Week 2 Part B Scientific revolution


  1. Why were the early Muslim caliphs so interested in preserving the ideas of ancient science?

250 words per question


Science and Technology in World History: An Introduction by Domenico E., III Bertoloni Meli, Harold Dorn, and James E., III McClellan 

 Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam Helped to Shape the Western World by John Freely 


In your response post, response on why you agree. You must provide
examples to illustrate your points. Please provide a thoughtful reply
to promote discussion, critical thinking, and class interaction for
each of your colleagues. Each of your responses to your classmates
should be at least 150 words in length, and include an APA
formatted scholarly resource.

Discussing and providing data on the effect(s) of HIV/AIDS in low-income communities, it is
necessary to conduct a series of interviews with healthcare officials and organizations.
Additionally, the use of surveys both on social media and in-person would help to better draw
conclusions. Participant inclusion is a must and should be carefully structured when selecting
those who would agree to be a part of the study. There may be some chance of bias in data
collection on the part of the researchers if they are not thoroughly equipped to understand and
code the data involved. There will be a myriad of categories needed to accurately gather data
including age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and gender. However, gender may or may not
ultimately be an exclusion during the course of the study. Information should be properly stored to
decrease the chances of tampering. Also, participants must be willing to provide a signed consent

In this study, I will be looking for particular factors that are attributable to contraction of the
HIV/AIDS virus and/or disease. For this portion, I would utilize a semi-structured interview
process/model. Qualitative rather than quantitative research would be most suitable for this study.
The qualitative research method would help to researchers to understand the stigmas that are also
associated with this condition. Questionnaires could successfully help to accomplish this feat.

In your response post, response on why you agree. You must provide
examples to illustrate your points. Please provide a thoughtful reply
to promote discussion, critical thinking, and class interaction for
each of your colleagues. Each of your responses to your classmates
should be at least 150 words in length, and include an APA
formatted scholarly resource.

DISCUSSION 2 (Crystal)

For a public health research topic focusing on the challenges faced by Black women in Lake
Elsinore, California, in accessing dermatologists specializing in hair and scalp conditions like
traction alopecia, alopecia areata, and central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, specific data

collection methods are crucial. Community outreach would involve partnering with local
organizations that cater to the Black community or women’s health. This approach ensures direct
engagement with potential participants who experience the issue firsthand. Advertising through
targeted social media campaigns and community-specific platforms, such as local newsletters or
church bulletins, can further reach a broader audience of affected individuals.

Additionally, leveraging healthcare providers who serve the community—such as primary care
physicians and local clinics—is essential. They can facilitate referrals and provide insights into
patient experiences and barriers to specialist care. Utilizing online platforms for surveys or virtual
focus groups allows for broader geographical reach and convenience for participants who may face
transportation or time constraints.

Personal interviews, while valuable for capturing nuanced experiences and perspectives, may
present challenges and biases. Interviewer bias could arise if the interviewer lacks cultural
competence or inadvertently steers conversations based on personal assumptions. To mitigate
bias, interviewers should undergo training in cultural sensitivity and qualitative research methods.
They should approach interviews with an open mind, using neutral language and probing
techniques that encourage participants to share their experiences authentically without leading
questions. Employing a diverse team of interviewers reflecting the community being studied can
enhance trust and rapport, reducing potential biases.

By combining these methods—community outreach, targeted advertising, healthcare provider
collaboration, online platforms, and thoughtful interview practices—researchers can gather
comprehensive data on the barriers Black women in Lake Elsinore face in accessing dermatological
care for specific hair and scalp conditions, while minimizing bias and ensuring the validity of the

Universal Design for Learning

In this discussion, focus on student success and the practices that promote success such as UDL (Universal Design for Learning). These practices can be reflective of classroom, workplace and home settings. Questions you should answer: How do we define success? How do we create an environment that will be conducive for success? What practices encourage and promote success or discourage students from succeeding? Each student is to make a minimum of 1 substantive post and 2 substantive replies. Discussions cannot be made up or substituted with another assignment. Cite the literature you reviewed to support your positions.

APA Format

They check for AI & Plagiarism


Welcome to the introductory course of the MAECEL program. This course aims to strengthen your self-awareness as an educational professional and support your individual growth and future success. It is critical that you have a clear understanding of the program’s overall scope and trajectory. This discussion encourages you to think beyond just this first course and the career you envision for yourself.

Please respond to each of the following parts:

Part I: Who You Are

As a graduate student, advocate for social justice and educational leader, you wear many different hats. It is important that you always know and can succinctly summarize who you are within these settings. As you describe who you are, consider your goals, passions, experience, and interests.

