionally, prepare an operational budget for the medical-surgical department at the St. Anthony Medical Center.

Applied Sciences COM3471- Weekly Assignment 5 (CH.13)


Answer all 4 questions using concepts from Chapter 13, short answers. Also, you’ll need to incorporate details beyond the text, such as personal experiences or external sources.  

1.  In what ways have recent developments in media technology altered the methods and strategies employed in studying media effects? Additionally, what are your thoughts or opinions on how these changes have influenced the field of media studies? 

2.  What are some of the predominant theories concerning the influence of media on its users? Additionally, could you pinpoint which theory resonates most strongly with an experience you’ve personally encountered? Please provide insights into how this theory relates to your own experience. 

3. Reflecting on your engagement with the readings, how would you describe the evolution of the study of media effects over the last century? Additionally, how do you personally relate to or resonate with these changes?

4. How do we determine when material is obscene or not? Can you offer examples from everyday life to illustrate this distinction?