In Part I of your introduction, discuss who you are as a:

· Graduate student

· Leader

· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) professional

Additionally, provide the following details:

· Discuss your personal and professional goals upon completion of your degree program.

· Describe any recent trends or changes you have experienced or read about in the field of early childhood education.

Part II: Program Connection

As a University of Arizona Global Campus graduate student, you are part of a larger community. On a small scale, you are part of the MAECEL program, but on a much larger scale, you are a student within the College of Arts and Sciences in the Department of Education and Liberal Arts. This part of your introduction aims to connect you with the MAECEL program. To prepare for this part of the discussion, explore the Degree Completion Journey section in the MAECEL course list. Spend time navigating through each course to read descriptions and better understand how the courses build on each other.

In your discussion, address the following:

· Describe the expectations you have for yourself as a MAECEL graduate student.

· Describe the expectations you have for others as MAECEL graduate students.

· Identify two courses that you feel excited about.

· Discuss how these two courses influence your professional goals.

ENG 201 CASE Module 1

Module 1 – Case


Assignment Overview

Case 1: Reader-Response Literary Analysis

Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size

This essay is to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No secondary
sources are to be used in this essay.

This first essay may be written in the first-person point of view using “I.”

Case Assignment

Case 1 is a first experience writing a literary analysis. It is the first and only essay
this session that may be written in the first person, “I.” It is a first opportunity to
present your own observations and interpretations as a close reader of select texts.

Write a literary analysis in which you find “connections” between three of the
readings from the list below. Specifically, for this first essay, focus on your impression
of the voice of the speaker and their themes. A theme is an author’s message, or
“lesson,” to the reader. It is often a general truth about life or mankind and
represents universal and timeless ideas that are relevant in most people’s lives.
Some might call it the “take-away” of the writing. For example, at the end of a fairy
tale we might close the book and say, “Wow, honesty is the best policy!” Or after
viewing a romantic comedy we might say, “The nice guy always gets the girl in the
end.” Though simple examples, these are “messages,” or themes.

For this first essay, only your interpretation is to be included. No “research” or
secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first essay; it is
to be entirely written based on your point of view and supported with body points and
details from the texts. There is no “correct” answer here.

Please note that uploaded student essays are scanned by Turnitin. As such,
please be sure that your essay includes your own thoughts, words, and ideas.

Essays must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with
standard one-inch margins and no less than 700 words of text.


6/27/24, 12:23 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214050/viewContent/5388901/View 1/3

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or
introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention.
Follow the opening sentence with a brief introduction to the selected readings. Be
sure to always include the authors’ full names in the introduction of the essay. After
that first instance, only the surname is used throughout the essay. The last sentence
of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the
essay, which in this case, would be a literary analysis addressing a common theme
in selected readings.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this
essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the essay. Will each
paragraph address a reading, or will your paragraphs be organized by themes? In
any case, the body of the essay must support (explain) your interpretation (analysis)
of the readings and the “connections” between them. Each body paragraph should
begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes
with a lasting impression. You may wish to suggest why these readings have
endured over the years and/or why their themes are especially topical in our society

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction
(word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A
grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident
University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

In an organized and well-supported literary analysis, discuss voice and common
themes in three of the following selections:

A letter to Ferdinand and Isabelle regarding his first voyage, Christopher
Columbus (1493)

“Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America,” Benjamin Franklin (1784)

Speech to the Osages, Tecumseh (Winter 1811-12)

“Appeal to the Christian Women of the South,” Angelina E. Grimke (1836)

from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by
Himself, Frederick Douglas (1845)

from “Ain’t I a Woman,” Sojourner Truth (1851)

from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Harriet Jacobs (1861)

Assignment Expectations

Write a Reader-Response literary analysis (no less than 700 words in length) that
states an original thesis statement.

6/27/24, 12:23 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214050/viewContent/5388901/View 2/3

SLP HRM 404 Instructions

Module 1 – SLP


SLP Scenario

You are the HR manager for an organization with 1,500 employees in three
locations. In recent months, several employees have retired. This has left openings
in key areas of the organization. You posted the open positions prior to their
departure but have received very few viable applicants.

Your CEO is concerned that the information is not reaching the ideal audience. You
suggest using social media as a tool to reach a wider and more diverse pool of

For this SLP, research organizations that have successfully used social media as a
recruiting tool. Using some of their marketing ideas, create a colorful job posting
handout for a social media venue of your choice. In two additional pages:

a. Give examples of three employers who use social media as a recruiting tool.

b. Identify the differences in creating a job posting for Monster or Career Builder
versus one of the social media sites.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issue.

Recommend 2 high-quality sources for additional information that you include at the
end of your handout (do not use course background information as your additional

Cite sources of information actually utilized to prepare your handout. Sources used
must be valid and reliable and may come from the course itself or from the Trident
Online Library.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Assignment driven criteria

Critical thinking

Scholarly writing/oral communication


6/27/24, 12:20 PM SLP – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)

https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/214156/viewContent/5387337/View 1/2

Create a Problem Statement

Topic: Health Disparities in Healthcare Access Among Minorities

Using the references document attached, create a problem statement for your applied dissertation project. Be sure to include the three (3) components of a quality problem statement listed above in your submission. In most cases, scholarly citations within the past five years are required to support the problem you will investigate. 

A problem statement includes three components: 

 1) Present an overview of the general topic or issue to establish the study’s context and introduce the reader to the issue. Discuss why this research topic is relevant and important. Explain the research on the subject and why it is important to healthcare leadership, management, or health policy.   

2)  Guide your reader to the specific problem you intend to address in your study. There should be a clear distinction between the current state and what is desired. Your dissertation problem statement should begin with the following: “The problem to be addressed in this dissertation project is …….” 

3) Identify who is impacted by the problem (e.g., individuals, organizations, industries, or society) and the potential negative consequences if the issue is not addressed. 

This assignment must be 1-2 pages (excluding the title and reference page).  

Research Paper (F)


I Intro  (250-500 Words) Context(background)- What is going on in and around your topic that makes your topic vital to the history of the period. What must the reader understand about the time period to understand your topic.

1. Thesis- Your research paper must present a clear, well-defined argument. What problem is your paper discussing, and what stance (argument) is your paper trying to convince your reader is correct.

2. How is your paper going to prove your thesis is correct.

II Argument One. (500-700 Words) (Point paragraph) – discuss the first point your paper is going to prove. This should have ample historical evidence as well as footnotes.  Always lead with a good topic sentence.

III Argument Two- (500-700 Words) (Point paragraph) Same as above.

IV Argument Three-(500-700 Words) (Point paragraph) Same as above.


V- Conclusion. – (250-500 Words) Summarize your argument, restate how you have proven your points.

VI- Bibliography  (Footnotes and Sources)

The site below from Hamilton College, may help give you some direction.

https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/centers/writing/writing-resources/writing-a-good-history-paperLinks to an external site.


The expectation for the rough is about 1000 words.  The final paper should be around 1500.

Your turn it in report MUST be under 20%  (I will not count if, it is you your own paper that is getting flagged)

The earlier you turn in the rough draft, and more complete it is, the stronger feedback I can give you for your final paper.




University Resources for Dissertation


Instructions (using this link https://resources.nu.edu/adcenter/home)

You will develop a PowerPoint presentation explaining the NU resources available to complete your applied doctoral dissertation. Your presentation should discuss, at a minimum: resources for scholarly writing, research design, and analysis, opportunities to connect with fellow dissertation students, and how you will use these resources based on the potential barriers to completing the dissertation you identified in your presentation last week.  

Length:  8-10 slides. Include speaker notes of 100-150 words, a title page, and a references page.  

References:  Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journals. 

Synthesize the Research on Your Topic


Part 1:

Download the Synthesizing and Analyzing Research Matrix in the Section 1 tab in the Applied Doctoral Center.  

Complete this matrix using the ten resources you obtained in Lesson 1. Be sure to replace inappropriate resources with new ones based on feedback from your instructor.  

Submit the completed matrix along with your synthesis in Dropbox. 

Part 2: Write a Synthesis of the Research on Your Topic 

Doctoral-level researchers demonstrate knowledge of their field of expertise through the ability to synthesize appropriate literature on their topic. Synthesizing the literature is more than just re-stating the results of previous studies; it is your critical evaluation of the literature and your interpretation of main themes, areas of consensus, and issues currently being debated about your topic. Through evaluating, comparing, and contrasting the guiding frameworks, methods, and findings of individual articles, you develop your interpretation (or voice) concerning the quality of the evidence on your topic.  

Topic:  Health Disparities in Healthcare Access Among Minorities

Here are some helpful tips to help you get organized and prepared to write your synthesis: 

 As you review your articles 

  • Look for patterns in conceptual frameworks used in the study, research design/methods, and findings.
  • Compare and contrast methods, approaches, and findings of authors.
  • Evaluate and interpret what is known in your field and what, if anything, is missing. 

Write a 2-3 page synthesis of the evidence on your topic. Your synthesis results from your analysis and appraisal of the current literature.  

 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages.